HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 10lios"1,1,.. REPOla '401'011 ' CUNT% ANNUAL Pgitatta 41,41.114alt•Thltak Watiltairla3a 3St 2,1, 1* Baptist Circie axis Of ticers Ur, 1,4d Wfri, Ottii got0401, °I- institute Leads ,IDgoter, Miss JOYPO Half/Pan, thO' „ Mitiaea MOSatiden Watt Ruth rum, prnipci tg Wetid and Rill Alton; all oc Otiirrie‘ " 1". • .."4?•" ELVEYALE.-The 13ihevale Wc* lt is a ploasoro to San ycwing iluttille' on the Pend, This luon'S Institute is undertaking two used to 14. an every-winter. Sport projects In liousenoul' economies, but in recal'it. Year$ iticiaar Alqkking nig,making course, with four- heen DaVorad• keen membera enrolled is being Darling, -of 'Dorset and held by mrs, Norton Sad Mra. Harry Darling, of Toronto, were Stanley Mrs. •Ch4tles henne for the Weeit-end. Mathera has a class of a dozert Mr, Stanley Darling )10 been teen-age girls who ere Working on kept indoors for SeVeral Weeks Waal projecta grg. Carl .I.ohnstogoi, owing to fin and,,a leg injury. assistant,' AUBURN ':SPEAKER FOR S,S, ANNUAL ea,tre —.1)fra• GeOrge, Farris* and. daughter Linda moved to Whig- ham, last week OM Listpwel, They are residing at the bonne of Mrs, Vanish s parents, Mr. and MI'S, Wm. King, Leopold Street. Marjorie Currie af 'Lon— don spent the week-end at the tiOnle of her mother, mrs, 0-, arrie, .She left Qn Sunday for Ta- ronto, where she is being trans” ferred to the bead 7offiec ,of the Torontri.,Dominion Bank, —Mr: and Mrs. WM, D. braith (?.f Kitehener were weeit.-enti visitors with My, and Mrs, W, Galbraith, PhaWs such iiigitt First at 7,15 THEATHIG. cLosun Muntroikir, TUESDAY AND WW4NESDAY, EACH WEEK, Sk.nd Less WESTINP.NOUSE , Thum. Fra, Sat, jail. 2344-25 'Dees Day, Barry Sullivan in "JULIE" A Snipenseful Melodrama with a psychopath bent on killing his wife. EIORGE WILLIAMS —Larry. Be.nriett ana John Wila. ef Ovelph were week-end ..gtiests at tbe .home of the latter's parents, Mra, aad Mrs, 0: Wild, Milas lVfolr spent last week with her . daughters, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Fitzmorris, Lan,. C19—.1:1 Mr. and Mrs, Seott. Payne and baby moVed on Saturday to St, Marys, where Scott is employea the police foree. First Class WATCH REPAIRS Located in Mason's Store Owing • to lack of space Watches and very small Clocks only, Westinghouse WHITE SALE gives you this outstanding opportunity • 15 cubic feet of space — enough to hold 522 lbs. of food. • 3-year food spoilage warranty at no extra cost. The annual meeting,' -.of the Wing., barn. United 'Chereh .Sunday Scheel: was held last Friday evening with 50- tn attendance, A bountiful tux, key dinner was served by the ladlea of the W,A, P*011owing the dinner games 'were played under the direction of 'Margaret Maehan.. The meeting was In charge .of Russoll Zurbrigg,,,S.S. sept„ and opened with' the ;hymn -"Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful. Love", Scripture was .read by Mr, Zur- brigg, The guest speaker air the cyan- lag Was Rev, R. S,, Hilts, of Auburn. Reports were heard from the various committees and over $6213 had been sent to the mis- sions,. The average attendance was 198, Rev, D. j, MacRae thanked • everyone for their co-operation during the pass year and closed, the meeting with prayer, farally and heciaeliald effects fainu Ridgetown last Weela and tia taken up residence in the innis vacated by the Slade fainlly, 4 Carling Terrace, --Dr, and Mrs, A, P, MeMurphY left last Wednesday for North ay., where they visited witha Pareata They returned te W1,11g- ham on Suaday, —lifiso Holly O. mafrtin of t,Lon,. dal/ is a guest at the home a her SI,Ster, Mrs, Robert Wenger, y.-Mrs, J, BroWn is viiiting with her danghter, Mrs. Ferguson; in Welland. —Mr, Kurt Willeinse, who went to Kitchener recently, has secured employment there. —miss Patricia, Carmichael ' and Miss iane Adamson of London spent the weela•end with the form, er's parents, Mr, and H, Carmichael. a-Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee, and Helen of Cranbrook and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Errington and fain'. ily, of Dunganaon spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. W. H.-Haney. -a-Mr. Carl Lott spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Walter Lott, at Whitecaurch, —Mr, and Mrs, Allister Green, Lynda, and janis visited on Sun- day with Mrs. W. E„ Weir .at Wroxeter. WM:PP/TM—The arnitia1 meet. lag of Wroaeter United Church was held the church hall cal Taesday evening, January 14tb. Menibers of tae Weinan'a Associa- tion arid The Tuesday Starlight O•roup served a pot luck sopper prior tO the Meeting, Presided over bY the minister, Rev, W. V. 44ehanan. Allah 41.1nP) acted' as SeeretarY, ' The liarions reports were very gratifying. Mrs. George Dobson re- ported 42 members in the Baby Band, The Mission Rand 'also has MembershiP roil of 42. Glen McMichael, treasurer of the Sun- day 'School, reported reteipte of $360,00. Roo McMichael, superin- tendent referred to the good work being dope by the teaciliers and said be• reqUired another teacher thp Sunday, School, The Gerrie, Wroxeter Y/P-V. bad a very suc- cessful year ander President Ian Howes. , The regular Monthly meeting Of the 13.aptist Year); MiSt • •• • • • - • . sion Circle was held At the honm of Mrs, F. eollaa, Mrs, Collar open. ed the meeting with a pcoyk e '• "Packwarci, Vorwardi ward", This was felloWed bY •the hymn, "My Jesus .LoVe Thee', and prayer by Mrs..0corge Hoteh-- kiss, Miss X, .Moteh.kiss, MiSS M, StapietoriAnd Mrs. A, Proetor read 'a Milaber Of teatimorilea froali dif- ferent missionaries, The minutes of the last meetitig Were read, aell call answered, 4nd offering..reeeiV, ecl, MrS. Cantelen topic the de- vetion entitled, "Serve God withent Regard for Consequences". Ur5. IsiraeLean , led In •prayer: WS, F, .Collar and MisS Laura,. Vollar fay- wed with a duet, -1,31,ne MrS, V. Collar then read a poem, oNever Mind". Three readings on. New Year's were given by Mrs, la, MaeLean, Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs, F. Collar, . • After prayer by Zfisi% Loanra lar ehe election of •offieers for 195$ took place -with rear/its aS .followa: President, Mrs. Freak .Collar; . vice, Inas., Mrs. X. Cantelon; secretary, Mrs. A, Proctor; treasurer 'Mrs, George Ffotchkiss;. pianist, Mrs; ft, Collar; .asst, pianist, Miss .1'Vf. Hotch- kiss; visiting committee, Mrs. B. MacLean, Mra. R. Kilpatrick; auda. tor, Mrs. A. Praetor; laneh mittee, Mrs. -G,.. •Schieffle„ Mra: Calintresinipi,„ "Coliar 1.osea with pray, er and lunch was served by the hostess and these in charge, - • —mr. Telford Struthers, of Wat terloo spent the week-end with his father, Mr, Orville Struthers, —Mr and Mrs. William Willis attended the Canadian Furniture Show in Toronto on Saturday and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Benatead, ef Krein- au rg. —Mrs. Loretta Ste, Marie and daughter Thelma spent a week with Mrs. Ste. Marie's another, Mrs. Laira laueneman of Hanover. • Separate quick-freezing compartment to 1 ck in full food flavor. • -Counter-balanced lid lifts easily and holds in "up" position., ALli.cor IS $49,95 G. ALAN WILLIAMS ,_Mr. and Mrs, R. j, McMurray and Gordon visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gintinson, of Bondhead. and Mr. and Mrs. IL E. McMurray, of Toronto. _Mr. and Mrs. Brace Simpsen and Douglas and Shawn, of Peter- borough spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Lawrence Mc- Lean, 'Optometrist atrick St„ Wingharn • —Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Currie and family of Clinton, Ma and Mrs, Jerald Ste, Marie and "in, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Winegarden and family, ; all of Londcn3, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Currie. —Mr. and Mrs. lgorman Dickin- son and baby Bruce, of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Galbraith. aaalaIr; 'cind 'Mrs: 'Nelabil TIOnairtga er spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, R. J. lioltorn at Drew. Chogose a famous WESilINGHOUSE Phone 770 freezer. —Mr. and Mrs. "John Hanna went to London on Sunday to...visit with h'er brother-in-law, Mr. Gor- don Perrott, who is still seriously ill at Victoria Hospital, —Mr. George Tripp moved his The following are the officers: Hon. Pres, Frank Howson; supt„ R, ;Zurbrigg; treas., S. J. Walker; asst. treas., A. Green; sec„ E. Hamilton; asst. see„ E. Jenkins; Paper distributor and projectionist, 7', Burrell; attendance sec., R. Ben- nett; temp. sec., F, Howson; press reporter, Miss C Wellwood; librar- ian, W. G. Tiffin and H. Wild; pianist, Mrs. R. Coy; rep. of offic- ial board, W. S. Hall, T. 5, Beattie. Teachers—Beginners, Mrs,„ A. Riatoul, Mrs, L. Hutton, Mary Lou Dunlop, Mrs. R. Zurbrigg; primary, Mary Alice I Armstrong, Irene Saint; girls, No. 1, Lois Walker and Muriel Gowdy; No. 2, Mrs. A. Green and Joan Brooks; No, 3, Ferne Vanstone, Mrs. W. B. Cruikshank; No. 4, Mrs. A. Lunn, Mrs. A. G. Gibseria No. 5, Mrs, C. Hodgins, Mrs. V. Reid; No. 6, Mrs. H, Burrell, Mrs, J. Campbell; No, 7, Mrs. D. MeTa,ggart, Miss C. Wellwood; No. 8, Miss Phyllis Johns, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. Boys—No. 1, Mrs, H. Walker, Miss Merle Gowdy; No, 2, Marg- aret Meehan, Mrs, Harold. Kerr; No. 4, C. Rintoul, ft. Walker; No. 3, V. Reid; No. 5, W. Casliek, Mrs. rt. Bennett; No, 6, R, Gordon, Geo. Guest; No. 7, J. Currie; No. 8, L. IVIeGuire, T. S. Beattie; No, 9, Rev. D. J. MacRae, R. Vogan; adult class, C. Fingland and W. S. Hall. I- 111 RADIO and EILEtTRIC "Serving you since 1935" Back=floe* Front=End Loader Snow Removal available any time Skating Party for myssmoyielyamhyrop.rwisowypows.14.4ramoa HAROLD CONHAM g one 1079J Winghaxn rocer Vitamins? Deanery A.Y.P.A. The regular meeting of the Anglican Young People's Associ- ation of the Deanery of, Huron was held in Wingham on MOInday evening of this. Week, when about 100 young peOple from parishes tarougheut the' deanery gathered here for a skating party. After Skating at the arena, they met 'in the parish ro6m of St. Paal's Church, where lunch Was served by the ladies of the Evening Guild, and a, social time *as Spent. Miss Patsy Hall, president of the Wingham A,Y.P.A., weleOmed tae guests and they were addressed bp the rector, atev." C., F. johnaon, The next Meeting of the deanery 'organization Will be held in Wrox,- °ter on March 9, when they will take part in a chureh seiviee. -Phone': ' Our'Prices Are Low6r Free 590 We Keep Dowq the Upkeep Delivery Tike the kind that give 'you 9 vitamins, 'liver, and 12. minerals. 'spexan.super Pienamins can help your whole family Ainaint:aio resistance to infection, during these cough and cold daya'1' Super Pienarnins Regula• r cast as lit tic as 5 7,:.?0 Per day. Family-size bottle of 72 tablets..." $4.70 Economy bottle of 144 tablets... $71.95 Five weeks supply of 36 tablets; .. $2.59 Turnberry Council (Continued from, Page Oaet No, 1-58 to 5-58 inclusive be givei a first and second reading. • Foxton Appleby—That By- Laws No. 1-58 to 5-58' be giver), a third reading. Appleby - Foxton—That By-Laws No. 1-58 to 5-58, read a third time be passed, signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the Cor- poration attached thereto- . Mulvey - Poxton—That the fola lowing 'general and road acCounts be paid. General Accounts Bluevale Street lights, 4130,00; Wilfred Volmer, fox bounty, $4,00; John Hupfer, fox bounty, $2.00; John Stokes, fox bounty, $2.00; As- sociation ef ASsessiag Officers, membership, $10.00; Good Roads Association membership, $15,00; Huron County Soil and Crop Ira- provement, $25,00; Huron County Municipal Officers, membership, $15.00; Association of Rural Muni- panties, membeiship, $10.00; County of Huron, indigent patients, $2,25',; Wingharn Advance- Times, $10,50; Ross Willits; com- pensation, $47.25; relief, $$0.00; Win. B. Cruiksbank, unemploy- ment Insuraable, $6,00; John V, Fireher, part salary, $45,00; tele- phone .50c, total $45.50. Teavit Drain Graham. & Graham $212.00. w:Fam-ENn. FEATtatt Save'22c Arrow - 20 oz. STANDARD PEA )(toga ?, far a'ac r WAX nEcatt*TivE Enurrs Trays and bowls of slimmer fruits and vegetables make decora- tive arrangements for summer cot- tages inatead of flowers and will last much longer. The vegetables, such as squash, eggplant and cu- cumbers, and fruit like apples, pomegranates, Will be much pret- tier if given a coat of self-pOlish- ing wax. They alsO will last longer. To Serve Dinner At Church Annual IVIeINTOSI-I—A joint meeting of the W.A. and W.IVI.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Eldon Renwick on Wednesday afternoon, January 8th, There were lglaclies and 2 children pl:Tesheent. meeting opened with Mrs. Alex Sa»gster in charge of the devotional leaflet, the theme being "Another Way". The Scrip- ture reading was also taken by MvelrsSesSalng-st1e2r,' Hymns 358 and 584 Matthew, chapter 2, were sung. Minutes of the last meeting were reaa and approved. A pot lack dinner was served in the basement of McIntosh Church on Wednesday, January 15 at 12 o'clock. Inmmediately after the dinner the anaual meeting was. held. The meeting waa turned over to the Women'A Missionary Society, Lunch was served. at the close of the meetings. The Woman's Missionary Society eXceeded its allocation, while the Weman's Association receipts were $1012.00 and The Tuesday Starlight Group $693, The church treasurer, Mrs. Wm, Wright reported recenits amounted of $9432, A beqaest of $200 was re- ceived from the estate of the late Mrs, John Gowdy. Missionary and Maintenance reeplpts froni all sources were $072. During the year new stained glaas windows were installed at a cost af $5231,00, Final payment was made prier to the annual meeting. Several windowa„ were donated by local church families and former members, as memor- ials, The congregation met ,the re- mainder of the cost, • The t*o new members ef Session are George Gibson and Arthur Gib- -son. Appointed for a three-year term to, the Board of Stewards were George Dobson, Vern Hulifer, James Sanderson and Archie Mil- ler. The Committee of Steatard's was authorized, to 'call for tenders re the. decorating of ,the, church in- terior, and pre8ent them to aoother congregational meeting early in •Wroxeter United Church will hold its centennial on the first Sunday • in July. 4 committee of three from each Organization in the church will make plans for the special Celebration. Glen McMichael was appointe,c1 chairman of the ushers, Asscieiat- ed with 'him are Ira McLean, G. L. /Dobson, Lloyd Townsend, Stewart Higgins, James Wylie, Don Me, Laughlin, and Cravaford Gibson. The Starlight Group has assumed the respOnsibility Of placing flow- ers in, the, church. „ Mr, Buchanan expressed apireci- ation for the co-operation he had receiVed froni the entire congre- gation. Allen Munro, Clerk of Session, raeved a, vote of thanks to Rev.-and MI's. 13uehanan air their iine leaderahip, The meeting closed' with the. benediction. tttt y t lotitityytinefly ttttt iiiiiii y ii ii 4111,444.141{10( t ttttt tt milott ttttttt ttt tttt tttt itef4.14 tttt tttt COMMITTEE PLANS SERIES Of DANCES Suyo 7c (hoed Luck . For children to 12 Super Plenamina Junior 9 vitamins, calcium phosphorous and knit 72 tablets with kr. iind Mrs. kussen Walker. The regular -monthly niectirig of the Tuesday starlight Group will be 'held at the borte'of 'Mrs, Craw- ford Gibson on January 28th at Frienci8 of Miss Elva Hupfer will regret to learn she is a patient in Winghain General 'Hospital, having suffered second degree burns to her right win; left hand and minbr burns.to'faeeand neck at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Oliver Riley and family, of Brusielpi spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chap. MeCuteheon. - Mr: and 'Mrs,' Sas, Doig visited on Sunday 'with Mr, and Mrs. Mac Dolga Kitchener,' Mr.." and Mrs, Lorne Doig and Mr. • and afts, Henry Boltz; Drayton... MARHARINE Reg. 3fie Donuts VARIETIES PRICED FROM 29c To 35c , :Available only ai your Rexail Drug Store ,Shower of Gifts For Recent Bride Mrs. Ray Arthur, who was re- cently married, 'wcra serPrised 'her friends and members of her nurses-aide class on Monday even- ing, When they gathered at her home to present her with a shower of naiscellaneous gifts and their good wishes. The Visitors provided the lunch and a most enjoyable social evening was, spent. $3.29 114 tablets $5.49 36 tablets, . a...a...a... a $1479 Get your family supply today! P'toad Pay;o1I W. A. Hagg, $a9.30; Geo. Gal- oWay, $132.87; Wm. Mundell, $109.00. - Road Accoubts Township of Howiek boundary accouna, $318.95; /Geo. Crothers, bulldozer repairs, $20.46; Camp- bell's garage, $6,92; A, C. Mac- Lean, Insurance; $46.85; Ideal Sup- ply $11.00; McCall Frontenac, oil and gas, $32.40; Br. American oil and gas, $97.63; Andy's garage, $278.48; Win. Mundell, mileage $10,80; Liabw's ° garage, $82.05; State Parra Mutual Insurance, $19,50; total expenditures for meet- ing, $1837.91. Appleby - Foxton—That we now adjourn. to meet on February. 3rd at 1.30 p.m. Reeve, W, Jack Willits, Clerk, Sohn V. Fiseaer. FREE TICKET on a TRIP TO NEW YORK ' for two, all expenses paid — with every purchase at our store. BLUEVALE Save 8c n. oz. Beg. 21e -,KETCHUP 3 for 55c Rettpatli Grantilated,, 100 lbs. SUGAR , . $939 'llec-Lish 16 az. plastid Cheese Spread .. 55c aaaa.....-Taaaa.ama, Allan's 48 oz. 2 APPLE JUICE 3.1c Treesweet,:. 48 et ORANGE JUICE 39c 1. No. 1 White 8 lbs.' HONEY $1.99 Top Crop (Hybrid) 16 oz. a Popping CORN 17c 1, WROXETER---Wroxcter Com- munity hall board and' finance committee held their fiat meeting of the year on Wednesday at 8.30 P.m. with 14 in attendance, The new board appolnted by Howick Council is as follows: Reeve, Arthur Gibson; Deauty- reeve, Harvey McMichael; treas- urer, feu Hunter; chairman, G., L, Dobson; committee, -Mrs. Wm. Wright, Allan 'Munro, Gilbert How- es. They added to the committee Howard Wylie, Ira McLean Jack Clark, Ken Wright, Ted 'Smith, Mas. Harry Adams, Mrs. R. New- ton, Les Douglas and Glen Mc- Michael. The committee' has arranged a series of dances and a draw will be- held in the near future. There is atil/ a balance owlea oir the hall and the eemmittee would appreci- ate the patrona,ge and help of the citizens of the commuiiity in the various projects. This 18 a, community hall far the community so please give your Support. The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 4th, at 8 pan, the Library, • DEATHS The annual congregatienal meet- ing of lalueVale United Chureb will be held oil:Friday:evening, Jahuary put. . and Mrs, Arnold Taylor, of OttaWa, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James 3cihnston. Miss Litella Erevecia, of London, is a vlsitOr at the Brewer home in Morris. Visitors at the week-end with MacKENZIE—At the Wingham General Hospital, on Thuraday, Januara 16, 1958, David Mae- Kenzie, Brilasels, aged 79'years; APPLES' bushels Northern Spys aod Meltattadt Beds ".-RED' SALMON FISH I to, to lbs... Whole fish' 45c fish, 47c lb. Sisler Dies k At Drew Mr, and Mra, C. B. Hoffman Were emietemeeMea milimmimimummmoimimumummummilmummillamOARminimmiflomiMilmplmommommimmMummmilWAC&= • eek End Special 171 IVROXETER Your Money Still Can Earn Mrs. Fred floltOrn, bf Drew. passed away in Palmerston Gen- eral Hospital, on SuadaY; Decem- ber 29th, after suffering a stroke, She was in her 71th year. Mrs, Haltom was the formea Effie Jane (Jennie) Chiltba, the daughter of the late Mr. ead Mrs, Cyril Chil- ten. She Was 4 Member of the 'United ChUreh, in April of last year She cele- brated her 55th wilddihg arinivera sary with her ariSband, who Sun. vivo as well 'cia twe Seas, Pred, Of Orangeville and John at home; and lour darightera, ,Mrs. Murial Bennett, of arroSSe rale, Mieha Mrs, •Oliva DeDbre of Kaasa8, Ohio; MrS, ,Winnifred kanas, of Lirit011t Park, Vela, $1,nd Mrs, Lola Russell, of Dearborn, Mich. Sbe Wat'aradeaetiSed hY ono son Walter Add ,..One,daughter infancy, Sur. viving, are one . hrofher, Rarry obutoh, ntt Clifford aed twe Sistera NUS, Sarah ,Mtitray, of Witighain and Mak Lealle Hanha, of Guelph. she Wa8 predeceased by three gaiters, Mrs, Roht, Donald', _Mt& ewe, Mt. FOreSt and Maa Hugh shantiOn, 'Of We*, The 'funeral service Was held f rein the HWY fariaral liarriatent on Wednesday', jantiarY With Rot W„ Petheriok, of Clifford offielating„ The pailhear, ers wate Sac grandchildren arid' in., terntent- *dig Harristdii COW, the many floral tributes. testified to the esteem hi which] the deeeased Was hold, CorigratubitiOna to the !oda! curl- ers who won'Nfirst prize at a bon- spiel in' Mild?ray en Wedriesday,, The winning rink was dompOsed of Allan Adams, skip; Ross 'roman, Wes Paulin and Jack WillitS. Prienda of Nix, Ches. Maxwell' were pleased to see hiin out last week after his recent ilineas, He is with Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert MeDOna aid, Jamestown at present, Dtie to the unseasonable Mild Weather In Deeember, a fine )1,691, bean Was erected on the farm Of Mr, Tindall MeXercher, tb replace the one destroyed hy fire earlier last year, and haS noW been cern. pitted, Mr. anti Mrs, Lloyd Elliott and Rielty apent a day last week With their parents, Mr, and Mrs, CEtlin- Arms =lett and Mrs and Mrs. Henry Weber, Harriston, ' Mr, and Mrs. Allister Green and claughterS, Wingharn, Were Sunday guests of W, Weir and M188 Garde' Bash Afia also called an Mr. and Mrs, Prank Wright, Mr, and Mrs, Ilarvey Ref& Were in London Oa Sunday tO Oak the fOrmeria inethet, who underwent an operation there la.st week, and -PENMA' WS '"71 silo 4t SPECIAL , REG: $4,50 fENMANI "95" sizo gh Skg, t for any tenn from, it to 5 *yeats: at The Britioh Moitgage Ally anion:a ova" $100.00 to eon this guarariteed good rato oi• ihtereSt; itrOest — just Sena in yfAir — Thp tritish Mortkago does Old rest. ifeitty interest hogins he day your Mdfii teteN td in our oifitei THURSDAY-FRIDAMAT.; JAN.. 23-24-25 Men's Cotnbinations $3. $6.4 Special discounts on all other whiter underwear VidiKnoyAh.dy.^Aker0:061•AAAAAA The British Mortgage anditilit' , 10°u:tried lie *II ge4.Plitie. «Ai iii‘atfavit tit '. ifig "am LT we are pleaSed te rePolt sae JI5 , , II' • , . progreaalag ftetibrably, , li ..-- Mr. 'arid Mrs, Renneth Walker i '"rhe . Priendtg,S7 tor'e , thd Defied of 004, ;spent ,StulditY 5111111(iliiiiilitliiiiiiiiiiii111,1161116111111114111011111111111111141111111111,1111, ii I II I 1 ill IIIIIIiiiiii