The Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-15, Page 1Accident at Gorrie
bang4 lit the rotnnda.
Before the fall rummage sale, an
interesting program was arranged
with miss ytargaret Brophy of
redio etation QKN.X. Two of the
auxiliary mentheru were interview-
ed by Kies BroOhy Pt) radio and
television, telling the history of
the rummage sales and Setting
forth their financial 'value.
The aualliary supplied decora,
tions and treats for the hospital at. .
ChristMas time as vvell as donating
prizes 'for the hest deporated win-
The adrninistratrix of the hes.
pital„, Mrs. IVforrey, addressed- the
meetmg and thanked the ladies for •
tneir splendid co-operation, wing
that 'no hospital could he r 14.4 without fin auxiliary. She tol4 of
the large number of patients ad-
mitted, there being a higher daily
aVerage than ever befoM,
cbaySniicteehr: lirepe,ixtpawlia,hlincehld,h we ta:wsfoolslcle;u::ppa
services which axe being •provided
last May ,and sinee• that time has
aeecinuriodateti 382:patients with an
eutlook for more this Year. It' is
tbe only clinic this side of gale
and people came from as far 44
nhLeei eel pdn es d 0.Hf a tdi ea, datiOxwineanrySonwnidu," /13 tei
this connection it is hoped to or-
ganize cancer services, where the
Mrs, M'orrey alsp spoke of the
cardiograph which is available' at
the hospital and which hag mini,
istered to 107 patients to date.
This hospital is already laying
plans to. cope with the National
Health rScheme which is expected
in the.not too distant future.
This hospital has also been ask-
ed by the provincial government to
commence a class of male Certi,‘
fled Nurses' Assistants,. which:
would be the first in Ontario Sind.
would be in addition to the ela.smes
of girls alreedy being trained here.
So, taken altogether, Wingham and •
district should he proud of "their
ihnoSeptal.ry :Tviady.gi7 ,it ...their support
()Mears Elected
thMe reSleca'tioecin oaf. th8e.c9ftetlitrweisnigdedafffiocr-
ere:- Past pre's., Mrs. W. A...Craw
ford; pres„ Mrs. Norman • Cani-
eron; ree-see., Mrs, Jas. Hamilton;
treas., Mrs, Don Nasmith;, •corr.-
see., Mrs. W. J. Greer; conVener of
cutting Oom., Mes. A. Peebles;
convener' of sewing cone: Mrs.
Gordon Godkin; convener Of buy-
icliognvecnorner'oMf srostiaGl. coNM Mildrr Jo,.°Wd ;•
McKibben; convener of rummage
sales, Mrs.'R. E. Armitage,
Leaders of sewing oiNgtiit,eo.btrAsntsrebr-1716Nfukrr:es,..
E St aemol 1 wa, rs11 r,oE.R. Wiliams, Mrs.
MLG'er°Ss.. Ted English, Mrs, Wilferd Cee-
lick, Mrs. N. Cronkwriglit, Mrs.:,L..
Slade, Mrs. E, S„ Lewis, Mrs, john
McKibben, Mrs, Len Balser,
Financial Statement for Ma
Balance on hand, January 1, 1,957,
savings aecOunt, $1,651.96; current
aecount, 81,598.39; fees,. $50.00;
ThMaagraethsoanlesBrig3,8.8$91;93.t0a5g.; drayums--,
e308.37; church dollections, 'e95,52;
tuck sho'p, $240.01; donations to-
wards oil painting, e/52.15; inter-
est, etc„ $50,68; Total Receipte,
Expenditures, $2,995.99; balance
in savings account, January 1st,
1958, $1,696.61; balaece cUrrent
account, January 1st, 1968,
$1,583,42; Total, $6,276.02, ,
The Ladies' Auxiliary is rt, 'hard
working, interdenominational Or-
ganization whieh selicite the in-
terest and aseistance of every. wo-
man toward-the betterment of the
hospital. They meet in the tonne
chamber on the first Friday Of
5e0aoch month. and the annual fee IS
About a thousand men from the
congregations of United Churches
in Huron, Perth, Bruce, Welling-
ton and Grey attended a mass rally
on Sunday afternoon in the audi-
torium of •the Wingharn District
High School, Rev, C. A•tlerug, of
Belgeave, was master of ceremon-
ies for the TV presentation of the
gathering at five o'clock.
Lloyd Hutton'of Kincardine, and
former Wingham man, outlined a
Special appeal campaign which
seeks funds from United Church
Special epeaker was Dr. Herbert
Pottle, former minister of health
and welfare in the Newfoundland
government. Another speaker was
Dr. William Berry, a national dir-
ector of the *United Church Mission
to the Nation.
David Weir, last sUrviving mem-
ber. of a 'well-khown Turriberry
Toweship family, died on„Sunday,
December 22, at the hospital at
Kinistino, Sask, He was 80 yeare of
Mr, Weir, was a son of the late
Robert Weir and hiS wife, Jane
Johnston and he Was born at lot
14, concession 6, 'ritrnberry. He re-
ceived his early' education at S.S.
No. 9, Ternberry and after at-
tending high school received train-
ing as a teaeher at the Ottawa
Normal School, After teaching in
Ontario fee eight years he went to
,the ,Wed: and teught et Oxbow. for
twie years. Returning to,Ontario he
"Was' the tea.cher 'at Milan 'for -the,
.1i.gitt four years, and then returned
tO Saskatchewan -and settled , at .
Kinistino. He was the first teacher
in .the one-roomed school which
was opened there. Later in .life
farmed in the Weldon end Kinis-
tine districts. , -
In the early years Mr. Weir was
ective in .community .undertakings,
sueh as the organization of the
telephone company and ,of various
farmer groups. He was secretary
of the Weldon school for many
years, retiring from the farm to
Kihistino six years ago.
He le survived by his wife, the
former Mary Edith Britton, of Kin-
burn, 'whom he married in 1903;
two daughters, Mrs., Gladys Gardi-
nee, Prince Albert and Mrs. T. C.
White of Windsor and one .son,
Jack, of Kinistino. .
Mr, Weir's brother, Robert serv-
ed as Minister of agriculture with
the Bennett government at Ottawa
from 1930 to 1935, Three eisters
also predeceased him. Catharine,
Jean and Mrs. Ft. J. (Eliza) Hues-
toil, of Gerrie.
All persons interested in enter-
ing a team in a Town Broom Bali
League are invited to attend a
meeting In the Wingham Council
Chamber on Friday, January 17,
1958, at 7, pole,
All, persons interested in learning.
Model Airplane Building or Square
Dancing should contact the Secre-
tary-Treasurer of the Wingham
Recreation Council, Charles F,
Perron: Flab
Featuring the Dilitibough Sisters
(with 'the Kansas Farmer), Five
lovely versatile, youhg ladies, in
Brussels Town Hall on Friday
evening, January 17th, at 8,80 p.m,
Concert and dance, adults 50e,
children, 250. • ,„
Lowett TOWN
A euehre will he held in LOWer
T win School On "'i`ititly, January
at 8.30 p.rti,' Admission 85e.
lee with lunch fedi), rize
A, euchre will be held every.
Tuesday night id the Sacred Heart'
Parish Hall at 8.45 p,ne, from Jahn-
ary 21st' to Febreary• lath inchig-
lye, Prizes and lunch, EverYehe
The Bit/vale WernetVe Meth:lite
Will hold 0, euchre in, the• coin=
tenthity hall en, WedneedaY, Jaen-
hey 221-id, at 8.30 pen, Prices,
L'Urieli Will .be Provided, Adis iesion
60 cents, ribb
With which is sinsigsmated th Gorric,,Viciette and Wroxeter News
vriNGRAIV4 q,Nriutio, urgoNEspAY, vs.Nvitav us, Aso
.osOital Ai. it
• flY 'The Pedestrian.
Friends are saying farewell to
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Slade and
family who move to Clinton today,
They have Bemired an apartMent
in their new home tolivri, though
the new; IGA 'Store which Laurie
is to manage will not open until
the latter part Of this' month,
0 - - 0
Auxiliary lects
Extremely Active Dr. J. c, F. MacDonald, ellief
'Physicist at the (1,,oelon cancer
treatment Centre, Was the ;peat
epeaker et the meeting of tile
Lions Clah held at the Ifotpl
BrUnsvviek on Monday evening,
over which President Jack ,Reavie
praided, 1 The speaker described the de-
velopment and growth of cancer
cells in, the human body and' .the
work whieh is being done to find
means of controlling, the dieeaeh
Hie own work is partially devotO
to the study of radiation and ips
affeet on cancer cells and the Lk T,
tnal measurement of the amen
of radiation necessary to clestr
them. He described radiation as
delicate procedure, which muet
vary carefully controlled, fee t
ray? which destroy calmer ean
se destroy healthy pens,
Dr. 'MacDonald was introduced
to the elnie by, Lion, DeWitt Miner
ahd`appreciation. wag expreesed by
Dr, W. A. Qravvford,
'Other guests at the meeting were
Ernie Cravvford, the president Or
the •Goderich unit of the Cancer
Society and Fred Sturdy,- of the
same town, who is president ef ebb
Huron County Unit, The latt:ti.
snake briefly on the need for rer
organization of the Wingharn. Un-
nit. He said that the unite in
Gorlerieh and Exeter are quite ani•
tive and he asked that the Lions,
Club of Wingham accept the spon-
sorship of a newly-organlied group
in town. He was ,hopeful that the
local organization could bp ready
for a fund-raising campaign 'in
Lion Floyd Blakely was at the
piano for the meeting, while Lion
Harry MacArthur led in the eihg-
ing and Lion Dee Miller handled
the tail twisting operation.
A year of progress and achieve-
ment reported at •the annual
Meeting iff the Ladiee" Afixiliary
to Wingliam, General Hospital,
whieh was held in tbe ceoneif
chamber, on Friday; January '1,0,
Regret was. expeeseed at the ille
neee of the president, Mrs. W, -A,
Crawford, and the vice-president.
Mrs, - Normen Cameron, presided
8,t the Meeting,
The auxiliery meete the heede of
'the hospital by providing beddiew,
towels, .draperies,_ gowns', nursery
,eupplies ete, During,. the year
3,288 yards of. materia wel'e pur-
:ehesed, This was all .cht IV the
cutting committee and made up In-
to 2,510' finished articlea by the 13
seWiag •grOupa, Which meet Anee
eaen month at the hosPital to
sew. A reserve supply is alwaye
on hand against emergencies and
two sewing groups are kept busy
with the piles of mending, 1,03
Yards of sheeting, 5e2 yards of
flannelette and 408 yards of seer-
sucker were used; 22 pairs Of
draPes were made and $187.09
Spent for blankets and padding.
To finance their work, the aux-
iliary has several projects. Mara-
thon bridge parties are held during
the winter nionths and provide a
source df revenue ae well ae social
Donations Were receiVed from
the ministerial Atsociation. The
main revenue comes from the two
rummage sales, which are heid
spring and fall in the Armonriee,
Theee nave become community
evente and attract buyers from
great distances, In connection
with' the spring eale, tags are sold'
Wingbam and neighbouring
To commemorate the fiftieth an-
nivereary of the auxiliary, an oil
painting was purchased arid pre-
seated to the hospital, where it
Jack Armstrong, of London, will
lie a guest on ""M'Lady" 'over
CKNX-TV on Friday afternoon of
this week. He edit speak on his
experiences asentomologist in
Africa, Jack is'•a son of Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Armstrong, farmer resi-
dents of this area, who now, inak
their home in -London.
0 - 0 -,0
Thanks to the geeerbsity of Len
'Crawford, the Wingbern Intermed-
iates will present a ;Mich improved
appearance on the ice in their new
Sweaters and socks, No doubt it
will be a big boost to team: morale
as well., There plenty of
room for those who are suffidiently
interested 'to help the Learn along,
Dates of the seed fair in Clinton
have been set for March 7th and
8th, The show IS sponsored b,V the
Huron County Crop and. Soil TM.-
provement Association. 4 Alert
ehowenen will start their prepare-
tions shortly for annual event,
0M ,-O ,
According to reports 'fronr the
"sunny" south we don't need to be
too envious of those who were able
to steal away to Florida, Listening
in second-hand on a telephone
conversation with a man in Atlan-
ta, Georgia, last week, we were
: shocked to learn that he had been,
fOreed to buy a pair of shoes for
his daughter, because the cfempera-
ture was down to 20.
0 - 0
Zeno Commander Jack Bateeon
and Comrade Don Adams, who )8
membership chairrnan for District.
C. Canadian Legion, have install-
ed officers in several branch-
es recently, These included Kin-
sardine; goderiek and Henson. `:
First Euchre ,Held
New President Intermedi4te Quii Gets,
Another' Lease ,on
Tbe seeend itiar acciderit inzur ;in Gerrie in eleven daya nteurred
last WednesdaY afternoon et the intersection lot' 'Highway a7 and. Gerrie
main street. 'A truck &Wen by Carl Dinsmore:lend a Car driVen by,
Angus Anderson tif Mount Forest collided, causing'dainage. estimated
$12011. Mrs, Annie "McMillan, a, passenger in the ear, suffered from
bruises and shot*. Dr.,Forde of Fordwidir was called. Th'e drivers
escaped injury.
A meeting of the members and
those interested in, the Intermed-
iate hockey olub was held at the
week-end, as a result of the lack ,
of support and management which '
has been dogging the team since it
started the 1,957-58 season, Funds
for the support of the Intermecl-
iates have been so completely lack- •
ing that eome consideration wag
given to dropping out of the cur-1
rent echedule. I e
'However, after -considerable die=1
CUSSI071 it was decided to renew .;
effort to gain support for the team
Charlie Lee hae stepped into tei
breach and will act team mane,- t
Included in plans to raise money
for expenses will be a canvass for
$10,00 donors, who will be given a Nees, -Norman Cameron, wbo was
card indicating their membership elected president of the Ladies' in the Wrigharri Hockey Associa-
tion, The% °Mb meMbers will also t° the Wing4har° Ge.."1111
sell tickets -orr a $50,00 door prize that organization hied last Week...
Hospital, at the annual meeting of
at .the games in an effort to in- -Adveinee-Times photo,
The dates:Of.the:Winghni Trade
Pair, which is being spotisored
the local King/hen Club, have beee
officially set for Thursday, Friday
end Saturday, June 5, 6 and 7.
The Kinsrnen ennoUnced some
weeks ago 'that 'they intended to
propeed with the. fair, but the
dates were finalized only last week.
A floor plan , of the arepa, where
the fair is te be :held, ha:S already
been drawn,,inaking allowance for
cliePlay hoothe within the arena,
ag'well as a large dieplay area out,-
side, for tile ege•of farm enachiriery
dealerg and. other exhibitors who
require extra%space:
• The Plans lie.Ve been'ed'arranged
that a single spec° 'may be pur-
chased, or if, 'beep:Seery two Or more
space's mai be taken to',rillow 'for
larger exhibits, Sale Of the booth
space'le,,in charge ot Cy Robinson,
Bill •,Moetgornery and Ross' Tam-
ikon. '
Before the meeting closed there
was a discussion of the fort/town-
ing visit of the famous violinist,
Rubinoff, who will present, a cone
cert under the sponsorship of the
Lions Club on February 21st. There
will be a matinee performance in
the high school auditorium in the
Car Damaged
In Collision
Cars driven by Gordon D. Pieher,
20, of RR, 3, , Wingham -and
George Metcalfe, 18, R.R. 2, Wing-
ham, were involved in a minor
accident about two and a half
miles north of Wingharn on No. 4
Highway at eight o'clock last Tues-
day evening. ,,
, The Metcalfe v,ehiele was tore-
ing into aflansi entraeee when 'it
was etruck from the rear by' the'
second car. '1)amage to the Met-
calfe ear is estimated at approxi-
mately, $390,90., There was only
Minor personal Injuries,
The driver of the damaged car
has been charged with failing to
signal. Provincial Constable Lewis
of the Wingharn deta.ghment in-
vestigated. • .'
crease the attendance at games-
Tickets will be available from club
members as Well as et the arena A 'd hex • CCI ent Victims
Several more players have been
rounded up and it is hoped that in
the near future the boys will start
to clielt for some wins,
Len Crawford deserves commen-
dation for providing sweaters and
socks for the players, items which
have been badly needed air season.
'Neleon Pickell is still confined
to the hospital but his condition
is reported to be improving, All
the rest of the accident victims
have been released from hospital.
Brian Casliek, who suffered a
skull fracture, and his brother,
Ross, who received e broken nose,
have returned to school this week.
Progressing Well
F;iends will be pleased to know
that those who were injured in
xthiengraltoasit ahciesi d. lei fnet) ia%wphri oc ePsesirncgy
H. S. HETHERMTON "114"41 Yildway A midway has been ''engaged to
add to the entertainment aspeet
NAMED CHAIRMAN OF of the Trade Fair and it is expect-, Police Checking
Wroxetei Thefts
*k- To Boost Park t The first euchre Party in aid of
the Turnberry park was held at
Powell's School en Friday night
with six tables in play, despite the
stormy weather.
Mr, and Mrs. W. A. .Fralleit and
Jack Willits were in ehalge, High
prizes were won by Mrs, Jamie
McBurney and Robt. Hogg, Low
prizes went to Mrs. Bill Hogg and
Earl Elliott.
The next euchre on January 24
will be in charge'„,of, Mr,' and Mrs.
Gordon Wray and Mrs. and Mrs.
Walter Willits, Everyone is wel-
;Ministerial AsSoc. - •
,meets at St. Paul's
Members of' the Wingham and
District Ministerial Aesociation
gathered at St. Paul's Anglican
Church here on Monday after-
noon under the chairmanship at
Rev. H. L. Jennings of Lacknow,
president of the association. De-
votions were taken by Rev, C, F,
Johnson, rector of St. Paul's. The
paper for this month was given
by Rev. Jennings.
The next meeting will be held at
the Presbyterian manse in Wing-
ham in February.
On Guard
Pormer Wingham
Boy Married
• The inaugural 'meeting of the
VVingham IDietrict High • School,
Board was held Wednesday after-
noon of last week, when R, S.
Hetherington, Wingham, • was
named chairman for the year 1958.
Roy Cousins of Brussels was elect-
ed deputy-chairman,
A striking committee composed
of A. D. IVIacWilliam, James Arm-
strong arid Leslie Fortune was
named to bring in the recam-
mendation on standing committees
for the year. Chairmen of these
comtnitteee are as follows: Proper-
ty, Gordon Stobo, Teeswater;
transportation, James Armstrong,
Brussels; agriculture, F ran k
Thompson, East Wawanosh;
school management, A, D. Mac-
William; finance, Leslie Fortune,
Turnherry; insurance, A, H. Mc-
Tavish, Teeswater.
New Members
One of the new members appoint-
ed for' this year, William King of
Bluevale, Wile welcomed to the
board. The 'Second appointee,
named by Howick Twp,, is Gordon
Moir, Of Gorrie, who Was unable
bc present,
The repert Of Ins/Miter E. R.
McClellan was received and re-
ferred to the management eom-
Decision wise made to join Vhe
Associated High School Boards ,of
Ontario and the Ontario Stbool
Truetees' AsSociatien,
Appointinents Made by the board
included W, A. Galbraith as secte-
At Calvary 'United Church, Lon-
don, wedding vows were exchang-
ed before the Rev, E. G. Turnbull
by Sharon Kathleen Moore, and
Thomas Donald Field. The bride
is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
S. W, Moore, Lambeth and the
grocim ie the gon of 11114, and 1Vers.
Arthur R.R. 3,'Lambeth, for-
mer residents of Wingharn.
The bride wore a waitz-length
gown of wihite ehiffim with match-
ing draped chiffon hat and brief
veil.' She carried a spray of red
earnatioes and white snapdragon.
Gowned in red faille, Miss Linda
Welker attended the bride, Wit-
Barn MeGillyray was best maxi,
For traveiting to Mexico, the
bride donned a beige sheath with
matehing hat and accessories,
aqua topeoatiend yellow mum cor-
Sage. The couple Will live in Lon-
Chliinney Fire
Damages Home
GORRIE---Wingharn Vire Dept.
was. called to a fire early Saturday
Morning at the home owned by
Geo. Ariger, Wingham and oecup-
led by Mr. and Mra Ken Charles,
The fire was under eontrel before
the engine 'arrived but an estimat-
• ed $100 damage Was done mainly to
flooring around the overheated
'stovepipe. •
Liberal Delegates
At Convention
William Elston, of Morris Town-
ship left. for Ottavtia the week-
ona ag one of the delegates from
the riding of Huron to themat-
mhal convention Of the Liberal
pairty„ Chief business facing the
eonvention is, of course, the selec-
tion of a party leader to succeed
Rt. Hon, Louis St, Laurent. Hem
Lester B. Pearson -and Hoh.
Martin, both former Liberal cabi-
net ministers; are the two strong-
eet eontenders for-the leadership.
iffertresenting' the Wellihgton-
Huron ecnstitoehey Will be Arnold
Provincial Police are investigat-
ing a series of break-ins which
occurred on three recent nights in
On Friday night thieves removed
the coin box from a pay telephone,
getting away with an undetermin-
ed amount' of silver, On Sunday
night Wilson's feed milt was enter-
ed and about e10.00 cash was
stolen. Monday night the service
station operated by Ted Smith was
eritered, with the loss of some
ed that it will be set up on Diag-
onal Read beeide-the arena. Mur-
ray Stainton is In' ehatge of the
inidway arringernenti. ' -
Li addition to the midway there
will be entertainment in the areha
each evening, VatietY ehoWs will be
preseeted on a efage to be erected
at the -west,end of the floor, and
the show will .bg, changed each
evening. Al Williams and LlOyd
Ellacott are in charge of enter-
Harvey Fisher is ecimpleting ar-
rangemente for a draw on a large
doll which will he dregsed in fifty
$1,00 bille. TiekefS will be sold on the
bills. Tickets will be sold on the
doll, which will be bn display in
one of the local store windows
Dr. NittlITIO Speaker
At Prayer Services
Special se'irvicee in observance of
the Week of Prayer were held five
The inaugural meeting of the
Winghant Publie Utilities Commis-
sion wee 'held on Saturday morn-
ing, R. B. liteXinney was named
ehairman. Other members of the
eommission are R. 1-1, Lloyd and
DeWitt Miller.
It was decided to request the of-
fide of the Aural Hydro to extencl•
a line front the foot of Carling Ter-
race tO the CXNN building, in
order to provide alternative sole
viee for the television statiori,
A new- employee, Fred Vyse, has
heen engaged by the ebtrithisSion,;
and he eoinmerided his dutiet here
about two .tweits- ugo, Mr, V.Yse;
hat preViouslY worked With the
Ingersoll PUC and the Ontittio
}WM, wife and haVe
Molted Whighain,
Mr, and Mrs, Haro ra.
W. j, Mott, Vary Elliott anti lean
Gurney attenticled the Western
Ontario and Niagara Pehinsula
Vighte 8kating COMpetition held in
Stieittercl, JaiiiirtrY 10 and lith,
Where John Wild and Nithey El-
nett toMpeted, /11 eleeely con,
Coked junier Men'e grefip Of eight
Contestants. Sehlt Wild WO
fotirth, IA a keen group of .28 JuVe-
ledieg, Mindy ,eittrie below the
the top ten fh 'tint' feels
She gained Venable eXPOrienee
eorimoting with atieh 01katora. •
In the riliked pair grauft, jint
Hutchison arid little trohwyti•
Brothea, *Ito . are Well knoWn i
heiVE Phteed
The maeagenient obentnittee Wae
directed tey devote study to tho
eoet Of 80001 Inhales lo order to
deterxhine whether any further-
ehauge is required ht the present
It. Wee reported that, sonic diffie
etrity lied been eXeerlended with
the heating plant, After an exert-
ination by an expert in this field
it Was found that one of the bore-
d:61140g WaS" Plugged. Clotnirig or
the ottainthent has reetiffed the
The refltieg cheirriiitii, De. Mee
Kibbon, ekiereeSed hiS APPreciation
tit, the beard Men/bete ter the fine
de-opetation and nipper( he had
reeeitirld iinring his term of offiee,
trevor Adams, pitlii3 for Team One of iihn Pee,Weets. gets
nti set to hoht oft a tough shot IA the early Shiges 0( the Seeend gante
On Satorday mottling. .A..tIvatiee4inte4 PhOtO.
Brownies join
Girl 0. uides
Last Monday was again eit InOr
portant meeting in the historY of
the Winghare Guides, Collet/1101QU-
er Mrs. Geo, Cameron astisted by
Captain Mrs. Xart Ha.nornettott was
present to enrol some of the,
Hrownies Who joined the anides iti
November. Those who suceetsfully
passed their; Tenderfoot Testa and
became Girl Guides were; Helen
Runstedtler, Helen Currie, Meier'.
ley Cunningham, Sally CraWtOrd
and Sandra Cameron.
Mrs, Canieron also presented
with congratulations the tind elms
badges Which the girls had *tithed
for nioet of the peat year and 'cute.
miriated dnring the Christmas holi-
days. The psolla reciplehte Were;
Sue Naernitil, Sane tietheHniton,
jeuadrilth3oNftief tilbnbdonn, ulttharlihodgfoloti,lt,
A.tiother landmark In their filleA'
, ower tfogdir, 15,riaitsei c!i:catutey"ttitlhi4tini,
woman •badga and went to Nth
the evuoiug tottnintitert
Camp MO SONO. 4,!
Witokettitt w.t.titiottitt
The Wtoxeter WI, Will hold
progreeeiVe euchre iii. the Cone'
Stray hail at 8.80 January
WortitN'4, ttiV8int xitt
ttretatim MOT' ,
The Winghab Woilletee Inetitiite
are holding' a efiehte in the cotineli
ehamber oil PridaY eVening, janit.
MT Nth at 8,30 shady, Atliniasion
sil cents, Lunch 'sensed. Geed
prieee„ Pvetyohe wolmme, )413.h'
tary-treaenrer and "1", W. Platt as Darroell, Clifford, foemer M.P.,
attehdanee offtleer. , :Roes' IVregivan, Mrs. R. Harrieon
The becelliher repOrt of the and Des Murphy of Mt, Forest.
principal, W 8', Hall, ihdieated j
that 831 pupils were enrolled, 'with
TWo rinks of ,euriere from the LOCAL SKATERS AT an average attendance of 93re, '
Sound during the holidays and -
sehool. had travelled ,fa OWen sT
RAIFORD 'MEET earne lilt/Me With the eoriselation evenings last week, ih St, Paul s-
Angliean Church, When Rev, A.
Nirninor .D.D, was the epeakeri.
His theme for the Week was
"tilt Unfolding Marne Of the Lave
of God", On Monday evening he
spoke on "Paradise LOA"; Tiles-
dey, "DiVihe Teagede; Wednee-
day, "What Mari Coeld Not DO Mari
Did"; Thurtclay„ "ln Christ a New
Creatieh".; ahd Friday, "The rot,
tows* of the 8Plso,
• ney. C, JOhneen, teeter Of St,
PaUl'e, Wag ih charge Of,the
servidet and inlaid Was tinder
the direetieri Of Mre• Gerdert bay-
idson, the elniroli organist rod st,
Patti's. Choir, Memhert of the other
Witigham 'Congregations Partiefr
paled in the terviets,