HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-06-10, Page 19CITIZEN, WEDNESu., JUk' , 1392. PAGE 19. Time warp Hullett discusses CKNX The Ethel farm of Robin Dunbar looked as if it had been warped back to1645 as a re-creation of part of the English civil war was undertaken last weekend. Participants came from as far away as South Carolina, as well as local areas. Here the soldiers show their defense stance with their 12 ft. pikes under the flag of St. George. Hullcl Council resolved at their June 2 meeting to give their support to the failing Wingham television station, CKNX. Cuts in staff, as well as a change in programme formatting, is a direct result of the decision to restructure CKNX Broadcasting Ltd. The mandate of CKNX has always been to provide agricultur­ ally-oriented program content, directed to the concerns of the com­ munities within Huron, Bruce and Grey counties. Council felt that the importance of the locally-established media must be recognized, and serious consideration given to the unavoid­ able reduction of coverage of local events, markets, and interests, due to the decrease in staffing. The council members fear that CKNX will become merely a relay station for CFPL-TV in London, and will not retain its identity as the voice of this area. Council resolved to make their concerns known to Martha Black­ bum, Chairman of the Blackburn Group, owner of CKNX, CFPL- TV, and the C.R.T.C. The resolu­ tion will also be presented to Huron County Council for deliberation and support. Council accepted ihc tender from Robert Nicholson Construction Co. Ltd. for the open work on the Medd Drainage Works at a cost of $4,839.61. The tender from Ron Williams Drainage Inc. for the closed work on the same drain at a cost of $10,159.65 was also accepted. The amount of $12,079 was approved by council for Hullet's share of the Clinton fire area bud­ get- Darlene Vincent resigned as Ani­ mal Control Officer, effective June 30. Council approved, in principal, the concept of the establishment of a medium security penitentiary in Huron County. Merchants say they’ll drag heels on Sunday shopping CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL.___________Though the provincial govern­ ment tried to give everyone a "Common Pause" day it is almost a certainty that when the bill to legal­ ize Sunday shopping is voted on this Thursday it will pass. Somethe larger businesses were open this past Sunday already. Through a press release Huron MPP Paul Klopp voiced his dis­ pleasure saying, "Your government tried to get legislation which would allow a Common Pause Day. The reality is that legislation, however well intended, seems not be work­ ing and is becoming difficult to enforce fairly." Questioning the arguments that Sunday shopping would improve the economy, increase employment and reduce cross border shopping, Mr. Klopp also expressed concern with workers being "coerced" into working on Sundays when they want time with their family. So with the big guy once again getting what he wants what will it mean to the little guy. "For workers and owner-operated retail stores in our small towns and villages, I feel that there is a need to ensure that they ljave time off.," said Mr. Klopp. They have told me that to remain competitive they must have a Common Pause Day for themselves and their employ­ ees." The basis of competition in retailing, he says should be man­ agement ability not cheap labour and long hours. Both Don Scrimgeour of Scrim- Atoms control continued from page 7 ment al half time, Blyth came out with determination to win the game. Mathew Morrison scored two goals, one unassisted and the other assisted by Jeff Cowan. Blyth played very well and received good goal tending from Adam Blair. The May 25 game between Blyth Atom soccer team and the Lucknow Mustangs had to be cancelled as they were unable to field a team on that day. However, Blyth continued its strong scoring season on Tuesday, June 2, with an impressive 5-2 victory over Goderich Leeds. The game started with an early goal by Goderich with a huge bouncing ball just skinning the crossbar. Blyth never looked back after dominating the play for the rest of the half, just missing on several attempts and finally tying geour's in Blyth and Allan Teeft of the Brussels EMA said they will mot open Sundays...yet. "We're going to play a wait and see game," said Mr. Scrimgeour. "I'm not say­ ing it will never happen, but cer­ tainly not until we have to." "We're dragging our heels on this," said Mr. Teeft. "I believe in a family day so unless it adversely affects my business or competitors around me open and force my hand I will not open Sunday." Like Mr. Scrimgeour, however, Mr. Teeft does see the day when he will have no choice. "It will be a domino effect. First the stores in London will start, so the ones in the communities nearby will have to until it eventually reaches here," he said, adding "All it will do for us here is spread the shopping over another day and increase our costs. Mr. Teeft said none of his staff will be forced to work Sundays. "There is no obligation. They will be asked first and if they refuse I will look outside and hire part-time students. Mr. Scrimgeour said under the circumstances he has only casually commented on the possiblity to his employees, but reception has been cool. "No one is lining up to be first," he said. Mr. Klopp, who stated he will vote against the legislation said, "In Huron County our Sundays have been special days, days for families and for going to church. I believe it has been part of our rural heritage." second half things up on a close-in goal by Matt Anderson, assisted by David Ansley. Blyth controlled the second half, allowing only about two good shots through the defense, one of which scored. The remainder of the second half scoring was all theirs though with Matt Anderson, scoring all goals assisted twice again by David. One of Matt's goals was particularly impressive as he received a goal kick from Blyth's end near the centre line and was able to work the ball past six close defenders and outrun a last defender who had a good five yard lead on him to complete a half field scoring rush. All players were enthusiastic and tried their best and again there was an excellent turnout of almost all on the team. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: July 11- 17. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9. 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