HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-07-08, Page 19AuburnThe news from \ Compiled by Mildred Lawlor Phone 526-7589 Quartet sings Sunday at Auburn Missionary Church A highlight of the Sunday morning service at Auburn Missionary Church was a mixed quartette consisting of Pastor and Mrs. Came and John and Helen Baumbach, who sang "There's a New Name Written Down in Glory" a capella. Pastor Came's message taken from Heb. 1:1-14 was entitled "The Superiority of the Son". God revealed Himself to Adam and Eve. God came to Abraham making prophecy. God came to Jacob when he saw the ladder from earth to heaven with angels going up and down. God revealed Himself to Moses when Moses encountered God in the wilderness. The revelation of God through the Son is foremost. The revelation of the Son is fitting and personal. In these last days God speaks and the revelation of the Son is final. The sacrifice of the Son of God is final for anyone who wants to be saved. Kids Crusade will be at Auburn Missionary Church July 13 to 17 with the Blyth Christian Puppeteers. Rev. Ross conducts children’s service with Canada theme THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8,1992. PAGE 19. Duffs United Church welcomes new minister The Rev. Randy Banks was welcomed to the Walton Bluevale charge on Sunday morning July 5 at Duff's United Church, Walton when a joint service was held. A large banner hung in front of the choir welcoming Randy, Patty, Brandy, Tanner, Geoffrey and Cassandra to Walton manse. They moved in on Friday from McGregor, Manitoba. Neil and Marie McGavin welcomed at the door. Glenda Carter was organist. The offering was received by Fred McClure, John Gillis and Lavern Godkin. Graeme Craig welcomed the new minister on behalf of the pastoral relations committee and thanked everyone who had helped out during the last two days. The opening hymn was "Holy, Holy, Holy". Jean Mathers led in prayer. A quartet consisting of Marion Godkins, Gloria Wilbee, Don McDonald and Graeme Craig sang "Precious Memories" accompanied by Glenda Carter. The children's story on "Why do we have to share?" was taken by JoAnn McDonald. "I Am The Light Of The World" was sung. The 23rd Psalm was repeated in unison. Jean Mathers and Viola Kirkby read the scripture lessons. Hymn "Praise My Soul" was sung. Rev. Banks took over for the rest of the service. He remarked in the past week, he had his last service at McGregor last Sunday and his first today at his new charge. He closed with let us work for the good of all and thanked everyone for their patience and welcome to him and his family. Minute for Missions were read by Gloria Wilbee. Then the offering and closing hymn, "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" was sung. Rev. Banks said the Benediction and Grace before everyone went to the basement for a delicious smorgasbord lunch. AVaiton™ [ Compiled by B^tty McCall Phone 887^677 Family holds 69th reunion [The news from in Walton On Sunday, June 28, Isabelle Shortrccd, Ken and Judy Shorlrced, Amy and Kendra attended the 69th Higgins family reunion. It was held at the Belgrave Women's Institute with 69 family members in attendance. Games were played outside during the afternoon with a time of visiting for the older folks. A picnic supper was much enjoyed later inside the hall. Learning the Ropes Pays Off Rev. Paul Ross conducted the service at Knox United Church and Nancy Park was organist. There was early hymn sing. Rev. Ross told the children's story about Canada and gave the children balloons with the Canadian flag on them. "Give Me Oil In Mv Lamri" was sung, Rev. Ross read the Scripture from Luke. Hymn "Rescue The Perishing" was sung. Rev. Ross's message was Preaching on Parables #1 "The Good Samaritan". He also gave the Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession and the Lord's Prayer Learning French makes a world of difference was repeated in unison. The offering was received by Greg Park and Marinus Bakker and dedicated. "They'll Know We Are Christians" was sung. Rev. Ross pronounced the Benediction. Local man dies in 52nd year Mrs. Pearl Rollison of Owen Sound visited Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger and their son Gary Rodger of Glammis recently. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Jack Brennan who passed away last week in his 52nd year. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT’S FAST - IT’S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. To all those who participated in, or came out to watch, the Brussels FunFest Fun- Car race on Saturday. Special thanks to Don Bray, Paul Josling, Paul Kitchen, Ross Mitchell and Kelly Quesenberry for their help. Thanks to Brussels EMA for their donation of soft drinks for the contestants. 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