HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-22, Page 1ENG AGEMIlINT
Mrs. Loretta Ste. Marie of. Wing-
ham wishes to announce the en-
gagement of her daughter, Doreen
Theltiria of Guelph, to Joseph
Alfred “Dirksing, 'of Edmonton;
Alberta, son .of the late Mr, and.
Mrs. Alfred Dirksing, the marriage
takes: place at -St. James R. C.
Church, Edmonton, On February
8th at 10 o'clock. - F22b
A Card party at Glenannan
School will be held on Friday,
January 24th. Everyone welcome.
Proceeds for Turnberry•Pool Fund.
Ladies please bring lunch,
• F22b
children playing ,Tee-VVee, hockey
in Wingham. This committee will
'consist of two members from the
Legion, Firemen, Lien and Kim-
Ross Dundas will be the chair-
man for the brociinball league,
Which will' get Under.way ,in the
near future, Prospeetive: teams ere
firemen, Hydro, Berry, Door and
Xclass will 'begin irnmedia
under the instruction of , Roy
Major and Barry Wenger in model
airplane littildirig for the eight
youngsters who applied,
There was no action taken in
regard to square clanging; due 'to
Slight interest 'shown. 'Anydne in-
terested in square dancing shoeld
Contact the Reereation Council,
Mulvey - Pesti:di—That 'we ap-
point Mrs. Alex- Corrigan and Wil-
liam Peacock to the Bluevale Hall
Board for a term pf two years.
Foxton - Appleby—That we- ap-
point Montieth and Montieth as
auditors for 1058,
Appleby - Mulvey—That We in-
struck the clerk to prepare By-Law
No, 3-08' to apply for road subsidy
approval on an ,eXpenditure of
$35,000,00 'divided as follows: Cen-
Struction of roads, $8,000; 'bridges
and culverts, $3,000; new machin-
ery, $4,500.00; misc., construction,
$1, 00; inainteratnee, of roads,
$15,000; culverts and bridges,
$1,000; Prise, on nialeteriance,. $2,-
Foxton -, Mulvey—Thal; the elerk
he instructed to prepare By-Law
No. 4-58 ,te ,salaries of treasurer,
reeve and coutrelilers.
Mulvey -•Fordore-,That we in-
strut the clerk •to prepare By-law
No. 0-58 setting' January 24th as
nomination day from 1 p.m. to
pair, to, fill 'the O'Malley Of one
couneiline and eleetion if -riceSsary
on Saturday, February 1st., item
9 am, to 6 pin.
The following officials be ap-
pointed toturning officer&-46hii V.
Fischer, SUb-DiVisliari No, 1, ben
D.R,O., Mrs, Los Mc-
bougall, Poll Clerk; Stili-Div. No.
Alex Corrigan D.R.O, Mrs, Alex
Mebtankiti, Poll Clerk; SubAblv,
No, 3, Gordon. Wray, b.K.O., Bar-
Old Grant, P'Oti Clerk; Sub-biV.
No, 4, Sam Marshall, D.R.O., Cliff
Hefter. Pell Clerk,
APPlebY redden—That By-Law
(PleaSe *torn. to Page Tee)
Increases of .10 perm onth for
two-party residence telephone Ser-
vice' in Wingham and Of .20 per
month for one party residence lines
Will go into effect on January 31,
H. P. Johnston, Bell Telephone
manager here has announced.
The new rates 'were authorized
in an order issued 'by the 'Board of.
Transport Cominisaioners last Fri-
The inereatie fdr one-party flat
rate brisiness service is .35 Monthly
and ter two-party business er-,
vice ."20 monthly,
On a reaidential phone riervitti
the new rate will be $3.65 tts aem-
pared With the present $3.45. The
same phone 'on LWO-Party line
will go tip from $2,85 to 0-.95.
rot business phones on a One'.
party line the netv Tate is $6.20
compared with the present $5.85,
The-party plumes will be $6.05
where the present rate, of $4.85
prevails. There is 11.6 illetOit8e
the Wee Of extensions for tither
business or residential,
W it6 which is amalgarnated the Gorria Vidette and Wrnaeter New*
WINGHAM, DNT,ABIO, WEDNES,OAki.' teaNt011'il 02; 194'
,µ•,• 04 •
'ears. Further Rail Service'
10 for February• Meeti
Ninety Lust Week
"Bed" Houghton, populay, yeling
member of several local champion,-
ship bail ,and hockey teams Wbe
has been serving with the RCAF
for the past la months, has ,ro.
mustered into branch"of tap I
service for which he should he
Wroxeter Woman Fire Threatens.
Friday of this week, January .24
has been set as nomination day
for the Township of' Turnberry:
when nominations will be received
for the • °Mee of one councillor to
fill the position left vacant by the
death of Percy King. •
If •an election is found necessary
It will be held on Saturday,' Febru-
arY 1st.,
Nominations will be received at
the township hall in Bluevale be-
tween the hours' of one and two
o'clock in the afternoon,
Fire f of .undeterrnined origib
broke out, shertly after ten o'clock
on, Friday evening- at the C. Lloyd
& Son plant on -John Street. The
Wingham' Fire' Department re-
sponged with both trucks and
when the firemen reached the
plant flames were visible for some
distaece above the roof:
Prompt action, by factory ern:-
ployees and the -fire brigade con-
trolled the blaze before any serious
damage .had ,occurred .The • fire
WaS,eonfined•'to' the ,sawdust bin
and did :not break into the plant
proper,. „
Suffers Burns
Miss Elva Hupfer suffered see-,
and 'degree burns to her left hand
and entire right arm on Wednes-
day when she emptied a small con-
tainer of oil ,Into the furnace at
the home of her •brother, Mr.
Vernon Hupfer, Vernon 'had just
drained the oil from .a pressure
pump. She is being treated in
Wingham General Hospital,
admirably suited, Be is pow tak-
ing `basis training as 'a recreation
specialist, and ;will go 'onto a
course in this field in the Spring,
Red, Who is now stationed at.
Aylmer, is at present playing
hockey net only for the RCAF
team bilt ffir the tow'''. Aylnler
as well. Last summer he was, thp
pitcher on, an all-star ball• team
in that area. iri
A thorOughly happy ,member Of
the air force, Red tells us that ae
Intends to remain In the service
ter the 20-year enlistreent peeled.
He'is at present 'spendling leave
with-his parents, Mr, and' Ittr13.
Len Houghton at 'rceswater.
BY The Pedettlfiall
SPectatore at the hockey game
on Wednesday night last were
tickled to see a former Wingham.
resident, :reek Pym, now of Kina
eardine, appear on the ice as a
referee. Did a geed job, too.
()- 0 0
CHANCE AT A kAST 01.101(e-
Pleyerse and .suppOrters of the
Wingham Crawford. Dodgers, are
selling tickets* again this year, in
`an effort' to attract• a few more
hockey fans to the, arena for their
games. If.yotere there and your
ticket is drawn collect a $50.00
door, prize.
mayor H. B. VoKinneY 'h4wv
plied to Te94e4t, from Cana fam
National Railways," asking for 4."
meeting., with town oftieight On
February 28th, The meeting wig
be held in, the council charnber in
Although the ,purpose of tha
meeting 'was• not stated, 4'19 ex=
petted that the, railway inay wiirl
to re-open discussion& in tefitiat
the curtailment of passenger ee
'vice through this Cowin on, the
an brch line which runs fropi
merston to ,Southampton.
Some time ake:the railway com-
pany approached municipalities
along this line with the Warta* to eta 'off passenger aerViee4, dale
to sharply decreased busine,ss,
the 'communities protested, the
move so vehemently at that time
that the matter ayes 'dropped
the time, In the 'interval- SiMilar
service has been discontinued, by •
the, Canadian Pacific RallWey, so
that such a move by Canadian
National would mean that. :there
would be no rail passenger, sea**
of any kind tel Wingham.
Represenatives of the miznipip , „,
ties affected have repeatedly, etrie..
gested that the railway trY
establishment of some sort. of rail-
way vehicle which would provide
faster service to and from Temente"
each day, in the belief that,,the
increasing traffic congestion
around the metropolitan area is
speedily creating a situation :riata
which rail traffic• bUsiness will
John Langridge of the CKNX
staff, Is sporting a real, aprto-date
walking cast as the result :et a
mishap, at the week-end, Showing
the youngsters "how to do it", his
' foot Was caught between the wall
of his. garage and a fast-moving
tobo'Rgan, Examination disclosed a
broken ',bone,
0 - 0 0 ,
• ,
rai Prospect
The death of a former pastor of
the. Wingham Baptist Church took
place in Brampton, on Friday,
.with, the passing of the. Rey. Glen
Wardell, in his 60th -year,
Rev. Wardell served for several
years. as pester of the local church,
leaving Wingham about' 35 years
He is, survived by his wife, the
former Maude HeWatson; 'two
sons, Donald of Brampton and
Harold 'of Montreal and a daugh-
ter, *Rah, of New York A sister,
Mrs. Blain,"-resides at Cedar Lake,
Service was held on Monday
afternoon at Calvary Baptist
Church in Toronto and interment
was in 'the Brampton Cemetery.
Since almost all the toWns in..
this area are seeking the,astablisbia
merit of new industry it is felt that
a complete lack of railway passen-
ger 'Service •would place them at a
distinct disadvantage •in the . in-
dustrial market,
- , • Social Gathering
For Mrs. Slade
About fifteen friends: and neigh-
bors of IVIrs, Lawrie Slade gather-
ed in her honor at the home.,, of.
Mrs. Jack. Lewis, prior to the de-
parth - of ---the.--Slade—family---tp
their new home:Art.041ton:
During the. evening several cona,
tests were held, when Mrs. George
Richardson, Mrs. Johns,,Strong, Mrs.
John Crewson and Mrs, A: D. Mc-
Murchy Were the winners,
' Mrs, Richardson made an in-
formal address and presented, Mrs.
Slade :with six crystal goblets it
cornflower pattern, and a corsage
of 'pink roses, The recipient thank-
ed her friends for the gift and
their thoughtfulness, and expressed
her regret in leaving the neighbor-
Following a very pleasant even-1
ing, a buffet lunch ,was enjoyed.
Mrs, Elwood Irwin, Diagonal, Road,
assisted Mrs. Lewis in the -plan-
ning and preparatiori for the
W. Cash "Attend -, 'Pent' gue'std" frdm. Garierre . in-
cluding Past District ,DeplitiaGoV-
ether Ken 'Penniligton' 'Club
President Len McGee *ere present
for the meeting,of, the. local Ichia-
men Club at the Queens IrotePori
Monday evening. The GOdariCla,
Kinsmen 'outlined the 'plaria•',ter a
gathering, which is' to be held in
I the lake town next month and in-
vited the' Wingharn Kinprnen,
attend. .
gin Cal 'Burke reportetHoir the
progress of the forthemningtrit4
fair ,and said that so far.:, every'-
think A, working out smoothly for
this important event, -
Plans for a Kinsmen "carding
bonspiel were also disetisSe.d'..:$n
date has been set for the:iffitirlie
yet. .
President Jabk Walker ,Presided
over the meeting, with Kin Fred
Templernan leading the singing and .
Kin Bill Connell at the piano. Kin
Jack Lloyd collected fintes from all
and sundry and managed to rak4
in an extra heavy haul for one
night. Kip Cy Robinson 'Wet his,
chief 'victim.
Two _raffles were won by •Ros,s.
Hamilton and one of the' Gederieli
The. mayor has, also stated his
satisfaction that even though the
Beatty plant will 'not be located in
Wingham, our neighbouring corn-
Euchre Club Holds
Social Evening
The Wingham Basement Euchre
Club met at the home of R, H.
Thompson last week for 'a social
evening, After a delicious meal,
euchre was played. The election of
officers followed with R,
Thompson elected president. The
secretary-treasurer is Robert Gol-
ley and the committee convener is
Norman Thompson,
former's munity of Lin:know has been selec-parents, Mr. and Mrs: D.
J. Lunn, of Fergus. ted,
Auxiliary Makes Plans
For Possible Disaster
BELGRAVE SCHOOL PAIR Ltd., Si. Johns Ambulance Assoc- ANNEAL MEETING • lation of Rural Municipalities; De-
The annual meeting of, the Bel- , • ' pa.rtment of Planning and Devel- ' grave School Fair will be held in
the Belgrave Corninunity -Centre oPluellt, J, L. Graham and Corn-
ea Thursday, January 23 at 2 p,m, pany,.City, of Sarnia, Good Roads.
Everyone welcome.", ' F22,1,' Association and the Department
of 'Finance,
HOME TO FRIENDS .Appleby MitIvey—That the
Mr, arid Mrs, George clerk be instructed to prepare 133,- R.& 2, Wroxeter Will be at home law No, 2-58 to confirm. the hot' to their friends on Saturday, Feb: rowing of, $:50,000 from the Cana- fternOMi and earening, on 'the clan Bank of Commerce for gen- of their 25 wedding anni-- h F22,29b eral and school purposes. versary,
Firxtoli - Mulvey--That we do
DANCE wita)acemoa , now adjourn for dinner until
- The Community Club Will hold a pain. The, council 'met pursuant to
dance in • the hall Friday, adjoUrniiient at 1,80 pun,
'J'ailearY 24th, with Jerry Reevers Mulvey - Appleby—That 'Harry
orehestra. AdmiSsion 50e. Every-
one F22b weleonte.
The Anitilittrar is holding'
a euchre in the Legion-Home, tin
Monday, January 27th, at 8.15 p.m.
sharp, Good prizes, "Lunch, Every-
. F22b One Welcome.
Elliott be Unpaid:et' as caretaker
of BlUeVate Street lights • at 1 the
same salary,
FOXtein MtilVey—Tlint we post-
pone opening of the application for
the position of 48808$15r Until the
'council is complete,
Appleby - Voxion-That the 'bi-,
finials be authorised to aPply for
the balance Of the toad subsidy for
• ruditsx FittlflAY
'the Wingham Women's Institute
are beildbig a 'euchre In the eel/nail
thafilber FridaY eVerileg,„ joie-
are 24th, at 8,30 therp. AchnisSIOn
In connection With the (Neater
program widen is being set trIrilly
Wingliam General Hospitel, finder'
the Ontario Department of Ue/Ith,,
the executive of' the Ladies' jiara014.,
ary met to lay plans for their per,''
tierilar participation in this pro,
The meeting was addressed. by
Mrs. Morley, adminiattatrix of the,
hospital, and the Auxiliary Presi-:
dent, Mrs, X, Cameron, presided,
A central coimnittee will be
thinned, Which Will stand ready to
assist the hospital personnel. With
any duties Width rrirtY be requir-
ed. Thoth duties might ineltate es-
sistaried hi admitting and Moving
patients, tabidating and Sorting ,
necessary InfOrmat1011, and -looking
after relatives and friends, etc.
There Will also be a ato cOtn:-,
mitten set tip under the $00141
,comMitten of the hospital, whose
duty it will be to assist the Mott-
ChM with eittra, foods and britt-
ago wherever needed.
A large stock 'if aiippliet, lief.
ticularly sheets, towels am Vex.
atots will be provided and Mick
available for Instant use,
With this set-up, the Auftilito ,.
stands ready to move into instant
notion, in bate Of di:Satter, /Melt
as• huS 'accident's, hidustrist htftti,
Patin 'or Water tragedy, his 10161
Outbrealtis of tommunleable. 410
Whighltri* 'can he rillninit loYelY In the Winter as it Is in the eirritirier months., The next nine you are
out attittinf the stop to: enjoy tor tourseit the peke,ettli, be'a'uty of Milne of the triertee tithing. the
totittie bt the riven, 'This is Lower '1iNtwitAiont, with its esitefol elms Wad lone popular tree,-,-A.-T. photo,
Whigham Snertaraleii ASsoinatiOn 1.05e,
meeting will be held the Legion . ; Mulvey vexttoi _irtiel. we in.
Febrinteir Regular businesa: , the nies and Inando,draw take sonic.. the clerk to order Usual
Lunch served, COM° One, Pine copies of the Municipal
e Pres, Ernie King; Sinte- Foxton MirIVOY--That We join
Brian Matealt F2 0b the AsaesSing Officers, Oritathi
Geed ' Roads Association of Rural
Municipalities, Huron' County Soil
and drop improvement and Huron
Ootinty Municipal Officers Assoei.
Mulvey Appleby--That we ap-
cents, Liiriall served,. Good , 'point Thom .s Abraham to the
tirites, /i1Vetyntie iveletime, 'Fibb :Saugaen Valley AlltheritY4Ot
C.' W-Ca'alibk, a representative of
the Imperial Life Assurance Corn-
.. pang in Wingham, has been select-
• ed,to represent the Situgeen Life.
uderwriters' Association at the
.51st anneal general Meeting of the
Life ,Underwriters' .Association of
Canada in Toronto on January 30
and 31.
This organization represents
8,800 'Life UnderWriters in 77 cen-
tres across Canada. "
, Out for a toboggan party on
Isard'S" bill one evening last week
the mernber of the Wingham Wolf
Cub packs suffered" numerous ,.
cuts ,and bruise's, Onedairendea up
With a broken ,tooat, Hot lunch
following the affaiY helped to heal,
some 'the Wealids.• ,
0 - 0 -
In. case you have been foiled in
attempts to reach The Advance-
Times by telephone within the 'past
few •day,S—our number has been
changed. To p'rovide 'More prompt
Service for those who are placing
calls to the neWapaper office we
have ,sequred a second direct line
to the exchange. -A,new number,
was: Made ,necessary, however, and
it is 890Aye hoPe,yeu.Vvill use it.aS
often .possilde,—partleitlarlY
When you', have an Rena for our
personal column.
1 . 4
Ho Nalcso4ii .conventioo . • „
The Inaugural meeting of Turn--
berry Township Council' was held
in the council room on Janpary 13,
The meeting was called at 11 a,m.,
with the ,ReOve W. Jack Willits in
the, chair., Councillors Harry Mul.-
vey,,Herb Foxton and Glenn Apple.-
by' were also present, After taking
their declaration of office the
conned was led in devotional, error.:
eises 'by Rev. R, A. Brook', The
reeve then addressed the meeting
and' asked the council for their
full 'co-operation,
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and 'adopted on motion
by Harry Mulvey and Herb Fox-
Foxton - Appleby—That a vote
of thanks from the township coun-
cil be extended to. Rev. R. A. Brook
for his services. at, the -inaugural
meeting Of council.
Letters were received and read
from the following: Department of
Public Welfare, J. D, Adams Co,
11.abert Storehouse„ a well known resident ,of Belgraye; celehrated
00 birthday at his home on Wednesday, January 15. Mr,-Situreluinse
was born in - East Wawanelsh, the son .of, the late. Elizabeth Itath.and
Itiehard''Stonehouse. A, retired railway man, 11.1 r. Stoneheuse.'aerVed
with' the 'ONR tor 30 years. SittY-one years 'ago on January .,29th he
was married to Agnes Jamieson at the Methodist. parsonage. at •Lidek-
now by the late Rev. L B. Wallwin. He is enjoying good 'health • and
takes a keen interest in what is going on • in the community. '114;'•is a
member of Knox. United Church and it is only in the past,few years
that he has been, unable, to attend services then% Mr. and Mrs.-knife,-
house have six children, Mrs.,•Harry McGuire (Carrie) i lielgrave; Mrs.
IL IL. Count)* (Ellen), Brussels, R.R.. 5; Mrs. Russell, Walker (Agnes)
of Goderichl Norman, of London; Gordon of -Arizona. ,and , Lewis of
Belgrave.. ',there are 12 grandehildren and -21 great 'grandchildren. , •
A meeting:of the Winghttni Re-
TUIINBERRY 1101Ig• with Jack Gorbutt Jr in the chair.
tour it chambers' On january 1.7th,
ereatien Council was h,eld, in the
INAUfiURAL SESSION A minor sports committee- was
formed, under the chal'rrnalaship,'of
Lloyd Carter to look after the 70
The January Meeting of the
Winghara branch .6f the Women's
Institute was held in the ethnical
obanther on Thursday afterniren
with 'Mrs. Robe Powell presiding,
After the singing of the 'Ode and
the •repetition -of the Mary Stewart
Celled. 'Mrs. W. Henry 'read the
minutes, treasurer's, report and
Word 'was "'received' that the
Achievement Day for the '4-
winter project, , "Working, •tv,
Wool" will be held in the,Wiegli`
District High School on Februe,r
8th. •
A letter from the provincial
president was read, as well as
appeal from Dr. Latta, Hitschnian'
ova for articles for the new pre-,
ject, PPullover Parade". La:yettes
were asked far, as well as ,pull-
overs and cardigans to fit children
3 to 15 years. Any pattern with
long sleeve,s will lie acceptable; and
it; was suggested" that odd balls of
yarn he used. The more cetera.
the gayer the garment. The aral,z,
for • the, 'layette need-ribte he
new. layette :will' cot-islet of fear ,
diapers, 2,, onighties, , ',4.2 -jackets; ,2
shirts,'1, tpwelel.calre launctry'soan
a binder; 4 :safety pins.L .MeniberS.
are asked to airing 'articles 'for' 'the
layettes, to the 'February .meeting,
and ,anyone.,ma,y. contribute. ," •
'The roll call' Wii1 driSiVered by -
the name. of a•fish, bird or animal;
found in Northern Canada, It was,
announced that the FebruarY
ing would be in the form of a lam-,
ily night, 'including a pot. luck-
supper and program. Members of
the Junior' Institute are to be in-
Mrs. Burrell was in the chair for
the following program: Singing
of "0 Canada". Mrs. L, t Fortune
spoke on the 'motto, "Wholesome
homes are stepping stones 'to a
great nation." Mrs. Burrell spoke on
Northern Ontario and had several
articles of clothing - on display
that are commonly used in the far
North, Tom „Burrell show,ed slides
and a film, on Northern Ontario.
The meeting closed with the
National '•Anthem and• a social
Prize Tickets
In an effort to :stimulate attend-
,ance at , the• local, arena the mem-
:hors .ef, ;the • Intermediate hockey,
elide, • ahld ,suPporters:of---the,,terini
are again selling tickets on 90 week-
IS, door prize,, If you are present
in the arena when. your ticket is
draWn you will win a $50.00 jack-
pot. If you are not 'on hand the
avvard will be cut to $25,00 but
the kitty:for the.next draw will be
upped , to $60,00. .
Me--and•IVIrs. Joseph Vpgan,
toria, Street, marked the 53rd anni-
versary, of their marriage on Sat-
urday. A dinner:Was held on Sun-
day,''when • •gitests "were Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Haines and Mr. and
Mrs. Ross:Vogan • and• family, of
Wing'ham and , 'Mr: Bruce Vogan,
Last- to
,• , .
Bridg e' ,ClU • b.
Winners' at the bridge club last
Thursday were: Mirth and South,
first, Mrs. J:A. .Wilsoe, 'W. 'H.
French; ',second, Miss Y. McPher-
Son, G.' MacKay;,
Diiridas, .0; 1-10 elirovc. •
East and ' West:, first, Mrs. D.
'Hodgins; second, Mrs.
G,:dddlkin, J. ILl.Crawford; third,
Mrs. W: Henry, •"Mrs. D. B, Porter. •,i, '. • •
." •
J-Mr. S, ,J,'',Valker was in To-
ronto last week when be attended
the furniture show there.
and Mrs. Andy Lunn were
visitors on Saturday with the
Selling -Door ,
What has 'been a, distinct gain
for the village of Lucknow appears
to be AVingham's less, It can now
be stated that repregentatives from,
the firm of Beatty Brothers ;in'
Fergua;,,were negotiating. •for some.
time over the possible purchase of
the Brown factory -building in
Wingham before --they settled on
the Lucknow property. "
Though no one' here is wishing
Lucknow any ill luck, the decisiOn
was a, distinct disaPpoiritment to
Mayor R. B, McKinney, who had
been back and forth to Toronto
and Fergus several times and was
optimistic to the last that Wing-
ham ,aratild secure the new indus-
Beattys' will concentrate the
manufacture of, all their wooden
prod,uets in the new_ cliyi_sien, and
a representative ef- that', company
intimated that if the 'Brawn build-
ing had' been secured upwards of
60 einployees would he required.
The mayor has stated that he
was unable'to secure a renewal of
an option 'on the BroWn building
which he 'held for some time al-
thOugh numerous efforts were
made to secure a renewal. All
negotiations with. the Beatty
firm were carried out in cenfid-
ence at the request of the com-
A lett*. from the Fergus firm to
the mayor expresses their appreci-
ation of the enthusiastic reception
they received in Wingham, and
of the effort which was put for-
ward to bring the new concern to