HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-08, Page 64.1"4,4,"4"."4.4•4-",A4V14`4,4"'A There 'will be an amazing amount of seOsational bargains . for all at • CAM I I CHAEL •in Wingham "The Family Store" // - MY IDEA OF— WASTED). ENIRee IS TELLING AO 11AIR-RAISING STORY -ro: A 'SALD-1-1E.AciErYmm ' • Want to see your calvesy pigs and chickens through those tarsi; ctitiaa. cal Weeks? Then ,put them ShMaGaiir feeds -and watch tile grow strong' and healthy. Calf.• Starter Giower $4.05 Super Lay Mash , $3.70' Hog ,Finisher . , $2.95 natimmaimaimutem ammall GORRIE (Inte'rided for last week) Mts. W. J. 'Gallagher and MisS' Maude Higgins spent Christmas Day in Wingharri with Mr.. and Mrs. Emerson Shera. Miss Alma Nash, Toronto, and Mrs. Rbafe"••Patteasbri,,' • Whighain, apent the Christmas holiday at the home of their mother, Mrs. Thos. Nash, Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Brown, of Bearnsville, were guests Of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Whitfield on Christmas Day, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Graham. Mr, John Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, of Gorrie; Mrs. Net- tie Hutchison and Mr. Earl Edgar, of Molesworth, attended the funer- al at. Blenheim on Tuesday of last week of Mr. Stariley MacPherson who was killed walking along the 'highway near his home. He was the, husband of the former Lillian Edgar of. Cori. 2, HOwich Township - Mr. and Mrs. garold Edgar, Trances and Jimmy, of Guelph, spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry Holmes, Dor- othy and Grace, ,oflifoleSworth, Mr, arid Mrs. Gordon Vines and Blaine. of .Listowel, were Christmas,:guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Dustow. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Edgar and family spent Ohristitias with the former's mother, Mrs, J. Edgar, in. London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Nuhn, Palm- erston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil. mer Nuhn on Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Douglas and Mr. Wm. Finlay visited Mt. and Mrs, Fred McGee, Wingham, on Christmas Day, Births HEAD — In Sarnia General Hos- pital on 'Tuesday,. December 17, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth , Head, (tee'Patricia Strong), a daughter, WILL—In Kingsville,. oh December 20, 1057, to Mt, and Mrs. Allah Will, a sera Land" 401 Walt Disney's "Song of 4 a•,, Sdrith" ,-..., Ward Allen presents "Maple LetleitoedoWn" 7,1p," ff Winghatet AdVenee4inle, WednesdaY$ fitli, 190 Iwa•saleavarasaa,..... .:Have- You Got • CoirMiChae.rSH: Clearance dale T Advertisement NEXT W EEK BOLGRAVS---The Ladles' guild Of Trinity Anglican Church held leir first meeting of the new .ar on Thursday afternoon att the ome of Mrs. Robert. Higgins with tie president, MrS, Clark Johns-, ton, in 'charge, and opening the meeting with a hymn and prayer, The Scripture was read by Mrs. William Brydges, minutes by Mrs. Richard Procter; the treasurer's report by Mrs, William Brydges in the absence of Mrs. Cooper Neth- cry. A splendid year was reported for 1057 and plans were made for this year, including the making of quilts for the fall bale. It was de- cided to purchase yarn which will be knitted into articles at the meetings, 'rep members answered Income Tax roubles? DIED WRDNCTEB—Frierle in this ComnatinIty were deeply shocked to hear of the sudden Passing ,of jsi°ohtellr-Pin!r.1ad:,a M 1°'s€, t4V1fer itbuolimf:edat gar, Brussels, on pecornber 28th., Deceased was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Augh Edgar, 6th line Howick, and was 50 years of age, Mr, Edgar. was a successful and respeeted teacher at Lane's School in Howick, Pelote Au Buil, Bola. sels and .to the past twenty-five years he had been on .the staff at Fort Frances, where, he will be greatly missed. He Is survived by one sister, to f lVfa lten Besides 8 id hi the roll call at this meeting. Margate s Lunch was served by the hostess two brothers, , • Parents he was Predeceased by Murdoch of Brus- assisted by ,Mrs. Alec Nethery and sels, who passed away some- years BENRAVf wild Reports excellent Year JOHN It FOUR' 4•4040•••••••••11141.41.41.41...400.**aallamateriee***.alawrareaaroriaalaollowaaaaalaagamaja WATCH THIS :SPACE ,..F9It ago and James last July.' A Masonic service was held on Monday evening and, funeral ser- vices were held 'from the D, Rana funeral home, Brussels, on December 81st, with interment in the family plot, Wroxeter Ceme- tery, Pallbearers Werer John Mc- Cutcheon, ,Harvey McMichael, Jack Griffith, Leslie Douglas, John ,Snell and Geo, Gibson. Plower- beaters were: Cameron Edgar, Fred Montgomery, Glenn Mcker: cher and Fred Doubledee, Most of us have - at this time of year. Books to be brought tip to date ... payroll records to be totalled and goodness. knows how many other last minute problem s. Mks, Jack king. Anglican Church GORRIE aa The annual ,vestry meeting of St. Stephen's church will be held in the.L.0 L. ball on Friday evening, Jan. 1,7tir at 8.30. The Guild of St. Martha will hold their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilmer 'Nuhn 'on Wednesday evening, Jan, 8, at 8.30. The Brotherhood of Anglican ,Churchmen will meet on Tuesday evening, Jan. 14th, at 8.30 . in the L.O,L, hall, Gorrie. Don't Risk Inaccuracy! A•11.111NOMIIK41111100•11/1.11.1011.11161191 fli**(14•101.mlip00161100/11111.1111.0 — .1M1.4111111110(141111.1.0.1100 9.11••11E. ' Oil isisiiimillowominittilionionlowitituaillummitimnsivaiinneem 4 6 ' FOOT SUFFERERS! . - . ii won 1 Each foot has twenty-six bones, some, of these are very delicate III • - and a break down van often cause trouble in the anklea,knees, FE . 1 legs end lower baelc. 1 in in,, i ., Under no obligation see ' - i" i J. A. VICKERS; Foot CorrectiOnist El -I i oN., Si i maker of Featherweight Arch Supports at 1.11„; - Wingham office, Queens Hotel 1.1 E 1'' i each Monday afternoon. if Q▪ iiiiiimominuilmiliciatisimilmiguatimilloniiiimilmilmilowitiunilliaryu ,.. ..i • • ' United Church. News, GORRIE—Next 'Sunday com- munion service will be held 'at 10 a,m. HOWICK LIONS HOLD PARTY Mistakes can be unpleasant and expensive. There is only ONE safe way to handle your part of the job. G. ALAN' WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., Wingham The Woman's Missionary Society will meet at the home of .Mrs, E. Carson oh Thursday, Jan, 9th, at 8.15 p.m. Program Committee, Miss Margaret Dane, Mrs. '14. Fer- guson, Mrs, T. Edgar, Mrs, L. Watson. Phone 770 , TV. program "Sing Time", which is sponsored *by United - Church men each, Sunday from 5 to 5.30. score. The highest and lowest for men and women won good prizeir. Stan Bride and Mrs. Lorne Madill were high; Stanley Zurbrigg and Mrs.' Fred' Hambly were 'low: .a There was n impromptu orches- tra with Mrs. Gordon Moir at the. piano, Santa arrived and gave each lady a f present along with a eareas. Tile meeting closed with the Lions roar, The six column Smith Corona..-- suitable for most businesses sells for only $ 1 1 4 5 The new Smith-Corona adding machine guarantees per= feet totals. : . as well as saving you tedious hours of work. ow Price Will Suit You! The Gorrie United Church ,will to the community, hall for the pro- hold its fInratial meeting on Janu- gram. The hall was decorated for ary 15th at 7 (lock, beginning the occasion with Christmas tree with a pot luck supper. and all. Next Sunday afternoon men of The atmosphere took on a car- the congregation are invited. to nival appearance as each person Wingham High School at 4 o'clock had a score card and had to visit to take part in a rehearsal for the 10 booths, and write down their GORRIE WROXETER—HOwick Lions Club held their annual Christmas Party in Fordl"kich United Church and the community' hall. Seventy- five Lions and their ladies and guests partook of •'a beunteous turkey r.uppe'r, catered to by the ladies of. Fordwich Uaited Church Following the supper all journeyed United Church News WRONETER—Communion. set- vide will be held next Sunday morning in Wroxeter United Church. The men of the church are in- vited to take part in the rehearsal of the television, prhgta,m, "Sing Tune",- which is being sponsbred by the United Church each' Sunday from 5 to 5.30 p.in, Those taking part are asked to be at the Wing- ham High School at' 4 p.m, The annual •meeting for the .con- gregation will, take the form of pot-luck supper at 7 p.m. on TueS- day, January 14th., The Y. P. Met in Wroxeter on Sunday evening with Miss Dorothy Toner and Mr. Jamie Sanderson in charge, Plans Were made to hold a skating party, for Wroxeter and Gorrie members the end of Jan- nary. • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller on New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and Murray, Wroxeter and Mrs. Jean McDonald, London, Who remained 'until Saturday and visited other relatives in the community. Mrs. Wellesley Strong spent a few ‘clays in Sarnia recently and was accompanied on her return by her daughter, Mrs. Ken Head, Mr. Head and baby of Sarnia. Mr, Ken Ashton has been re- engaged as principal of the Brus- sels public school and commenced duties on Jan. 6th. He resigned last Juneb owing to ill health, after a long term as principal. Rev, and Mrs, E. C. Attwell and David spent the New Year lioli-. day with Mr. Attwell's parents in Brantford. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Short a Miss Myrtle, spent New Year's day in Fergus at the home their son Lawrence. Mrs. Leonard Sanderson a children have been'visiting w the formet's parents in Ripley. • Mrs,. -C. Gregg is visiting w relatives in ,Wallaceburg, Village trustees for 1958 and Gordon Edgar (new), Claus O'Kr ka and Sandy Edgar. • The inaugural meeting of H ick Township council was opa on Monday with devotions by Rev,' W. J, V. Buchanan and Rev. E. C. Atte/ell'. Mr. Harry Gowdy has pUtahased the residence of Mrs. knowl Hueston, 129.95 Seven-column $ adder The New; RECORD RELEASES are All Here Rock 'n roll, be-bop, dixlieland, we (16111 we have iti "beep in tale Heitrt of Dixie Sewing Sisters (Intended for last week) l'Vfr, and Mrs. Clarence Hanna and family With' Mrs. Norman Hanna and family at Atwood on Christmas Day. Christmas visitors with Me. and Mrs. R H. Coultes and family were Mr. and Mrs, Russel Walker, Geclerich; Miss Donna Walker and Mr. and Mrs, NOrtnan, Stonehonse and Miss Son 1a Stonehouse, all pf Lendon; Dr, Gordon Stonehouse, of Phoenix, Arizona; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stoneheuse; Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse and Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGuire, This was a special occasion as this Was the first time in 21 years that all had been together at Christmas time, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 13allagh and family, of Teepwater, Mr, and, Mrs, Jack .Adair and family; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keys of London and Mr. and Mrs, Murray Brad:. burn and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bradburn, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Walsh and family were Christmas visitbrs with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter; Wirightun, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson of Wingham spent. Christmas and 'Miss Jean Wilkinson of Toronto is spending a few days with Ur.' and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson. ' Mr. and Mrs, Walter. Masonf '.of Blyth and Mr.. and Mrs. Stanley Cook spent Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs, Jack Cook arad Visitors over Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.' George Cook were Mr, and Mrs. Al Lechinsky and family of Regina, Sask.; Miss Florence Cook, Wingham; Mr. and M.S. Jack Bosnian and family, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walsh and family of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Payton and fam- ily of Glanworth. Miss Joan Brydges of London, and Mr, and Mrs; Keith. Dunbar and family, " of Winghana Spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Dunbar. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell and Bradley spent Christmas -With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd. Campbell and family, R.R. 4, Brus- sels and with her parents and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott, Whitecbarth. Mr. and Mrs, Trevor Moores and family of Brampton visited during the holidays with Mr. and. Mrs. Donald Campbell and Bradley. Mr, and Mrs. , Alan Dunbar and family visited one day during the holidays with her father and ,sis- ters and brothers, Mr. F. M. Peck- itt at Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKenzie. of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walsh and Carol.: Mrs. Charles Keating is a patient. In the Wingliam 'General Hospital,, Christmas visitors with Mr.. and. Mrs. Fred Cook were Ma .and Mrs. Jack Walker and family of Wing- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Keith; Mr. and Mrs. Eraest Crawford and family of ',Goderith .and Mr. and' Mrs, Ca!rmir, Nichol- son and family of R.R. ,5,, Brus- sels, m.r, and- Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, Mr, Norman Stonehouse, Mrs. Russel Walker and Mrs. R. H. Coultes. accompanied Dr. Stone- house to Maltoa airport on Sunday Morning, where he left by plane for 'his home in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hopkins and family of 'Hanovet, Mra. •Mar- tha Lewis of Listowel visited' with Mr and Mrs, Roland. Marks and Bobby and , all spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Wallace at Loridesboro. and Mrs. Williard Arm- strong and Joyce spent Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs. Dave Shannon at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, George Michie arid family spent Thursday with her riatents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Beatty at' Winthrop, Mr, and Mrs.. Charlie Cole and Joan visited over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James Michie. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Les Shaw, all of London, spent the holidays with their parents; Mr, and Mrs: John Anderson,, - :Mr, Roy McGee of Kitchener spent the holidays, with his brother, Mr. Gordon McGee. Mr. and Mrs. 'Carmen Farrier and family of Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McDonald of Pres- ton: Mr. and Mrs. Rod McLeod and family cif Miraieo and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pletch •and family of Brussels Spent the holidays with their parents, Alit, and Mrs. Nelson Higgina. Mr. and Mrs. John_ M. Cannes spent Chtistinas with Mr: and Mrs. Alan Leaver near Wingham Mr. - and Mrs. Harold Vincent and family, lvfr. arid Mrs. Roy Mc- Sween and GatY, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Log•an and family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Vincent all spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Zees- lie Vineent and family' at London, Mr. Cecil Chamney has returned to his home after being a patient iii th' Victoria. Hasnital„ London. for the past few weeks with a btoken leg. Miss Audrey Conites had her tonsils terhoVM At the Wingham General Hospital oril Friday morn- ing„. Visiii`tra with Mr,, and Mrs. liam VariCargri were Miss Lila Taylor :of f)restort; Mrs, Tayltir lei Wingham: Mr, and Mrs. DaVe Murray and fancily of"Wing- /lain; Mr. and Mra llaVidson and 'family of Glencoe; Mr and Mrs, ken Johnston and family of • dintOn: Mt anti Mrs. Clare Van-. ("limn and family*. Mr kn,,f MM, glen VariCarrin and tatalWand Mr. , and MtS. jack Vanearrip and fain- Hy, of Wingham. Wee "Best -Bu CASH. REGISTER Find out about the most ec- onotrxical 'cash register available toclay Make Your Own . Credit Terms Name your o wn doWn payment. Balance as low as $4.50 a month! Low carrying Charges. 1." Wroxeter Native Dies at Regina A' woman who nAoneered in nor- thern SaskatChewan, 'Mrs; /retie Martha. McTavish, 75, of Regina, died recently in that' city. V'Utioral service was held in Steers funeral chapel with 86\r, A, Aielten officiating and Initial Was In Regina 1Vfeinorial Gardens. Mrs. :McTavish Was both in Wrogpter the former Martha Eag- leson of the late Mr, and Mrs. Win. Eagelsen, She Was mar- tied in 1907 to Jahn B. McTavish and inOVed West With her htlahand, and family in 1909 to A homestead ill the a OltiliVari district, 30 'Miles west of Oittleford, where' they Made theit home until itt.• Me- 'ravish retired to Regina in 1961. SiltelVera are her husband, three Sons, john P., ,San rranciseo; key., Stewart, Carlyle arid boitid, Port IVtiteleed Altt,; one daughter, Mrs, kinrion,, Luinederi; one brother, William kaglearin, VaileauVet and seven` grandchildren. * Mr Si. MOS. kerineth Whealeir and fomilv ttriA 14*,4 1404.11 tj'idat tine day laSt Week 'Visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Pleitell arid' family at Hamilton, Mrs. raturtiod to sp!ind a few days 'Waiting relatives at BeigraVe. ON ;l WINGH 10041140IIRSIFILIP fir and Ufa. Ohas., Mack attend- ed the funeral of a ,ccousiii, Mr, Cleo, Rlack at Park Itid• Saturday, Mrs, has, Lovrienen has re, ttirried froth LtieltriOW to her henna here. Mrs, )teercery,ti ses' Violet and Viola M char i<lr spent See 'the new Smith Corona adder at Wingham Advance-Times Rodgers and latiminetateittW: "OkInhotaite! Pats' great hits "'s Marvellous" by ]tail,, Cop-, WU and his ortdiestra. "NOW Tricks" by iling Ce0811 "Say It With *OW Lawrence Welk ,,4 Hank Snow Country Arid-) WeStern 4ambored Betaking With Pei ii,„ Conta( t.r.'s,is Records, xtetnicd i ayistmi,I Chibt n . 0.141 Stmulleo WREN HOUSE 1))7(00144M1., ROM), WINOVIAM PlItONIK 4/15 of nd ith ith af- oW- ned the the son nit Mr, and Mrs. Clarence, Grainger and family of Wallaceburg spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs Cecil Grainger. Barry Grainger of Exeter visited at the same .hame. Larke Carson spent a &Amid'of days at ,the home of Dr, P. G. dederich. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Scott and Edith; Mrs. A. Hamilton, of,Ek- et/er; Mrs, Eccles 'Row and family of Wawanosh Twp. were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hector, Harniltori. • Mr, eind Mrs. Ernest Harris and . Leohe: Mr, and Mrs, Alex Petrie: Mr., and Mn'. Gordon Leiittit and family, Wroxeter; Ma and Mrs, )toy GoWdy were slipper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cowdy Sattirclay, Mr, and Mrs.,'Glen Will and Leamington, were slipper . guests' Of ,Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Harris till Friday' eVehing, MiS, Ale* liertrie Visited Mr.. and Mrs. Chas, Warwick, truasels tot tunday ate see WENGER BROTHERS, Publisher ,jab a screw into vote watt via. .it will turn. hi and, out oa ' ,tit *b .' - - *tot -mot *too, MORE0 EGO PAO'S * Old .eggs are smooth and shiny, Ptah eggs: are rough ilia chalky Hold Meeting EtPLMORE—The meeting of the Belneore Sewing Sisters Wits held on MoridaY, December 30th in the Belmore Arena, and opened 'with the, repetition Of the Pledge. The *intact Were read by Secretary Muth Fitch and approved. Roil call was answered by "What t Have Done on My Skirt Since the Last Meeting"„ Mrs, Detibledeo road letter Which outlined what Was expected in the retold books Site. also gave i'nstructi'ons on how to put iri the waistband and interfacing, the girls Separated into two groups, one being instructed by MrS, boubledee on IOW to put lh aloner, while Mrs, Portune dernon- grated the proper Method of ratting hi the facing, After the Mite afiaignment had been given the remainder of the evening was 'Spent in „Working oh the Skirts and tl4c,, meeting closed toith,thaliational anthem, The. nod Mr, rind Mrs. Wm, Wright, New Year's with: Mr, and Mrs, ded meeting Nom 1/614 ill ittfitulty Wrogateri Mt, Gletdori Edgar and iatown, , slit a p.m.