HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 2Those of us outside the news-
paper business seldom, give much,
thought to writing articles for
publication, Even when we do the
reallzation of all that Is entailed
deeS not Strike I now find. MY.
self in the position of having to
give the matter serious thought
and believe me, there has never be-
fore been so Much "bead scratch-
ing" and "finger-nail biting",
As regular readers know, the
publishers of The Advance-Times
have for several weeps, run a,
BOX 473
Awards Presented
At tThited.Churgh
wttomalut.--1:* sunc1.4.y, Jantt.,
ary t9th, the following united.
otairob• S.S. pupils were awarded::
Coupland, Murray
Gibson, I‘,17irvin Xvfa.ean; and year
Seals, Garry chaMberS, Dale ,Me-
Lean, Elaine Sanderson; Wayne
Sanderson; 4th. year, Leone Cham-
bers, Gaii Statia; Mh. year, Connie
Gathers, Anne Douglas, Louise Ed-
ear, Carol Louttit, Carol NeWton;
eth yea; Brenda Lathers, Daisy
Gibson, Helen McGee; 1th year,
Catherine Edgar, Catherine Me'
Donald; all, year, Bonnie Edgar,
Davey Edgar, Murray McLean;
9th year, Billie igginS, p.0.1.it gig-,
gins; 11 year, -Shirley McMichael;
14 year, Bonaltl"MeMichael.
25th January
There's no' a day in a' the year
That kitties up my fancy ,
Like goal aln -Robia's natal day,
For backward then I glance aye
An' see the 'bard aliint the ploo',
An' hear him croon his sonnet,
An' watch his witehin', pibrcin' een
Glow 'neath his braad blue bon-
0 wee] I min' when but a loon,
An' lite was unee bonny,
that he fir'e'd my Yonthfii"
An' was .my, dearest crony;
I lauohed wi' him, I pat wi' him,
lo'ed him, like a brither,
An' beggars, de'ils an' outty-sarks
Ran thro' my head thegither.
If Robin said ckch.t. oot a' place,
I swear•Inever kent it.
He filled. my soul wi' noble thochts,
An' siccan pietOres pentit
CA' '''n'Y;eeptaliii.rrd8stocihtnit-tdrriinveitin c
That my, young h'eart grew salt
an' sad
For a' that foeht.11fe',s battle.
A no.!,stwvvraIolimennsa4n%.!iteio:ea,iyngwoinmal7telt!ng
Ilk neebour lassie seemed a
For I was unee human; '
The commonplace grew roSy-hued,
Theelousaky was rainbow-tinted,
An' love peeped thro' the darkest .
An' on my heart it glinted.
Let ithers-talk o' Robin's fan'ts
Wi' pharisaic sneevil—
Bring ey'ry weakness tae the tap; Wi' his name play the deevil--
4,-Araithee.itwad; *puirtith , fend
Wi' tender-hearted Robin
Than' live in palaces wi' lords,
Ite0 -hob fibbbiii'.
—Alex Walker
Gaviller, McIntosh
' & Ward
Chartered Accountants
' Ileli'Teleplione Ehig.
Walkerton, Ont.
R. K. titch, Manager - ,
33A Wesi Street Telephone 1501
ii Rev, C. F. johnson,11,,Th. -: Rector i
i Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist • .....---
il ...-
• Third Sunday after Epiphany .1
• .-,--..
ii H ,a.m.---Motning Prayer 1
1 Z30 p,m.----Stinday School
7,00 p.m.—Evening Prayer a
. , - i
i * * * i i
Monday; Jannar 2 8
koon —A nnti Mehi(
I l
ti :Z:ishom,
"Stop" Signs Mean What They Say!
This is the sad case of a truck driver who failed to heed
the silent cottunind of a "stop" sign. ttesdlt — heavy
property damage . personal injuries and human
suffering . . and the disgrace of charges under The
Highway Traffic. Act.
Advanoe,..Timoi..Sofety Tlps
* . „
You will nioite, within the next
few sentences, that we are about
ready to cash in our chips. We are
going to criticise ladies' styles, Slav-
ery to fashion is clothing our wives
and sweethearts in apparel that is
apparently designed to convince the
male that he only dreamed there
were women , in this world. Hats
now Took like soup kettles; suits and
coats are modelled after grandma's
flannelette nightgown, ,
The most attractive clothes 'wo-
men ever put on, are those which ad-
mit the -fact that the ladies are, after
all, females, Most meri, for whom,
most women do their dressing up,
like their women to look like Women,
the ' most beautiful things in the
world. •
lhowever, we'll say no more. 5u'st
glanced out the window in tired to
see a line looking young lad walk by
with his head trimmed to h earµ
baldness on top and two great fans
of hair waving in the breoe at both
'Side, Let's call' it quits,
The Wingham.Advanceiritnes,
pow:0101*i *fittigiotin, Oittirit;
Wenger Thtitlietif, liUtAloihett,
%V. BRA* Wetigeri Niter'
MOW** Audit Itititeatt
AOthOrlied /5066iiii lilt( Milt,
Petit oftite
inhoteriptIos /trite On Veit $3.66,, Rlilr **As
S. A. 'KO *et *oar
tengitti'ltatiit ISO *AU: ' •
AtiVeititang 'Mao 04 r, It itl
• k
•000040//e4.0.0/4.00•Netr4.*40r011.01mato/.P10/0400/0111.. kil0.1001*PWoorfoffe/tferfrer$,
'7 7 INtarthoa A..4v0oLee,-Timea.,•1
Accidents Are My Business
kly Prov. Constable "Bob" Lewis TRUE ENTMAINMENT •
70.41/o44 444
0$0 e Calcium
in a- form proven to be. the mist readily assilpiliated by ,grajtanix,
1 lb. 65c 5 lbs. $3.25 •
family„ The youngsters in thous-
ands of homes who must have talk
ed their parents inth letting them
stay up an extra half hour to see
the Sullivan show should certain-
ly have been enriched by the -20-
minute spectacle of a drug addicted
mother, a father and son clearly
branded as drunkards and all with a
fair sprinkling of profanity.
Perhaps our mentality is not too
keenly attuned to all that is fine in
the arts, but we still prefer our en-
tertainment St. Helens style. I. D. A. Special Prices
Jan. 22nd
Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Wed.,
SAVE, 10c - reg, 430
IS oz. bottle , 39c Wed,, Jan, 29th
A tested & highly refined
$9e 1,t4 ON MY WAY 70 '
16 Oz. bottle — . 69c ;
Safe Heat - guaranteeirl year,
3-speed switch .. $3.99,,
Quickly neutralizes overadditY
Reg. 35c & 60c 29c, 49c
Through all the noise and corn-
-motion entailed in the selection Of a
neiv leader at the Liberal convention
in Ottawa last week, one strong
thought finally emerged, One of the
important delegates. from' Winnipeg
gained almost universal support
from the floor of the convention
when he demanded‘ that the officers
of the Liberal, organizafnin be se-
lected from the rank And file
hers rather than from the NIP's and
Senators. ,
The delegate was expressing, of
course, nothing more than the elec-
tors of the ctumtry made clear last
June, The Liberal party' 'andthe
Liberal government had, through
the long years of administrative
power and re-election, grown a little
too far removed from the ordinary
Noxzema Skin. Cream
A treat for your skin
Giant 10 0z. size - $1.25
Noxzema Instant
Aerosol bomb
Save 39c 59c
• 41 •
'Prom time to time you have no
doubt heard a friend or acquaintance
r liAtinch forth,into a tirade about the
eartlessness of big business .and
e men who control the larger
enterprises. It is quite Commonly
helieved that larger companies and
corporations are operated for the
sole purpose of extracting the great-
Tst number of dollars in the fastest
possible way.
With- this theory we disagree.
h, yes, there may be some heart-
Jess buAiness moguls,- but it would
`be equally true to say that there are
finite a few heartlesS people in the
'less remunerative walks of . life. If
IS Ot11= contention` that hic, business
his, developed. a pretty ' keen'sense
oPi'esponsibility for those Who are
:not so fortunate.
A le* weeks acio we attended the,
first rneeting'of a commission which
C E1 S pgEscaiprioni DRUGGIST
Du8.4PPY Rao/WIT Tiqgu• REVLON
EditOr, The Advance-Times,
Wingham, Ont,
Dear .Sirs
I was _certainly naught in the
;wisdorit-noose of that guest editor-
ial of your current issue, in which
'your distinguished conternPorary,,
!Christian Science Monitor', deals
,With "Two-barreled Canadian Wis.!
Om" and finds that Canadian.
foreign policy has established it-
self in the eyes of the East, Weat,
and neutral worlds as one of re-
,fteshirig sanity". ,
. While it is not hard to concur
with External Affairs Minister Sid-
'ney Smith in urging Canadians tc
"keeps our powder dry and put the
hand out", this rural reader is con-
vinced that the free nations, and
especially the people of the United
States and Canada, have,not mad(
sufficient use of their unappreciat-
ed food and fiber abundance, in
their approach te'the global Strug-
gle -,'at 'the ideological level- at
either side of the so-Called 'Iron
Curtain. In a sense, the extent tp
which these two lands' of abun-
dance' have made use of their ,sci-
called 'food surpluses' has been
conditioned ,and distorted by the
natural competition for old mar--
kets, and new, In my humble
judgment neither has benefited by
this orthodox 'marketing struggle,
and only the causes — also the po-
tential beneficiary under-fed
peoples—have been hurt•
Look, for example, at the follow
ing 'picture, ' drawn by President
Eisenhower in. his Stale of the
Union Message . "Conuess, last
"My friends one great - obstacle.
to the economic aid program • it
the past has been, not' a rationa
argument against it' on the merits
but a catchword: "Give-away pro
"give-away", Let's stick to facts
We cannot afford Lri.-116.Pa "a1-1
It would no doubt 'be the same,
with any party which held the -reins •
for 22 years. Over-confidence and
intimate knowledge of the nation's
problems led to the belief that. the
plain, simple Canadian-rieed'-ridt 'be .
• co salt too-- often •.norrxept:•too
formed. • The recent demand •
..4V•ai'thecoriVen'tidti that them e,
atAarge make tip the strengtkof,the —
• Libert.1 `part a-perfettly ound., . t, ;•. , • • • r .7: • One.,-- .thOse )1;,--5 .--to are - elected,:to
series of illustrated items with tho
Went on "Safety". This series Is
now moving into the field of traf7
fie safety, Well against my better
judgment, I have agreed to at.
tempt the writing of g column
each week, for as long as the
series remains in this particular now,
We in the :Police forces '
taxi° are fast coming to the realiz-
ation that in addition to 'law en-
forcement we have a ditty which'
is every bit as important. . , the
duty of educating both motor ye-
mole drivers t.itel pedestrians in
the essentials of safe driving and
safe -walking. We find ourselves
in the position where we must
show the driver of today's high-
powered automobile that inatten-
tive driving and disregard of high-
way traffic laws is tantamount to,
Suicide, •
If we 'are unable to get these
facts across to the driver, the al-
ternative is to scrape him off the
highway after he has taught hint-
self—"tne 'hard way",
With this in mind. I intend' to
,try each week, to pass along to
you the little things I am able to
learn from the mistakes that
others make, those mistakes Which
appear to have caused the varioUS
'accidents and mishaps that I am
efilled upon to investigate.
" ;During the winter weather, of
tpurse, our accident rate increases
and one thing T have noticed about
4iany of the eatligonii I investigate
is that-;oxie; or ,-btith .,the drivers
Will coine up,'wittathe "I
*dot NV. as
it,bink me callotiOaqm /"suggest
that this, tishally care-
lessness or: the part of the driver.
Llloweyer, if you have to drive
op days when road
eonditions are
p9or effhtt
to find a clear piece of highway
with no traffic • near and then to
apply your •brakes_ 'and . find out
how your vehicle reacts? And When
you turn off the highway onto a
Sideroacr, just a few seconds for
45. repeat performanee ,will often
pay dividends,
This little test immediately tells
You whether it is safe to drive up
to the legal limit or whether you
Should reduce that speed.by SO or.
-Mith this knoWledge you can 'avoid al-
'Most all the 'hazards you arelikely
'to -Meet,' 'arra 'YetHean' be-sures-that
you will not have to say to an in-
vestigating officer, "I didn't know
the road was so slippery!"
Next week I hope to be able to
give you full partieulars of a safe-
ty campaign which the Wingham
Ont at St, Helens the folks have
been enjoying concerts presented in
their .comuumity hall by what is
, often referred to as "local talent",
What relief it must be to enjoy
the real, basic pleasure which can be
had from such an entertainment,
We suite that they have well-filled
and varied programs and apparently
those who can sing, recite or play a
musical intrument are willing to
pitch in and make the concerts suc-
Row sharply this clean, gratify-
mg and unsophisticated form of en-
terrainment differs from some of the
programs which come gushing from
- our TV sets every evening. A, good
case in point would be the blood-
curdling presentation of tlr: gd Sul-
livan slidw last Sunday evening,
when.a-group of 'talented actors pre-
sented scenes from a play based on
the home life of the Wilms O'Neil
1.11110.01.1.00•1*OraniP0411m1M114•0••••••04/KRNI*011111•Kiallm.10.0.1MI*1141!*-.1006 111011/40•16•111•
11PC solves over Y2 million
money problems a year.
will, devote the next few Months, Painent_niuSt. be 'rernindett,that. `thdr Department andzge W'
e study Of the ,resources and .in- nient o:t.' a nation — only •the repi-e- ..1?9:„,.,...,run4ittly celemtion
.;comes,, of Ontario's older people.
.1! !tete: 7,5 no remuneration for the
41Vonk invOlved, and the 'members
nlittst. travel to „Toronto• :for. the
meetings -at their own expense. We
were surprised to find that more
gram." The fact is that no .:rives%,
ment we fria4,Offelr
Can pay us gr.e4t4r".Mil:liderid's tTia?
necessary amounts of ecpnpaie -,fi-,1
to friendly nations. 'this ;slx
tore 's.razacsma4eAtV1).iri, 41 More people borrow from
RFC than any other ,con
sumbr finance company:
Reason: HFC has an 80-
year reputation for helpful
advice on money manage-
ment and prompt, friendly
service on loans. You can
borrow up to $1,000 from
HFC with repayment tenni
you choose.
sentatives of ,a people who' govern
,I0,1 i't th:i: r, •
The .Advanceerfirres,• anal: Ct.rKNX1'
'TV •
41, ;toll; ''157"/.0111.c.,:i
;perhaps even 'two or :three -years to
- are,not.,in thethse145,
T Eye no' 'one forget th,e ,our most essential security pro Remember, the item ,of
, i programs shot down wyti?, men t'rWhi eh! ,e..4hVes-Salibht of AttclaYCS eral party has contribirte yasily-to . slogan!" accidents is "The nut that holds'
the progress of • Our natiOn.'''Init's' GREEN MITI' the steering wheel!"
strength lies a- fair share of Canada's r-s • 'or/P rs,,
) • • ,
rhan half of the men on the •corn
• mission were leaders business,
:people Whose day- are jammed with
appointments acrd' duties. They are
cOrning froth as far-afield as Ottawa
TA the east to Windsor in the west,
i try give their time and energy to a
project which is entirely philan-
thropic. They are not the sort who
are ever likely to benefit• personally
you any improvement legislation
I1 old age assistance.
It is strange how we can fall into
"The habit of blindly classing a whole
tp as greedy or selfish. When
t sort-of thinking is put fo the
test. it is almost invariably found to
be pitted with error.
Modern money service backed
by 80 years of experience
hope for lasting democratic. prin-
ciples, It will bea ,find thing for the
entire nation if the everyday voter
is put back into hiS proper place.as
the most iniportant entity in our • pOliticai systetn, —
Safety Is our usiritadss
+.1•1“..4fIltf111111, "ii" 161111.1111111110.1.11111 iiiii lrll iii„ 11,11.111E1.111111 111 iiiiiiii I ii I iiii itii ,,,,,,, I,,, ............... 1161.1,1.!
ingbam (orp
2.30 p.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL '
COINING February 15-16--Ladies' Trio from West Toronto
iiiiimmtitmwwwww . filimoiiii .. mmimmmoromimwoimmmmoirwmm!mi00 *im
4111•111•11111111,1•111 •111111 •111•11•41114.110111•1,1i,1•Halltillit: .E. • • .. •
- - - i * • ..44140' ' . .• . lir , _111
. alit 11L CD :
= '
t "'*'''One 0i our' favorite editorial
-lows seems to he the Ladies' Aux-
iilialry• to the Wingham General l-Tos-
,pital, but this time we cannot resist
the temptation to remind you of the
4tory which' appeared in last Week's 4 site" is of -the Advance-Times, con-
' taining the annual report of the
The report included, without
ACrther comment, the list of articles
Jp.ade by the ladies for the hospital
and they run into the thousands.
There must have been hundreds
upon hundreds of hours of work
'involved the making of this tit.-
inendons amount a needed hospital
'Ms particular brand of service
to° ones* fellowmen it something we
• atWays find impressive, It is a much
,> simpler matter to thetely dig into
Wes pocket and hand out a quick]. y
&rotten' five dollar bill when the
requegt for a• dOttation comes along.
yVYc woold venture the opiniott that
kapital. rata it Whighain would be
onsiderably higher the hundreds
90 items ltd by The ladies had to
ptreOlased4n e omplete form.
;;" .6•
• 1„,;iL ..„