HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 7.2i t4C d (1; ingfiam ,.. .nn,Mn„��y` ) /� y��y� jam• 't i Air�ii,1I4111,�. 6NTAli UQ, Villin(, •nm fid. ..?�� �!*•.�7� �A a,+�rx,tli ..._ , . WOMAN'S 4330D. TO Theme fOr MissiQnANOLICAN OFFICERS 114na Is Theme OPEN NEW FUND Band • is Light M abrgli _ GORIi11, Fire Woman'at : ,ssoei- ation of the Gorrie United Church held their January ,meeting at the home of Mrs. .Gordon :Edgar on,. Thursday evening, The South'. Friendship Circle Was in clharge .,lf the program, lVfrs; DeWitt Adams presided for the Worship period, choosing'~ 'the theme, "How"How to Pray in, ;the New Yeary. Stet/Oleg at the Portal" was 'tire opening hymn, Scripture was read from Matthew 6,1.-13 by Mrs, D. Adams, .f poem, "Prayer', was, given .b ' Mrs. Clifford Pyko, Mrs, Adams gave the topic lased on the theme and she said; praying; in Secret after shutting the door F' uieans shutting Fent the world. • 'Abide bi e with Me 'was sung and Rev, W. J, V, Buchanan conducted the installation .of officers for 1958. Mrs. T. L, McInnes; president, presided for the business , period with the treasurer, Mrs. A. Hynd- u au, giving a very fine report for 1957„ It was decided to start tr fund "with $500 for future • church renovations, Mrs, W, Strdng' "gave the parsonage report and plan's to modernize the . bathroom were tirade, The meeting closed, with . the Lord's Prayer inunison, The host- ess and committee served refresh- ments Plans Made for Skating Party GOl*UIP=The :Gorrie-Wroxeter Young People's Union met in the Gorrie United Church lull on Sun- day evening.. The meeting opened with the singing of : "Guide Me Co Thou Great Jehovah". Catherine McDonald read the Scripture les- son and Bruce Grainger gave the lesson thoughts, Rev.Buchanan led in prayer. Paul Higgins, . president, took charge of the busi less, The Gorrie .family skating pat "e was discussed and• Mr.. Buchan showed pictures on the topic, "Boy . Meets Girl". .This • was folioWed- by a..dismission period. A contest was enjoyed' by all and the meeting. closed, with Taps. courtiE....-T .ho ' i ., Baud met in the United Church hail on lhrlrsday afternoon With the new president, leynda. J.oiuiaton, In the chair. The meeting opened with The Mission Band hymn • and the Purpose. ' Mrs. L. Watson, leader, i installed the new officers for the coming year, The ,scripture wastaken from Genesis 8, the subiect being "Light", ;find the various )ands of light there are, The most Irnportant is the ,light: that comes from- with- in ourselves, - MYrna Nuhn read , the ;nii.nutes of the last meeting, Winch was fol, lowed by a piano solo by byntia Johnston, Gary Watson took •up the offering. Mrs, .V', Buchanan told the story ofone of the chapters in the study bopli'4 about a little Jap anese girl called Rana, The meet ing ,closed with Taps. • E A.i �V.A�, ketini �'PPQIN'T R GORR:Me-First meeting hi the new year• of the WA, of .St. Step- hen's Anglican Church was held on 'lihursday afternoon at the home of the president,, -Mrs, Gordon' Underwood, who presided 'Vile aa. sistant secretary, Mrs, 'p. Q; 'Vittie,t read the minutes -and notes of COME --The animal vestry 'meeting of rSt, .,Stephen's Angileair. Church was held in the L,o:L, hall on Friday evening with the rector, • the .Rev. E, C, , Attwell, presiding, Mrs. Verne ,Clark 'was' appointed - vestry.; clerk. RePdrtieleere received' from the yarious . ,organizations showing a gond financial year, Dur- ing the Year a new oil ,furnace Weis' installed in the reeotcry and a re- frigerator was Purchased. M;-.. Attwell reported orgai iza- tion of an A.Y,P,A, for the • oung ,I People of ,Gorrie , and Fordwich, There were .three baptisms; two marriages and six, burials. The 'folioyving 'officers were ap- pointed, fol• ,the •coming year Rec- tor's warden, Edward Newton; people's warden, Verne Clark; see, treas./Mrs. Earl• King; lay dele- gates to synod, H. V. IIoi,nes and George King; substitutes, Norman Wade, • Gordon' Under*ood; audi- tors, Harold King, Carl Dinsmore,, Board. of . management, Earl King; Leonard Sanderson, T. C, Vittie,, John - Dinsmore frank King, 'Harry King;' Gorden ' Under-' wood, "Allan Watson; William Ben- nett, Mrs. EdW,ard ,Newton, Mrs: Gorden Underwood and•Mrs. Harry King• . .•». • Following the business a eociai. hour was enjoyed ;and lunch was hORRME Mrs. J, Doig went' to 'London on ,Saturday; where 'she will spend sone time with relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Jaole Evens Of TO» ronto spent . the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs. Manfred Irwin and other relatives; Mr, Harry Gowdy leek over the R., J. Hueston dr. Son, coal, and,. lumber ,business on Friday. Mr: and. Mrs.. Ken Hestia spent from Tuesday to. Sunday with rela- tives in Steuffville. Mr, and Mrs. Morley McMld'bael. and Miss Alma McMichael,: Wrox eter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Archie Miller, 'Mr, and, Mrs. Cloyne Michel and Karen,. and Mrs. William Michel Sr, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Clare Michel at Brampton.. Mrs. Michel Sr. went on .to Sud- bury on Sunday with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Gregory Hoy and Mr. Roy, where she will spend some time. Mr. Fred McIntosh of • Bridwell, Sask., has been. visiting Mr. Bert' Wright, and. 'on Monday both left on.a':bus trip to Florida, .. Mrs. Bella Greaves spent Tues day. of last, week en '•Toronto..• Mrs, Robert "Graham was confin- ed to bed last 'week :but . is now somewhat improved, Mrs. E. Q. Attwell and David served, ' visited her parents inLiman for several days 'leak ,week,, Mr, William 'Thornton has been a patient in the Winghani General Hospital, suffering' from pleurisy. Friends are hoping that he, may have a speedy, recovery: Mr, Lloyd Ashton„ Lucknow, Mr, 1`iilton • Ashton and Mr. Percy Ash- ton attended the funeral' ,in Elora on 1Vlonct'ay of Mr, .Hilton AShtoh!s., sister;, Mrs. A, Wright," of Elora. We• extend sympathy to ; the ,be- reaved. Mrs. Sant' Robinson, Mrs: Gor- don Gibson and Mrs, ,Burns Stew- art from the Gorrie Presbyterian Church, attended 'the'. Presbyterial held in , Wingham on Tuesday of list- week. . -•• • Mr.. Ken Ashton of Brussels spent the week -end with• Mr. and Mrs. thanks. During the to period It Was decided to have the annual bazaar and bake sale in March, Materials for a. layette and Indian boy's clothing be will_, be ,-purchased and work 'started. Roll call was ,answered with a versa on the Epiphany, Mrs,tHarty King read rho story of the Visit of the' Wise men from Mat, 2, 1;12, and Mrs. G, . Underwood ,brought thoughts. on the: season,, emphasiz- ing the giving of our best to Christ as the wise men brought their best., gifts; and that we, live' with the idea of living for Christ and the advance ,of 'His, kingdom. Mrs, Norman Wade was In in charge of the study book,; "The Cross :and the. •Chrysanthenmum" on, japan,' Mrs, R. T, Bennett ap- geared dressed as •a Japanese wo- man with kimona, parasol ,and fan. Articles made' end iii use 'in Japan were shown, also. pictures, Meet- ing was closed by the -Hey. E. C. Attwell with a prayer,for Japan. Mrs, . "C 'Lawrence assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. Percy Ashton,` Mr, and Mrs.; W, E. Whitfield were in Toronto last week attend- ing a furniture show. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gowdy and 'Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gowdy were supper guests of, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Petrie on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halliday and Mr. and Mrs. James, Halliday of, Winghani visited Mr, and, Mrs. Alan Will on ,;Saturday evening. Mr. Harry ,Gowdy attended . the opening session of county council in. Goderich on Tuesday, Mr. • and Mrs.' Robert Harrison spent Saturday with Mr. and. .Mrs. Elgin Fulton, Galt, and Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison Jr„ in Guelph., Mr. and -Mrs. Justin Will are spending some time at the` home Of Mr, and Mrs, Glen Will, Beahs- vilte, while they' are in Florida. , �arr�n House Prev des fest of.Service: The contrast . Seehns sharp from the site of • a blacksith's 'forge; to the :sound rock -rand ' un of rock a d roll mu-' sic, Or from the .impression of Re- naissance trrt to, the node"flick- er of light n hv,. , 'emitted' mrfte•d gh Mid �ou d ` _ by -, •' a i, op n ,.full :.of television' screens • et such. a iraleidosco i'c''blend' of l' ,� Se' . ,contrasts o asts can' Pe e n e sc an d .hard right here In town any day .of the working ,week, • Wingharrrs Warren' HouSe, sterid-' ing the old with the new, must be one ,of the 'few stores .in&this part:. of the country with such • strong y a ng combination atron of,. diverse luxurious items on dis la . p Y Recent ler e t a t anon have s the •p a rance` of. the: h sopasoThe p small bay window, for, ekample; has been replaced, by a `rnodero glass' front which allows greater ,'display l'w ace., and, lar e '-windo -sho n ,,. g.�r •_.Fpr g, area: 'The "... u • °'', quaintness , of the 'ex•' terror.has disappeared,•but never theless, the • owners. of the stere r are confident that the newly ,de- , lin the new wing which: has been added to the .fbrrine W(`1°reit Atareilt h*s been estabfieihed,' tiin'The latest equipiiletit Is used* use Wilding is(iii►l':ilete, 'dt'V :fe-. it dee eaklVrWnee+•finled 'Photo;' signed 'front add greatlyto the di'splay. •potential and to the eon -'i Venien cef the Shopping• public.. Changes;too, have been made inside the • woreith many <iiew: w. Y display, `recite carry g a • large. selection of records .and L.P., al- ": bums, featuring today'sto ,record- ing -stars. Chinaware is also dis- ;played. on 'functional "separation walls" throughout the store.. A wide 'range.' of television setst record -Players, , radios and HI-FI units are readily' demonstrated while the prospective customer re- mains. at• ease on. antique or con ,teinporary chairs, which are ar- ranged in this "viewing", area ,of the gore, Perhaps :the most Interestin 'feature of this main section Is a blacksmith's, f, rge, which inciden- tally, is not f r sale. The forge .is an original part of the store which was retained by- the previous own - et of Warren House to add to the distinction, of the interior design of the shop. W T w Cruickshank and son, G. W. "Bud"' Cruickshank,. who oper- ate Warren House, explained thee. purpose of the "pampered feeling", which .has been. one of the special' features of the. store for.several ^years in. these words. "Certainly we, Want' our customers to feet pafnpered:. , The items. we sell are' luxury articles, but e this day and' age, surely We deserve a little luxury." They also added that at- though the: shop features' expensive. looking Items, ' there is a complete price range to fit"- any budget. MR& 4LHERT MINT BURIED AT aURA GQRHIE Mrs, Albert Wright, foriner Jessie ' Mabel Aentain, .died Friday, at the Dyer Nursing lilome;: Fergus, the age of 83, «. She wadborn .in Howiek Town- ship, September ,8th, t$75,. a daugh- ter of the 'late Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Ashton, and, had lived in Ger- rie 'untii her marriage to Albert. Wright ' of 'Elora, some 33 years. ago, She bad been .a resident .of ;Elora since that time. ' She was a member of the Eiora United. Church, the WAt$, and the W A, Surviving besides ' her husband. are two step -daughters, Um, Leon- ard Settle*, Drayton, and Mrs, La- verne verne McCully, Hamilton; tWo brothers, Hilton.: of Gorrie and L.' Ashton of Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. James Johnston of.Arthur, , • Funeral service was at the Still., rock funeral.home, Elora, at ..:3 o'clock on Monday afternoon 'with the Rev, T, J. Rees, Elora, conduct, ing the servlee,•Burial,was in the. Elora cemetery. United d Churr`l News GORRI)-.-'j'he Friendly Fours Will meet at.the. home of Mrs, M. D. Irvin, on Thursday, January ,23,' at 8,15 p.m. Pregrent, committee;, Mrs, G. Brown, Mrs. W, King and Mrs. V,- Buchanan, The stamp dontaiper will be left in the church• Vestibule one week and then it - will • be, forwarded to the British and -„Foreign Bible So- ciety. , • Red Cross Will Meet This Week GORRIE-The. ,annual meeting of - the Corrie and district Red Cross will •be held in the : Orange Hall • on Friday evening,, January 24th at 8.20. It'is 'hoped therewill be a, good attendance. All interest- ed • in the projects the Red , Cross' sponsored -last year are invited. Car •' Damaged` In 'Collision GORRIE-rA Car driven- by. Mrs. E. J. Farrish 'hada wheel taken.. off and fenders .'damaged • when Morrison's truck, of Arthur ,struck the' vehicle from the rear, as 'Mrs. Parrish was turning into her drive- way on Highway 87, one mile east of Gorrie: on Thursday evening. No one Was injured. ' FINE REPORTS 0S AT UNITED ANNUAL AL GORRIE--The: annual congrega- tional meeting of the Gorrie Mike ed Church was held h : ch int e c user hall on .Wednesday” W dnesday" night,' A � pot luck supper was,'served by . mem- bers of the Woman's `Association: The business meeting 'was pre- sided over by • the minister, Rev, W, J. V. ,Buchanan, 'with W. R.• Collings as' secretary. Excellent re- ports were .received. from the vari- ous organizations.. The, Baby Band had 63 members. The Mission Band, with, 18 .meal- bers, 'had receipts of $84.00; The C.G.LT. had 14 members . and' the highlights of : the year were 'the. Christmas vesper.'', service and the Mother and Daughter banquet. g Sunday- school 'was' eveW attend Service Department 'Behind the scenes of every busi- ness gees a lot of hard work, and behind the scenes at Warren House soniethieg new has been added, A complete radio and television ser- viclug'depertment, one of the most. v implrte, in the country has been set up' in .a newly -constructed Wing, Here -a service engineer checks over the many small and delicate, pieces needed in. today's Sound 'and prctiire reproducing ma- chines, "- 'ide new side of the buisly iiess has been formed because `o.i the • large number Of television users in this district who need 'a first class ',Servicing centree, where 'they will'r'ecelve the >lenefits of the most upto-date techniques and equipment with the least possible delay,'Said Mr, Crihickshank, ' At the sante •time .plans' WOO Meade for the -servicing department; annther now-h"owreein't Was cont= Pleted where kitehbni units .tire di'splay'ed, The units are the lat Word in 'Work -free features and ;crone int a pric'e range to suit the mat careful buyers r ed during the yeadr.'and• shdwed re- ceipts, of $571 withan additional $205 for missions: Fifteen boys at- tend the weekly Tyro boys, meet- ings: The .Gorrie-Wroxeter Y,PJJ. met every two weeks and reported receipts of $143. The W.M.S,, with 30 members. exceeded its allocation, While the \Woman's Association finished the year'with a balance of $1,349, The committee of stewards re- ported receipts of $3,775 and the Missionary and Maintenance Fund reached a total of $997. The session noted with deep re- gret the resignation of Mrs, W. E. Whitfield as Sunday School super- intendant. During her years of de- voted service and leadership the Sunday School has prospered and grown in usefullness and influence. The two ,new members of session are John Strong and Cecil Graing- er. Appointed to the committee of 'stewards were Alex Edgar, Allan Nyndman, R. Elschner and W. R. Collings," •#representatives appoint- ed to the United Church Men's COuncil were R,. A, Carson and W. Ft, .Collings: It was .decided to hold a fowl supper next fall. Following dis- cussions on the proposed. residence for students of united Church families attending Western versity, London, it was decided to. have a special offering' later in. the year,. . Leonard t Ratan expressed appre- ciation to, all who had served the church during the year and Moved a vote •of thanks to Rev, arid Mrs, W. J, V. Buchanan, Presbyterian Y:1 ' • Mit 'Sunda,- . Gaunt, `'4furrayi it, president' Was, ' in charge of the Young .'Peoples Meeting, held in the Presbyterian Church here oh Sunday evening, Rev. A. Marshall took . the bible study period, • basing his talk on i�hilippians ehan: 2, 1.4• Mid Bon- Perrott led lin prayeh, Mrs. Mrs, Arrdreti+` daunt sang; "When ,Tesus Caine', • Levine •Irorster gave a missionary" talk on the first! chapte, °We l?Teed' Cod",, frann'the, hook, "What We need", and Mary' l+"lbhor played a. piano sods» 'Cho meeting `Wail cloae5d With 'the Mal � e tui I ine ct 6 , I 'oak' bo dt i n, 'darts Fry, one .of the older, lads. shows some of iris. younger friends therta i r ha a of hard and accurate s'hoQtrng Jdlin is left in the picture, :and' to his right are. Mm Sims, George . ,X[err, Brian .Clanneron, Terry Wrigley, Joseph Vanskwe and Allan 'Leggatt, all members of Team Two .of the town -len re s. uail !r--4.-T,to Kh ti , photo, Robert Beattie, goalie for Team Three let this one past in a fast -action play during one of the games .the youngsters Played 'last Saturday morning. It was the first goal that his opponents from tei:4nn fear b.'ai1 notched this hod t s season. The hard-working forward' got away before we'could get his rranne. ��A=x. Photo. Six Tables Play At`Ford�'. c y e Party WIIi'1'E'CHUrtC1( — Six tables were; fn play at the- euchre held on Friday eveningi F.or d .e school, Y..in, dY e ., 4 i' Mr • ai'd"` J' rd 17;. brat r M "`� r e high points, and Mrs. Wm, Rintoul ;and Douglas •Gaunt held o. g low oi` John Boylehad d i is nthen P s ad most t. lone . hands.' The teacher, Mrs. Fieher,. announced another euchre would -,be. held, • E•uchre Held at , N.oe 7 Slchool HIJ'ECIIClRCE C -- . The folks on the 9th, of. E. Wawanosh held theirs euclhre on,.Friday evening at the. No, 7• school, with eight tables playing • Betty Woods and Sans Thompson• Heid high . points; and Mrs John McBurney :and Leyi Bie- man;;field: ,Iojv. poihits: . 7�urieli . was served and all en royeci the..'socihl _ time. together. Mr ,t iti Mrs.. Clp;reitee..Henna will. be . in tiff- t'ge, o£• the, one next Fri- day evening in the school. • Andrew 'Stein Dies At ,Wi �ghain Hospital WHITECHuRCI:T --- Andrew Stein, formerly of. Ashfield, and for • the past few years_a resident• in Lower Wingliaiii, passed away on Sunday, after• a short illness from pneumonia in Wingham Hospital, Of a family of ten children, of the late. Mn, and Mrs, John Stein of 'Old Fordyce'' in E. Wawanosh, two brothers Albert Stein of Aylesbury, Sask. and John Stein of Kincardine. are still living, He was in his 84th year. His. wife, the former Sarah Lougheed, predeceased him about ten years ago, lie leaves to mourn him three daughters, Mrs. Frn.zer (Laura) Patterson of London, Mrs, Harvey' (Mae) Millar of Lanes, Mrs. Lorne (Beatrice)' Farrish of Lanes, and (Me son, Lloyd in Al- berta ; and eight grandchildren, The funeral will Abe held on Wed- needay from the Johnstone funeral hbine 'at Lueknow to Greenhill 1� Cemetery, ; ��. ' a Reports Presented INSTITUTE I. � DISCUSSES 4 , , At Brick W.M.S. NE • ED 1�• r V d.lOM I'ECIiU NIIY RCI l ;. U 1, -,- . 'The • r lar meeting of the W.M.S.'0 8 teen., •VVI 7T f rnok, ,. -1 k»C,lil'£sC1=I — T'1 re � 'United Church � heldr. re gular. C cI vas. on ��. d �.e i eetrii ` Of W6ilien'' _ i' ° "heSd ' "T s 8" s � hs�titute at" & t�'at:" he-'lzom "e'" of Mrsc was held on Tuesday last at the Alex Robertson '` with 1.5 ladies ' home of Mrs. Garnet Farrier with' present, and with Mrs; John, Jarr ie, - on presiding, s r'i es d '7 ' p rig., Mrs.: -Chas ;a_irell led in the -Scripture readingfrom Philippians, chapter 2; 'aind,n the meditatiop period, and -Mrs, Jamie- son led In prayer. . Mrs Ronald Coultes and Mrs. Lawrence 'Taylor institute had seat• out over Eo had charge of the chapter " frinn boxes of Christmas treats to, Mr. Metcalf, George Casemore, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Pickeli, Mrs. Currie, . Mrs, Caslick, : Mrs, E. King, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Will Conn, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, Mrs, D. Kennedy Mrs. Roane, Mrs.. Buckton, Mr. T. II. Moore, Mr. David Currie; Mrs. , Bang, Mrs. Rooney, Mrs. McGinn, John McGee, Charles Congrani. Rev, and Mrs. W. J. Watt; Mr.;A. Robertson, Mrs, Mc- Michael, Mrs. ' Purvis, : M. Wm. Simpson, Mrs. Smith, Rutherford Reavie, Mr. W. R. Farrier, Miss Mabel Pardon, Mr, and Dirs. W. A. Humphrey, and to. Joshua Dawson, since deceased. They had remem- bered, the older, and the nick folks 19 ladies present, and 't P en , with the president, Mrs. Russel Ross, .pre siding, After the opening exercises, Mrs. Donald Rosa played a piano solo, "The Yellow' Rose of Texas". The the study book, "Japanese Worxien in tl e News." The reports of the various coni- mittees were then , given. Mrs.' : Ronald Coultes reported` that , they :had met their' allegation 1nfG"r. Chas, Shiell gave the . report 'for the special fund, Mrs `ay*leir for the Mission Band, and Pattison gave the report-.'ot.ttlie Baby .Band. Cards of thanks rues cca#irain MIsS Blair: of Torn'nto t1xe;Miss;d i dry for •:Prayer, 'Mr., littler rd Reavie, Mrs. Harold Currie and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Leaver. The ladies decided to 'hold 'the next meeting on February 14, as the , World Day of Prayer is oh Febris- . any 21, and will be held at the of this community and many cards home of Mrs. John L. Currie, Mrs, . of thanks and .appreciation '-,were Norman Cquites then :gave au in - read by the secretary and presi teiestirig report for the Book dent. Shelf, explaining the list for 'this, pre secretary, Mrs. C'Iias, 'Sliiell, year's reading, The meeting was read a letter from the provincial closed with pra3 er, and the rioStesa president of the Women's lash served lunch, tutes,, Mm. Anne Haggerton, ex- plaining that 'the next meeting of the A.C.VV: W: would be held hi Edinburgh, Scotland, .and asking for 25e a member to help with ex- penses. She also read a letter from the Unitarians, asking for used clothing for children in Korea, layettes, sweaters, towels, soap, aiid thie ladies decided to end with Mrs. Arscott 3n Tororitti.- .answer the February roll call with Miss Marilyn MorriS6Yt held a a donation. quilting' party on. Tluirst: ay* even - The ladies decided to give a re- lag last, ` meinbrance from the Institute to Mr..aiid Mrs. George 'Tiffin and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson, who Colleen, Of Langside spent Sunday lad been the faithful caretakers of with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil p it.leorter. the Memorial Hall for eleven years. Mr. amid Mrs, Idelitieth Zini'i, Mrs. Ezra, Seholte, secretary of the Mrs. iereteregor, and Mrs, tyle- ' :Ataxy Board, asked for a do- Dougal sponsored a •euchre in ration for the local library and Lower Winghani Sehool on Friday !as. voted $10. 'i'he ladles decided night... 5131 tables we're iii play, 0 hold a %Dent evening nn Febru- Mrs, malty Vicialiney anti Robert WHITE .II ... � UI�UN Miss Janet Gaunt of Torehto spent the week -end with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mr, Water Arscott 'cent thetveelt- WH.TECHURCH (Tntehded fof last week) Mrs, DaWSoii etch , Mrs, Frank Cotilter, Mrs:- Johnston Conn aria Mrs, ' bast Caslick attended the a is l arm' 14, leaving the pntmgrarrr hi the ,sit. Marie held high ptiiniti, h,n� charge Of'the entertainment come other euchre lir two woote.ttMill irS rnittee: sponsored by Mr. aiid Mrs. Gai�ildn~ A resolution was brought hi, 'F ieltiSon. and' Mr. and Mrs, *AT; eking that school books, would be McDonald, the some for all schools. and a re- Mr and iVLrs,. Albert Caineroti solution ro the heavy lettering on c sugar bags. . The roll call was 't'f Lue'know visrted ont • F`rid`ay 'at anrswered by "What T would, like i•et the home -of their d'auightef, Mrs see done", telling of the leek of MaSon Ti.obinson, ' flowers around the hail and dif- Roger ateinan, 'soli" -of Mr. and ferent needs in hall and coilimun- Mrs, Albert ,l3teutami,.;Iia5 h*OI a inc .. lty, patient hi NhVirnglratii lalospital since Mrs, W, Lott then read. a spiern» ilnst Mondays Sufferhig„ with oriels. did paper, Irn'epttred by Mrs Alex krona, iilyheatsoii, ons t e motti3, '".Let u r MrS. ft,Ohi ?toss left ']Coronto tint be done whin .sfasrit-fhidhmg and Thursday last '.ta spend'Siitud trinit .leave off sclt-secici.hrg', telling at the horite 'of liar :sister, firs. that we need tb take a happier J. C. Ifunt of Eer�llie, w�,ask. view and a willingness to servo Int our comtnuuity, titan, t`srsinitlri Itmue, pity -ed ;m piano solo, and the Meeting was closed with the National Anthem, The hostess served cooltieg, With the social cup of tea, The next: meeting will he held at the home of Mrs, Albert `coulteu; annh:id,i Meeting of the W.'M S, of Maitland Presbyterial, held ,•in Wingth�am Presbyterian ("hureh nn Tuesday, Mrs. 'Craig is on the nominating conun.ittee, and 'thesis ladles' will give a report oh' Iltls meeting at the regular monthly meeting o> their W,ht.5., to be held ati-'i'htitsdtttiM fin the -Sunday School rooril- lief' the :ehureh. Mr, .and :Mrs. Stewart Musgrove of Wroxdtel' visited on -Sunday at the home :of his sister', Mrs, D. Willis. Mrs, lireutieth Dowling spent -0 feW days last 'week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rooney of Monist l'yorest. Mr. and lv'lrs„.Ri iald 'la'or'ster and faniify pf Z'u-cknow, MISS 'Antall. Carruthers, of ,Ripley And Mr and Mrs, Olden 'Lowry aid fmily of, Lurgan,.visited en Sunday 'with Mr,. and Mics. ieoi�g'e Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morrison ittad family of Rlnaloss Spent Sun- day With her Parents, "Mr, and gra. John turdntl, • .Mrs. JarrCraig spent e feu days tills week at the tone z oi” ltd daughter, Mrs. Robert hull, Wic ha.