The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-15, Page 4•• " " , • • • • 47 -fa,ar.;•capir,a1V.a... 449 Flr7r • adywymi aponTaaNava raTa471541"7.4. ,77,7,71"7, .11- 7., • "" 4. jx Box Holders' Names ?..; Not Given Out It is strictly agatnet. Our rules f.• to divulge the name or •addreSs of any advertiser using an Advaisee-Times Box Number MAIO do not ask ns for this kiforirsiation. oo o iii iifrir, rnr,i,r,i iii WINGH1114” - 501-6AIN FEED NURSING M LCD 'S SOW NATION 14/fAtc4iA WANTED Bush lots with soft maple and elm. FWill purchase bush properties or farms. Please phone or write: The Andrew Malcolm Furniture Co. Ltd.,, Listawel, Ontario , ES GAS, OIL OR AO At FIRED GRAVITY OR WINTER AIR CONDITIONING MODELS PERCY CLARK Plumbing - 'Heating Air' Conditioning 50.1 Wingham Phone 255 ii iii 0011.11.1.1,1,1411:ifil ilk, 1,Ir I 1,111,,41,1,1,11 ,1,1•11 t ttt 1101.4 tttttt of 11,f' • PREPAYING t 77:17*.". ........ . koWN 7 . * WINGHAM E 41 S,, ,INCORPORATED \ 4 '41t 4r- •ss 8 7 9 ee • ...... Town of Wingham 1958 Taxes •., Taxpaye.1-8 may make payments on account .of 1958 taxes up td SO per cent of 1957 taxes. ` Interest at the' rate of :Emir per eent, per annum will be, allowed 'on' such prepayments.': Prepayments of taxi:s must be made' atjhe, Town Treasu.rer's Office, TOW11 Hall - W. A. GALBRAITH, Treas06r, Town of Wingham . I..„,..... .... . ... „ .... .. . ..... ...... ........ We Install BUSINESS - and PROFESSION19. ,4\DIRECTORY A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR , and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATRit ONTARIO Telephone 28 toot-water Wint4tter-Every Wednesday afternoon, or by aktOhrittiseitt. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTO Barriaters, Solicito 's, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 CRAWFOlto, S. HETHERINGTON, O.E. J. BUSIIFIELD QC. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to Lob* Office--1116Yer Block, Wisightun Frederick F. Homuth R.O. Carol E. flottuth, Mrs. Viola H. Hamad', 11.05 oinvommitigts PTIOft 118 Harritton, Ontario . WELLINGTON FIRE Alt all eanadian Company yvk 1 iell has ifiltfiffilty served its intlicy holders tor over 4 'Coniury, Delta Office ,— Toronto iI4 O. MacLean Insurance Agtoc* WfitkIition Inalfrattee Ccatipstiey list, The Whiglatas AdvattesaTialeS, WeitAseSSIOA jau. 1s, 1.908 "LOVING YOU" st rring ELVIS*11PRESLEY STARTS TO-DAY THROUGH SATURDAY C AT THE s Special Added Attraction on Stage Between Shows — Canada Jubilee Square Dance Team plus Canada's o.un8est Elvis —1 2 Shows Nightly. • OWN THEATREIHARRISTON 9 ra VKILK FILTERS for sale—."Rapid. a #019", 6-incb, 79c; 61Aainch, 85c, Alexander's Hardware, larb HARDWOOD for sale, split for the et stove. Phone 918, Perry Holmes. 15* "IIMEAT FOR SALE--Good beef by a the quarter, Killed under license — „from Dept, of Health. Yearling If' heifers. quality, Lowest at prices, Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrb PE FLAT ALTO saxaphone for ai sale, Excellent condition. Phone •• 314. 15* 'WALNUT BED with mattress, • springs, dressing table and bench 144. for sale, Good condition. $25.00. 111/ Phone 986 after 6 PM. 3.4` ja)▪ 3EFORE YOU BUY a vacuum • cleaner or floor Polisher—call sa • Jed Reynolds for a FREE Home ri demonstration, See Electrolux, "it Canada's finest. Phone 640J1. 8rrb . Northern Electric Refrigerator for ta sale. Good condition, Apply to' * Scott Payne, Josephine St., hi Wingham, 15* ra opET OF THREE CHAIRS, one a. arm chair and two side chairs,, "a upholstery in good condition. tai Also one Thor Gladiron, for sale. ;.:•t!aphone 862. 15* CLEARANCE SALE AT FAIRY- LAND, Wingham, Thursday, Fri- „day, Saturday, January 16, 17 and 18. SaVe 25% on winter coat sets, snowsuits, duffle coats, pram suis, and yiyella dresses. All other', merchandise less 20% at Fairyland, Wingham. 18b raft YOUR FOOT TROUBLES See J. A. Vickers, Foot Correc- tionist at the Queens Hotel, Wingham, each Monday after- noon. rrb HOBBYCRAFT KITS—all . hob- bies. Plastic foam sheets, :11 colours, Leathercraft and sup- plies. Western shirts and saddles. Plastic bouquet and corsage. Instruction books for all kits. send 25e for 1958 catalogue to Plastic and Hobbycraft Centre, Mrs. Fred Daw & Son, R.R. 3, Wingham, phone 741W21, 8:15b, MEN you have until February 8th to get ,a. pair of pants FREE at. ARMITAGE'S, With every Bond Made-to-measure suit 'Or- dered you are given an extra pair of trousers of the same material absolutely FREE. Pric- es are' •$44.75, $54.75, $64.75. ARMITAGE'S, Sale. ends Febru- ary .8th. 15,22,29,5b DID YOU KNOW that Dciaid Crompton, Certified Watchmaker, guarantees to keep your watch in good running order for one year? is free service guarantee plie,s to all new watches, also watches that have been clean- and reconditioned. Bring in your• watch to-day and take ad- tantage of our fast guaranteed 'V ry a aeice. 23rrb DEADSTOCK WANTED HEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick alai on larger animals, reasonable 6 Ilection charge for small atii- als. Phone collect Wingham 3 8; Palmerston 123W, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. 6rrb MISCELLANEOUS Attention Foot Sufferers FOOT TROUBLE—A .break-down in the bones of the feet can be' t e cause of sore, feet, ankleS, ga hips or lower back trouble. „e A. Vickers, root Correa- tioniSt each Monday afternoon 4 Queens Hotel; Winglittat rrb MN-YOUR. TELEVISION prOperly ilainiredl for all risk coverage? lepr inforliriatiOo pbobe 29 ; Stew- 't Scott, Wingham, 2rrb 'ST WART A SCOTT can now st(ve you 150 On your car or thick Matins/See. Yearly or six tlitIntbS 061141e4 Ate 000.cial rates for farmers, Per rthOr infatitatticas piscine 293,. Ifighans, 214'0) ,IllrE111.00 CATTLE Breeding Association "'Where -Better Bulls itit "For artificial, in. *ISIIntitiers InfOtitatiOnt br 'mesa; Into front all breeds of cattle, lie The Witterint) tattle eding ,A.satteiatiOit tit:' Clinton 2-3441 or Mfldbri0 13br12 be- 411.30,4tid ‘7,36114M. 1,`"")) haVe r' breeds aVallitI)16-490 "POE)* t• tOW a ut.N frills FOR SALE New modern red brick house in excellent location, This lovely home has a large living-room with picture window, modern kitchen and bath, three bedrooms, recrea- tion-room in basement and oil heating, 150 acres of cholee clay loam land with fully modern white brick house, good barn, cement silo and implement shed, 12 acres 'of fall • wheat sown, 60 acres ploughed for spring crop, balance in pasture and 7 acres of good hardwood bush. For information on these and many other houses, farms and businesses please contact; WILLIAM S. REED, Real Estate & Business Broker Phone 22, Wingham 15b 511 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 19 LANDRACE pigs 7 weeks old, for sale, injected with Inferim. apply to Ed Powell, phone 18-14,. Wroxeter, 15* TRIO AFRICAN geese for sale. Price $20.00. One pair Africans, $12.00; trio white geese Embden, • Roman cross, price $10.00. Trio white leghorns, price $6.00, Partridge-Wyandotte Banties, trio, price $6.00. Apply to Wm. Grant, phone 256, Brussels. 15* WANTED 100 LAYING PULLETS wanted. Phone 572J. 15b 2 BEDROOM apartment wanted or a house immediately for family of four. Phone 1'5r20, Wroxeter. 15,22* YOUNG MARRIED couple to live- in ems large room and mealsin exchange for care of three school-age children and house- hold' duties. Free time. Must be capable person with references or would consider any capable persora Phone 601R. 8,15b BABY SITTING WANTED BABYSITI1ING wanted. Phone Bertha Henderson, 314. 15* BABY-SITTING WANTED. Lady wiShes to baby-sit evenings. Phone ,269J. 15b - LOST WOULD THE person who took a black purse and mitts from the Wroxeter Hall, January 10th please return at once. Phone 58, Wroxeter, 15b REGISTERED male. Beagle hound lost: Black, Tan and White. Tottoo, R.A.C3L on right ear. Apply to Ross Taylor, Belgrave, phone Wingham 624J1. 15b NOTICE People parking car's; trailers, etc., on roads in the Township of East Wawanosh do so entirely at their own risk. Cars parked in the way of the snow plow equip- ment shall be moved' at owner's expenses. Stuart 1VIcHurney, Road Supt. lab FINANCING `A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT Phone 293 Wingham 25rrb .21.213.-RIErS AIVIBULANCE, Wing- barn, Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night,. 716 or 686. 13rrb CARD OF. THANKS Mrs, W. J. Master and Mr,- Gordon Hall wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the kindness extended. to them during their recent bereavement; special thanks to Rev, a. A, Brook. 1.5b CARD OF all ANKS Mrs. Miller Procter and family wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy, the beauti- ful floral tributes and Bibles, dur- ing their recent bereavement, Special thanks to Dr. B. N. Corrin and Rev, D, 3, MacRae, 15* CARD OF THANKS 'I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbors and rela- tives for their cards, gifts and visits while I Was a patient in Wingham General 'Hospital.--John Walters. '15* CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends for their kindnesses during the past year; also those who sent me cards and 'treats, Special thanks to Mrs, Morrey and her staff of nurs- es. To each and everyone who re- membered me, my best wishes for a happy and prosperous 1958.— Mrs. John Tervit. 15* CARD OF THANES I would like to thank all my' neighbors and friends for the, gifts and cards I received over the holiday season and, during the past year.—Mrs, Alice ,,Nicholson. 15* CARD OF THANKS I Would' like to ,take this oppor- tunity to thank my friends, neigh- bors and yelaties for their acts of kindness during My accent sad bareavernent. ,The lovely floral tribut'ee, syMpathYaeards, alSo the neighbors Who have assisted in so 'many ways.--'-Mrs. Walter Snaffle. • • i5b CARD OF THANKS, Mrs. Percy King and sons wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their relatives, friends and neighbors who extend- ed kindness to them at the time of 'their bereavement; thanks to those who sent floral tributes, those who donated to the Gideon Bible' Society and cards of sym- pathy. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Crawford, air. A. D. McMurchy, Dr. W. A.. McKibben, Rev. D. J. MacRae,' Dr.. Alexander Nimmo, Mrs. Ostrom, Mrs. Morrey and her staff of nurses; and those who helped in any way at the farm. These kind .deeds will always be remembered. 15* EXECUTORS' SALE of valuable Real Estate and Household Furnishings of Use Estate of MARGAIII/Tr NICHOLSON, on JANUARY 18, 1958 ; at one o'clock p.m, at the FORESTER'S HALL, BELORAVE REAL ESTATE Part of the south part of Lot No. 1, in the fourth concession of the Township of Morris, On this property is situated aaseven room house and brick kitchen. Heated by oil furnace, . Property will be offered subject to a, reserve hid, TERMS: 10% on the date of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter, Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known an the date of sale, or may be had on application to the pn- dersignecl. There will he offered for sale at the same time and place the fol- lowleg:1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANI) FURSTTERE 8-piece Chesterfield State, couch, Dining room table, chairs, china cabinet and buffet, 2 odd chairs, 4 rocking chairs, I cane-bottom theirs, 4 kitchen chairs, 8 small tables, drop leaf table, 2 bedroom suites With mattress and springs, chest of drawers, large glass cup- board, large mirror, Cedar chest, 5 rugs, refrigerator, rangette, hot Plate, cook stove and pipes, electric boater, redid, silverware, part of set Lintoge dishes, set of dishes, coal Oil steVe, tool chest, 3,2 trunks, lairips, Iaddea, lawn Mower, garden tools, other articles too numerous to mention, TERIVLS: CASH Mrs, Pearl A. Wheeler -and Mrs, Edna. Nethery, Ekeeutrices, OcOrge Nesbitt, R,R. Walton, . Ant:V.0feet. 8:15b EXECUTOR'S SALE. Valuable Farra Leads, Farm. Stock, (Implements, PrOdnee and Household Furnishings will be sold by auction at the farm of the late Walter Smillle, Lot 8, Con. 2, in Turnberry Twp,, on Thursday, Jan, 23, at one o'cloalc, Alice Smillie, executrix, L, G. )3ryce, auctioneer, See full list next Week. 15b BIRTHS HISLOP—In Listowel Memorial Hospital, on Friday, January 3, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, George Hislop, of Wroxeter, a daughter. WHARTON—At Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, January 7, 1958, to Mr,' and Mrs. Thomas Wharton, Wingham, a daughter, CARTER—At Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, January 7, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carter, R,R. 3, l3lyth, a son, UNDERWOOD—At Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 7, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs Alan Underwood, Wingham, a daughter. FINLAY—At Wingham General Hospital„ on Thursday, January 9, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucknow, a daughter. LOGTENBURG—At 'the Wingham. General Hospital, on Friday, January' 10, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Derk Logtenburg, R.R. 1, Luck- now, a daughter. RITCHIE—At/ the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Monday, Janu- ary 13, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Ritchie, R.R. 1, Bel- grave, a son. • DEATHS BURGESS—At the Wingham. Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, January 9, 1958, John C.' Burgess, Teeswater, aged 82 years. HASTIE—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, January. 10, 1958, Mrs. Ida Haitie, Gerrie, aged 80 years. NEW YORK CAN BE YOURS FOR. NOTHING That's right, To Now York by plane (two of you, that is), hotel, Suite on. Fifth Avenue, tickets for a Broadway production—all as the guests- of McKibbons Drug Store. Free • tickets -on the draw with every purchase at McKibbons. prices would cause a surplus; that if the farmer can make a reason- able living he will not try to over- produce, If a surplus was created they thought it would be up,to the government to dispose of it by sending the surplus to the coun- tries that are starving. The group decided to meet on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coultes for the farm forum TV broadcast and de- cided not to meet next Monday.. Progressive euchre was played with high prizes going to Mrs. John, Nixon and. C. R. Coultes, Con- „solation prizes went to Mrs, Cora McGill and Charlie 'Wilkinson, A delicious lunch was served.' DON'T DEPEND TOO MUCH ON THAT wasn't FOOT - IT MAY HAVE A FALLEN ARcI4 New price on ` fertilizer is now available to you. You' should be placing yoUr order now as theie is a $2.00 a ton discount on fertilizer purchased during the month of January. Drop in to the mill and let us give you a price on your requhaMents. ” Pig Booster Mash .. $4.20: Pigtail Curler Mash $5.20 Dairy Ration $3.30 Mrs, Chas,, Keating Buried at Belgrave A respected resident of Bel:- grave passed away at the Mpg- ham General Hospital, on Satur- day, in the person of Mrs, Chas. Keating, Mrs. Keating who was, 75 years of age, suffered a short ness. She was the former Annie Ed- wards, daughter of the late Henry Edwards and Evelyn , Past, and was born on the 6th concession of East Wawanosh. Townsbip. She married Charles 'Keating at Au- burn and they farmed in the Bel- grave district. Mrs. Keating was a member of the Eelgrave United March., le sisters, 'There are six grandchild, ceased by two brothers and three Snell, of London. She was prede- roennSe,udryaiuvglihigtel:rivie rt:rseteanSleoxn,s(,HaMzeell: Mel- bourne, of Exeter, Norman, of gl- liot Lake and Harold at home, and The funeral was held at 2.30 on Monday afternoon at the 'Walker funeral home, with Rev, 'C. Krug of the Belgrave United Church. taking the service, Pallbearers were Earl Anderson, George Mich- le, Stewart Cloakey, ,Willip,rd Arm, Strong, Garner Nicholson and Carl Procter, Interment was in the -Brandon Cemetery, Ego ESTATE .AalISULANCE SERVICE TOWN OF WINGHAM BY-LAW, NO, 1303-1957 • A By-Law for stopping up the Southerly seven (7) feet. of Albert Street, within the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, lying be- tween the east limit of Minnie Street and a point two hundred and twenty-one and seventy-six one hundredths feet (221.76 ft.) measured westerly from the inter- section of the southerly limit of Albert Street, and the westerly limit of Josephine Street, under the Provisions of the 'Municipal Act R,S,O. 1950,, Chapter 243, Sec- tion 469, WHEREAS the above portion of Albert Street is bounded on the south by properties owned by the Corporation of ,the Town of Wing- ham, Robert Mowbray and Angus M. Mowbray and Wingham Metal' Fabricating Company, and on the West by property 'owned by the Corporation of the Town of. Wing-' ham, AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Corporation feeling that the entire Street is not required as a roadway and that. no property owner would be prejudically affect- ed, deem it expedient that such portion of Albert Street should be stopped and a By-Lawa passed accordingly: THEREFORE the Council of the‘ Municipal Corporation of they Town .Wingham enacts as fol- (1) That the following portion of AlbertStreet, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, and being composed of part of Albert Street in front of part of Lot 6, and Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, as shown on . Registered Plan No. 9 for' the Town of Wingham, the boundaries of said pa:reel • being more particularly described• as follows: Commencing at a point in' the southerly' limit of Albert Street, at the distance of Two hundred and, twenty-one and seventy-siK one- hundredths (221.76') feet measur- ed westerly thereon, from the in-° tersection of said southerly limit with the westerly limit of Jose- phine Street; Thence northerly, parallel to the westerly limit of Josephine Street, a distance of Seven (7.0') feet; Thence westerly, and parallel to the .southerly limit of Albert Street, a distance of Three hundred and fifty-four and eighty-four onehundredths (354.84') feet to .a point on the production northerly, of the easterly limit of Minnie Street; Thence southerly, along said production, a distance of Seven (7.0') feet' to the inter- section of the southerly limit of Albert Street with the easterly limit of Minnie Street; Thence easterly, along the southerly limit of Albert Street, a distance of Three hundred and fifty-four and eighty-four one hundredths (354.84T feet more pr less to the point of, commencement of the parcel herein described,' be stopped up and that the 'Cor- poration thereupon shall have the right to lease, sell,. alienate or otherwise deal with the said stopped-up portion as may aeem fit, READ a First and Second time this .6th day. of January A.D. 1958, signed, R. Et 1VICKinney, Mayor W. A. Galbraith, Clerk, I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of By-Law No. 1301 of the Town 1,f 'Wingham, as read a First and Second time and passed on the6th day of January A.D. , NOTICE TALE NOTICE that the above By-Law Na. 1303 of the Town of Winghata, after publication, as required by Section 472 of the Municipal Act, will be duly con- sidered a 'Id-rectd a Third time and finally pasied. The Council, in accordance with the requirements of the above Section 02 Will hear the dahlia Of any person or per• sons, either by themselves or by their So l' that their Sands will be prejudielAt affected, Appli cation for Such a hearing shotild be Made to the undersigned on or -before the first day of February, 1958 DATED' at Witte:aril, Ontario, 'this 6th lay of januarY, 1058. W. A, Calbralth, 8,1,22,29b Clerk TreaSurer, hell :SALE. a"E'S, USED FURNITURE, Boy :and sell, Agent for Kincardine. •.1 Laundry. Phone 185. Orrb. 'MA-LED HAY for sale, Apply to Jaeewicz Anton, B, Line past the cemetery, 15* t. THREE YOUNG YORK 'SOWS' also 8 pigs ready to wean for sale, Apply to Jack Wickstead, 3rd Line Morris, phone 32-19 Brussels. 15* POULTRY FOR SALE Cloak paid let dead, Pick disabled horses or cows, Fatal Plek-up Oa Siallet antautits, latOtaat 'Saralee With Wiedb- 00fniaabd 'trdek'a, Phone LEROY ACHESON ,Atwootl 153 toiled. or 'GEORGE 1-11gLOP Wroxeter 1r15 rob2 Forum Favors _Price Support 'BELGRA.VE-13odinin ' Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Yutll on Monday evening with an attendance of 22 adults and nine children, After listening to the broadcast the groups discudsea,the-"topic "Price and Income Support,"' This group agreed that there shOuld be a permanent support price on eggs, cheese, 'butter, hogs; cattle and • poultry with the fol- lbwing floor price on these pro- ducts: hogs, 29c; eggs 34c to the producer; butter 60c to the pro— ducer; cheese 34c; cattle 25c live weight; broilers 23c- and roasters 40c. They did not think that these TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP MONMPAILd.., NOMINATIONS Notice -is ;hereby given that the Nomination of Candidate to fill the vacancy of oho Councillor for the Township of Turn- berry for the year 1958 IvilL be held at The Community Hall in the' VILLAGE OF BLUEVALE :n the Township of Turnberry, from 1 to o'clock in the afternoon, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1958 That in case there should be more than the necessary itiunaber of candidates proposed and a poll demanded, polls will 'be open from nine o'clock a.m. until five o'clock p.m., on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1958 AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES, THAT IS TO SAY: Polling Sub-Division No. 1—at Lower Wingham School: Don' Cleghern,, D.R.O.; `Mrs. Les Mc.: Dougall, POli Clerk. Polling Sub-Division No. 2—at the Community Hall, Bluevale: 'Alex Corrigan, D,R,O.; Mrs. , • Alex MeCrackin, Poll Clerk., Polling Sub-DivisionNo., 3—At PoWell's School: Gordon Wray, D.R.O., Harold Grant, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub Division No. 4.—At.I'Vluir's School, Gletiannan; Sam Marshall, D.R,O.; Clifford Heifer, Poll Clerk. JOHN V. FIrkiall, Clerk times oftite, Turnberry, Iatittary 18, '1035. •