The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-15, Page 5bringing marketing problems to the fore in farmers' minds. LIKE TO JOIN ME - EASTER PARADE ' New York at Easter! ;What an experience that would be. Every purchase you make at McKibbons Drug Store 'provides you with a free chance on two plane tickets, hotel accommodation and the mak- ings for a glorious holiday. Weekly Euchre FORDVVICH—Eight tables of progriessive euchre were in play at the community hall here on Tues- day night when the winners 1,Verc: iigh lady, Mrs, Ross „Doig.;. high• gent, Mr. Bert Winston; copsol-, ation prizes, Mrs. Anion Denver ling, Mrs. Russel Nichol; most lope hands, Mrs. Ernie Dinsmcire. FORDWICH Mrs. ,Atcheson Wallace and Mrs. Jean Massey and children vis- ited over •the . week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wallace in Ham,- ilton. Mrs. Dom Goetz. underwent a major operation last week in the Palmerston Hospital. We wish for her a speedy recovery, to good health. Mr. and Mrs, Royden Devitt vis- ted in Kitchener with relatives on :Sunday. COUNCIL APPONTS MU MEMOS 114•M4,11110.1.4•1•01i.R.14.••.0411411.1M11•1141=1.11,0•1•11•11.0,11•004111=11•1”4M1•1111 Super Hatching Mash will give YOU higher hatchability which oes hand,in hand with higher profits. You want o produce large eggs which will give a high per cent hatch of strong, healthy chicks. These eggs command premi um SUPER 'HATCHING MASt4. Shur-Gain Super Hatching Mash con- tains all the nutritive elements required to produce eggs which will give you strong healthy chicks. Call in at our mill' and ask for Cepa FnIcling ,Aluminum AWNINGS. ;LUMBER Telephone 260 0.1“.0.4•000•1.1.11(1.014.4•10.i.OPM.NW141.11011IFFOOMPOMMIT411•1141•111-04•••. I OW r10. • CLEARANCE SALE at the Rush Ready to- Wear starting Thursday, January 16 CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ;: ON ANY illtiiiiimilomplopuoiwipowillopoujilictolottommtomplisii THE ,MOST. POPULAR 'OF THE YEAR, 4 ,k rr - tT(1;'''-= p":". FURNITURE ITI PHONE 51 WINGHAM The Bitterness of Poor Quality is remembered long after the Sweetness of Low Price is forgotten U U U U U U U U U n U U U U U U U U U U . . V .300-. &Mehl 400811 a bill101 ffel hati PIONEER Repairing everything from fences to farm buildings, clear- ing new acreage, cutting winter firewood . . . these are just a few of the time-saving, money-making ways farmers across the country are using light-weight, easy-to-service Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer saw can help you to more profitable farming! Sold by Bluevale Milling Company *Bluevale, Ontario NEW LOW PRICES ''''74;T RA 16" $226.50 DC 16" $1995.41, Budget terms available as low --401s $10.00 down - balance over--- 12 months it Hero's big news in "Foam Rubber Luxury"—with that new light- vveight styling. , EASY TERMS Deposit $21.90 Payment Only $13.15 ,monthly , JANUARY PRICE $2 1.9 004. = '141 A/ tail '0 4 0111 '1 REG. $249.00 • Birth. STEPERT--In the Listowel .HoSpital, an 'Thuraday,. San. 1.95$3, to Mr, and Mrs. Lorne' Siefert, a son. '111.14 1)1I41galin, .4.0,Valtee-27flines, WedPesitari 4 Aluminum SASH DOORS CUPBOARDS Wingham Specials this Week TOMATO KETCHUP 1,-.10114 or, ........... .......... .. ..,...,.,•,••„ CORNED BEEF XforUlord - 12 uz, COLORED TISSUE - wostminsier COFFEE Sunny Morn - lb. , SUCCESS WAX Ilexyy Duty, 20 Oz. Save tililM 6 ats at the ICA ,, 1 COTTAGE ROLLS 45c Peameal *- lb. BOLOGNA Pieee i , 29c ,,,,,„„,... ... „33c lb. TABLER1J TE SAUSAGE 53c 1 Small Link - 1 lb pkg. . 53c GA Mai SHUR-GAIN Super Hatching Mash W CANADA PACKERS LTD WINGHAM fiAsk The Man W ho Feeds Shur,adin" INSTALLOFFICERS. AT W,M,3.4 MEMO FOUPW10171—Tbo W.M.S, of the Fordwich United. Church-, net at tiro home of Mrs. E. Patterson for the ,Ntluary meeting, Mrs. Ken. Graham opened. the meeting with' a New Year's blessing, a .hynart and prayer, The. minute were. read by the secretary, Mrs. Parker EUrig, Mrs, T, H, Pelle* was appointed to the nominating committee and Jas, Warrell was •vamed'audi, tor, c Mrs. Emma Williamson reported for :community friendship by read- ing thank, you notes, Mrs. wm Carswell la the shnt-in„ for • the month, Mrs. Hainstoek, Mrs. old -Doig and Mrs. J. H. Pollock conducted the installation of the 1958 officers, They are as follows: Hon, president, Mrs, A, Gardner; president, Mrs, Ken Graham; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Stan Bride; 2nd vicespresident, Mrs, Geo. Ash- ton; 3rd vice president, Mrs. J. B Pollock; Secretary, Mrs, Parker Eurig; assistant secretary, Mrs Mel Allan; treasurer, Mrs, Car. Ettinger; treas.'•of expense, fund. Mrs. B. Patterson; Associate Mem- •bers secretaries, Mrs. Harold Doig, Mrs, Jack Wilson, Mrs. J, H. Howe, Mrs Clarence Carswell; literature secretary, Mrs. Wm, Wilson; Citi- zenship. secretary Mrs,' Jas. War-, rell; stewardship. secretary, Mrs, Norman Harding; supply secre- taries, Mrs. Ira Schaefer, Mrs, E, Patterson, Mrs, Geo, Ashton, Mrs, H. Fraser;. Missionary Monthly and World Friends secretaries Mrs, H, Fraaery Mrs, Geo. -Pitten, .dreigh; press secretaries, Mrs. J Pollock, Miss.Minnie MeElwain; Mission Band supt., Mrs, Elmer Harding, Mrs, Robert Gibson; Baby Band supt., Mrs; C. Wilson, Mrs Mel Allan, Mia, J. Craig; C.G.I.T supt,, Mrs. J. H. Pollock, Mrs, • Carswell;. pianists, Miss McElwain,-,Mrs, N. Devitt; A committee was named to look- into. the possibilities of presenting a religious drama. The Bible study . group will begin on Sunday even- ing, with Miss •Beawitherick , as • leader. The roll call was answered by 37 members and visitors The offer- ing was reeeived. and Mrs. R, De- vitt offered. prayer. Mrs. Wray Cooper conducted the worship ser- toe assisted by Mrs. G, .Pitten- dreigh, Mrs, Warren Zurbrigg, Mrs, R. Connell and Mrs. W. E. Hain- Stock. - • The study on "Education in Japan" was given by Mrs, Stan Bride. Buzz sessions followed, led by Mrs. Wm. Wilson, Mrs. Jas. Warrell, Mrs, A. Gardiner, Mrs Harold .Doig and 'Mrs. Harod Pol- lock. The meeting was closed with the benediction.. Bible Study Group Holds First Meeting FORDWICH—The Bible Study Group began a series of studies for 1958 in the basement of the Fordwich United Church on Sun- day,evening, with 18 present. Miss Lenora Beswitlierick led the study -on the first-five chapters of Paul's letters to the Corinthians, Mrs. Jas. Warrell read 'parts of those chapters from .Phillips Trans- lation of the same, Mrs. Ken. Graham presided for the Meeting,. Following- the talk by Miss Bes- witherick, two groups were form- ed. Anson Ruttan and Harold Pollock led the discussion each using questions pertaining to the subject, Each reported .the, find- ings to the assembly as a whole. Mr. Howell Fraser closed the meeting with prayer. BUILD OF ST. ANNE JANUARY MEETINfi FORDWICH--The Guild of St Anne of Trinity Anglican Churel' met at r. the borne of Marjorie Foster for the January meeting The president, Mrs. W. Hargrave presided and the meeting opened with the hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", followed by the Lord's prayer and Scripture reading. The minutes of the last meeting were read by 'the secre- tary, Mrs. Don King. The roll call was answered by 13 Members with a verse on "Holy". Miss Elva Foster 'was named pianist and Mrs. Don King and Mrs. Jack King auditors for 1958. Members were asged to make a special effort 'to sell as many light bulbs as possible before the Febru- ary meeting. Two readings on New Years were given by Mrs. Peter Browne and MrS, Jack King. Rev, E. Attwell gave the first chapter of the story of 'the Messiah. Two contests Conducted by Mrs. W. Sothern wore won by Mrs. Lyle Simmons and Mrs. Peter Browne, ReV, Attwell closral the Meeting with prayer. Lunch Was served by, the hostess, assisted by Elva Foster. It/fission Band Meets In Church Basement FORDWICH — The Silvi r Star Misaltm Band of Fordwich United Church held its •Jamiary in oel,;np, in Ole eltureh basement On Sunday, with 24 members present. There ,was the installation of officers followed by the presentation of life mernhership pinft to Anne Merin tapenSen Sad Larry MODertnitt. Rnll eall wad the payment of fees. Birthdny greetings were sting for John Wilson, Douglas Gibann and Poly 1,Torsbitrg, The study was talon by Mrs, Robert GibSon on Japan arid its customs, Mrs. Miner Pardlito led in the worshin vice and the meeting -closed wilt prayer, The inaugural ' meeting of the Nowt* Township Council for -1908 was held in the clerk's office on 'Jan, ii with the members present as follows: Reeve, Arthur Gibson; .deputy-reeve, Harvey McMichael; Councillors, Ivan Haskins, Melville Allan, Robert Gibson, All members subscribed to tide .declaration of office,. Rev, W. 1, Nuchanan and Rev. 15, C. Attwell were present and led ,a devotional period with the council, The minutes of the last regular' meeting of the 1.957 council were read amid On motion of Haskins and Allan were adopted as read. Carried, MeMiehael Gibson—That . we engage Edward Harris as assessor at a salary of $800.00 per annum. Carried, Allen Haskins—That we ad, ranee the Wroxeter Community Centre Board $2,200 with hank in- terest payable by the end of 1958, Carried. - • Gibson McMichael—That by- law No. 1-58 of the Township of, Howick for the year 1958, the hank borrowing by-law, as read the third time be finally passed. Carried.. Haskins Allen—That we auth., orize 'the reeve and clerk to ,Sign the annual petition for statutory grant under, the Highways Im- provement Act. Carried, Fordwich Community Hall Board, Carried, Allan - Gibson—That we appoint Ivan Haskins, M. McMichael, Mrs. Thos. Abraham, Fred Doubledee. Win, Elliott, Wm. Merkley and Clark Renwick to the Belmore Community Centre Board, Carried. Allan - McMichael—That we ap- point Robt. Gibson, Mel Allan Norman Wade, Claus O'Krafka, Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Tom Edgar and Wilf. King members of the Gorrie Community Hall Board. Carried, Gibson - Allan—That we appoint Arthur Gibson, Harvey McMichael, Roy Hunter, A. Munroe, Gilbert Howes, G. L, Dobson and Mrs. Wm. Wright members of the Wroxeter Community • C e n t r e ,Board:,, Carried. McMichael - Haskins—That we appoint Arthur' Gibson as relief 'administrator for 1958. McMichael - GibsonThat we reappoint the fenceviewers with the exception of Chas. Kreller and Frank E, Wright, Carried, McMichael - Allan—That the Howick Township Recreation Com- mittee be composed of the follow- ing members: Ivan -Haskins, Robt. Gibson, Lorne Madill, Harry Has- tie, Ken Graham, Mrs. Stanley Bride and Mrs. Emerson Fergu- son for the year 1958, Carried. McMichael - Gibson—That we in- struct the clerk to order nine copies of the Municipal World. Carried. Allan - Haskins—That we join the Ontario Association of Good Roads, and the Assessing Officers Association of Ontario. Carried. Haskins - Allan—That the road' accounts as approved in the amount of $1,776.48 be paid. Car- ried. McMichael - Gibson—That the following accounts be paid. Carried. assistance, $27,75; post sanitarium care relief, $50.00; fox bounty, $70.00; Association of Assessing Officers, membership, $10.00; Ont- ario Good Roads Association, mem- bership, $10,00; R. H, Carson & Son, fuel oil for relief, $14.30; I. • H, Howe relief account, $13,58; W. J. Marriner relief account, $18.38; W. E. Whitfield, exchange, $2.15; post offices postage $10.00; Howick 'Telephone service and tolls, $16.50; Wingham Advance-Times, adver- tising, $4.20; R. H. Carson & Son, Stove oil, $33.30; Wingham Hospi- tal Board, membership, $1.00., Gibson - McMichael •That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 5th or at the call 'of the WEER-END IT'EATILTRE Donuts VAIW6TIES PRICED FROM 29c To 35c REMINGTON'S • I.G.A. FAR AN over $150 at TRANS CANA A CREDIT Need extra cash for your farm? Then solve your financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada Credit, Right now Trans Canada Credit is offering, special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments can'be spread over as long as two-and- a-half years, and can be made in any one of these.. three ways! 1 QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YEARLY ° 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS Loans of $1,600 and less are available on Trans Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you from buying seed, stock, or any other farm requirement, Get the cash you, need at Trans ' Canada Credit. YHE ALL-OANADIAN WAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED t4/-14 148 SQUAlttl 601)1010(11t, ONTAlitil) /410201 11/1 CARBERT TO CHAIR FORUM PANEL. "Producer Mariteting" invoh%ing marketing boards and rnurke04 co-operatives is a very.important subject this winter, Natienal Farm Radio PerUrn will be tilsetiOSing "Producer Marketing" on Monda. night; January 20th.. Seine of the aspects .of this sub- ject will be presented in a drama- tic skit' which will be felieWed by a panel discussion, The panel mem- hers will, be Gordon Greer, presi- dent Ontario Federation of Agri- culture; Dr, Walton 3, Andersen, professor of , Agricultural Eecine. mics, Univeraity of B.C., Van- couver, The panel will be chaire. by Bob Carbert, farm broadcaster from, Wingham, Ontarip, Special groups are being organ ized throughout Canada• to lister to. the broadcast and discuss this subject "Producer Marketing" on Monday night, January 20th. .rre*e "Nwsr«,,~~s0W4. FLOOR . WALL TILES BUILDING -7, Walpole TEA BISK monamlr lb. pkg. CAKE MIXES Betty Crocker - 20 pz. pkg, . ..... - ............. . . 3 r„, $1.00 10 f or, $1.00 75c 53c, oz. 99c 2 f or 45c 3Sc 45c ii BACK BACON Tablerite - 1/2 lb. pkg, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell were En Galt one day last week where they visited, the latter!s mother, Mrs, George Moss, who is at pre- sentj confined to the hospital, hay.- County of Huron, hospitalization, mg suffered a `heart attack, $94.00; Robert Rolufs, funeral ac- Mrs. Peter Chimney returned to count $100.00; village of Neustadt, her hthne in Port Colborne on Fri- fire services, $63.75; supplementary day after spending the past week ,With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Keith. • Miss Marjory Foster spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang in 'Toronte. Miss Louise Browne of Toronto spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter Browne. Mr, and Mrs. Don Edgar and little son of Listowel visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Mc- Clement, The first class on mat-making sponsored by the Women's In began on Tuesday afternoon in the community hall, About 25 la- dies are taking the course, Lea- ders are Mrs. Anson: Demerling and Reeve, Carried. Mrs. Bert Winston. J. Harold Pollock, Clerk ' Mrs. Alveretta Wallace spent two Arthur Gibson, Reeve. days last week with relatives la lloapeier. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Fraser and Mrs, Harold Pollock 'spent one day last week with friends in ,Ripley Mr, and Mrs, Carl Jacobsen and family returned home last week af- ter spending three weeks visiting in 13rockington, Saalt, MISS Elizabeth Patterson of Wa- terloo spent the week-end with her mother,. Mrs, Pearl Patterson, The VOrdwieh W.I. will meet or Tuesday, Jan,, 21st at the home of Mrs. Ken Grahant. Roll call will be "A ritarinfactilring firm and its ,prochret.". The topic, "Pass'thy, Salt, Please". Mt, and. Mrs, James Vittie visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Carl Stewart In Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride ani,`' Bobby visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Dick Aldrich in Galt, . Mr, and Mrs, Weldon Hairibl,v and family, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. 'Fred Ratably, During the depression the fed- eral government was being press- ed ' to enact legislation to bring about the more orderly marketing of agricultural products, Low prices were the main reason why farmers were seeking some form of Marketing control. Today re- quests are again being made for marketing boards to govern agri- cultural Marketing, Prices of agri- cultural proddcts, themseleves are not so low as they were in the thirties but the costs of the com- modities and services used by the farmers in the process of produc- , tion have risen and are still rising. ' The cost price squeeze now seems ,to be the reason for farmers want ing greater bargaining power in r i e d j McMichael - Gibson—That we appoint Ivan Haskins as member to the Wingham General Hospital. Board. Carried, Haskins - Gibson—That we ap- point Gordon 'Moir to the Wing- ham District High School Board to replace Mr. Tom Edgar. Car- the selling of their 'products. Haskins - Allen—That 'we ap- Within recent months a Supreme point Mel Allen, Robt, Gibson, Court decisibn has necessitated; Wray Cooper, Mrs. Wm. McCann, some changes being made in pro-j Ken •Graham, Harold Pollock and vincial marketing acts. This de- I Anson Demerling members of the cision has been another factor in t 2 5% ,OFF' EVERYTHING HATS 1/2 PRICE I RACK OF DRESSES y2 PRICE New Spring Styles Have Arrived. inaotilmi0.11;b4iisse I1. kaii.441.6001wrigitikkiiikiii4004.4114,, • 4. •