HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-06-17, Page 17* THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17,1992. PAGE 17. ' I AUCTION SALES CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS HELP WANTEDc A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects for ESTATE OF DOROTHY FOWLER 54 Wellington Street South Goderich, Ontario Saturday June 27,1992 Time: 10:30 a.m. For Information Contact: Elaine Brown 524-2385 Don Fowler 416-877-5454 AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 HOUSEHOLD CONSIGNMENT SALE at BRINDLEY AUCTION YARD Dungannon, Ontario on MONDAY-JUNE 22,1992 5:30 P.M. Vehicles Etc. - 1984 Ford Ranger pickup, 17’ Browning boat c/w 65 h.p. Mercury motor & trailer, 19* Golden Falcon travel trailer - sleeps 6, 15* Lionel travel trailer, approximately 15 riding lawn mowers, 1982 Honda 750 motorcycle. Note: The above items will be sold at approx. 7:30 p.m. Household Effects - Washers, Dryers, fridge, stove, deep freeze, bedroom suites, chesterfield suites, large assortment of desks, bathtubs, building material, plus a large assortment of items normally found at household sales. Terms: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. - 8% sales tax and 7% G.S.T. where applicable. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale. Any announcements day of sale take precedence over written advertising. Lunch booth on grounds. AUCTIONEER: GORDON H. BRINDLEY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: (519) 529-7625 (Bus.) 529-7970 (Res.) c CARD OF THANKS BAAN. Thank you to all my friends and neighbours who attend­ ed my bridal shower. I am grateful not only for your presence but also for the lovely gifts and good wish­ es. A special thank you to those who organized the evening or helped in any way. I appreciated it very much. - Heather Baan. 24-lp DAER. A special thanks to my friends and neighbours and my family who remembered me while in University Hospital and also the ones who brought Dorothy down to see me. - Bert Daer. 24-lp DARLOW. We would like to say a very special thank you to our chil­ dren for putting on our 25th anniversary party. Special thanks to all the people who came out to help us celebrate. Thank you for all the lovely gifts, beautiful cards and gifts of money. Thanks to the sec­ ond line of Morris Euchre Party for the nice evening they shared with us and for the lovely gifts. A spe­ cial thanks to all who helped to make these evenings a memorable occasion for us. - Ralph and Sharon. 24-1 PITCH-IN CANADA! c CARD OF THANKS FRASER. I'd like to thank the Blyth United Church Sunday School and staff for the lovely gift I received. Special thanks to the teachers for their support during my leadership. - Loma. 24-lp McCALL. My sincere thanks to my family, relatives, friends and neigh­ bours for the cards, flowers, gifts and treats I received while in Wingham Hospital. Your visits were much appreciated. - Betty. 24-lp McCALL. Thanks for your visits and interest in me while a patient in Wingham and University Hospi­ tals. Thanks to Rev. McMillan, sometimes one must be ill to appre­ ciate those who work quietly and diligently behind the scenes. A spe­ cial thanks to Dr. Long, staff of Wingham Hospital and ambulance service, also to Dr. Don Smith and staff of University Hospital and to my staff who kept business as usual. To my wife and family for their encouragement and support. To each and everyone I am grate­ fully thankful. - Bruce McCall. 24-1 toucan lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving. McCALLUM. We wish to thank our family for giving us such a wonderful time on our 40th anniversary. Thanks to all who came to celebrate with us, also for gifts, flowers, the many cards and money. Thanks for the caterers, the meal was great, also for the ones who put on the mock wedding, and to anyone who helped in any way to make it a great success. - Harold and Pearl. 24-1 THE BLYTH PATHFINDERS wish to say thank you to the Trinity A.C.W., the Bly th Legion Ladies Auxiliary and die Chalmers-Mac­ Donald wedding for letting us serve al their caterings and for their gen­ erous donations to Guiding. To Mr. Bob Hallam for his support when we planted trees on his farm, we had fun in the mud. Also when we were fundraising with cheese, cal­ endars and cookies the community supported us, so we could partici­ pate in many activities. We greatly appreciate the use of the Blyth Pub­ lic School for our meetings during the year. Thank you to our guest speakers who took time to teach and help us become more responsi­ ble citizens in our community. Thank you. 24-1 c COMING EVENTS ON THE OCCASION OF LEANNE’S graduation we would like to cor­ dially invite any friends to drop by our home on the afternoon or evening of Tuesday, June 23. Best wishes only. - Jim and Leona Arm­ strong. 24-lp SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL AT Zion Mennonite Church, 5 km. east of Cranbrook, July 7 to 17, week­ days 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Ages 3 1/2 to Grade 8. For more information call 887-6571. 24-lb THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE for the Information and Service Development for Seniors and Phys­ ically Disabled Adults program will meet on Thursday, June 25, 1992 at 1:15 p.m. at the Home Care Office, 80 Mary Street, Clinton. Meetings are open to the public and any interested person is invited to attend as an observer. For further information call 482-5666 or 1-800-267-0535. 24-1 DIAMONDS, UNITED PHYSICALLY challenged people of Huron, will meet for a picnic at The Cove, Goderich Beach, on Saturday, June 20 at noon. Brown bag lunch. For further information, call 482-3073 or 1-800-267-0535. 24-1 MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER for Donna Johnston, Bluevale Unit­ ed Church, Tuesday, June 30, 8 p.m. Everyone Welcome. 24-2p BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Minimum jackpot of $300 must go. tfn EAST WAWANOSH HOMECOMING Beef Barbecue, Saturday, July 4, 1992, 5:00 to 7:30, Belgrave Arena. Adults $8.00, Children 12 & under $5.00. 24-3 MAITLAND VALLEY BARN Dance, - formerly Warwick's Fid­ dle Jamboree, Brussels Community Centre, Sunday, June 21, 1:00 p.m. Dave Chittich, M.C. Salad plate ($7.00), served 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Admission $3.00. Everyone Wel­ come. Proceeds to the Brussels Legion. 24-1 BE SURE TO SEE THE Metropolitan Toronto Winged Wheels Precision Motorcycle Team at the Rutabaga Festival June 27. See the ad in this week's paper. 24-lb DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK- pot must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. tfn LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Lucky Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Air Conditioned. Wheel Chair Accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot must go every week. tfn CHERRY BUS LINES - JUNE 24 to Cullen Gardens. Leaving July 5, 8-day trip to P.E.I. Call Isabel Campbell 357-1938. 22-3p G GARAGE YARD SALE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 27, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on North St., Blyth. Great apartment starter items including dishes, furniture and pool table. 24-2 MULTI-FAMILY SALE, SATURDAY, June 20, 8 a.m. - ?, 17 King St., Londesboro. Furniture and much, much more. 24-1 HELP WANTED FULL-TIME POSITION ON farrow-to-finish operation for gen­ eral labour. Benefits offered along with hourly wage. Phone 887-6181. Acre T Farms Ltd., Brussels. 21 -4 STRAWBERRY PICKERS NEEDED - North Huron Gardens 887-6870. Call at lunchtime. 23-2 PERSON REQUIRED for HEATING-AIR CONDITIONING Service & Installation Experience with gas, oil & air conditioning an asset but will train Apply with detailed resume immediately to... Drawer #11 c/o Goderich Signal Star P.O. Box 220 Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6 FULL-TIME POSITION IN farrowing bam, experience neces­ sary. References required. Benefits and incentives offered along with hourly wage. Phone 887-6181. Acre T Farms Ltd., Brussels. 21-4 D IN MEMORIAM GOLL. In loving memory of Harry Goll who passed away two years ago June 19, 1990. Behind the smiles there are many tears, For you whom we loved so dear, Others are taken, yes we know But you were ours and we loved you so. - Too greatly missed to be forgot­ ten, Lila, Lois and Mel, Marilyn, Jack and families. 24-lp PEPE KLAUS At seventeen the silver dragon with a lion's heat and the wings of an eagle is dead. In a summer's blue heat Out of sight toward the horizon he went Taking with him all of our dreams and hopes - Memories of a future yet to be. For a moment our hearts stop. A frozen fury was felt deep within. In this winter stillness we are walk­ ing. Endless seems the road to recov­ ery! Not knowing what to say People who care use the power of prayer. Pulse beats of their love carry us through the pain. Lord please! teach us how. Teach us acceptance. Caress our hearts with your love. The head under his wings Encircle in sleep. In the palm of God's hand the eagle rests. A new dawn is coming, Christ is King, He will call your name, you will rise. You will fly again my son, Toward the morning sun, Forever you live in our hearts. - With Love Mom. 24-1 Learning French makes a world of difference Canada’s two languages, English and French, are the languages of 556 million people in some 83 countries around the world Find out how your children can prepare for the future with the advantages of our two languages: write to Canadian Parents for French for information on French second language programs. x-'ty-j-j—, Canadian Parents for French Q | Box 8466, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H9