HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-02-19, Page 2'ThelViagiaalat dalVanaaallale Wednee(lay„ rob, 111 WEEKLY MEN MEET IN TORQNTO Fatigue Was the Killer Here! It's not an unusual story! Four young men were on their way home and the driver was dead tired, And what a prophetic phrase that is, A moment of semi. consciousness and his car was onto the shoulder of the road and then careening end over end to destruction. The driver certainly was dead ,. with a fractured skull. .Driving when you are over.tired amounts to criminal negligence. You endanger not only your own life, but the lives of your passengers and others •Ott the road. S A FEBRUARY 19 26 ABSORBENT COTTON "Val-U" Brood Hospital Grade - ,pound C Free Barer Nose Spray when You buy AsPirins 14/6's at 79c BAYER ,ASPIRI.N .Hydrogen PEROXIDE 15e, 23K09c 16 - reg. 119e. 29c, 4fie Lady Esther 4 purpose FACE CREAM 9c SAVE 16c - Regular Mc Size MILK of MAGNESIA 29c, 49c ' 16, 32 or. - regularly me, 60c • 4, 16 or, regularly Vic, $1.95 .. 59c p $1.49 STOMACH POWDER This is a "Welcome to Wingham" Bargain' Sore - V AN PRESCRIPT/ON DRUGGIST DIISARRY-MIOMIT-TAEIZI -REVI-ON rER/N ,a 1•,01MOIM•00110.1.M.11111011.111 .1111111•1.1•001M1101=1.01.04•1•04/0/11••••0•111i11411•111,11.10114111111.111110b41/1. • OW'N A • BUSINE-SS-- WHICH: • YOU CAN RUN EVEN IF NOW EMPLOYED :KNOWS NO SLOW SEASON AS,PRODUCT IS NEEDED ALLswo YEAR ROUND_ , .9 REQUIRES NO SELLING OR SALESAANSIIIP • CONSISTS OF SERVICING RETAIL ACCOUNTS • NEEDS NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE AS PLAN IS • HAS BEEN TESTED AND ACCEPTED BY THE PUBLIC If you have ambition to succeed in a business of, your.own and YOU bare the financial means to, make a $2,288.`00 investmikt that 'has excellent returns write ais today. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AVAkLABLE (Aga This is a bonafide business and only sincere applicants need Yeply Its territory is ready for estahlighincot now!. Postcards cannot be answered. We need' a' complete letter about yourself including name, address, and phone number, your am- bitions, your experience and financial resources. Address Inquiries to: ' THE HOUSE OF BRANDS (CANADA) LTD. 42 CAMDEM STREET, TORONTO 2B, ONTARIO. ATTENTION: R. WALSh OR CALL: EMPIRE 3-1421 - TORONTO ' 460m.m•moofiomommosomm, aS ,BOQN1 OR BUST? There seems to be something missing in this part of the country. Despite depression talk and word of unemployment, many centres , in Western. Ontario are enjoying the .greatest boom in their history. Glancing through' the weekly pa- pers from other towns which reach our desk, the stories of .surging ferprise all about us are outstanding. The Exeter Times-Advocate Speaks of.a building "boom" in the 'niaking- for the spring, months. Clin- ' ion has recently seen the Opening of '.a.11.M* store iand a new credit, union. building. Durham has found it . needless to Worry about the do-it- now campaign, for that town's con- traoors„plumbers and electricians are SO', busy they can't take on any more work. The story is the same from 'dozens of communities. , JTAtemployment has been show- ing its ugly head in some of the larg- er places, notably the car-manufac-• tuning centres, but Ontario's towels are' going ahead,deSpite tight money and recession talk. However, there seems to he a lack of this spirit of enterprise in. Wing-ham — and we simply can't understand why, Our town con- tains just as many energetic and courageous people AS do our neigh- Houring communities. It appears unlikely that we are, by and large, any poorer than average—but we're all feeling- defeated: if We are to suffer any major de- feats then are likely to be at our own hands. It's time to get i little fight- ing spirit aroused instead of sitting down to moan. IVIeekly newspaper publishers,, • their wives and members of their staffs. will. gather a the King h:(1- ward Hotel In Toronto on hriday and Saturday' of this week for the' annual convention of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assodatiou, a group which includes about 200 pub lications .from towns and villages all over the province. The gathering provides a refresh- ing respite for the average publisher, • It does wonders for his self-esteem. This year, for example, the lienten- - ant governor of Ontario has grac- iously consented to. address the ban- quet on. Vriday evening, and many other prominent civic and govern- ment personalities will pay their re- spects to the weekly press. Working as he does in close con- tact with the people he has known for years on. end, and being-constant- ly reminded of his shortcomings, the average weekly editor is inclined to become somewhat deflated about the value of his work to the .conmannity he Serves. it is, as we have said, re- freshing to hear once again that one's newspape:- is con; :tiered by thoughtful leaders to be of vital im- A GREAT MOTION' PICTURE Our thanks to Bill Young of the Ilarriston theatre• for his invi- tation to attend the opening of "The Ten Commandments';'. it is a mag- nificent production, one which we would gladly see a second time, for the picture is so filled with detail that it is almost impossible to ab- sorb all of them in. one sitting. The color 'is breath-taking and the movie has been produced in the traditional DeMille fashion, with a cast of thousands and meticulous at- tention to historical accuracy. Vor the sake of those who have not seen "The Ten Commandments", we hope it will be shown at the Lyeetim in. Wingham some time in the future. Tor the older. viewers the movie brings back memories . of the goOd old days of silent pictures: We can recall seeing "The Ten Command- ments" in 1925, produced, we be- lieve, by the same man and If great motion picture by any standards. This latest edition also serves to re- mind its that good movies arc still tops in fine entertainment: Most good weeklies have a con- tinuing and gradual program of im- provement which keeps them abreast of the times. In our own case the introduction of more pictures of local people and events has p been a. major step. There is ..a long jump between a photograph and the pic- ture you, see in your paper. rrom the photo a printing plate must he made. To handle this work quickly and in adequate quantity The Ad- vance-Times installed an electronic engraving 11v/chine eighteen months ago, at the chilling cost of almost $7,000.00, We have not regretted the decision for there has never been keener interest in this newspaper, at least' since-. we Iv ve, been g its destinies. The interest' of which we speak,is backed by the 'Solid laCtS Of the largest, cirettlation, figur .history of the publication. So this week:-we ill,take off Toronto -for our annual 'pats fp. th back. It may he that :vanity direets our footsteps, hut being human.Thaf, too, is understandable.f • ,S, Young, who has been in charge of the business since his father's death, has accepted a similar posi- tion with the- now proprietors, Theatres; pool rooms and other plaees.of amusement will be closed Up tight on Monday all over,' Ont- ario and will continue to be closed every Monday during. March by order of the fuel controller, Robert Mowbray has sold his new residence on Vietoria St., to .T. G, Fyfe and has purchased 'Mr. layte's farm in East Wawanosh, Mr. Ed. Palmer, who for the past year has been employed in the Western Foundry here, has dis- posed of his property on Josephine Street • to. Mr. Ezra Merkley and has purchased a restaurant in Xineardite. Mrs. C. N, Griffin and aerClatagha ter, Mrs. A, Wilfdaa are Saaead- ing a coupleof weeks in Torenta. Flight-Lieut.' Chesley McLean and Plight-Lieut, W, T, Armstrong, whe,have spent the winter at. the aviation camps at -.Fort . Wort , Texas; are spending a ,f dayaat their respective hoMes before. leaving for, France, n -'n - o TWENTY-IITVE YEARS' AGO - Mrs, ebb:ilea Bell of •Talyth .conduct a. beauty parlor , Alta 73utcher's residence,, on .Victotia Street.on Friday of each week, some wonderful -values for ''•ft- quarter at Lard's: Lux toilet soap; psychological approach to driving an automobile, Can you 'imagine the state of affairs which would exist if we were allowed to express our personalities while behind the Accidents Are lify DOCTORS SUPPORT By By Prev, Constable "Bob" Lewis In this day and age it is almost Impossible to pick up a Magazine without finding at least one article pertaining to the psychological cor- teetiOn of various nivaladjust• ments or the psyehologieaa means by winch you can 'obtain obedience from your' children, wife, mother-' in-law, etc:, etc. Before the nation was bitten by the psychology bug our parents seemed to attain the -same cod ina•far less, complicated manner, by use of a little thine, known as discipline: Discipline. the quality which has enabled the armed . forces of the la7n-pire to emerge victorious from .countlese conflicts---the quality which took Sir Edmund Hillary's party to the top of Mt. Li'verestathe self same quality which carries a successful hockey or ball team through the play-off's.. What is this mysterious quality? I think the finest definition I have yet heard .is the following: Disci- pline--"Uncanscious obedience". Those readers who spent time in the forces will well remember how, when , the sergeant said "Jump", itrirrir Yon s /too #ertw ,A-ttoe, former testa dent -of` 'runt/Jetty trownship, pegg- ed away at '1,tesbItt, Manitoba, the ,age of 108 years, At 'Corea On Tuesday, iii$ Honor ,midge MAO, held a recount on the ballote east irk IIOvvielc Township January On Loettl Option. As' a reeidt„ the tempereeee people gain- ed Obe Vote, and the antis gained bit6,.idavtrig. the testa the woe art declared by the returning fiaera and Lobel Option, carries 'in XIOVettlt; bSr i ,triajoritar of :foto Votes and aa, fraetiOn vvor rise torintred throAttac II* private telePhoine aYaitere Winking trbit Pbtd%viiiii. poitith in the township* of 1 rawThk And hat been eatineeted FordWich With the Bell Telephone lines, so that an exchange of een- versationa over the two systems is now possible. 'Mr, Roar. Ctitrie Saar. Mee With a pairtild necident on Monday eveniag., He was abotat to leave the borne of his eon, Mr. D. Currie, to come into town and was holding his horte by the when the anirnal gave a qtack tarn, throWieg mr, Currie to the ground, disle- &diet one of his shoulders. 141•,IttiOdr 4irntnonS le quite ill With pneumonia, ;The Union futoty is again, rim- ning after being closed down ter rieveral Weekt. Miss data Beckett is visiting ft/ere:la i#i Toreatia, Miss *Malt) ratter/len is visiting with friend!, in Whiteelliirela lqra. rte 10, si*unders is visiting the parental honio trarittord, Miler Iteink. Welleee o4 Attest IS. Visiting'}Cr Oster. R. Otirfloy4 wheel of a ear? No! the only ens:. wee to the present traffic problem ' is good "old discipline. 'Not the l Army hind which is enforced by the NCO breathing down your neck, but a• aelaimposed type of discipline•.which will cause you to obey the oraers,. posted on the highway signi, and to obey 'them . 'with that same . imeoriscious •obed- Irmo. Often in my lob I ara called upon to stop •eirlyers who have • gone through a stop sign and when- I mention the fact I almost invara ably am told "Well, it was OK, there was no one naming!" I always wish, when I bear this remark, that the particular driver could accompany me when I next investigate an intersection acci- dent, aeeause when (slicing' to the majority of drivers at such acci- dents One of them •will , say "I looked, but I didn't see anyone coming!"..In Other words. both the driver who acraeked...up and the driver who didn't are in exactly the same position, They 'both went through, the stop Sign confident 4 for 25c; 7,bars P a: 0 soap, 25c; 4 pkgs, ammonia, 25c; fresh ierria ons, 25e 'per dozen; large prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c; jelly powders G for 25e; 2 large tins Choice Salmon, 25c; 32 oz, jar peanut butter, 25e, Quite an excitement was created on the, Maitland River near Blue- vale .14st aveek when Martin Scott slipped off the, ace into the water. He Was speedily rescued and no ill effects , 'resulted, About midnight on Tuesday, Currie's School house No, 9 on the 12th Concession, of East Wawanosh was completely destroyed by fire. This was one of the best equipped schools 1.n the district, besides hav- ing all the necessary school equip- ment it had a piano. It was 61 years this coming summer that the aehbol was built. Billy Irwin and' Andy', Mitchell were passing the schtibi abbut midnight and saw the flames issuing from the school, They rushed over to W, J. Currie's who quickly passed the word along • - 110SPITAL SERVICES Representatives from the broach. societies ,of the pntario Medical Association met in Toronto re- cently "to consider the possible effects on the quality of medical care that the people of the Pro- vince :of Ontario might receive, as a result of the hospital services in- surance ;programme ,which is to, go into effect January 1959, ST. HELENS Mr, And Mrs, Ge9, Welker And Mr, f1414. Mrs, Robert Purdon of Whitechurea, were recent visitors with Mr, And Mrs. W, A, 1111MPh- rey, There were nine tables at the first of a series of card parties In the St, Helens Sehool on Friday evening. High honors went to Mr. borscht as a lady and to Lorne Forster for the gents with con- solatioe prizes to Gladys MeDon• aid and ,Rohn Pritchard, Because of weather and, road Conditions, the service in the Un- ited Church was withdrawn on Sunday. The' people of Mlle are Very, • gpOrti3,,MittOga, says the- hoots of Knowledge Annual, Soccer, nunoa taineerino and wotlig,' ate popular, The oustanding shl-rosor6, equipped with a lift, •dolince hotel and 'oth er first-rate faellitlea,. is bigh.perebed Ferallonea 33. 'miles from the cut, Santiago, Gaviller, "McIntosh 8(t Ward I chartered Apeolinfauts Bell TelepliOne Bldg. Walkerton, Ont. TELEPHONE 033 The Wingham Advance=Times Published at Wingham, Ontario Wenger Brothers, Publishers, W. I=tatry Wenger, Editor Member Audit Bureau bf Circulation Authorized as. Secimd Clam Mall, Post Office Dept. gubseription Rate One Year $3.00, Six Menthe 11.50 in advance U. S. A. a4.00 per year Foreign Rate $4.06 per year Advertising Rat on application portanee to our particular brand of society, The aspect of weekly journalism which fascinates many city people, U)d particularly daily newspaper Men, is the intense readership de- voted to the country paper, "Read- ership" is, of course' only a name. fOr interest, that intensely keen in- terest which town and country folk have in reading stories and seeing pictures of their own families, frieilds and neighbours. The country weekly is not neces- sarily. the latest thing in type design and technical perfection—and there- in hes much of its strength. There is something about the .fatniliar appear- ance and the homey . atmosphere of the local weekly which assures a loyal following of readers. We have even known instances where expen- sive programs of modernization in a weekly paper and the plant used. to produce it have resulted in a loss of. circulation, apparently because the paper was .considueerl to be too "citified". Miss It, Ball has returned to Vancouver after an extended Visit at her home in town, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Maleelin ofaatitehell Were Visiting for a-few daya at the hone of their Son, Mr, A. J. Malcolm., ,0 -•0 - 0 :Potent 12'VA044 AGO Mr. and Mrs, Dudley HOhnea received a pleasant surprise on Monday evening when they were Wakened by a knock At the door and their eldest son, Dudley, sought adraieSierr. He enlisted With the 161st Battalion With the, teak Of Lietit, Ho later trarisferred the aerial branch of the Military Serviee, tte haa twice been *WO, eel with the result that he was iny validad home, The lyosItieo `01.4t#A in Wing/Min Will cleat levety evening slit &clock. The Iniing Woe have diswR pose of tiro Winghron 'Works to the ,Vitna,, Ltd.-16, L, • afety our 'The •doctors- of -Ontario have been . seriously •concerned with any best- ,grararee that might effect- the. quality of medical services render- ed, hi this province,. awl have been., seriously disturbed by the POsSible lack of proper facilities that Might • iicf+eraely effect these services, As a result of consideration -of the plan that has been drawn up by the Hospital Services Commis- sion of Ontario, the representatives' throughout Ontario, have given their board of directors ..uoania "moue support to eontinue their wholehearted ao-operation with the Hospital Services. Commission of Ontario in an attempt to deveibp. the best 'poesible Services ,for the . citizens of this province. with • then out co jump they nscious thought. did, and definitely that they were safe, This same The delegates to this meeting You may wonder what possible logic not only to- stop .urged the board of directors of the signs, but to all traffic signs, he Ontario Medical Association to connection these first paragraphs , have with traffic safety, The con- on is that, no one can use a they speed limits, curve signs, rail- support strongly any'• measure road crossings or ;school signs, wherein the high quality medi- necti Not until all the drivers on our cal services rendered to the people highways develop a self-discipline which causes them to obey traffic signs and signals without question, without. In. fact, expreSsing their Personalities in their driving,, then and only then will we he able to reduce by an appreciable amount, the fantastic loss of life and limb which goes on year after year. on our highways. To enforce some of the diScipline we do have traffic officers, but ,the real answer lies with. YOU!! • These days you can • insure against almost anything! Anything that is, except your own careless- ness. Win Silver Spoons At Achievement Day ST. HELENS—Nine members of the. nappy Hanaierafteas, Gladys McDonald, Beth Cooper, Norma Forster, Mary B. Purdon, Nancy .Cranston Nancy Doracht, Margaret Rose Lyons and ' Betty and Mar- garet Altob. attended Achievement Duly at Wingham. District High School recently. The girls were accompanied by their leader, Mrs.. G. MacPherson and her assistant, Miss Irma For Several of the mothers also attended the event.' The project was "Working with Wool". All the girls received silver spoons, With Gladys, Beth, Norma, Mary -B, and Margaret Roie also being awarded certificates for com- pleting two units, of this province would be main- tained, Advance Times Safety Tip • the line. Willing hands Were quick- ly on the scene but it was impos- sible to save the 'school or its con- tents., Mrs, Jerry Casemore .has ,return- ecl home after spending the past week with friends in Lucknow, 1VErs. Walter 'Underhill and baby Victor of.Toronto are visiting with' Mrs. W, W. Armstrong. Mr. W. B. McCook spent the week-end in•Toaonto. Mrs. John MacLean and 'Miss Margaret MacLean were week-end visitors in Detroit. • u4itness In Siam ]rouses are constructed with odd numbers of floors and steps to insure good luck., meeemeeeemeeaseeeeleeeeseaeamalemeafteemeaeleameaematea-aseeeeevaegaa,....,--, I. 0. A SPECIAL ',PRICES' yo&ke NEVER SEEN sea/ AN EXC/TING ARRAY Of lefl) OARS ArsecH A LOW PR/CE,/ VOINGHAM 'MOTOR Phone 139 wingham ..,-.„ Service at 7.30 p.m. Wed.„ I9-13oard of Manaqement meetli , 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School ii.11i!!Imitnicnimowimillocalimilimioamithoommiloc 0101 ... 1)atit'., .CfitlxA- '- i jr(A:ionLatooAxitcll: . ,. - ii Rev. t. 1', Johnson., tr,Th. - Rector e, I. a MA. Gordon Davidson .:- -14 c)rgarrist, o , ". • . ,,,. , .., Wednesaay, February 10 -• Ash Wedneiday i , 8,15 First Sunday in Lent 11.06 ain,-1\folnint;P Prayer :01 p.m.—Evening Prayer