HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-06-24, Page 25THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24,1992. PAGE 25. ARTICLES FOR SALE AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES -RATES- 20 words or less only $3.50. Additional words 150 each. Extra Billing Charge 50e will be added if not paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth 11/4 N. of SMforthAACCOMMODATION FOR RENT A ARTICLES FOR SALE RAINBOW TROUT - POND Stockers, $1.50 each; freshly cleaned, 6 for $10; or fish your own at 30 cents an inch. 3 conces­ sions north, 3 sideroads west of Blyth. David Hedley, 357-2329. 22-tfn NEW AND USED BICYCLES - all sizes. Mountain bicycles - all speeds. Tricycles. Also adult 3- wheel bikes, scooters. We take trade-ins and do repairs, 482-5698. 23-4 HARDWOOD SLABS - $13.50/ cord delivered to Brussels, $12.50/ cord delivered to Blyth, good clean wood. Phone 529-7302. 22-4 TANDY DMP 105 COMPUTER printer, $50. Call 523-9636 after 6 p.m. 22-tfn NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers. Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. tfn KEEP THOSE BIKES OFF THE lawn. Phone Don for a bike stand. Don Nolan, Walton. Phone 887-6402 after 6:00. 24-16p at Brussels Livestock INSTOCK • custom installation available • custom post driving SPECIAL 32% Beef Supplement $11.15 per 40 kg. Brussels Agri Services fTtasterfeeds @ 887-9391 Hours: Monday 1-5 p.m. Tuesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Wednesday Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. <ainw A WHERE DO YOU FIND STAN- dard hibiscus trees? At Plant Par­ adise, 20 Fifth Ave., Vanastra, 482-3969. 25-lb BALER TWINE Now In Stock! Prices starting at: *1895 527-0120 BIRTHS A TWO-BEDROOM BRICK house in the Londesboro area, $400 a month plus utilities. Phone 526-7204. 25-lp DEITNER. Kiley is tickled pink to announce the safe arrival of her new sister Trista Lee, bom June 17, weighing in at 8 lbs. 13 oz., 21" long. Proud parents are Brian and Jan. Proud grandparents are June and Joe Dunn of Kingston, Rita and Leo Deitner of Ethel. Great-grand­ mothers are Margaret Miller of Milton, Clara Graf of Walkerton. 25-1 FUZZY HENRY. Miss Rose and Grade One at Grey Central are pleased to announce the birth of one chick “Fuzzy Henry” on June 18, 1992 at 1 p.m. Parents and child are doing fine. 25-1 POT. Freddy and Lisa (nee Boon- stoppel) thank God for the safe arrival of their much longed for and loved first-bom, a son named Jesse Jacob Johann Pot. Jesse was bom June 12 at 11:55 a.m. and weighed 9 lbs. He is the first grandchild for Hans and Audrey Boonstoppel of Auburn and the 12th grandchild for Jacob and Johanna Pot of Holland. Great-grandparents are Herman and Anna VanBaaren of Clinton. 25-1 c CARD OF THANKS ARTHUR. The family of the late Robert E. Arthur wishes to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours, who reached out with kindness and sup­ port during Bob's illness. Thank you for visits to the funeral home, floral arrangements and plants, phone calls, memorial donations, cards and expressions of sympathy and donations of food. Our grati­ tude is expressed to Rev. Paul Ross, Mrs. Marjory McDougall, pianist, Mrs. Laura May Chamney, soloist and Mr. Bob Johnston, who gave the eulogy and everyone who helped to make the service a loving tribute to Bob. Special thanks to the honorary pallbearers, pallbearers, flower bearers and to McCallum and Palla Funeral Home for their kind assistance to us. To the Knox U.C.W. our sincere thanks for a lovely lunch. Your thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remembered. - Eunice Arthur and family. 25-lp You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving.©Ministry of the Attorney Ontario General A ESTATE AUCTION SALE FOR THE ESTATE OF MARY SCHMIDT 184 Picton St. E., Goderich ON JULY8,1992 AT 5:30 P.M. Household effects, consisting of electronic bed, 2 wheel chairs, white fridge and stove - fairly new, dishes and a variety of tools, lawn furniture. Complete list will follow next week. BRIAN RINTOUL AUCTIONEER 357-2349 AUCTION SALE Car from the Estate of Charles (Carl) Sowerby Tractor, Machinery, Snowmobile from Al Corbett of Hensail Plus additions of household effects from other consignors, motorcycle, etc. SATURDAY, JUNE 27 AT 10 A.M. Duetz 4006 diesel tractor with cab (real clean), Lucknow 7 ft. snowblower w/hyd. turner, Bar Vac 7 ft. snowblower, IHC 36 3 furrow plow, 7 ft. blade, old 2 wheel trailer, Car 1982 Buick Skylark, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic 99,000 kms. (looks good), 1980 Chev 3/4 ton pickup truck, 6 cylinder automatic, runs good, needs body work, 1972 Stinger snowmobile, 7 section of pipe scaffolding, 32 ft. TV tower, portable air compressor, Suzuki GN 125 motorcycle. TOOLS - small chainsaw, 8 ton jack, 2 skillsaws, battery charger, 4” wide bench grinder, jack-all jack, new 3/4" socket set, plus other items. FURNITURE, ETC. - fridge, automatic washer, Admiral portable washer, Hoover portable dryer, Singer electric sewing machine in cabinet, good chesterfield and chair, real nice recliner chair, golf clubs, camp stove, wheel chair, rubber dingy boat, camp stove, step ladders, dishes, etc. etc. NOTE SALE ORDER - small tools, etc. at 10 a.m. Tractor, car truck, machinery at 11 a.m. Furniture and glassware at approx. 12 noon. Please come early as this sale will be over at approx. 1 p.m. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I.D. AUCTIONEER: RICHARD LOBB, 482-7898, CLINTON. A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects for ESTATE OF DOROTHY FOWLER 54 Wellington Street South Goderich, Ontario Saturday June 27,1992 Time: 10:30 a.m. Property Consists of: 11/2 storey brick house, 3 pee. bath, 3 bedrooms, approx. 1200 sq. ft. lot (corner) 107 x 107 @ Wellington & Quebec. An excellent retirement home, sells subject to a reserve bid. Antique chest of drawers, old chairs, table/drawer (old), cedar chest (old), coal oil lamp, wash stand, small drop leaf table, captain chair, end tables, sewing machine, air conditioner, Old Enterprise stove, pots & pans, antique wood washing machine, zenith T.V. (colored), stereo, Admiral fridge (white), Gibson fridge (green), Hoover spin washer, Woods freezer, lamps, stool, mirrors, small tables, wooden bed, dresser, chesterfield & chair, hall rack, cupboard. Garden Tools: step ladder, wheel barrow, garden tractor/plow & disc, lawn mowers, other small items too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash or Cheque/proper I.D. 8% sales tax & G.S.T. where applicable Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising For Information Contact: Elaine Brown 524-2385 Don Fowler 416-877-5454 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 c CARD OF THANKS c CARD OF THANKS ENGEL. I wish to express sincere thanks to neighbours, friends, and relatives for lovely cards, visits, flowers, gifts, re: my 96th birthday. Very much appreciated. - Jessie Engel. 25-1 OLDRIDGE. Special thanks for the gifts received at my community shower. - Linda Thyssen-Oldridge. 25-1 POT. Freddy and Lisa Pot would like to sincerely thank Dr. Keith Hay for ensuring the healthy deliv­ ery of their first-born, Jesse. Thanks also to the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital for their assistance and care of mother and son. 25-1 PITCH-IN CANADA! c CARD OF THANKS SCRIMGEOUR. We would like to thank our children Kevin, Brent and Heidi for giving us a great party on our 25th anniversary. Thanks to all the people who came out to help celebrate, also for the lovely gifts, cards, money, flowers, best wishes, and weekend getaway. Thanks to Blyth Lions Club, Blyth C.W.L., Fr. Ray Renaud, Luanne, Ken, Sharon, Dale, the staff from the store and any others who helped make it such a success. It was an evening we will always remember. - Don and Lenore. 25-1 c COMING EVENTS EAST WAWANOSH HOMECOMING Beef Barbecue, Saturday, July 4, 1992, 5:00 to 7:30, Belgrave Arena. Adults $8.00, Children 12 & under $5.00. 24-3 BEEF ON A BUN - SATURDAY, July 4, B.M. & G. Community Centre, Brussels United Church booth. 25-2 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS bingo, every Monday night, 7:30 p.m., Seaforth and District Com­ munity Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus Share The Wealth. $750 jackpot must go! Doors open 6 p.m. eow ANNUAL PORK CHOP BARBE- cue, St. John's Anglican Church, Brussels, Sunday, July 5, 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Adults $7.50. Children - 10 & under, $4.50; Preschool Free. 23-25-26 THE FAMILIES OF CLARA AND Rollie Marks invite friends, neigh­ bours and relatives to drop in at their home south of Belgrave on Hwy. 4 to help celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Sunday, July 5 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Best wishes only. 25-2p MEMORIAL SERVICE AT Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave will be held on Sunday, July 5 at 3 p.m. In case of rain to be held in Bel­ grave Anglican Church. Please bring a lawn chair. 25-1 TURN UP IN BLYTH - JOIN THE fun at the Blyth Rutabaga Festival this weekend, June 26-28th. Friday: Baking contest, variety show and midway. Saturday: Parade (11 a.m.) flea market and craft show, games, pork chop supper and evening dance with Whiskey Jack. Sunday is family day. Call 523-4545. 25-1 ALL FRIENDS AND RELATIVES are invited to a Come and Go Tea for Gordon and Agnes McBumey's 50th wedding anniversary at the home of Jean and Ron McBumey on Sunday, June 28 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Best Wishes Only. 25-lp MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER for Donna Johnston, Bluevale Unit­ ed Church, Tuesday, June 30, 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome. 24-2p