HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 3itt oe ectricit reall cost ? 'The.'.:aveligt.,ze,cis,b,-`,C;f:a day's cooking for • •-• • cents. , • Electrci>y ;Xs one of the most important 01:14iiit'yeiti.rdiily. life. Your home is iifer..,.:eatier to• keep. eieJA " brigliter..„.;iiiioie Comfortable than ei/er Household-tit ki, and farm talks too, ire done More quiCkly, More eat*, inert ecOnoinically, and the world• of entertainment ,is yours at the `dick of a switch .. ill for only a feiir cents st day. Li'M Better 'OeOriCally t safe,; clean, modern 'Way. ings:7mt have gone up in price Vin;, average of 80% betiveen,i'90iand 1.95 6 according fo:the„ConstiMer .Price Index. Bittfini•OntatiO4uring these same years,•thelaverage 'price! of . :•7 .ELE I. .used ).ii the -,•:- 4 me ..nayonrt • • • ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH ... ° COSTS SO LITTLE AMA • 1-`,....--,. We Just unloaded a cal: 411 IR.PLirWOOD , I ••••••••min10040•14.0....../4..w.mmem•••••rimigli 1111 . ' '• r.:Z mi zro.., ' , and will fillyoui orderat OeW,'Iov.ieriirice+P. • N , . • - . - • '.'; .-1,:: , _: ,•., NI ..f ,ic .. _ . IN ''' /-44204- dr, ovr...1COCK, oototy.".... . . CALL ' -VS `,.-TO-,11,Vr''''''-' ' ' '"' ' ..0 •n iii . „ ._—_„.,-7, .._gf'.:.,.---,..-4.7.-.----..----_,_: _—:-_,-.-_. We are going' to 'Specialize in Service, ' ri , Aneniislimannnionemmannuoneneumnownopmenommeinnneisniiiiiiiinenimeiliiiii" 1111▪ - " will LAY your floor, SAND and Finish, Wax and POlieh: • • IN ' • , -1 `f '111 - --•-•----9.7!"7117"‘"f"r71711- a , The theme of the worship service "The Second Mile", was taken by Mrs. Jack Taylor's group. Mrs. Eldon •CoOk read the Scripture from Paul's words ,in Philippians 2; 19 to 30„ A. short talk on this lesson';Was read by Mrs. Taylor„ after which she,led in prayer. The study period was,on Japan- ese students in the news, when five' ,groups were formed with a leader, who read a -history of a strident and then short discussion followed On their problems. ..Mrs. Borman led in recreation and lunch was served. liefort• you olo,1 Ir LETI(R dnexitt4I5 ;too em..14.1 Tie ,4 (pmb? 7 044i • 0 111A, Fivai,P,.44. ZO'Incth.t_Vvitet, • ipiatoy (1.4fekttchewook Ott qll include O Your tome and roots otIciresa to upper left corner. , la Name of person to whom you ore writing. Sirect ilifire§8) rural route num• her, or post office box number. Name. of post office (city, town, or ottaptutitio Proyinec, state^ (or equivalent) soul clountry. 57401 Club Members To Visit HoSpital ..The Mary Hastings Rainbow .Club met at the Oddfellows' hall on Tuesday, January 7th with 26 members present and , three new members, joining. The meeting was opened with the Housewife's Creed and Lord's prayer in unison. The Minutes of the last meeting were read • aind the treasurer's report given. . Several thank-you notes were read, for treats sent at Christmas time. It was ,-approved that four members visit the older patients at: the hospital'. each month. A buchic will- be held at the Odd- fellmArs' hall in February, with lrifich served-by thy members, and Will be convened by Stella Cowan, A. draw for a blanket was won by Kathleen Aitchison;' Euchre was played and Lola Sanderson was the winner. Verna King had the lucky cup. Lunch was served by Lavine- Robinson, Bertha; Henderson, Mae tlatehford, Lola Sanderson and Olive Walker. The next' meeting will be held at' the home of beta Drehmann on Pehruary 4, when a, social evening Will be spent. Part Owner in Wealth You don't have to be rich to share in Canasta's growth and prosperity. Toddy, through Investors ill Mutual, you can .profit tii the wide divertifica- tit* forinerly aVailable art ty to the large inviettir. For full detail's set your invettort syndicate iipraiiatative. 11101i. A. Jardin Phone 147 WINO1IAM, 'NT' John W. Waines iiiii, 11, LitStoWEL Phone+ 100 a 11ti v Ei ir t o r I, mutual 00 v141.55A it** itiliifIrrtteiveinNikt. of OICWO PM PICOAL CI**, A. Mr, Upward :spends 1ng some thina in .Toront4, ••,trfaold 04f4RAPVE—The fit* regular Mr, ThoMas Smith has received ph .aad s'Earie giobi 'won the high .meeting Pf'the Of the word that his niece, Mrs. Tom prizei3-'4,the weekly euchre party gVening Auxiliary of the Woman's Pennett, her husband and, fent.• held ,on: Wrielneada.V •iy,e#ing4ri :the Missionary' Society of gigot United children,. have' moved 'froni Prog• 4,6ronwray '00-4.0';' ..c;clostga*a church wee held at the home of OlaidianAdr:ell tap residence to . Mrs.-iffe.„40 Nre. Clarence Ifenna with an At- ;404iehai spent t•o4Iinsiga ,9441 Geo' re14.11.,rig,t 1Pkiies for tendance of 22 members and, five week-end w ith relat i ves at Walton. the !post lone hands went to Mt% ;11,e4t0. Mr, James Wightman of -1414tQWel a...Voups*4 7,4e new president, 240, Gordon visited on Saturday with. Mr, and ' ' " Daman, opened the Meeting With Mrs, gdgar Wightmait and fanii/7:farriily. • Walton idsited Sunday a hYintb foiloWcd by the Lords Mr, and Mrs., Taaac NiXfan RIO • family, 140c/IIKINV..„,SPORt $14040" 2r,13* Fear a•:r1(1 Proralrerthein muenssisa9:1; ii MFs :c)5NITIc411w ear with M•r, and Mrs. John Nixon and AMOY, 'MOB 'WHO,6111 Mr, and Mrs. Stobo of Teewates visited on Sunday with 1,4r. and spent. ;the Week•;•end'W4th'=Xr, *,t1d Mrs Walter Scott, president of Mrs, .Joseph Diinbar. " .• the Afternoon Amtiliary was pre- Mrs.: Herb, Wheeler. Miss Marilyn Goll spent the • T The iielgrava ,I4ibrarr peardl W,111 sent and instalied-the new officers, week-end with. Miss Joyce Croth- held its atilanal-meeting and social for the year, ors at Win Wham' and attended a ,eVening :Fig- Orp , rY Mrs, Bosnian • expresSed a word. on 'd lanua '24 in Farrier at her borne, in Wingliam be shown 'and t is hoped, to • ha ks to the past president, 91,1 Monday evening, *1,4)041 '§0.0,40, 1„;tiach, -,140 mrs,. Moss Anderson, for the , birthday party for Miss_ , Marion •the cornrittinity :Centre; There Will f t . . , Mr. and. Mrs. George Nesbitt and he •serve4 fhe'beard, did work she had done, during her RrErinivr. ,pri , PP unnia, ge' Intlers ilt Knox Evening Weekly Euchre' a Auxiliary Hoot; two years in office. The minutes and roll call were read by Mrs. Ralph McCrea, .tr'easurer's report ANNuAL mEETING Or TI,.,2_410,04,,,p,m 4,4m004#440, Weitttv, -fyscA, va, . • • o....,!" 11;' • '' • . Pleate Note . . .' .........,_,CRADEMARKS, 1.0. . • ''i. r • . I;i7'.:..1: r.: . I; .... •••• III • ...... LT --.f i,",_ i. ',' • Iii 01 : We will, measure your room and quote yOU a' price at no obligation.. IF Nsi.i'.:::.cio tioikc-;:a..-aeai,,, we ,. , e ; ••,!, PUT IN NEW FLOORS,..t: 'YOU WILL AG Rest: . ....dir Ikvp''" OLD FLOORS srAvii• 0: , ..4i._‘ -so sioilex., '.:.,il'4 , ...-.1. ' o‘' ''''' '. " Ir-,..... • by Mrs, RObert Grasby, And other III annual reports were read by the , . various secretaries, There were MI OQ ON home and 27 visits to the sick , NI ' And shut-in reported. III i"• 4 f ' ' 'o z .!1Mrs.. Lowis , Stonehouse, Mrs. libbers Wits * ; , . 6,4d. Mrs. Harold III ;. VV'alsh were &Tried a committee to IIIII 'purchase, and send the allocation of n III 1., sirs giftsf and two pairs of socks to r /tie ', ,. . • • "simply' aecretary; •by the first of 78 May 111 , Member's: Were named of, the • World bay iPrayer to be held in February. The next meeting will be held at the 'home of Mrs, Robert Grasby with Mrs. Leslie Bolt's. group in, charge. ^ • " 0111111111i11111111mummossulltimillimmisamlamaanisminsinnusinfiniamajouniumamloili • • .n L OR ING.;, %x.1% No. 2 grade OAK FLOORING 24c sq. 'ft. 1% No: 2 grade BIRCH FLOORING 21c sq. ft, • F 0 MN0A OUR G110!K PNIARA.VF,l—The rneinhere -of the choir Of KnOX IJOItell Church held theik annual meeting fogl Soefai evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs.„.Leslie Bolt on Friday. The Meeting opened with a Pray- *e by the Ow., A report of the last meeting was read by MSS 1.04 :q00 andlhe treasurer's report, was also read by Miss. Goll, .4; report of choir practice, showing an attend-:santiejledals,1,2waest' egeilivcer ebayri amnrds,leco,otni Preeter, who also exPresSed •her thanks to' the chbir for their co- operation during the past year, The election of. officers follows; President, Mrs: Carl aPsroacn- tor; who also ex,presAect her tor; iseeretary-treaporer, Miss Lois Doll; music committee, Roy Mun- dy„Mrs, George Michie and Mrs. George Johnston; gowt committee; Miss Patsy Logan, Miss Ila Pen- gelly and ,George Johnston; social conamittee, Miss Eleanor Walsh, Miss Ruth Procter, Bill Coultes and Earl Anderson; lunch committee, Mrs: -Leslie,. Belt, ,Mrs, Stewart Procter and Mrs, JaMes Walsh; choir recording secretary, Mrs. Carl Proctor, It was moved and seconded by Ross Anderson and George John- aton that .a librarian schedule be drawn' up. Moved and seconded by Mrs, Stewart Prpcter and Miss Ruth Procter that George John- ston look after getting a, rack for , music in the vestry. It was left till a later date to plan for 'a crokinole social, Mr. Mundy expressed his sincere appreciation to the choir for their efforts in attending rehearsal and on Sundays and for their co-opera- thin, The social committee conducted cdritests and games and lunch was served:' Earl Anderson expressed a word of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bolt for the use of their home for this meeting. . . C. G'I T Meeting Held Friday BELGRAVE—Fourteen members answered the roll call at the regu- lar meeting of the C,G,I.T. on Fri- day evening The worship service, led by Sandra Chamney and Janet Beeeroft, opened the meeting, starting with •a hymn and medita- tion by' Sandra, Psalm 8 was read by Janet, followed by a hymn. The Story *as read by Janet ,and San- dra, closed the service with prayer. • The Purpose was repeated arid the secretary's' report and roll call was :read by Lorna Bolt, The group decided to hold a, skating party some time soon, Marilyn Pengelly and 'Jean Hanna Will be' in charge or the. worship at the next, meeting on J'zinnary"31St. The offering was received and the meeting closed With Taps. • . • .Y.VELLItIGIST4IIJRON Libe.ralH ASSOciatS -.A1111ial EleCtion:f c Ia • . - THE TOWN' H.ALL- HARRISTON urs.9 Jan. 3 at 2.00 p.m. aticer $1,41AiiiDn Tire Hon. Farquhar Oliver, NOY. Everybody Welcome J. G, McQUeen, D. M. Aitchison, ERESIMINT SIEORETARY, God Save the Queen . , -Cat I ''" . TINS SPECIAL 1 2 -O Z. TENS SPECIAL: 2o-oz. . xs LI $ i 57 9C LO 230 390 , , myna 0 - • ,., r ;STOCK UP AT THIS LOW PRICE • . [NATURES BEST— CREAM STYLE 9 CHOICE CORN . 'REAL VALUE! —'NATURES BEST —• CHOICE 'TMATO JUICE 2 ° O DELICIOUS FRUIT —.MITCHELL'S A APPLE SAUCE 4 SERVE CHILLED —.HEALTHFUL DEL MONTE DRINK irs SPECIAL 'Pineapple & Grapefruit 0 DELICIOUS SERVED ON TOAST ST. WILLIAMS —TWO FRUIT (WITH PECTIN, .-,ssispi_i MARMALADE . 1.ezmi , dap TREMENDOUS VALIIE!,7•D.S.L. BLACK CEL0F SPDPIAL 1 LO it . . no . 109 ,, ,, TEA BAGS ,. i . `FRESHLY GROUND " " ' ' ' • ' 'EARLY MORNING COFFEE ' ,'-kal : MAKES A DELICIOUS CARE CHOCOLATE OR WHITE ei i sPrciA 04 PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 0 All il Olnu gu u FOR ALL YOUR BAKING MONARCH FLOUR 7-LE. BAG 7r -UP 5-50 WHITE OR PASTEL COLOURS— WESTMINSTER ' ROLLS TOILET TISSUE 8 AL spr1890 CLARK'S — IN CHILI SAUCE . BEANS WITH PORK 2 1 T5- msC)Z. 330 HORSEY BRAND • TIN GRAPEFRUIT 'SECTIONS ' 20c Economical 'Spread: Stock up! - Regular SPECIAL 1 lb. pica's. Tulip MARGARINE 4 for $1.00 . „ . BISCUIT FEATURE ! - PARTY TREAT 350 I CHOCOLATE M 25 ALLOWS pncIAL! RISC PKG • FEATURED THIS WEEK ON DOMINION'S "FUN WITH FOODS" , TELEVISION COOKING SCHOOL WHITE OR DEVILS FOOD 25-OZ. ake lines PKG. Betty Cracker C 350, . - FROZEN FOOD Mira Value - Heel', Chicken or Turkey 8 oz. pleg. SPECIAL BANQUET PIES , 4 for r Oeettit Pres•It - I5otibli 16 oz. pkg. SPECIAL PERCH FILLETS 2 fo,c,59C Tender, Tasty - ltirdseye Pitney 10 oz, pkg. SitIgdith GREEN BEANS • .. 2 for Jacidtliftil, N ut r i t ion s - Dentin ion ORANGE J '.1 0 - , 99c 49c 6 oz. tilt . . site ?Xs 33c 29c fliZo litPa 43c bag 17c lb. bag $1,291 25 .._-1,„p..., 1. '111Manit 91 U.S., No, 1 Crisp, Solid . Large HEAD LETTUCE ..... .... ... . . 2 for Ilorkla No, I 111fars1i Slio'00's SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT ... 5 for California No, 1 - Crisp Jeallbe GREEN CELERY STALKS .. 2 for oittA, NO, i Yellow 3 lb, poly COOKING ONIONS , , .. .0 4161N1la.41{ Ontario No. ( .I . Guaranteed geed ttoolors 50 P 2 i 4 1 . VALUES EFFECTIVE IN AvINGItArit MN. 23,24, • j. 179,N.;!!4?*11A tl.i. ,.1,. 'N.'1; . is lot theti41014 wail More . .. z 0010114.10p stoRes 14m1,Tflp , • • •R• ,1% No. 2 HARD MAPLE FLOORING.' ••21c sq. ft. ,. Beautifill Hardwood floors are still the• Best 111". - floor your Money can buy. .•