HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 6CLASSIFIED ADS Continued from • Page Four pair .-3 pairs, $160 Slightly Imperfect - need we say More. MEN..,-,,REA .1; BARGAIN! . .•• heavy 13100.DeialinWORK PANTS Reg, to $4.9$: • $9 .99 for 0.NL*, , „. • pair: 'Girls'',,Dres WINTER COATS-.---- Size 7 - 12 and 10 - 14x :25% OFF SELLING PRICE . a tremendo:us saving .16%.0,FF ON ALL SALES DURING LAST DAYS. , ,You „always buy' the , BEST for LESS when you shop at milhaets "The Family Stare" Le• kieielsle:eleifeeleeMe"elev 40 fw complete fender , , from a-, • broken, Window -0i ii faulty door catch . • whirr '[', things go Wi.44141'.11'Wvitrilif of your cue CALI. • 1.. Uhl, y Wingham Body Shop, rh... 740 "Sid Adams, Prop." Witigham here -. 3.• o:ok I spent a•leave with his parents, Carrie o Windsor,' and Mrs. R. A. Currie, • ROUND-THE-WORLD WONDER •• AT A DOWN-TO-EARTH PRICE THERE'S never been a Ford like this before Just try it, One ride and you'll Wonder how such a fine car could cost so little. Most people guess too ,high en the 6$ Ford price-yet, Ford sells the lowest priced car of the low price three. ,A brand new look. There's ;waling 'sewer in the world of styling! Styling that wowed Perils. New ”sculptured in steel" beauty that matched the classical perfection of Athens. Stand by to be envied when you drive the 58 Ford. • •New ,Intdrceptor V-8 power. The world's leading V-8 maker brings you a unique new, V-S for 58. Precision Fuel Induction makes the powerful difference giyes you snore power and far better gas mileage than ever before, And Ford brings you Precision Fuel Induction ... the most important V-8 iltipraveneent ° iri 25 years. You get style plus geoninny in the new 58 Ford. And it is yours for the loW, low Ford price-with every ounce of glamour, poWer and perfortnance included. So, why pay more? Come in and pick up your keys at your Ford Dealer's today. Canadian Government Annuity pre. ' miums may now be deducted from. income for tax purposes, within certain limits. This means that any taxpayeiH including sell-employed persons -k now alb:46d the tax advantage which was 'formerly available only to em- ployees contributing to registered Pension Plans. • SAMPLE 'TAX SAVINGS (ter e i6 mad nuipappe se Ooporailean based ea 1958 Inc0meJqx roes) woes! hiclitiss C44400.'46044,1 Trix Saving ,' . ire Savings Plant $ 1,003 $ 500' $ 30 5,000 300 t OS 70 S00, ISO 150 10,000' 1,600 2.40 With all that's new for a world of difference Mileage Sonata!' tenlYboatq--lht Far a . • • • • Maker You'll be ahead with Ford's new Interceptor V-11 and Pre- cision fuel lisduction. Gives you up to 803 hp. Smoother power.. . titers poWet from less• geed The seerel, Precision Fuel Induction, remarkable new' earburc- Lion, reel 'feeding, and combustion system. You'll steer with a feather .touth with Ford's new Magic- Circle steering, Nothing rolls like a bell . , the secret of Yard's handling' case, Free- moving steel bells in the -steering mechanism are virtually friction-free . .give you. the closest thing yet to power steering! , Soliitoenn lot due leg (ar rids You ride in safety, surrounded by new strength-proved and approved around the world. Every Ford is built around the rugged 'Inner Ford' that, puts 'beef' int;t1 ii,t1 • beauty, Thellusky con to me ed frame is welded, braced, tied bonded to form one incredibly tough unit, Six or V.8 the goings vs' great ,,,:legh.o.4.44.faawamaszstompagoowemitTaxstwasttomninr., SEE YOUR ileirredithettrear inogiritt4 StentWeit 0e1"gfaoteaVe etlOrite,irtuidets. eplinridl al em4 osr. othefe, • Canada's Most powerful modern ire cylinder engine-,the new Ford Mile- age Maker Six-gives you the sort of e power and perforthance you exneet to find only in an 8-cyfinder engine. New improved unit des!gneerburetor • provides better fuel-air mixing foe • pouter economy. And new spark • control valves assure snappier per• forma/tee on regular fuel, All this is • yours in the 58 10ortt•-the low,* priced car of the low price three, . OtRenttrel6MOMIStlieR DEALER oompernine 011Med) Pit interination and a$SitetnA in deeds, the plan bestsuited to your )neetls, 'nail this coupon, postage freeo , ..; ,„,:„ e.;ta,mile• i • ir .•0411••11Y1.1.,••• 11.4 I tat b triu,orr .7147 '01prinierent of tabour,. offewci. (hopes free). ' Pleeset.004 itio0i16014,WO'teinOdlciii .06V8e0001.A00tii con bnn4 mi'refirrimairiticeMe 6t low alit Me we** rEbtOtAt 61140.4,..0•01,41.0,4#4V0•40,"4“0404i,f.i111.41•iiir/iii0.1•4# btpAktmENt , ...... bt LAteitik *heti *ems, 6* vol.. .4.4. rthelesse 444* .1 I Iledeelteet Shot latOrritialoa 40011011 be •touti tein6desirel, "Music for Golden Hours" by linty Vaughn and his oreheistre , Elvis Presley “I.Arving 'You" Min) Chirping Cricket" Mario Lanza, - Hit songs krbtli "StUdent *Once" rat's "Great flits" "Thal Oalid of iliar MePsteg RoyAl Marines" ' "Slintlfogy pop, luoivotv' Wale "NORM oWikr.e.a woNnkm,ariu'i by Ray Charles Singers' ;ipi•144•A04.1kokikr•ii4.A.AA ' Ltk.'oc, ItOittiontad flays, Ifteedirds, and U!-Fl Mupplino WARREN HOUSE MAGONALROAO, *INGHAM FOrd ,TOttelts winghaino. and "oat 231 A. O. MacWilliam • '`e 4"1"1, 4+010044e41,4810000~001#1VIII4W4^.4.4401.0 . PS 'Marko cock, 7Mbert. 1,4e0;larci Markley, Mrs. .Jas, I4ard 'have ieceived Word that their son, !Ate. Pert Isard, has been. wounded for the • SePend time. Pte. Robert Carr, a former Jamestown boy and the brother Of Mils. Tyndall Ritchie, is0004- ing a few days in Wingliarn, He has been invalided holing from the front having been shot through the leg, "On ,account of the snow block- t a r d a e insa; Tndne ,general AdVilleC t?.1i Pas on e of the trIle- Ceived its shipment of paper this Week and we ask our subscribers to pardon the half size paper we 4rAelli Zugitnegr .''users in Wilighain are hereby notified that tape must' not be left open to, keep pipes from freezing,' The *titer in the stand- pipe goes down low at 'times be:, cause of this- and thus renders the town unprotected against fire• The Electric Light Committee . also beg leave to state , that all street lamps will •be turned out an indefinite period. Whitechurch-Messrs. Eli Jac- . had telephones installed in their haotintoesn,,o'clock ,each evening, This Kincardine, has been postponed for Jac- ques and Fred Mowbray recently step is in order to save fuel, the re-opening of the schools in y Owing to the, scarcity of coal • 4: * . TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 444/* 22, 14611 .4itreece.whnse$ Woclueed the .requil7eMents -of„ the abbve ,Oection -472 will hear tha'elalIPS of any person.. or by either by themselves -or by their .solicitor that they lands will ho .prejuale, _lolly affected.- Applications. for such a hearing should • 17,0 made to the under-. signed net :later than Friday; robe :navy gist, 1958. Dated at -Oorrie, Ontario, this 17th day of January, 1908. Harold Polleek, Clerk, Township of •liewick. 44..15,Pb 7HI9 hILLs ,STILL TIME TO SAVE 1/ 1104 shop This week gt CARMICHAELr 'S Sale Ends Satur., Jan. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS - io Pair left and Will go to the first 10 customers, 70" x 90" at $3.99 :a pair T141$ FOR $AVING, 111t41...A.W. NO. 244,57:. reelsieSted the stoPPing UP' that h or,We. 0Nettediip 'of AloPiek-', for the year 1957 A By,law for stopping' up a purlieu of Goftoo Street 10 the Pollee Village of Wrolrater, WHEREAS the Provisions of the Munieipal Act .R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 404; permits the stop, ping up and conveying of any highway or part of a highway. AND WHEREAS the Depart- ment of Highways of Ontario has. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 liPrtkOn gardon”,,,Stregt ill, the Police Village of mroacter lying between Worthingten Street and Ferguson Street (IiighW43, NO. 87). AND WHEREAS the aforemen- tioned. street is unimproved and lying. between Park Lots 0 404 14 in, the Police Village of Wroxeter, which lots are the property of the Department. of Highways of On- tario, AND. WHEREAS the Connell of the Corporation of the Township of Hewlett, feeling that the Said portion of Gotten Street has net been used as a public highway and this portion le not required as such, and that no property owners will be prejudicially effected,' said Council demi it expedient that portion of Gofton Street between Worthington Street and Highway 87 be stopped, up and a By-law Passed accordingly. THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Howick enacts as follows;- (1)-That such portion of Gofton Street in the Police Village of Wroxeter as lies between Worth- ington Street and Highway 87 be stopped up, and that the same be made available that the Depart- ment of .Highways. of Ontario may acquire proper title to same. Read a,first and second time and passed this 5th day of December, 1957; . (Signed), J. Harold Pollock ,Clerk, H. Gowdy, Reeve. • X, J: Hatolc14 Pollock, Clerk of the Township of Howlek; hereby certify the above to be g true copy of By-lisw ,No. 20-57 of the Town- ship ofelIOvvick for the year, 1957 read a•firet and second time, on the 5th 4;344 .of 'December; 1957; Harold PolloCk, Clerk' of Howick Township. Utheso'heip yoti -to loaned Saving ;[PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal pequing. Account. A quarterly statement Will help you 'keep your records ,Straight. the low Service charges are pre-paid. VOisr,piticellCd 'cheques are on file if you Peed therit .10040 ACCOUNT , AecounC for saving. Add every pay; As your balance grows gaLn pellet of mind. Purl Planned 'Saving at our nearest branch now. Send her FlolVers Girl friend, sweetheart, daughter, Wife, or grandmother ...all are sweethearts on Valentine's Day; and all will 44..de..% lighted with your gift of fresh flowers. • us Phone• us today and letsuggest your Valentine from our wide, selection of corsages, cut floWers, and Rowerini, plants... perfect for any age. BY-LAW NO 21-57- Of the Township of WWI.* , for hire ynkr 1957 • , • A By-law fer stopping up a portion of Ann Street in the of 'Wroxeter NVI,IMt8lA$ the prOVIsions of the Municipal Act R,$.0, 1950, Chapter 243, section 409, permits the stop. ping - up of any highway ormart; of a 'highway, AND WHEREAS the . Trustees of the Police Village of Wroxeter in the Township of Howick have Petitioned the Council of the said Township to stop up that portion of Aim Street lying' between Carroll Street and Marietta Street. AND WHEREAS it appears that said portion of Ann., -Street is not required for the. purpose of a public highway, and - that no property owners will be -preinel- icially affeeted, the Council of the Corporation of the TownshiP. ,of Howick .deems it expedient .that the portion of Ann Strent. between Carroll Street and Marietta Street be stopped up and a by-la* passed, accordingly. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of ' the. Township of Howick enacts as follows: a. • .('1) That such portion of Ann Street in the Police Village of Wroxeter in the. Township • •of Howick as 'lies between Carroll Street and Marietta Street • '.be stopped up .and that the Corner, ation thereupon shall have the right to lease or sell the said stopped up portion of street .•-as may seem fit, • Read a first and second time and passed this 5th day of December, 1957. (Signed) J, Harold Pollock, Clerk,; H. Gow.dY, Reeve , I, J, Harold Pollock, Clerk of the Township of Howick, hereby• certi- fy the above to be. a true copy of By-law 21-57 of the Township: of - Howick for the' year .1957 as read a first and second- time,, on - the 5th day of December, 1957. J. • Harold Pollock, • - .• • Clerk of -}lbwick Tewriship. • 1 We send Valentine FLOWERS - BY-WIRI anywhere. Your Satisfaction Guarantied. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ItobitrO 770 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU WINGHAM BRANCH, W. 0. STRUTHERS - Manager Phone 101 Wingharn Ill.1111141111111.111111111i11111111111111111111011141MI N IORC •NOTICE ;Take notice that the above Ey, law No; 20.57 of the Township of H.Ovirielt•I•rof 'yeas.; 1957, -•''atter publication as required by Section. 472 'of • the 'Municipal 'Act, • will be -ccinsidered and read- a third time and finally passed. • • -The Connell, in accordance with .,Winghana is usually blessed with' a radio reception that is very clear, but for' the last while it has been very bad indeed. The inter- ferenee causes such a continued Cracking sound that it is impos- sable t9, loiPP radio .,10 operation. Easter Star officers for 1933: Mrs, -Rae, Dr. R. Stewart, Mrs. 0, Habkirk, Roy' McGee, Mrs. E, J. Nash, Miss Mary Pattison, Mrs. W. H. Phair, Mrs. J. H. McKay, Mrs. Murray Johneon. Mrs. T. Currie, 'Mrs. Dan Geddes, Mrs, E, Harrison, 'Miss B: Joynt' Mrs, 'D, Benedict, Mrs. Jas. Gil- menr, Mrs, F.: Fuller, Mrs: *(Capt.)r Adams, Mrs. A. Taylor. • Fry A. •Blackhall 'have 25 ches- terfields of the latest 'design and fabrics; on display at the furniture show. 'in Kitchener. , Calvin Coolidge, president of the United States from 1923 to 1929. died suddenly in his 61st year. NOTICE 'Next 'Sunday at 4.15 The Wing- Take notice that the above By.- ham Citizens, Band assisted by the Jaw No. 21-57 of the 'Township of Imperial e uar will t t render a Howick for" the year 1957, after program over station 1.013P. publication as veep:lire& by Section 71i1r.l aint1 ,Cathers of 472 of .the Municipal Act,. will. be Salem. spent' a day last week with considered and read a third time Mr; and Mrs. David Cathers near and finally Passed. • Oorrip.„.. The, Council, in accordance '!Ofqe-ers. ,elected: by' Laditt'st the 'requir•ements of the •J•above Seelion 472 Will hear the claims of Dilig1 pf..K IireSbyterian Chtddli, vale: Included Mrs .*Alex MOW- imir Person or persons' either', by • ' themselves or by their s011eitor DraY ' Mrs. 'Cameron' 'Adams, that thefr lands will be "prePsdie= affcfcted. • • • ApplicafieliS snels isetiring sboUld be made to attic undersigned not later than Friday, February 21st, 1958, Dated, 'at Gorrie, 'Ontaiier, this 17th "dill of 'JanuarY, 1958. • • J. Harold 'Polldck, Clerk, Township of Howick., e, • 22;29,5,12b IrshOWtmsommmtralmoa.asampollmunemo.dineouwe0006.n....ofroomimai‘yo.so mmoommailm.1•,.,- Arehie- J r.'C. krs, Nichol, Mrs, ilarvey , Robertson, Miss HUAI 110fundel; Mrs. John Mantel, Mrs D. J..Fuleoner. - *. 'a. ; Flllt lEElY *EMITS AGO , Wednesday night it was 22 be.- l oewl 0ir. , `zero; and Thursday night 2o b „toupon's• must be used for, butter Matte on farms and each farmer making his own butter must regie, ter as a Manufacturer. After twOty-theee Weeks in bed foil Owing a heart attack, Joe Kerr' is now able to be about the honse. Merisbers of, the Turnberry Coun- cil. for 1943: :11. Moffatt, reeve;, Portei, .1; ,Breekun- 600. J., Fischer. Cliff •DeUriy, RCAF and 'Mrs, Denny,'Toronto,' were week-end. guests with,Mr. and Mrs.-Tern: , Denny,. Wroxeter. -J Harry,- Posliff of "Jarvis Spent the :Week-end at his home, S Reminiscing Eurry YEARS AGO This week Mr. J. E, Swarts sold his livery business to Mr. Hugh 'Ramsay of Brussels. • _ Wanted-1,000 rat skinS and all other, kinds raw furs. Geo. E, King. The annual meeting of the Turn- berry District L.O,L, was held in the Orange Hall, Winghabe; and the following officers were ed: W.M., Wm, Guest; D.M., H. IVfathers; Chaplain, Jos. Wilkinson; R.S,, Geo, O. Thornton; F.S., Thos, Stewart; treas.„Tohn Casernore; D. of C., A. Wheeler; lecturer, A, Thornton. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. James, of Turnberry, were again bereaved when their son, William JanteS, pissae.c1 away In his 14th year. This makes the fourth,' death in the family from diphtheria, A son and daughter died oh the 22nd of Dec- ember and a daughter on the 27th of December, The organization of St. Paul's Church parish club was held, the following being cleated to the var- Woe offices: C. P. Smith, Alex Porter, J. P, WorkMan, Chas, Inglis, C, 0. Vanstone, 0, V. Hill- born, Alex J. Alderson, C, Coup- man, Ed, Nash, 1, 10. 14cGnire and J. 0, Smith. The death occurred at his house its Toronto of George Pocock in his 60th year, Deceased was a rest. dent of TUrnberry for many years On motion of Celinclilora Hanna, and Moponaid, A, H. Musgrove And R, Vatistone were appointed town auditors. High School board for the yea''. 1908 was composed of dOlin WI!. son, chairman; hr..1, P. Herinedy, Dr, P. MacDonald, Dr. Pt., C, Red- Mond, 3, A. Morten, C, 'P, VanStone, bodley HelnieS, A, Ce8ena, IVO 8611601 teachers, A, Taylot, principal; 3. 0 Smith, 3.. Werkman, MISS J, MaeVannel. POMO( VtaltSi A00 •AYintlets diplomas at the tusinest College Were glia Armstrong, Mary E, Vttilkiej Vida. L. Hartman, Sephia Parker, tthel Chatidier, Vera Itikstori, Xtene ;Scott, 3Ottii A, Leelthart, i$tauley It. Purdyf Olo,tehee. Ph. )'•`2C.- Nw star in the Orient. The t8 kik' •is the first car ever to use the whole world as its track. • NOW InPUCTIOLE.:. The New RECORD RELEASES are All Here ItZele roll, be-hep, dheieland, we don't care 'What you like, we have it!