HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-09-09, Page 15THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1992. PAGE 15. Look-alike drugs causing widespread concern This feature is third in a series by the Addiction Research Foundation designed to inform the public about the ARF's programs and resources as well as alcohol and other drug issues. Dr. Usoa Busto pulls open a slender drawer of a small filing cabinet in the pharmacy offices at the Addiction Research Foundation. Inside are rows of brightly coloured capsules and tablets - transparent blue, green, speckled, bi-coloured, even a couple of heart-shaped tablets, sorted neatly into individual compartments. “They're quite pretty, actually,” she says, closing the drawer. She pulls open another filing cabinet. “Here are some more,” she says. “We have about 50 tablets and capsules and information about another 200 or so products - probably one of the most complete collections of look-alike drugs in the world.” The ARFs pharmacy staff began collecting the pills and related advertisements and-information in the 1970s, shortly after look-alike drugs first appeared on the scene. At that time, they were manufactured in illicit “basement” laboratories in the U.S. The pills contained varying combinations of ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine (PPA) and caffeine, and were sold as stimulants. They were often misrepresented as “speed” or sold in capsules that resemble those of legally manufactured ampheta­ mines. “They have an interesting history,” adds Eva Janecek, the head of ARFs Pharmacy Service. “One of the main entrepreneurs, it you like was a trucker called Edward Seay. He used amphetamine stimulants himself, but various legislative changes made it increasingly difficult to buy them on the street. So seay began manufacturing look-alikes, made up of caffeine, and selling them through truck stop and mail-order sales. His operation was called ‘Peashooter’, - which he took from his CB radio handle. At its peak, Peashooter was moving five million look-alikes per month, under names like black beauties, pink hearts and what have you. Strictly speaking, there was nothing illegal about it in the U.S.” But by 1981, look-alikes were causing widespread concern. Not only were they used by truckers, they were also seen as initiating young people into a world of drug use and drug dealing. Furthermore, when taken in doses high enough to stimulate the central nervous system (especially when used in combinations), these drugs can produce such side effects as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and agitation. Deaths due to stroke were also reported following massive doses of caffeine combined with phenyl­ propanolamine. By 1982, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration moved to restrict the traffic of look-alikes by announcing that triple combination products were new drugs and consequently anyone who wished to manufacture these drugs was required to apply to the government for a licence. Manufacturers were also informed that such drugs would have to be certified. It was unlikely, of course, that the small manufacturers who produced look­ alikes would file the required documents. “The situation now is very different,” says Dr. Busto. “Even the name has changed. Since many of them no longer resemble the amphetamines they originally imitated, they're now called street stimulants instead of look-alikes. And they're often marketed as weight loss or anti-fatigue medicinals. Most of them contain only caffeine.” In Canada, where even caffeine tablets require authorization from the Health Protection Branch before they can be manufactured legally, street stimulants are brought here from the U.S. via different routes. “Ads for look-alikes tend to appear in drug culture magazines like High Times”, says Dr. Busto, “but every now and then, a mainstream magazine like Cosmopolitan carries them.” She pulls out a sheaf of tcchnicolored clippings from a file. One ad sports a trio of female rock musicians under a clutter of headlines, reading “Fastest & Strongest Stimulants, Diet Aids,” and billing the pill as “the strongest, longest-lasting pharma­ ceutical body stimulant now available without a prescription.” Another ad reads “T & M Delivers!” over a rather business­ like photo showing rows of capsules with names like 357 Magnum, Black Mole, Pink Heart, or 36-24-36 TM Capsule. Over the years, ARF pharmacists have received many calls about mail-order stimulants. “We don't get nearly as many as we used to,” says Janecek. “In 1986, we had more than 50 calls about look­ alikes - maybe five per cent of our calls that year. More recently, it's down to maybe 15 calls a year.” Most of the calls, she says, come from concerned parents who find tablets or capsules in their teenager's bedroom. “Very often, we know as soon as they start describing them whether they're street stimulants,” says Busto. “As soon as we hear heart shapes, or specks on a capsule with SK227, we know it's likely a caffeine product. The parent is usually relieved because they don't think caffeine can be dangerous. But we tell them to be careful. Think of it - one pill might be equivalent to four cups of strong coffee. If a kid takes two or three of these pills, it's loo much. The consequences could be serious,” she says, closing the drawer on the brightly-coloured capsules. “Street stimulants may not be as toxic as many other drugs,” she adds, “but we certainly do hear reports of overdoses from time to time - not lethal, perhaps, but emergency rooms in Toronto often end up handling the results.” The Addiction Research Foundation is an agency of the Province of Ontario. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT’S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. AUCTIONS 2-Day UNRESERVED CLOSE-OUT AUCTION. Sept.19th & 20th, 10am for Clampitt & Boyd Limited, 57-61 Holborn Ave., London. Selling total inventory of parts, shop tools, office equipment, trucks, tractor loader, trailers, motor homes and real estate lease. Call (519) 439-9276 or (519) 663-9797 for further information. It's another Aero Marine Auction Sale (705) 734-4777. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WE NEED A MORTGAGE BROKER or real estate broker to act as mortgage agent in this area. 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