HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-06-10, Page 2The next step
Brussels Playschool students graduated recently. The class of '92 is, back row, from left:
Chris Illman, Justine King, Cody Rapson, Laura Armstrong, Shani DenDekker, Brent Wheeler.
Middle row: Cindy Stevenson, Candice McLellan, Tate Stephenson, Erica Thelan, Laurin
Hoegy, Emily Cardiff , Melissa Souch. Front row: Drew Thomas, Chris Bernard, Tyler Jutzi,
Blake Griffiths, Krista Shortreed. Playschool teacher is Barb Mutter.
Brussels grade 3 class
enjoys special exchange
Fourteen people attended a going
away tea for Mary Yuill, on the
afternoon of Friday, May 29 in the
common room of Maple Villa. Mrs.
Yuill moved the following day to
Maplewood Manor in Seaforth.
On Thursday, May 21, Mrs. Eve
lyn Kennedy was the guest of hon
our at another going-away party at
Maple Villa. Mrs. Kennedy moved
Saturday, May 30, to London,
where her son lives.
The B&W Traiblazers hosted a
landowner appreciation barbecue at
the clubhouse, located just east of
The occasion was to thank the
area people who permit the snow
mobile club to establish trails on
their property during the winter.
About 160 people were on hand
.o enjoy a meal of barbecued pork,
salads and dessert.
The beautiful mountainous
village of Grindelwald, Switzerland
was the scene for the wedding of
Doris Gunthardt and Andreas
Wiedler on May 30. Doris is the
daughter of Peter and Erika
Gunthardt, owners of Maitside
Orchards in Brussels, who attended
the wedding with their son Heinz,
who lives in Switzerland.
Village gears up for FunFest
It's that time of year again as
organizers in Brussels gear up for
the annual FunFest weekend to be
held on July 3,4, and 5.
This year the parade will kick
things off on Friday at 7:59 p.m.
from the old fairgrounds at the
north end of the village. The theme
is ”O Canada".
The Legion will be hosting Pub
Night that evening and the slow-
pitch tournament, which will run all
weekend begins as well. This is
sponsored by the Brussels Bulls.
The Firemen's breakfast will be
served both Saturday and Sunday
morning at the arena from 7-10:30.
Also at the arena on Saturday is
the Community Flea Market and
Garage Sale, which will open at 9
a.m. and wrap up at 5 p.m.
For the children there will be per
formances by the Blyth Christian
Surprise guests at the wedding
were Max and Jean Oldfield,
neighbours of the bride's parents.
During their eight-day vacation,
the Oldfields travelled to various
parts of the country using the
reliable Swiss train system.
Another wedding guest from
Brussels was Bev Brown who spent
a few days in Grindelwald with the
bride and groom the week before
the wedding. Bev also visited with
Christa and Richard Smith and
their baby Lucas in Brienz where
Richard is working with a
construction company for the
summer. The Smiths also attended
the Gunthardt-Wiedler wedding
and were part of the entertainment
at the reception. Christa will be
fondly remembered by many
Brussels families as she resided
here for several months in the late
Doris and Andreas, who are
honeymooning in Scotland, send
warm greetings to their many
friends in the Brussels area. They
would be glad to see anyone who
wishes to travel to Grindelwald,
where they are residing in a lovely
mountainside apartment.
On Saturday, May 30, Wilfrid
Laurier University held its Spring
Convocation at the Kitchener
Memorial Auditorium. The degree
of Bachelor of Science, Honours
Biology, Internship Option was
conferred to Leanne Armstrong.
The convocation ceremony was
attended by Leona and Jim
Armstrong, Leila Johnston, Robert
and Brittany Armstrong and Helen
and Grant MacLean. After
lhe Optimists will be sponsoring
a road hockey tournament at the
arena from 1-4 p.m. and the soap
box derby, sponsored by The Citi
zen will begin at 2.
Eddie and the Edsels will be the
entertainment at the FunFest dance
on Saturday night at 8 p.m.
On Sunday morning a non
denomination church service will
be held at the arena park at 11 a.m.
with a potluck picnic to follow.
The river events highlight the
afternoon, followed by the Lion's
annual Duck Race.
There's also a Bessie Bingo,
sponsored by the Crusaders.
St. John's Anglican Church will
again be hosting the pork chop bar
becue beginning at 4:30 and the
Brussels Mennonite Fellowship has
planned a gospel concert with
music by "The Proverbs" from 6:30
attending the President's Reception,
dinner was enjoyed at Stratford's
Olde English Parlour.
Mrs. Annie Wight, Listowel
attended the convocation of
University of Western Ontario on
June 5.
Her daughter Yvonne (Pollard)
Irvine received her degree of
Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Yvonne also received the honour of
being placed on the Dean's Honor
Yvonne attended Walton Public
School, Seaforth High School and
graduated as a Registered Nurse
from Victoria Hospital, London.
Six families in town hosted
twelve members of the Japanese
Furano Theatre Company this past
week. Each family had two guests
and from all reports it was a most
enjoyable experience for all. The
Japanese were most gracious guests
and fitted into homes as though
they were members of the family.
The host families fed them
breakfast, made up lunches,
provided transportation to and from
Blyth, and then enjoyed seeing
them perform at the Blyth Theatre.
The guests were most anxious to
leam about life in Canada and the
hosts about life in Japan. A
Japanese film crew also spent time
filming at the William Richards'
Host families were Mary and
Jack Bryans, Joanne and Bill King,
Sally and William Richards, Ruth
and Clayton Sauve, Idella Wilson
and Sheila Richards.
Bird watchers have reported
seeing a pair of indigo buntings, a
rose-breasted grossbeak and one
bird watcher saw a pair of thrushes
go along a row of recently planted
sunflower seeds and dig them all up
for food.
This week in the
Blyth - Brussels
area I figure there
should be 181 birthdays.
Maitland Manor Nursery
& Landscaping
Wouldn’t a Maitland Manor
Nursery Gift
certificate be a great idea!
Mrs. Uhler's grade three class is
sending a “Discovery Box” to a
school in North York
The class was divided into small
groups then each chose what to put
in the box. Some items were letters,
posters, a map of the school,
information about Brussels, picture
of the school, and a picture of the
grade three class.
The students are sending the
discovery box to celebrate Canada's
125th birthday and to find out
about other students environment
in Canada.
The federal government spon
sored this project as well as many
other projects to get people
involved with the celebration.
Mr. Harrison and Andrew Exel
video-taped the students playing on
the playground and hard at work in
the classroom. Andrew video-taped
the school and Mr. Hamson video
taped the front sign of the school
and some sites around town.
The federal government is also
sponsoring many other projects to
celebrate Canada's 125th birthday.
The grade eight class took part in a
Legion news
On Sunday, June 21 at the
Brussels, Morris and Grey
Community Centre, the Brussels
Legion will sponsor the Maitland
Valley Bam Dance. Entertainers
from near and far are expected. A
hot buffet will be available.
The next general meeting of the
Brussels branch will be Monday,
June 15 at 8 p.m. This will be the
last general meeting until
September. Members are urged to
June's Pub night at. the branch
will be Friday, June 19 at 9 p.m.
On Monday, June 22 the summer
mixed darts will begin.
or we will pick them for you
CALL 887-6870
* Jamestt >wn
letter writing contest, about the
county or town we live in. Nine of
the students who wrote the letters
got to go on to the contest.
A discovery box arrived to
Brussels grade three students on
June 3. When the box was opened
the students were surprised that lhe
box was from Calgary and not
North York in Toronto where they
sent their's.
Each part of the box was special
to the students. Grade three student
Robbie McKercher liked the letters
best. Shannon White and Joshua
Acton liked the pictures of the
students in Calgary the best. There
was also maps, post cards, pins,
brochures, pictures, cards and
The grade three students hope
that the students in North York
enjoyed the discovery box from
Welcome back to Jamie Ross
back who has successfully recover
ed from his surgery.
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