HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-15, Page 6Carmichael's. January Cloar!oce- Sale. NYLONS Sli ghtly imperfect - 59c pair NURSES' SPECIAL White NYLONS 79 c pair 2 pairs $1.39 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS B Large size $4.44 pair 4.3Drgs, Sweaters oinoN PULLOVERS Regular $4.95 $3.49 ORLON OMMIGANS, Regular 1;105'" $4.95 This oly a factory eleatance or (nor regidar- Lgomere'Sweritersi NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND CARMICHAEL'S THE . PLACE Most Winter Wear at Special Discounts. umnioalwoomnomonlmoborpomn ..r.imonvowivmen.no-n-rwprowoenowrionwaio mww....., . ... p.... . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I,,,,,,iii p, I iii ii iii ed Front Grocery Phone:, Our Prices Are Lower1 Free 590. We Keep Down the Upkee. Delivery WEEK-END FEATURE Donuts VARIETIES PRICED FROM 29c TO 35 .c York - Fancy 20 oz. PEAS ..... 2 for 37c Stokely's Fancy 15 oz. Cream Coin 2 for 33c Allan's 48 oz. APPLE JUICE 31c Fancy Red Cohoe Is% oz. SALMON - 2 for 67c Club }louse' 16 oz. mason PEANUT Butter 39c Zest Sweet 16 oz. Mixed PICKLES 28c BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP 67c PURE MAPLE SYRUP 16 oz. - 43c Stokely's Fancy • TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. — 31c -, Mountain Blend (Ground Fre!ih) lb. COFFEE ... . 95c Bissets -14.1 galloh Large , 91/,t oz. • RICE KRISPIES 29c Robin Hood - White,or At Chocolate,. 21, oz, fatally size (.. CAKE MIX . 35c Sugar Ripe, Dried 8 oz. APRICOTS 49c Cherry Hill ' 8 oz. Honey Butter ... 33c Icing Sugar 2 lbs. 27c ICE CREAM 89c 411011p1,11111111111111 iiiiii iii 101 iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiii i I iiiii i i 1111f111111111ili111116111.elaim11111.111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Isit Plywood Centre New 1958 Price List -y 4 x 8 Good 1 side 4 12c sq. ft. i , 9! %" 4 x 8 Good 1 side . foi. 17c sq. ft. 1/2" 4 x 8 Good 1 side 22c sq. ft. %" 4 x 8 Good 1 side 26c .sq. ft. 4 x 8 Good 1 side 30c sq. ft. 5/16" 4 x 8 Sheathing 10c sq. ft. %" 4 x 8 Sheathing . 121/4 c sq. ft. 1/2 ", 4 x 8 Sheathing 17c sq. ft. 5/8" 4 x 8 Sheathing ... 3/4 " 4 x 8 Underlay Sheathing . . .. . , . , 26c sq. ft. 74 . 20c sq. ft. Join our' Chrlitnicii Club now . . irs o.happy, soitifidtil T'ORCINIVO.DONIINIONE •A 14K t14 L,00Ks AREAb . 0.6401. *1.4.. B. Rt)NSTE01111.j Manage E, Manager Whigloutt.titantl Cowrie THE BANK rbree Local Couples • 11fark, Annuersariea' • GQRAIE---We Wish to. „extend best wishes and, congratulations to- Mr, and WS. Hebert Pane, 3v11e. Marked th„eir ON Wedding 'Argil- versary on Sate day, Mr, and Mrs, Pane have been .Gorrie 'residents for many years, Mr. Dane having' driven the mail. and express from the. CPR station to the post Office. for 37 years. He retired in 1952. Also marking. anniversaries on Wednesday, January 15th are 'Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Edgar, who are 40 years married, and Mr.. and Mrs.. Clifford Dodd; 31 years, Best wish- es are extended to these couples as well, , 7,h FRANK C. HOPPER —Representative— Canada Life WINGHAIVI, ONT. PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT Consult — Lumber Centre • *04 1,1110 Winglukin 4ilvititee-Tiiiies, Wednesday, /Igo, 15, ,1,958 V you wITB, several colors. No pen to fill, `cite naoliaging? Magic Marker Ink dries instantly, 'Felt point koddreaaes and general lettering. ,4 the answer for all larger Vnilahle at The Advance-Tirnes perrnits variety of lettering styles. $1.10. The Huron County Council will meet in the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, January 21st, 1958,,at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations, etc., should e in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 18th, 1958. THE CAR YOU BUY IN OUR USED CARLO?' W/11. BE A' CAR Y01/2L, BE PROUD YO1/ 801/01-1r Ammommammazzr - • • - Low pkycez) 7.0 0 WINGHAM MOTORS Phone 139 Wingham m n n n n n n n We 'a'lso met ml▪ ` • • • • • • n 2s x 4"s. Spruce $110 M 1 )t. 6 V4tiatched $120 M 10" Coda' 11111114LE after an operation in Wingilank General Hospital, Patients from this vicinity recently admitted are Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs, James ton, 0, J.." Biggins; and William Robertson, The area meeting planned in support of the 'United Church pi's- sionary work, held in the alitlitnr- imp of Wingham High School on. Sunday, was attended by the fill- lowing from Blueval United Church,, who assisted in• the sing- !mg: Rev, R. A. Brook, Alex C9r- rigan, Carl Johnston, John wjak stead, C, B, Hoffman and Ross Smith, GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Lionel. Johnston, Linda and Brian spent Sunday as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. C, Mpu- ry of Richmond Pr. and Mrs. F. G. Mills and family of Gpcierich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Nor- man Carson. • Mrs. Ida Flastie Dies in Hospital, GUR,RIE—A Gorrie resident for 44 years, Mrs. Ida Hastie passecl away in the Wingham General Hospital on Friday morning. ;S1-14 had suffered a severe stroke at-the home of her brother-in-law, Ger- Hastie, Winghani, where ;the had been staying since., Christmas. A daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Matbawson of Tor- onto, ther early life was 'spent'.in Toronto. Following her "marriage to William. R. Hestia in 1913, she had resided in Gorrie: Mr. Hastie predeceased her several years ago. The only survivors are a nephew and nieces., Mrs: Hastie was a Member of the Gorrie Presbyterian' Church and,of th'e women's organizations, while health permitted her attendance. She was a past president of the Gorrie Women's Institute. Funeral service was 'at the Ger- don .Moir funeral home at Gorrie on Monday afternoon, the Rev L:; Carlson of St, George .St. 'United Church:, Peterborgugh,. a relative; conducting the service. Interment was in Wroketer Cemetery. 'Pallbearerg.,we„re.Robert "Harril SahLRobids'ori, Harry Hastie, Keri.',Hastle'Hyritinaan and anan1 Hastie. , •1,juite(1 Church Isiews "gar on 1:11PIVIOY, January Atlth a $.1.0 p.in. The South Friendship. Circle will be in charge of„the pro- gram. The lunch committee will be TiYndman, Mrs, W, King, Mi's. Pylse, Mrs. G, Brown, Mission and will meet in the church hall On Thursday after school, The Tyro Boys will meet in the church on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, Mrs. Geo, Fischer - Is New Leader BLUEVALE—The recent meet- ing of the Mission Band was held in Bluevale United Church with the. president, Bill Hetherington, conducting the meeting. The roll call was answered by paying fees. The attendance was 26. The new leader, Mrs. George Fischer, gave the prayer for mis- sionaries. Birthday greetings were sung for Rose Marie Nicholson and Ken Mothers, Mrs, W, J. Johnston -and Miss Margaret Curtis presented the at-, tendance awards and also a treat' for the members. This meeting marked the last the faithful leadership of the Mission 'Band of Mrs. W. J. Johnston and Miss' Curtis. VALUE OF HISTORY STRESSED AT W.I. BLUEVALE—The Women's In- stitute met in the community 1-10 on January 9th, the! president, Miss Ruby Duff presiding, and Mrs, W. J. Peacock, secretary-treasurer, giving 'reports, minutes and the financial statement. ,freshments. St. Andrew's WMS Met on Tuesday The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, met in the Sunday School room on Tuesday,,January 7th. The president, Mrs, Alexander Nimmo, opened the meeting with a New Year message. Mrs. John Burchill read the Scripture and OFFICERS INSTALLED BY UNITED W.M.S4 °The January meeting of the Wo- inan's Missionary Sodiety of Wing- ham United Church was !held in the school room with Mrs, Roul- ston presiding, The'worship ser.; Vice Was based on Paul's wordstto the Philippians, chapter fr, which speaks of his two 'beloved friends, Timothy and Epaphroditus. This was read 'by Mrs, Prank Edgar. The second chapter of the study book, "Cross and Crisis In Japan" Was presented by. Mrs. ChM, Kip. per, and treated on the japan of yesterday, the history of place and race until the coming of the Mit- sionary enterprise in 1859, The presidents Mrs, Fingland, conducted the business of the meeting, and all annual rePorta showed that the Auxiliary bad cOnallIeted a Very successful year. SoVeral fieW nierribera were reetilV- ,ed and the financial objective Was exceeded. Talent, .friondy iniettatittg to' 0.2ii VerY gratifying reports were re- ' ceived at the annual Meeting of the Woman's Association of, Wings ham United Church over which Mrs. gclwarclO 'presided on Thursday. The 'assoclatien makes Itself responsible for furnishings to the parsonage, as well as church kitchen equipment, flowers for spedal occasions, etc, The money these outlays IS :drawn frOM church teas, and catering to meals and weddings. The main project this year, was the installation of a new kitchen in the parsonage, It was reported that 175 cards had. been sent to sick and shut-ins as well, as Christ- mas baskets being distributed among the congregation, At the close of the meeting, Rev, D, ,T. MacRae installed the officers for 1958; Past preSident, Mrs. W. K Edwards; ,prei., Mrs. Roy Ben- nett; rec.-sec., Mrs, Milford Fox- ton;' corres.-sec., Mrs. Wm, an; treas,, Mrs. George Howson; pianist, lrs. W, W. Currjd.; tle'Vet- ional sec, Mrs, A. Liinn; visiting corn., Mrs, E. Copeland, Mrs. A. Moffatt; convener 'of parsonage corn„ Mrs: H. Carmichael; group leaders, Mrs, C, Lloyd, Mrs, G, Underwood, Mrs. J. W. Bushfield, Mrs J. H, Crawford, Mrs. G. Buch- anan, Mrs. R, S. Hetherington,‘ Mrs.., W. A. Galbraith, Mrs, D. Miller, Mrs. Wm, Conron, Mrs. -W. Callan, Mrs, F, Hopper, Mrs, S. Beattie. had been taken' in during the year and was ,added to the expense. ae- count. The supply work, which forms a large part of` the' auxiliary enterprise was very gratifying, Cartons of clothing 'and toys were sent to the pert worker at Halifax for distribution arming-the immi- grants, Seventeen cartons of cloth- ing and quiti were forvvarded to Overseas'Relief and thirthn par- cels to Korea. The whole had a value of $1030.09. During the year en' 'oak Om- munion table and communion set were' provided for. the new chapel, Which was built in connection With the Mission ,Hospital at fiazelton, B.C. , St. Martha's Guild Met on ,Wednesday GORRIE--The January meeting of the Guild of St. Martha. of St. Stephen's Chureh was held on Wednesday evening of last week ae the home -of Mrs, Wilmer Nunn with a good attendance, The meeting was opened with prayer, followed by a SeriPture reading by Mrs. Lorne Madill. Roll call was answered with a• thought on missions, The president, Mrs. Mac Newton, took charge of the evening and also read a chapter from the study book. The meeting closed with the benediction by the Rev. B. C. At- twell and lunch was served by, the hostesses. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick. St., Winghaip Phone 770 • • ;. i•linriMI•11111111•1111111111111111111M1111111111111111M111111•1111111111111111•11MINNIMIMMIIIMMINPRIOnirillilliilliej , , 1, • 1 t. ultra 'Shadow Wood We have the plans and specifications have MANY other IDEAS and PLANS to choose from a • • • • • • • • • N • • • • • • • • • • • 1-0/Zrat17 POCOCK , 1111 2 x 4's Cedar . $115 M 1 x 8 Spruce $t Cedar Shiplap . , M Bevel Siding . $150 M m m 111111111111011101110111111M141111110111001111MMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111011111111111111111111 00114.14- The 'plaited Chineb is Para. -44..”L. Aitken visited i d i ,g 4.1(1 .PS. annua l nieeffing to and Welland last week attend- rdnesday, January 15th, begin- -Ing ,a gathering in Welland in eerie-'' ling with a Pot, 'PDX supper rrt bration et the 80th hirthday of her seven 0'010015. brother, Dr. Riali0 Puff. The Wanran'S Association will R" hI, McKinnon is convalescing ieet at the home of Mrs, Carrion The roll call was an amusing verse and brought some interesting responses. Letters of appreciation were read from those who had received Christmas cheer boxes. It was decided to • hold .a euchre on January 22, This being an historical meet- ing, Mrs. M. L. Aitken, convener pf historical research, spoke on the motto, "He who knows only his own generation remains a child". -She .stressed the value of .history ,and showed its connection with life in 'the present. ' Mrs, R. J. McMurray gave an in- teresting description of a trip to Vancouver illustrated by snap 'snots, Part of the trip was through -United States; part through Cana- Ida. The memorial to Pauline John- -0ton, Indian poetess, in Stanley Park, Vancouver, and the totem poles in various settings were his- • torically interesting. n The committee, Mrs. Eldred NI- , cbol, Mrs.. Sparling Johnston and a ,NTI's. John Wickstead, served re-, MU RI BENNETT WA. PRESIDENT The &Rowing officers Were in- stalled by Rev. D. J. MacRae: Past Ines., Mrs. W. .T.. Roulston; pres,, Mrs, C: Fingland,; vice-pres., Mrs. E. Lewis, Mrs. a. N. under- wood;.ree.-sec„ Mrs : Chas. Hopper; corres.-sec„ Mrs, Frank Edgar; treas., Mrs: Lloyd Hingstori; Chris- tian stewardship,. see„, Gow-, ans; supply sec., Mrs. N. T. Me-, Laughlin; Christian citizenship sec., Mrs. Jas, Henry;; Associated Helpers sec., Mrs. R. A, Spotton, Mrs. W, 3, Brown; community friendship see,,' Mrs, 3. H. Craw- ford; literature sec., Mrs. Bert /Armstrong; eve/dope' sec., Mrs. J. A. Fox, Mrs. G. H. Ross; expense see, Mrs, F, 'R. • Howson; sec. of communion, Mrs W, F. Burgrnan; pianists, Mrs. W, W: Currie, Mrs. Roulston; auditor, Mrs. W. Van- Wyck; soc. comm.,• Mrs. Jas. Hal- liday, Mrs, 0. HaselgroveL Baby Band leaders, Mrs, S.-Beattie, Mrs, Harold Kerr; Mission Band lead- ers, Mrs. Wm, Conron, Mrs. Mc- Arthur; leaders, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Mrs. Vernon Reid, Mrs, McMurchy, Mrs, Jack Reavit. presented a short meditation on the pa&age, Mrs, W. Ringrose of- fered prayer. A solo, "Somewhere the Sun is Shining", was sung by Mrs: A. Ho truth, accompanied by ?Vim W. Ford. Following the reading of the minutes 'of the previous meeting and the roll call by the secretary, Mrs. H, Aitchison, the business was taken care of. Arrangements were made to entertain the dele- gates to the Maitland Presbyterial annual meeting on January 14th, Mrs. John Mitchell dedicated the offering, The study for 1958 is centred Around the book "This is Japan" by Dr. Wm. Axling, and it was very ably, introduced by. Mrs. T, A. Currie, assisted by Miss Frances Wilson a,n'd Miss Christine Isbister. Miss Marion Williamson present- ed a report on the use of bequest funds, allocated to the Bhil Field in India and Mrs. E. -Welwooci closed the meeting with prayer. THE BANK 'COME IN AND ASK ABOUT JOINING OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB! Deposit this much money each week 50¢ $1.00 $2,00 0,00 $10,00 Receive this much in 50 weeks $25,00 $50,,00 $100,00 $250.00• $500.00 Look ahead with to next Christmas! By joining ottr Christmas Clith now, at any Toronto-Dominion Bank, you can have enough to have a Merry Christmas and a Nappy Wew Year) Look ahead to he* Christmas now . The Bank that looks ahead!