HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 4CRAWFORD & HETHERINfiliN Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingtam, Phone 48 tl II, cuAwrioun, Qxt , S. HETHERINGTON) QR. a 711.1140.1411-W at a ...a...was • • *4?40.1 Vire Wingbarn Adiametairtit es, Wednesday, Vela 1.3, hos' - IOUTIT WA, OAS sk Investment •••,,, VEMAIX HELP WANTED Wingham Native WAINTTEEt -FOR. •SALE CARD OF THANKS, I would like to 'thank all My 'friends, relatives and' neighbours, for the cards, :flowers and treats, sent to me while a patient in the Wingham Hospital and to all those who visited me; and to Dr. W, A, Crawford, Mrs, Morrey and all her staff, for the care I received,.--Mrs: Morley McMichael, '19° CARD OF THANKS' X wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friend's and relativest for the lovely cards, gifts; and flowers. I received while in :the hospital, A special thanks."to the boys who so kindly donated blooa for • me.---Jean• Lofighlean.: 190* IME'S USED FURNITURE, Buy and sell, Agent for Kincardine Laundry. Phone 185, 9rrb WOMAN for cooking and house- work, part or full time. Trade'. house, Apply Box 6 Advance- Times, 1:9* MILK FILTERS for sale--"Rapid 6-inch', 79c; 61/2 -inch, 85e. AleXtmder's Hardware. lrrb REMEMBER' TRIP WALLPAPER SALE still continues till Sat- urday, Feb. 22. 19b EMPLOYMENT WANTED Dies' in West There passed away in Wetas- kewin Alberta, on February 13, Etta Wells, only daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs. ,Geo, Shrigley, Lower Wingham. Burial was at Wilkie, on Montlay, February 17, She leaves her husband, .Homer 'Wells, and a grown family also five brothers, Will, Ed and Philip in the West; Elmer and Everit of Sarnia, •• , t. VACANCIES for invalids and aemi-inValids, apecial rates for pensioners, excellent nursing eare,.,phone - 103. IVIcKay's• Rest Rome, Wingham, •' • 5,12,1P Miss Waisfr ..Dies. After Long illness. The, death of an aged, resident of this _community -occurred at the: Wingham General Hospital ron'. Tuesday of last week with the passing of Miss Betsy Caroline, Walsh, after a long illness. .She was 87 years of. age, • Bern In laiddtaph Township, Middlesex County, In 1870 she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, She came as a child with, her parents to West Wawanosh Township and received her education at the ' St, Helens school. She later trained as- a tailor and:dressmaker and had worked in that -capacity in Toronto, Winnipeg and Brandon until her retirement 20 years ago, She was a member of the Wingharn Baptist Church, Surviving are two brothers, Ed- ward,, of Wingham; Charles of, Saskatchewan and Mrs. A, (Melinda) Ketehabaw, Luck:tow. ..Service was held. at R, A, Currie & Sons funeral home on Friday at twq o'clock with Rev. C, F. John- son of St Paul's iAnglican Church in charge. Burial was at the Wingham :Cemetery. The pall- bearers were RObert McMurray, James 'Smith, Brussels; Edward Irwin, Goderieh; Herson James and. William Ketehabaw, Lu ek now.. • BAITZSITTING wanted in even: ens or Wednesday by reliable lady, Apply to Lillian Ellacott, phone 269J. 12:19b Over I , Ownership of Investors Mutual gives you. excel- lent ., ,opportunity for , capital gain — attrac- ',. Worries 1 • MeCLARY. RAI‘,TGETTE for Good condition, Phone 569J, 19* 1 0 tr.G.,,T00.. PERSEVERE TO Wit-II -I EVEN 'LEARNING TO SKATE REQuIPES APPLICATION . OF LINAMENT/ BUY •SHUR-GAIN New Process wishes to move to Western Qnt- tive dividends and careful supervision of securities by experi." iv, enced analysts. See your Investors Syncli- ,k. I cate representative for , information on this 1 SALESMAN, young married man with several year sales eXperi- ence desires work in store, Pres- ently employed as manager of men's wear store in Toronto but . 1411..3.AT: FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed under license from Dept. of Health, Yearling heifers', Top quality. Lowest prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r$0. 17rrb TENDERS WANTED Morris Township Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock,. noon, March 1, 1958 to supply 1000 pounds of Warble Fly powder for Morris Township, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily . accepted. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk 19:26b Niece Passes In London There passed away suddenly on Sunday, February 9th, in Victoria wsts tHhoe'lnid acusglitn- Hh eors p2iitsatl, HelenyLeaonr.dosni,le ter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Alfeed, A. Holmes, 19 Emery Street, London. Mrs. Holmes was the former Margaret Jarvis of Teeswater, She is survived by her, parents, and one sister Margaret. The funeral was held from the Millard funeral home on Wednes- day,' February 12, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment took place in Woodland cemetery. Miss Holmes is a niece of Teri's. Alvin Seli of town, G E WASHING Machine for sale. Good as new. Reasonable, Phone 401J2. 19* CARD OF THANKS' We would like to express our hearty 'thanks to the friends and neighbours who gathered in Bel,- grave on Friday owning to shower us with gifts and, good wishes fol- lowing our recent marriage. Your thoughtfulness is sincerely appreci- ated.—Vera and Jerry I-11ggins. 19b ario for family reasons. Please write P.O. Box 45, Woodbridge, Ontario. 12:19b APPLICATIONS WANTED Morris Township Applications will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, March 1, 1058 for Warble Fly Inspector at $1,00 per hour plus 7 cents :per mile; truck driver at $1.00 per hour and helper at 85 cents per hour to serve the Town- ship of Morris. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk. 19:26b worry-free investment: BROADLOOM CARPET and rugs. Latest samples on display now. Have an estimate, without obli- gation, for your room: Finest qualities; lowest prices. WEL- WOOD'S VARIETY STORE. larrb WANTED TO RENT FERTILIZER Thos. A. Jardin Phone 141 WINGHAM, ONT. APARTMENT wanted to rent by April. 'Phone 488M,or 558R after, 6 p.m. ' 191) in February and save • • .r1.50 per ton • • Pay by March and save an ad- 5%.. Whose are substantial savings you cannot afford 'to miss. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late 'William Austin wish . to • express their' grati- tude to everyone for their kind ness, sympathy and flowers receila ed during their : recent bereave- ment.. • TENDERS WANTED Tenders for Warble Fly Inspec- tor, Sprayer operator and opera- tor's helper for the Township of East Wawanosh will be received by the undersigned on or before March 4th, 1958 at one o'clock p,m. Dut- ies to start April 10th. Tenders to state an hourly wage expected. For any other information contact any member of the' council, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. R. H. Thompson, Clerk, RR. 1, Belgrave, 19:26h John W. Waines LISTOWEL Phone 1042 BEFORE YOU BUY a vacuum cleaner or floor polisher-Tall Zed Reynolds for a FREE Home leinonstration. See Electrolux, Canada's finest, Phone 640J1. 8rrh WANTED to rent or buy 30-100 acre farm in the vicinity of Wingham, Apply to Box 5, Ad- vance-Times. 19* BIRTHS' • O'MALLEY—At the Wingham Genaral Hospital, on Wednesday, February .12th 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Malley, R,R. 2, Teeswater, a daughter. OAKLEY—At the Wingharn Gen- ' eral Hospital, on Sunday, Feb- ruary 16, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. -. Elvin Oakley; Wroxeter,, a son. SKINN—At the Wingham General . Hospital, on Tuesday, February 18, 1958,, to Mr. and, Mrs, Alex- ander Skinn, Wingham, a son See us now for to- day's ,low CARD OF :THANKS I wish `to express my sincere thanks to ail those :who sent flowers, cards and, good _wishes and visited' me while I was a patient in Wingham General Hos- pital and also since I returned home. Special thanks to Dr; B. N Corrin, MrS. 2Vforrey and her staff, of nurses.--Lois Gilkinson. 1e* nvesto r mutuuji--" 0 I C•A N AA:,A t ► 0,0G,11 ,0 MISCELLANEOUS REMEMBER YOUR. FEET ARE one of your greatest assets and' a breakdown in the structure may cause trouble in the feet knees, legs and lower back. Sec J. A. Vickers, Foot Correctionist at the Queens Hotel every Mon- day afternoon. rrb ,• WPGIP11411 NUHAIh FEED MILLS FOR YOUR FOOT TROUPLES see J. A, Vickers, Foot Correa- tionist at the Queens - Hotel, Wingham, each Monday after- noon. rrb NUM SIN• IOW 11-A1101t WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elm. THE WALLPAPER SATE will still continue till Saturday, Feb. 22 on account of the inclement weather, Now is your ehance to , save on Wallpaper. 19b Will purchase bush properties or farms. Please phone or write: The ; - Andrew Malcolm Fufnittire Lis-towel, Ontario THIS FOR SAVING 4 ,•13/D YOU. KNOW that David Crompton; Certified Watchmaker,: guarantees to' keep your watch in good running order for one year? This ,fre,e, service guarantee applies. to all new watches, also to watches that have been clean- ed and reconditioned., Bring in your Watch to-day and take ad- vantage of our fast guaranteed service: 23rrb 161111111e...1i iiiiiiiii iiiiii i iiii mem i nelimitom of! oi$i iiiiiii 111Y11Illlltlfallf 1111 TENDERS WANTED Morris Township Tenders will. be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon Mareh 1, 1958 to supply, crush and deliver approximately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel "on Morris Township roads as the Road Superintendent directs, Crusher is to be equipped with a, 'al inch screen. A certified cheque for $200 must accompany eaqh tender.: :Lowest. or, any tender not necessarily, accept- ed. IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 29,3; Stew- ..tra A. Scott, Wingbam, 2rrb CARD OF THANKS WO wish to thank ,our relative friends and neighbours •for the many acts of kindness sho*n •t9 us in our recent sad' bereavement For the beautiful akin] tributes, and messages of ;sympathy, A .spec= ial thanks to tlic',Stafa of -,Wtheraire General' Hospital, •• Da W. ' A. Mc; Kibbon, Rev, the organiza,tions, whoaant treats aeChriStmas, those who visited, at' the hoSpital, who loaned cars, -the; S. S. Walker funeral home • and, those who so willingly helped at' the house. These acts of kindness" are gratefully acknoWledg,ed by Mrs, McCrackin and fainily. 191' Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. 19:26b Save Money BY al , • STEWART A. SCOTT can now save ya,tt ,:15% on your car or truck insurance.. Yeatly or six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers, • For ,further information phone 293 Wingliain. 4 29rrb ; VATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association "Where, Better. Bulls Are Used". "For artificial in- semination information or ser- vice from all breeds of cattle. phone The Waterloo • Catth Breeding Association at: Clinton. HU 2-3441 or Mildmay 130112 be- tween 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds available—Top quality at low cost." 25rrh PREPAYING CARD OF THANKS . I wish to take this opportunity to express , my sincere 'thanks to my friends and especially my good neighbours who Were - so kind in helping out at the ..time of my accident, and in, the weeks that followed. A special thanks to Dr, Al NMI:- ma, Rev. D. J. MacRae, Dr. W. A, McKibbon 'as well as Mrs. Morrey an& her splendid .staff of nurses. Their kindness will never be for- gotten.—Nelson Pickell and fam- ily. , 19* ' IN MEMORIAM 0! i i N WINGHAM .040..11* \ \ INCORPORATED / 8 7 ii Our 2-ACCOUNT PLAN is Planned Saving McGLYN"Na-In loving memory of Mr. Thomas George McGlynn, who passed away one year ago, February 10, 1957. —Always remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parker and hii grandchildren, 19b SEED FOR SALE—Complete stock of new crop, Grade 1 Seed. Pric- ed per hu. Ranger, Ontario, or Western Canada Alfalfa, $24.00; Vernal Alfalfa, $37.00; Red Clover, $18.00; White Sweet,. 8.40; -Yellow Sweet, $7.80; Timo- thy,.-$7.20. Priced per lb., Ladina, 55e; White Dutch, 55c; Trefoil, 85e; .Reed Canary, 50c; Brame, 27c; Orchard, 29c; Meadow Fes- cue, 20c; Canada Blue, 59c; 'Gary Oats Reg, $1.85; Comm., $1.45; Brant Barley Reg. $2.50; Comm., $2,15. We are buyers of Red Clover and Timothy at top prices. Cleaning Rib grass from Clovers a Specialty.—R, Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 68W3, Paisley 151R17. 12rrb TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Toamship • of East Wawanosh Sealed tenders will be 'received by the undersigned until noon on Tuesday, March 4th, 1958. For crushing ana hauling 6,000 cu. yds. more or less of gravel /to be Vs Inch screened and 2,000 cu. yds. more or less to be 11/2 inch, screened. Gravel to be delivered anywhere in Towhship under the direction of the Road Superintdnd- ent. A certified cheque for $300.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars contact Stuart McBurney, Road Super- tendent, Wingham, Ontario, 19:26b Town of Windham 1958 Taxes BRIEF TO FROST .tBeer, wine and liquor are not on the same level in respect of adver- tising as other products. Granted their proddction in. Ontario is legal, they none the less are dan- gerous 'commodities. We strongly protest the "legal fiction" which permits beer adver- tising in Ontario itaga,Zines through the maintenance of so- called headquarters in Quebec. Two of our newspapers 'are following this example by trying, to get date and address lines in New York, These are some of the facts re- cently presented to Premier Frost in a brief sponsored by Dr. 1Vtutch- rnor of the United Church in as- sociation with. the Canadian 'Tem- perance Federation and the Ont- ario Temperance Federation. The brief also deplores the pro- Motional association :With sports and cultural activities allowed the liquor and brewing industries. In- stitutional advertising too should cease, It has been used as a , beachhead to attack all prohibi- tions on any type of advertising. One of the most important parts of the brief is the urgent request' that the Ontario Government Spon- sor a prograin of temperance edu- eation.—Advt. 1.91) REAL ESTATE TWO BEDROOM modern House, centrally located, built-in cup- boards, etc. Also building lot on Edward Street for sale, Apply to Ken Baker, Wingham, phone 560, 12:19b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate 'of Ida Edith Hastie ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County' of Huron, Widow, who died on or abbot the ninth day of January 1958, arc required to file proof of same with the :undersigned on or before the 1st day of Mareh, 1958. AFTER that date 'the ,Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then has notice. DATED at Brussels, this St day of February, AD. 1958.. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON BRLTSSELS = ONTARIO Solicitors for the Adrhielstratrix. 1219,261) ... T.axpa,yers .may make Tayitleins tiii4 alt.count • 4 of 1958; f4ixes, up to -8(Q p'er eent: Of 195:?:44es. . ,,, . ,Iiitet.,st 'Itt'the'late -of -.rour' pej''' cent, per ..... . annum will be allowed Oh stick piq)iryments. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the 4 Town Treasurer's Officet, Town Pall. / PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT Pay all• bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Account. A quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight. The low service charges are pre-paid, Your cancelled cheques are' on file if you need them. • 2 SAVINGS ACCOUNT . Keep your Savings Account for saving. Add to it from every pay. As your balance grows, you'll enjoy new peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at our nearest branch now. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 775 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU WINGHAM BRANCH, , ,W. O. STRUTHERS - Manager ti Fairyland Children's Wear Busi- ness on Main Street, Wingham, Ontario, for sale, Including Stock, fixtures and equipment, reason- ably' priced. Apply to P.0, Box 329, Wingham,. 121.9b • W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham GRAVEL TENDERS Township of Ilowiek 1958 Tenders plainly marked' as to contents will be received by the undersigned up to 1 p.m., Friday, February 21st, 1958, for crushing and hauling 10,000 cu. yds. more or less. of gravel to be 3i inch screened, and 4,000 cu, yds. more or less to be 1S4 inch screened, Gravel to be delivered anywhere in the• Township of Howiek under the direction of the Road Superin- tendent. Pits, are to be stripped and maintained by' Contractor to satisfaction of Road Superinteri- ent, Ali loads to be levelled at the pit The Work riot to be started earlier than July 1st and completed by September 15th, 1958. A Certified Cheque for 5'e/r of the tender to accompany same. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily •,a,cdepted, For further particulars contact the Road Superintendent, Anson Galbraith, Gorrie, Ontario, Harold Pollock, Clerk, Township of Rowick, Gorrie, Ontario. 12:194 ii411111111I111111111111 iiiii 1 $•1 11111111111111111111111 tIlitiliffilmllilf1111111111111illottili111111111111111111111111Y1 iiii fill111 iiiii LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 14.1180. 9 CHUNKS for sale. Apply to Clarence Ritchie, phone 626w2, 19* :BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY YORK HOGS for sale. Serviceable age, Will trade on old hogs, Phone 496, 19b POULTRY FOR SALE DEICAtB STARTED PULLETS FOR'SALE A number of Dekalb started pul- lets, V'aeeinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, ready for im- Mediate delivery at 1.2 and 14 Weeks of age. Price list oil re- quest, DiScettrit on large orders, Moores Poultry Farrar, 11, Sew, forth, Ont,. Phone 647-31. 6;12;19:26h A message from yoyr O. P. P. OFFICERS .• A great many people will be killed in automobile accidents in rural areal this years But, with the,co-operration of every motorist, we could cut down that number drastically, Start! doing your part by driving sensibly, safely and within the law, February 24,28 18, Rilrai Safe Driving Week. ' Observe it then make it last all yead A. H. McTAVISII J. W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. ANTED ,BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. and NOTARY rtinme vititswvrtn W ONTARIO Telephono 23 Teeswater Wroxeter-rIlyery Wednesday afternoon, p,ni,, or • by Appointment. FINANCING A CAR? Barrister, Selieltei, Notary, Etc. Befere you buy ask about Our Low Cost Financing Service With eornplete Trialtrance 'Coverage, STt WART A. SCOTT Pima° 293 Whigharia 25tal) • Money to Loan Office—Moyer Block, VVInKluint Cash paid for dead, filth or disabled horses or clews, Free pielt-np on smaller animals. Prompt Service, with winch- egiiippe(l truelts. IfitiikIATOCK WAVrtO DMADST'OCIt removed proitiptry' for sanitary disposal, prtng- pick VP on .larger animals, reasonable. collection charge for tritall 'trials , Phone ,collect Wingham 318; PainierSten 123W, or . tin* tlerdert Young (ginittO ' Oinked. • tireb, WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F. I-Ionauth Phrn.13, R.O. Carol E. flornutli, R.O. Mrs, ,'Viola lo iola H. Houth, 11.0. , oPTOMETRISTS PRONE 11.8 Harriston, Ontario RURALSAFE DRIVING WEEK -FEB. 24-28 liestirarito Company Est, IMO Art all tarradlan Company Which has taltiotelly served its Palk* traiders tor river , Off iee Taritifith t' IY 111 Itlittef.4.0iA ifitititratidel AtattitY ... lll Box Holders' Names 044 Not tliVell tit 116 Is ototto agaltist Mir niter% to divnlo the ramie or address of any advertiser rising nn ;Advarree4innes Box Number) 1 Plateroe do not Ask US far Oda lirtrefrestteri. Mon; LEROY ACF1ESON Atwood 153 collect or GEORGIE H1SLOF' Wroetter 2r1S arronsg 104141 cr, ,skitY14 "OtTRAtit'S ANTEMANOV, Wing- tout, Sate, courteous Service, Phone Do; 04 14'104 114 or 080. • J.Ortb SPONtORED 'V THE ONTARIO FEDERATION OR AORICULTURE 0011140110 iy AUTHORITY Or HON, A, KELs0 ROIERTS, ATTORNRY GENERAL rdit ONTARIO , Lase •• -aatiovot000looatioithaii(Whoo 00 000