HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1958-01-08, Page 3Theatre -i. arr stop
tWEDly1 SDAY & I'i 47R,SDi
Jaotlat'S` and 0
*erring Bob Hope in one of
S' greatest roles, Pertxayimg
New York's Fabglous Jimmy
Walker of the Roaring Twenties
January 10 and 11
starring Taal hzineo plus
The Bowery Boys . in
"Spook: Chasers"
January ..:1$
alt' hours o(eoktinuous laughter
With the` greatest array, of prix-
• - es . ever`,aasembled,'
"bragstrip, .Girl" -
. , pits' ,
"Rock All Night"
(Intended for last Week)
Mr. Bert Moss has returned frote.
a trip to the West,
Mayor Predicts ..
(Continneil.from Page POO
Assoc., with. a repast for grant,.
This Was -,file(].
Mr. Cecil Ohamney, who .had A letter frprn the Deputy Minl-
been'a patient in Victoria Hospital, ster of Welfare for the prosinee
Condon,, ftr several weeks, visited informer.. the council .that as .pf
for e .Couple of days with Mr. and December' 1st all payments of dip
,Mrs, ;Sam Thompson before rettlret cot relief by the town willbear'
ing,.ta his home in 13elgrarve, where $0% assistance from the Depart-
,he will, spend a month before rao meat ey W:eifare,'°This was wel-
turning to 'London for further come news, eines provincial assist-
treatmsmE ante had previously amoufited to
Mr.' George Jefferson of Clinton, only 50%, The mayor commented
was a Sunday visitor at the; home that the amount of money involved
of Mr, and Mrs. IX, Jefferson,
during the ,past fen, years, has not
Christmas day gaud holiday visit- ,beenrealsince relief .
Ors included Mr. and Mrs, G. A. g ayments
Mac%sughlin, of Detrdit, with Mr. have been at a minimum, however,
and Mrs. Clarence Chamney Mr, he said, the figure might easily
and Mrs, George Reeves •of •Tor increase in the future,
onto, Misses Irene Jefferson, . Another conumutttticatiion inform-
Dunnville and: Gladks Jefferson, ed council of the up -doming Good
Reg, N., of Woodstock at the Jef- Roads Convention in the Royal
ferson homes here; Mr, and Mrs. York. Hotel, Toronto,,in February,
Sam Thompson and family with and requested the annual member-
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Thompson, ship foe. It was agreed to forward
Wingham; Mr. and Mrs, Elwin
Chamney,. Dorothy, and . Marilyn, the fee 'e'nd' discussion of repre-
Winghaln, Mrs, Graham Chamney sentation at' .the convention was
and family, Goderich, Gordon and held over to ',, council's February
Mrs. Chamney and family; Au meeting, r..'
burn, Stuart and .Mrs, Chamney . ,
and daughters, with Mr, and Mrs.
Police Chief T W,` Platt, in his
Chamney; annual report to council; said that
'Police Report
1957 had`not seen', any serious
Floor Sanders for rent crime within the town There had
been only three charges"•ofbreak
' at ing, entering and "theft, •and the
ALEXAAlthree • accused,' had "been .' arrested
NDER'S i LI ' 5' and later convibted,'
HARDWARE Perhaps the most spectacular
crime of the .year was the' theft of
$2500.00 worth of diamond rings
from an unlocked car, at the hos-
pital, The thief; in this:• case, is still
at large and the crime is under
The Chief • stated that, the town
cruiser, has clocked up . a total
• mileage of 60,000 but is still opera=
ting satisfactorily.
Trnprovements • Needed
Reeve Roy Adair,: reporting for
the property committee, ,said fie
was of the opinion that work
should be undertakento improve
the appearance of the grounds in
front of the town half such as -the
planting of some flo;ver, beds. He
-also hoped that it would be possible
to, paint Lile'. ,woodwork at , the
town hall. He said the belfry is
not . in safe condition and that it.
should' be examined 'and. the, nec-
essary action taken. • In conclusion
he pointed to the .fact that .there
is still no traffic light at, the lower
end of the main street.
Reviewing...the financial . affairs
at the are na,;'the , reeve, presented
a •financial statement'. which ...indi-
cated that
indicated,that the,. town. council's con-
tribution to the•arena, was :$3491.33.
in 1956. In 1957„ the,s ena. receiyed
a total of $5,916.00 from +.the,•town,
but ".$2,000.00 ;of this, amount . was
not incurred by actual Funning
deficit:; It, w.as,`the• balance •`of the
indebtedness. incurred• when arti-
ficial ice was', installed.
The reeve requested 7 a grant of
$750.00 from council to•, handle out-
standing obligations ••at thecarena.
at the present; time and to':provide
for a small balance •forrunning
expense's, He said he could •make
no promises, - but . 'expressed the
hope 'that this grant; would see
the arena co••mmission• through the
balance of the season. •.
Revenue -Ulf a -
,Interest in the facilitieb', provid-
ed by Clic arena his 'been much
HOW "HIGH:. OFF,,: THE •.HOG?'.:.:.. y:
'f]Vllether your family lives on tenderloin or
kid1 eys may depend on how well your estate
is handled. •
:Experienced. Estate 'Officers, like those at
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minunum'of delay, confusion and tax loss.
Why not 'talk to a Sterling Trust; Estate Of Icer
soon••.., or writefor our free booklet "Blueprint
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w 11
yr Why
are: your s ,
Ter -made sheets- are truly longer, The size bfl
the label is the .Must size after hernrning..
lex.made sheelf.are hghtl'p woven containing •maxi -
Munn thread Count per inch. This means longer wear.
iftrif=lu'C3 WASHAtifLITV
Every bdauti'ful Colour tan be washed and washed
over and over. Gbid'urs corneae to sparkle,
0' BIG
MAI*CHtei'• c tfAU..UTil' t'lLLOW9L1l�
Pillowslip fabric: is rants high auality`used in sheets,
91 AS fON Eais+ti'i ERSHif
'Eanada'S only Fashion brand: seiiulifuf
colourt tripes,fl'or,shh rot every darer,
keener This year than iii prev bus
seailpna, with revenuc `four the ur-
ent season totalling $t240.09, dux-
penditures for the same p rind
have been $1.04,05, but there are
outstanding bills of $458,00 t
met at. once. Approximately ,$. 0:00
of thise indebtedness is the b ante
of a .repair account from last dear,
Reporting from the fire depart.
nre;jtti Councillor Jack Gorbutt
said that ,ill equipment, including
coats and l,luves had been ohecked
over and repairs and replacements
Made where necessary.
Councillor W. F. Btrrgman said
that a section of the fence at the
cemetery had been danaa Pd in a
recent car accident, but that esti-
mates of the Cost of repairs are
being :secured, and the driver of
the car has promised to :pay for
the damages,
Recreation Report
In his report of the recreation
committee, Councillor W. E, Con-
ron expressed his satisfaction with
the increased use of the arena and
said that facilities there are being
used practically to the limit be-
tween the various hockey teams
the figure skating club and the
public skating, ,
Several by-laws were read and
Passed by "council. The first was
the routine by-law authorizing the
borrowing pf the sum of $70,000.00
'by the municipality until such
time as the taxes are collected.
Another by-law provides for the
closing of seven feet along the
south side. of .Albert Street, near
its intersection with Minnie Street,
which is not required for the pub-
lic use. •
Permission for the use of town
property as a site for guy wires
and their footings at the CKNX
Building on Carling Terrace was
granted to Canadian ' National
Railways in the form of a by-law.
The equipment on . the. property
is owned by the railway company.
and used for the reception of
micro -wave. signals front the nat-
ional television network.
In committee of the whole salary
increases were ;agreed Upon
amounting to $100.00" per year for
the clerk, chief of police and the
deputy chief. The basic rate for
town 'workmen was increased to.
$1,00 per hour.
Before the conclusion of the
meeting , Mayor McKinney voiced
his appreciation of the co -opera-
tion' received. from The ,Advance -
Times en -all matters related to Elie'
public, He also ' extended his ap-
preciation to the ,police chief and
the members o` his staff for a fine
job done during the past year.
The mayor also referred+to the
nuniber of cars . which are left
parked for extended periods ,of
time along the • main street and Dies
that police will be instructed Sister Dies
to take action. against their own-
New President Wingliam
Canadian Legion. •
The annual installation meeting
of the Wingharn branch -of the
Canadian Legion was held in the
Legion home last night. Installed
Lloyd Carter.
as president of the branch was
Out -going president, John Pat-
tisori, who hes held the position
for the past ,two years, conveyed
his .best wishes to the new presi-
dent and thanked the members for
their help during his term of
Other officers in tailed included,
George C. Tervit, 1st vice-presi-
dent; Jack Orvia, 2nd vice-presi-
dent; Bob ChettlebUrgh, treasurer;
Sack Sturdy, financial secretary;
George Brooks, sergeant -at -arms, COUNCIL GETS HOT—
and Les Armstrong, recording sec- There were some sharp words at
rotary, The committees will be council meeting on IVfonclay
formed at the next executive meet- directed right straight at the fet-
ing. low who insists on leaving his ear
The meeting was a combined one parked on main street all day or
with the Ladies' Auxiliary to the for other extended periods, Pollee
Legion, and the women officers action in this regard has not been'
were also installed. too tough so far, perhaps in per-•
Mrs. David Crothers was install- petuation of the feeling that we
GORRIN---Amateur Radio Sta-
tion *UHF operated by Stirling
locIat electrician, Is now
getting out with very good results
to, various parts of the worla by
short wave, eaPeelally into West.
ern Canada, Stirling has talktld
to many stations in Alberta and
13ritisb, Columbia and can viti•
often arrange to have people talk
their friends and relatives by
radio, ,
Mr, ant Mrs. Courtney Cilpin of
Gorrie last Sunday talked to their
son, Verne Gilpin, at Viking, Al.
,quite successfully. Volume
at* times reaches signals as strong
as our local radio stations. Stirling
hopes ,to enable many people to
talk to Mende 'througli ea -oper-
ation of other "hams" who !aro
quite co-operative in their line,
New , Zealand is the furthest
point reached fie far,
Sister Dies
At Formosa
A lifelong resident of the
'of Formosa and sister of Mr, Ben-
jamin Rich of Wingham, Mrs.
Regina Flaohs, died last Week. Ithe
iurvived by three sons, Harry
and Alhert, Permosa; Lep, Wal-
kerton ,ancl six daughters, Mrs.
Clarence Bonner and Mrs. F.d-
Heinz Lord and Miss Loretta
Plachs, Niagara Falls. She has one
brother in- Wingbant and two
sisters, Mrs. Albert Buhlman,
peernertoo and Sister M. MKS -
tine, Detroit.
ed as president of the Auxiliary
along wtth 1st vice-pres„. Mrs. Joe
King; 2nd vice-pres„ Mrs. T,
Gauley; sec„ Mrs. .T. Jackson;
treas„ Mrs. L, Dawson; sgt.-at-
arms, Mrs. S. ForSyth; standard-
bearers, Mrs. S. Forsyth; Mrs. R.
Hammond; executive comm„. Mrs.
G. Brooks, Mrs. T. English,' Mrs.
Ross, .IVIrs. E. Lewis; pianist,
Mrs, A, Sell; inve.stigating officeri,
Mrs, B. Casemore, Mrs. Ken Sin -
Mrs, F. Edgar.
BELGRAVE--Bodniiii Farm
Foruin met et 'the hotne of Mr, and
Mrs. •Iohn Nixon On Monday even?
ing with an attendance of 17 adulta
and, two children, After listening
to the broedcest, the group dis-
cussed the topic,. "Product Itestric-
This group decided that since
there is no surplui here, they
didn't think .there was any need
ref product restriction and they
felt that it would coat more to con-
trol the produce than ,te give the
surplus aWay and Would be inn-
pogsible to enforce the restriction.
'hey Were not in favour of any
forin Of dictatorship.
Progreasive euchre was enjoyed,
With high priaeS being won ny Mrs.
Carl Prooter end flovvard Wilk-
inson; eOnsolatiOn prizes Went to
Mit, Ted Pear and *Clarence
Lunch Was served,,The next meet-
ing Will he held at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Vuill„
Invisible Darning
Is Circle Topic
The meeting of the Witightut
Happy Sewing Circle waS held at
the horde of the assistant leader
on January 6th at 7 pin. Eight
members attended with the preSi-
dent, 'Betty Ann Lapp in charge.
the. Meeting opened with the
4-11 Pledge, The roll,eall weS What
the members liked best about the
meetings. The minutes' of the last
meeting were adopted -as read.
The feeder, Mrs. J. L. Currie,
read a letter f rope, Shirley Petersen
concerning Achievement Day and
the retplirenterits att exhibit anti
Nifaterial and Information Was
giVett. On the cOntents of a good
roeord book and points on judging
wereAkettsted, Mrs, Currie ..shov.
ed &AV te brush and rellahve spots
from a. sitirt„ 'using Carbon tetra -
AU the .atietfibeit cinjoyeelleartn,,
?the meeting closed at this 'point.
At Drew
The realtives of Mrs. Fred Hot -
torn, of Drew were shocked ,to hear
of her death on December 29 in
Palmerston Hospital. She was a
sister of Mrs. S. A. Murray, Minnie
like ta live in a "friendly,' little
toWn. However, annoyance with
the regular offenders appears
likely to result in the distribution
Alire-call about the supper hour
on Sunday resulted in the sound.
ing of 'the siren, hut when it. was
learned that the fIre' was outside
the te•rritory covered by the Wing -
ham brigade the call was trans-
ferred to the Lneknow seintd. The
blaze, waa in a chimney at a house
owned by Cecil Falconer arid the
Lucknow boys had no trouble
preventing •damage.
Irish Ministers
At Gathering
BLUEVALE Rev.. Matthew
Bailie, Mrs. Bailie and' Gerald, of
Toronto made a brief visit to
friends in the village last Tuesday
Street, Wingharn. Mr. Bailie was formerly minister
ac,.. in the Presbyterian C
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerr, hurch here.
eomkanied by Mrs. Paul Vanstone, They had attended a gathering
Molesworth Presbyterian
attended the funeral on New ICrihurch on Monday evening, Dec-
ember 30th, when fifteen Presby-
terian ministers and their wives
formerly from Ireland, were guests
et a dinner served by the ladies
of the Airelesworth church. The rest
of the evening wee spent in con-
versation, games and the singing
of Irish songs; The event was so
enjoyable that it was planned to
have a similar occasion in the
Besides Mr. Bailie and Rev. W. J.
S. McClure, of the Motesworth
Church, who with Rev. Robert A.
Maishall of Whitechurch planned
the evening, the following mini-
sters attended: B. H. /-Iunter, West
Hill; Walter Kennedy, Paris, Rob-
in Boggs, Weston, Robert A, Jack-
son, Celt, Alexander Clements,
Palmerston, B. Carson McLarnon,
Westview, Toronto, I, A, McKin-
ney, Teeswater, Charles Eadia,
Carluka, 'John Forbes, Agincourt,
Wallace McClean, Lucknow, Alex-
ander Mime, Winghain and G. D.
Smith, Peterborough.
Year's Day. Mrs. Les Hanna of
Guelph, also a slater, returned with
them for a few day's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft
and family spent Thursday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt,
Watson; of Brucefield,
Miss Kathleen Fisher is spending
two week's of ber vacation with
her Slater, Mrs. Arnold Lougheed,
of Midland.
Mr. and Mrs, A, E, Buckton cele-
brated their 53rd wedding.4anniver-
sary of their wedding quietly on
Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Chapman
have both been* very ill with flu
during the past week,
` Mr, Walter ArscOtt spent New
Year's With Mks, Arseott in Tor-
' Mr. arid MrS. Gordon Rintoul end
family spent Nevt Year's with Me.
and Mrs, •Ralph Carrieron of Ash -
Mr. and Mita. John Craig end
Ur. and Mrs, Dawson Craig and
children and Mr. Albert Paterson
spent New Year's With Mr. ana
Mrs. Robert Hall, of Wingharn.
Alex Craig and jiminie Robert-
son spent a, few days last week at
the home of their uncle, Mr, WM,
J. Peacock, Bluevale.
Ur and Mrs. Webster Janklin,
Communion service was held in
the 'United Church on Sunday,
January Oth, The met in
the 'evening.,
Mr. and Mr's RaYmond
and Oordon Messer enjoyed holi-
day festivities with friends et
LYle McKinney, of 'Northville.
Mich„ Archie McKinney. of Leam-
ington and Mr.. arid Mrs. Cecil
Griffiths mid Bob of Tlrstripton.
were hofidav. visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Cherik.S--Bosnittu and other
Miss Ruby Duff and Mrs. IA, L.
Aitken visited at Listower on Sun-
Mr, and Mrs. ilaelt Davies and
Listoweir and Miss MaXine ;Nett-. children, of Toronto spent rt week-
nt London, Mr. and Mrs. Doug., end with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
,las kaufmenn, of ItItellarlet and 84°1*.
-f — I My and William Elliott of Whir.
Visited eh SuhdaY with Mt and haM spent New Willos rinv with
Mrs. Archie /Potion.
Mr. arid Mrs. Wnh A,. Purclon
day with bet parents, Mr, arid
111111, grnith, of tangatcle,
Mr, and Mrs. jolt t<ert, and
Thursday With her parents, mr.
ms, /Ion Ultitart
Mr, and aVtrs. Baymond
visitor in the village on. Saturday
litottl1414014 At Cornwell on De 7,
ember thd, 1987, to Mr. ami
Mrs. Spence McKintion, dangli-
The Vi7bnIgthiam
:NEW ,NA11
"A new Commonwealth 'nation
was born on Junitary a, When 10,
island groups of the tropics Plarih-
bean bream: 'one state -70w West,
when Lord Miles,' of 'Oritellt VW'
sworn in as the 'federation's first
'governor-general at Tbe •iled
House, main government building
in the federal capital at Port of
Spain, Trinidad.
Ihe inauguration of. the gover-
reir-general and thr federation Was
bailed by a fanfare of trunipets
The Red House and a 19;glin saline
from the 2,700 -ton Revd NaVy
frigate Trowbridge, anehored In
,Port of Spain harbor after its
arrival with Lard and Toady Haillest
11 few hours earlier.
Lord, Hallos, 56, formerly was -
Patrick Buchan -Hepburn, a mem-
ber of the BAsh. House of Com.'
mons for 25 years, a minister of .
works. and Conservative party
wiT1111:: West Indies Vederatioc,
subject of a long series of Post-,
war Plans and negotiatione links a
chain of British colonies stretch-
ing in a 2,000 -mite -long crescent
from '.7enutlea in the northwest to
Trinklerl, just off the Guiana coast
of South America.
8,000 Square lvfiles
The 10 chief islands and island
groups have.,a combined area of
about 8;000 stinare miles and a
pdpulation of nearly .3,(105,555:
and tepert On the eeratlitiO4
your Present 'beating Mtitta
Keinember tine Only
Who can afford a faulty
dace 'is the man Who it
money to burnl
Wo Recommend 4 Tnitio
Whether it be a low-cost Grinial
ity furnace or an nitra-MOdi''
honing Unit, we guarantee
wilt cost you less to iristall ati*
far less to operate than, 4,04
ether heating unit of the sane
. capacity!
Air Conditioning. •
Wingharn Phone .45.
FLOOR AluminUm
Telephone 260
,.;\ An imporlont message from .the Ontario Department of Transport
When you apply
for 1.953, licence plates
This certifier -that
4 if you do
noi have
this Liability
fotnpanyt Or
09E10 today.
into the Unsatisfied Judginent Fund..
Here's why: The additional $6.00 fen tote paid by Motorists
'without Liability coverage is made necessary because of the
neW increased maximum payments available froth the
Unsatisfied Judgment Pund. The Pund was established by
the Government to helpliky judgments Inrising out of add,
dents involving uninsured motor Vehidenn, Drivers of such
vehicles must repay the full eiruntint of the judgment 16
the Fund.
if you do not hove Liability laturarieo, and are involved% ant
accident, yott could lose everything you own, Should a
judgment be wide against you, and you do not have Liability -
Insurance or Other Means tit iiieetitig it, you could lose Ai*
hones, your motor velliqle, your savings and a large part ef
your future earnings to .theet the judgoent.
legal obligatiew iiriking front accidents fa.
yoking injury, death or Grantrige ter propeily
The additional $g.06 poyntent i* NO
4 45, hot" Lioiiiiity Uwe**. $14 your