HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-07-15, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1992.
From the Minister's Study
Bible verse tells supreme truths, says pastor
In St. John's gospel chapter one
verse 10, we have the divinely
inspired words: “He was in the
world, and the world was made by
Him, and the world knew Him
Firstly, while we continue to
spend billions on rockets that
penetrate deep into outer space -
partially in an attempt to discover
the origin of our planet, this verse
proclaims as it has since A.D. 90 -
the supreme fact about our earth,
which is that it was made by Jesus
Christ. Verse three of John 1 says
“All things were made by Him and
without Him was not anything
made that was made.” Only our
dear old Bible proclaims this
profound truth. All the wisdom of
this world will never lead you to
this conclusion, should you live to
be 1,000 years old. I Corinthians 3:
19 states “For the wisdom this
world is foolishness with God.” 2
Timothy 3: 7 talks about “ever
learning and never able to come to
a knowledge of the truth.”
The simplest and humblest
believer in Christ understands more
about the origin of our world than
the most renown, worldly-wise
scientist or philosopher. Since only
God can bring into being this world
and everything in it, we understand
from this verse that Jesus, in fact, is
Secondly, our verse states that
He was in the world. What an
honour bestowed upon our planet
that God should leave His ivory
palaces in Heaven and humble
Himself to come to our world as a
baby - personally; for our sins. No
wonder the prophets foretold this
event and the angels appeared in
the sky to herald His birth.
Can you try to imagine how the
apostles must have felt when they
began to realize that this One
whose feet became soiled as He
journeyed with them through the
towns and villages, was none less
than God in the flesh, Emanuel -
“God with us” as Isaiah put it?
Thirdly, our verse tells us that
“the world knew Him not.” Jesus
should have been recognized
through the many ancient
prophesies about His birth, life,
death and resurrection. He should
have been known by His purity of
life and flawless characters, His
astounding miracles, His claims to
be the Messiah and the Saviour of
the world. But tragically, the
Jewish nation was sin blinded is a
whole and would not see Him for
who He was.
It is incredible that at the same
time the evil spirits He cast out of
victims, knew exactly who He was.,
Luke 4: 41 says “and devils also
came out of many, crying out and
saying, Thou art Christ the Son of
God. And He rebuking them
suffered them not to speak, for they
knew who He was.”
In Matthew 16, Jesus asks His
disciples “Who do men say that I
the son of man am? And they said,
some say that Thou art John the
baptist, some Elias, and others
Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.
He said unto them, but whom say
ye that I am? And Simon Peter
answered and said Thou art the
Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Imagine Jesus looking deep into
your eyes and asking you “Whom
say ye that I sam?” What would be
your answer? If you recognize that
He is the only Saviour of the world
and that He died and shed His
blood for your sins personally, have
you opened the door of your heart
and invited Him to come in to be
your Saviour and Lord? My friend,
your eternity depends on your
response to Christ. Acts 4: 12 says
“Neither is there salvation in any
other, for there is none other name
under Heaven given among me,
whereby we must be saved.”
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259
11:00 a.m.
Manse 887-9313
- Joint Summer Worship Service
with Melville Presbyterian Church at
Brussels United
• Ethel Morning Worship
Summer days are come again - we lift our song to Him"
Margaret Bernard, extreme right, and members of her family were present at a special service
at St. John's Anglican Church in Brussels, Sunday morning to dedicate the new sign in the
memory of her husband Tom. Pastor Paul Acton stands in the back row, second from right.
Also present in no particular order were: children, Carmen and Mary, Irma and Gordon Pryce,
Shirley and Jim Coleman; grandchildren Kevin and Karen Coleman, Cathy and Jim Butson,
Steven, Michael and Christopher Bernard; Tom's sisters, Jane McEwing and Mary East and
great-granddaughter Sarah Butson.
Minister discusses prayer
Greeting the congregation at
Blyth United Church Sunday, July
12 were Lloyd and Mary Walden.
Ushering were John and Agnes
Wharton. The service opened with
the call to worship followed by
prayers of Invocation and
Confession. Hymns were: “O For a
Thousand Tongues to Sing” and
“What A Friend We Have In
Jesus”. The men's quartet “4 All
Ages” consisting of Danny Snell,
Garth Walden, John McDowell and
Shane Snell favoured the
congregation with two beautiful
pieces, “The Church in the
Wildwood” and “The Last Mile of
the Way” accompanied by Phyllis
Boak on piano.
A large flower arrangement at the
front of the church was placed in
loving memory of Kirk Dahman
who passed away last Monday, July
6 and was buried in Kincardine
Cemetery. Sympathy is extended to
his friends and relatives. An open
house in honour of Cliff and Bev
Snell celebrating their 25th
wedding anniversary will be held
by the family on July 19 from 2-4
p.m. at their home.
The sermon was entitled “Our
Need to Pray and God's
Willingness to Answer Our
Prayer”. Rev. Ramirez opened his
message by asking the question
“Why Do We Pray?” Is it because
we feel we should or we must?
Rather, Rev. Ramirez stressed, that
prayer should arise out of our
needs. Many today tend to think
that because of what society
dictates or because of what's
acceptable one should pray - but
rather Jesus taught that prayer must
come from within us. It must not be
regarded as a duty either but rather
it must stem from our needs or the
needs of someone else. He stressed
that prayer is as essential to our
existence as water is to fish, as air
is to other creations so we need to
pray as often as necessary.
How do we pray? Jesus tells us to
use “The Lord's Prayer” as our
guide, when we pray this prayer we
must do so with an open heart
coming to God in our need and
allowing Him to do as he sees fit.
Jesus used the example in Luke
11:2 “If a son asks his father for
bread, will he give him stone?”
Then in verse 13 “If ye, then being
evil know how to give good gifts
unto your children, how much more
shall your heavenly Father give the
Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?
In closing Rev.'Ramirez said,
“May we open ourselves to God,
and let Him speak to us in our
The service closed with the hymn
“Prayer is the Soul's Sincere
gather for
Lucy Hesse led the congrega
tional singing on Sunday, July 12
and Kathy Procter played the piano,
at Brussels Mennonite Fellowship.
Pastor Tom Warner preached from
Galations 5, concentrating on
verses 15 and 26. Too often pride
of accomplishment in spiritual life
causes us to become immature as
Christians. We display deeds of the
flesh and will not face them due to
our thinking we are mature, when
in fact, we are not. The fruit of the
Spirit is the only trustworthy gauge
of maturity in Christ.
Following the Christian Educa
tion Hour, the congregation
gathered in the gymnasium for a
pot-luck meal, and fellowship.
Several committees and groups
have scheduled meetings for the
following week.
You are welcome this Sunday
July 19 - Pentecost 6
Holy Eucharist - BAS
Trinity, Blyth St. John's, Brussels
9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m.
The Rev'd E. Paul Acton, 887-9273
10 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11 a.m. - Morning Service
8 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday - 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday - 7:30 p.m. - Youth
you are. Welcome at
9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults
11 -12:15 - Morning Worship
Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.
Phone 523-4590 McCONNELL ST., BLYTH
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
Joint summer worship service with
Brussels United at Brussels United Church
We welcome you to come and
worship with us.
Invites you to join them
in Worship
11 a.m.
Rev. Lorenzo Ramirez Jr.
Phone 523-4224
10 a.m. - Mr. Henry Exel
7:30 p.m. - Mr. Fred Vander Sterre
Sunday at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20”
Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith 20 5:00 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V.
Visitors Welcome Wheelchair accessible