HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 6Euchre Draws.
Eleven Tables
WROXETER—The semi-montldY
euchre 'sponsored by Wroxeter
W.I. was held in the community
hall on ThOrsday evening,' Febru-
ary' 13th, •and was well attended
with 11 tables• in play.
Prize winners were: Ladies' 1st,
Mrs. Wm. Mundell; 2nd, Mrs,
Clarke Sharpin; novelty prize,
Mrs. Clarke Sharpin; men's 1st,
Russell Nickel; 2nd, , Ernie Dins-
more; lone hands, Thomai Vittie;
special biligo, Mrs. Allan Adams.
• s
,Oro,rorogrcji test to determine the work capkity,,of ,peoph! with ,
unpairett hearts. ' •
WROXETRThe local arena.
Was the seen° ,of a curling bon.
spiel on Monday, February . 10th.
• Winner's of, the nine o'clock
draw were: 1st, Allan ,McDonald's
rink, Wingham; 2nd;• Wes Paulin's
rink, Wroxeter; 3rd, Martin
Stewart's rink, Herriston.
Winners of eleven o'clock draw,
1st, Ralph Nechees rinks, Drayton;
2nd; Bill Edgar's rink, Fordwich;
3rd, Thos. Ritchie's rink, Gerrie.
The Tuesday • Starlight Group
catered for meals at the cornmun.
ity :hall. -
' dr9tcty•
DONNYBROOK Husband of ,Fortner
Wroxeter airs Dies.
card .4ppoint4
VIROXETER rs, Wm. Wright
(Intended :for last Week)
ploy JAPAN
M. and 'Mrs,to a
Mal Sandblire, Mrs, 'Ward .§44,rP.(11,
and Mr. Clarice Sint'rid,* iniekOr.eiL
to Onargoi, Illinois, On. February
6th to attend the funeral, of 'Mrs.
Taylor's brother.in-lait„•They
ed with friends, enroute home in
Detroit and, Freeland,,' .nrriVng
home last, Wednesday
Thurs., Feb 20
_ivlitoxRTtA—The cpuimunity x-pto roCard held their regular
meeting on February Ath in tire
library of the hail .with a good
44oudance. Mrs, Van, Wright was
eie.eted secretary apd the board
depided to sponsor a check room,
for dances.
The first Tuesday in the menth
was chosen as the regular board
Meeting night and March lith Is
to be the night for the St. pat.
rick's dance. Various committees
reported and they 'adjourned to
meet again. March 4th,
• .8,30 p.m. irro TIRED bar spout, the N',LerctaAorg:
and Mrs, Harvey •McMiohael,
Sanders for rent
The weekly euchre party was
The husband of a former Wro*- held at Mr; and Mrs. gdward
oter girl died at Onarga, en Robinson's op Friday night, The
February 4. He was. Dr, F. G. R . prise winnura Were: Ladies' high, Mexon, 56, who had occupied a xrs. For,th; men's high, J ames
prominent position in his commun.- I. eddy. Consolation. PriZes, went to ity.
Born in 4noand, but moved MTbres, nPeesvterpriaaruticy is st to Dent ?foss;
with his Parents to Toronto when the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, 114 was six years of age. In earlier ,
years he had been an auditor with 4.4e"Y.
the .Grand •Trunk Hallway, but in
1,829 he took up the study of ehifro-,
practic science and following his
grgitlawaiosn aWnenatectoom°pnliarshrg.4. ,musie-
lan, his favorite instrument being
the accordion and his services were
much in demand, He was active
nugs i °pal la ycei dr c Nevsi t hf rRfuodryty
NrYitelal 0.1. 04, havi
Ruth St, Dennis and for Black-
atone the Magician.
,Wellingon4ittron Liberal Assoc„
HE TI To Writ Hallo )F1401000
There was' no service in the
Donnybrook Church on Sunday
due to the illness of Rev. Hilts.
School buses and classed were
cancelled on Monday on account of
poor roads and, weather,
An ancient law of India called
for the widow to/cremate herself
on the funeral pyre of her hus-
Mrs. Ida Griffith,. Wingharn,
visited Mrs, Doris Adams: during
fkody gets a bit rarr.rjewa sew ind the week-And,
Krtirtoput, lieophearied, and, maybe 11f r, and Mrs. Ted " etilry horliathes; Perhaps Whir!. 'Peggy and. GeOrge,. ,Of. Pcindgii;
r'rent, just a temporary tome were week-end guests ,Of Me. and
ilea .oufad by aaCeal) adds• and Mrs. Wan. Wright. t itatisi.," that's the Kora to tale Dodd's
*Ay Pilis:bodd's stimulate the kidneys, Mr, and Mrs. Chas., McCutcheon
.40 halo odors, their plorrat ojel, of had as their guests last: Thuraclay,
inaleOntelkes: &Ms and; westei. Then Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Riley: 'and
bor10,,,,Illter, sleep better, work better. family, Brussels, the occasion being
tierpodds Kidney Pills now, Leal for a birthday party, for two of:, the
110044 b9ii with the red band at all ' children, A. delicious ,birthday sup-
lilla041“, rut depend Dadd'i. oi per was served. complete • with a
birthday cake with four candles•
Prominent speakers will, he in attendance. •
Everyone Welcome
God Save The gneen
Midshipmen. are so called be;
cause originally they had quarters
11.)ON 1lITC1II ON,
Ilarriatan Secretary
8, 11017121gILINO7.'ON, '
Winbli ,n - PresideOt
j4.44 44104 4 4.44 4.1 . iiiii .4.1441.44444.4.4444.4,44.4 iii iiiiiiii ii ii llllllllll 14 l lllllll t llllllllll ll I ll l lllllll lull•
WRQ,M.TVIV,---"Loolting toghrist
and, not to Ourselves.'' was the
theme ,of the worship service of
the: W.NtS. at their regular rehru,
ary meeting hold 'en Friday after.
aeon, February 14th,' in the United
Church • school rooms, Twelve
members were present, and .the
devotional part of the meeting".
was. arranged and conducted by
Mrs,, Goo, Gibson, The service
began with thq singing of the liyinn'
"Come, Thou Almighty King"; with
Mrs, Jas,,•Doig as pianist,
• The Scripture lessen, taken
from Philippians 3:. was read
by Mrs. S. Higgins, as was .the,
Commentary which followed, in
which all were advised to "loOk
therefore at Jesus with sincerity,
hope and adoration."
Mrs. K ldgar led in, prayer and,
Mrs, G. Gibson, Christian •Citizen-
ship secretary; read an interesting
article from the 'Missionary Mon-
thly, . entitled "What Cloth the
Lord . Require of _ Us?" fn Our
Homes, in, which the author, Mrs,-
Willard Gordon, said, "If there is
love in thp home, like a cup full to
overflowing—the children grow to
need that love - and to 'value it,
This love is the most • important
factor in the lives of all," Integrity,
honesty and perseverance in the
right, are virtues to be taught our
The second chapter from the
study book ,on Japan, dealing with.
the -history' of - Japan from --- the
beginning of its -civilization until
the present time; was most eapabli
dealt with 'by Miss Elva Hupfer,
The.earlieSt religion. of the Country .
dealt with spirits and shiines,•
lowed . ',later by Buddhism, • intro-
duced, by. Chinese culture which
brolight luxuripus temples, gor-
geous. robes etc., with the religion
Of .Confuscius; 'then the Shantu
religion, following then finally
Christianity was' brought to Japan
by Xavier; and in 1859 Portestent-
larit was establiShed.-
i; Dr. Kawgawa of - Japan has been
One :of the outstanding leaders in
the Christian era there, and :Miss
Hupfer told of being present at a
conference in Toronto' a few years
agO when' Dr. KaWgawa addressed
the assembly 'which consisted of
Christians frorn almost. 'every
.country in the world.
A poem entitled "Recipe for a
New Year" was read by Mrs. Gib-
son and contained -.many. splendid,
suggestions for her listeners," •
Mrs. Buchanan spoke of the new
MissiOnary for Prayer, Miss K.
pr.ancy' •Carneron of -Korea„. giving, a
.Short.. introduction; .,of; Miss „Cam-
eron.. ,and• her work, ,stetArgie,that
she 'is feirly. • young ,„prission ary,
and: is •a .tea,cher,
advised •;to *etch, for artieles,4v rit.
ten, about, her, as ,well' as ,by',.hero in.
the Missionary Monthly.- • .
The "president; ,. Mrs./ ;, Edgar,
preSid.ed,, for ..the, husiness -period,.
during.,.which• igifts for six .boVil'
from ten to thirteen. years -of
were; -on.. display:; ,These gifts •,arc
part of the ,suPply projeet ,for 1958.
Literatere.• concerning the .duties
Of ,the, various.. secretaries was dis-
tributed; each ..being,,asked to.,I stydy
it .•and Present,-c•-any: questions pr
pfohlerino at, thp,•nextirpOPting„
Was decided to.4entOor,..rtrorii.
bership.• eat:tds; and,, cricOuOge,, a
drive -for. ,new .members.. The sec-
retary read a., thank-you card from
one who had been sent a: card of
sympathy. A. , letter front 'Lillian-
Dion was also read 'regarding used
Christmas cards which had been
sent, These .are much appreciated
and members 'arc encouraged to
Arid -therm This address Will be
found on the Church bulletin
hoard., , • • • • ' ••
" The ;used. postage -stamp collec-
tion ,is. being sent ..away„ the final
collection being made at the meet-
ing. Anyone who has failed to- get•
theirs in,„.in time for this mailing,
maY,still•'send them to the Mission
Band, who are' also, • saving them
for mailing at a later date.-
• At the close of the -meeting Miss
Hupfer conducted .•an interesting
'Valentine Quiz which dealt with
questions 'and answers -• on the
chapter she had presented, during
the meeting from th'e study book,
.A social half 'hour followed with
lunch provided, and served by Mrs.
Jas. Sanderson and Mrs. • Stewart
Higgina.. • .
Your Money Will Earn
Dr. Mexon studied law for a
time and was elected a justice of
the peace. I' was also instril,
mental in ,the establishment of a
mission of the Episcopal Church in
Onarga, and served as a lay read-
er. He was also a past master of
the Masonic Ledge and a member
of the Lions, Club.
He became ill with a heart con-
dition about 10 years ago, which
gradually became worse until his
removal to hospital a short time
before his death,
He was married to 'the former
Bertha Estella Sharpin of Wrox-
eter in 1923, , She survives, to-
gether with his parents, who re-
side in Toronto.
Attending :the funeral • from
Wroxeter were Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
R, Taylor, Mrs. Mel .Sandburn, Mrs.,
Mae Sharpin and Mr. Clarke
fors Doreen and one with one
candle for Ronald Charles,
Mrs. Chas, McCutcheon, Misses
Elva and gyelyn Hupfer attended
the afternoon showing of "The Ten
Commandments" at Harriston
theatre last Wednesday; and re-
port it was an excellent picture.
Mr. Ronald McMichael, who had
his shoulder injured in a hockey
game a• few weeks ago, has still
got his, arm in a sling.
A meeting of the West Howielt
School teachers was held in Wrox-
eter school last Thursday even-
ing, when a, representative of
Jack Hood School Supplies was
guest speaker, The Tuesday Star-
light Group catered to the father-
Miss. Betty Newton and Mr,
Harvey Bradshaw spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Shera,
Moorefield, •,. •
A successful skating Party was
held by' the•Wroxeter-Gorrie
on- February 11th, with, about CC
skaters in attendance,' Afterward
everyone •enjoyed lunch of hot.
coffee, baked beans and donuts
at' the church ball, Special thanks,
to all who helped. story entitled, "A New School in..
the City", a chapter from the,
study book on Japan, "Hanna's
New Home", and was thanked -O a
behalf of the Mission Band
hers by Brian Sanderson
Wayne Sanderson and Ronnie
Elliott received- the Offerhig which
was dedicated by the president, and
Wayne Sanderson presented his
birthday pennies to the tune of
"Hear the Pennies Dropping",
The secretary, Gail Stalin, read
the minutes which were approycd,
and mite boxes were given out to,
members who had not already re-
ceived them.
The meeting Closed. by the sing-'
ing of another hymn and 'the re-.
peating in unison of the Mizpah
lgrave Co
While invested Safely, *iiivwoeit.
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Win Prizes At.
WRO TER The ininabO4Cy
team, held dance
the, sommunity,,hali, Wroxeter, on
:Friday evenine with a good
teridande. There was a draw I
Made for 'fly& "Pilies• cite the win-
ners Were: i•,-
Electrie frying , pan, Mrs.'
Adams; , R:Tt. Bluevale; , lawn
chair; Carl „ Frielnirger, „Blue-
vale;' nylon' blanket, Mrs. DorPtliy
TI-tprnten; plipkvitlek. battery light,
Jas, Atwood,; cannister set,
Fred Lewis„:- Winghein.
• ^
Patrick St, Wingharn
ids Heart Foun.datio*...:
any people are Making good recoveries frorla.,ievere,
is heart attacks. New •advances in medical science
04rgery are saving their lives. However, rnanY more liVe4
• 'May be saved through research„the causes, of hOare
disease •Fan be determined.
• research of this nature is a long range project. It
requires highly trained workers and the ,most modern
'equipment. These cost money.
Last year, With timely financial assistance from Hip
insurance Companies, the National Heart Folinda-
ibn.of Canada began to Correlate and'step up the•teinpo,
fa ..reSparch into the causes of 'heart disease:, '
P1:1":13;is jfist one of many ways in wiich theLife
tpArrarice Companies; in Canada are, encouraging
at..41:re,search that will help Canadians livi..long4“..; • •
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And Che4rolet offerw'you a new, glarnerously low
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the superb Impala **Welt, for eye-catching beauty and
a lower, more road-hOgging centre, of gravity.
Yet this isn't all: Chevrolet gives you a whole big
y every rule...
WROXETER — The Buds of
Promise Mission Band met. in the
school-rOom of the Wroxeter TJtiit-
ed :Church, when twenty-one ;mein.
hers and two visitors were present
Mns. L. McGee and„Mrs. J. Sander-
Non, the leaders, were in charge
Roll Call Was answered by a verse
on love",
•The president, Brian Sanderson
conducted the Meeting Which open-
ed 'with quiet music by Mrs. let
Dumf., at the piano, and the call
to 'worship by the PreSident. The
IVIission Band hymn was sung, fol-
lowed by the °Missibn band pur.-
nose, repeated in unison, The
•SeriptUre lose)i taken from St.
John, chaptee19, verses 12, 13, 14.
was. read by Connie Clarke after
which Leone Chambers led lir pray-
Lynn. Wright, the herald for
Atria, gave an interesting account
of Visit td an African village.
and showed pictures of the African
children, jgOitnie Adams; as the
herald for China, gave a good
deaerlption• of that Conntry, and it
Is belied that at the next meeting
the heralds peace, temperance
and India, Will have sonic items of
Ma, sack Meals presented the
/08ft 49011 fl!/://10/7 ..:9fifer:
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