HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-05-27, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27,1992. PAGE 17. CARD OF THANKS-RATES- 20 words or less only $3.50. Additional words 150 each. Extra Billing Charge 500 will be added if not paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth GEODESIC DOME FOR SALE, 58 ft. diameter, 40 ft. high, fiber­ glass, free standing. Phone 482-9974. 20-2 A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD. PHONE 887-9098. 10-tfn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent in Brussels, available June 1. For more information phone 570-4362 or 887-9316. 21-lp 3,000 SQ. FT. FOR RENT ON fifth of Morris, will divide to 1,000 sq. ft. units, has 12 x 14 ft. doors, pay own heat and hydro $200.00 per unit per month. Apply Robert Hesse 887-9007, Brussels. 17-tfn A ARTICLES FOR SALE WHERE DO YOU FIND STAN- dard hibiscus trees? At Plant Par­ adise, 20 Fifth Ave., Vanastra, 482-3969. 19-5ch 4 HOT NURSERY ROOMS OF weaner decks with plastic coated self-supporting floors. Each room consists of stainless steel penning, 12 pens 4' x 5' and 12 pens 3' x 5'. Stainless steel feeders also includ­ ed. 887-6181. 21-4 NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers. Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. tfn OAK TABLE WITH MATCHING six gunstock chairs and five leaves; can be sold separately or as a suite. Call 523-9892. 21-1 V. ¥ PEL ' ELECTRIC FENCE SYSTEMS INSTOCK * custom installation available * custom post driving V SPECIAL 20% OFF Chick Starter $7.25 cash & carry Brussels Agri Services ageds@ □vestocK i 391 I jy 1-5 p.m. | n.> 5 p.m. Inesday m. -5 p.m. . - 6 p.m. A ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC WHEEL CHAIR IN good condition, priced for quick sale. Phone 523-9450. 20-2p GERANIUMS, BOXED PLANTS 90 cents; Perennials 90 cents and up. Corry and Leo Sanders, one mile south of Belgrave, then two miles east on County Road 16. 887- 6306. 20-4p BIRTHS BACHERT. Marvin and Wendy welcome with love Derick Joel who unexpectedly arrived on April 26 weighing 6 lbs., 13 oz. A first grandson for Joe and Frances Kuc- man of Welland, and a second for Keith and Janet Bachert of Walton. Another great-grandson for Bert and Mabel Bachert of Seaforth, Ervin and Rachel Bender of Tavis­ tock, Romuald and Bibianne Dube of Welland, and a first for Frank and Susanna Kucman of Welland. 21-1 BEAN. Dana and Joyce are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Danielle Joelise, 6 lbs. 15.5 oz., 22.5 inches at 9:25 p.m. Monday, May 18, 1992. Proud brothers are Michael, Brett and Tony. Delighted grandparents are Bert and Joan Dougherty, Nile and Maurice and Maureen Bean, Auburn. Great-grandmother is Edna Cowan, Goderich. 21-lp MACDONALD. Jim and June (Bremner), Stratford are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Natasha Mary, bom May 17, 1992. Proud grandparents are Jim and Mary MacDonald of Stratford, Bill and Frances Bremner, Brussels. 21-lp SOTTIAUX-DE CORTE. Martin and Nancy De Corte are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first child, a beautiful little girl, Haily Elizabeth, bom April 11, [ BOVEN. Thank you to all who came to my community shower. I feel honoured by receiving your gifts and your kind fellowship. A special thanks to the ladies who organized the evening; I enjoyed it very much and felt quite welcome. - Elizabeth Boven. 21 -1 p DAVIDSON. Our heartfelt thanks to all who were so kind to us in the loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather George Davidson. Spe­ cial thanks to the Community Nurses who looked after George for the past year, the nurses in I.C.U. and Dr. McGregor during his stay in hospital and Dr. Bozyk. Thank you to relatives, neighbours and friends who sent food to the house, for all the donations, the beautiful flowers, the cards and messages of sympathy, Rev. Car­ olyn McAvoy for her comforting words, the Odd- fellows for their service at the funeral home, also friends and neighbours who acted as pallbearers, the Guild and the Rebekahs for the lovely lunch after the funeral. Your kindness and thoughtfulness was appreciated and will never be forgotten. - Mary Davidson and family. 21-1 Knights of Columbus Wingham Council Thanks local ticket buyers in the recent Charities Car Raffle The winners are as follows: Lucya & Ted Yuzyk-Nepean Ont.; Bob & Jean McCauley - Sault Ste. Marie; Berry Trotter - Pembroke, Ont.; Hazel Burridge - Hamilton, Ont., Wanda Duval L'Orlgnal, Ont., Madeline Dietrich * Kitchener, Ont., Alec F. Cooke - R.R.#2 Stouffville, Ont., Yvette Matte * Cambridge, Ont., Nirmai Singh * Etobicoke, Ont., Brian Robinson - R.R.#1 Lakefield, Ont., D. Delong Peterborough, Ont., Michael Reid * Thunder Bay, Ont., Rob Cortez - Kitchener, Ont., Diana Burger - Welland, Ont. FERGUSON. We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends, neighbours, and family who reached out with kindness and sup­ port during our difficult time. Thank you for the visits to the funeral home and our home, floral arrangements and plants, phone calls, cards of expressions of sym­ pathy and the delicious donations of food. Our gratitude is expressed to Rev. Suzanne Stewart for the very touching service and loving tribute of our dear father and grandfather. Special thanks and appreciation to the Betts Funeral Home for their kind assistance to us. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Ron, Diane, Kim and Jeff Ferguson. 21-1 HILLIS. We wish to thank every­ one for the gifts, cards, and well wishes received by Aaron. Thank you to all who attended the baby showers at Corrie's and the Legion. The family and community support is greatly appreciated. - Bob, Annemarie and Aaron. 21-lp PRESCOTT-MINERS. We would like to thank everyone who attend­ ed the Buck and Doe in our honour. A special thanks is extended to our wedding party, family and friends who helped in any way to create such a special evening for us. - Diane and Glenn. 21-1 SCHWARTZENTRUBER. We wish to express thanks to our neighbours and friends who showed their love and support through cards, food, visits and flowers in our recent bereavement. Your kindness helped ease our sor­ row in the passing of our mother. - The Schwartzentruber family. 21-1 THE STAFF AT CIBC, BLYTH would like to thank Scrimgeour’s Food Market along with J.M. Schneider, Weston Bakeries, H. J. Heinz and Pepsi-Col a for their gen­ erous donations of supplies for our Hot Dog Day on May 21. Thanks to them and the generosity of the people of Blyth and surrounding area we were able to raise $506 to take our grand total to $1,135 to donate on your behalf to the Chil­ dren's Hospital, London. Thanks also to staff members who donated their time off and to others who assisted in setting up and clearing away. 21-1 COMING EVENTS Blue Jays vs White Sox Reserve Now with Blyth Optimists Trip to Youth Day May 30 at SkyDome Adults $25.00, 14 & under $20.00 Limited tickets Call Karen 526-7158 MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER for Ann Kemaughn on Wednesday, May 27 ai St. Ambrose Church basement, starting at 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. 20-2 ATTENTION LEGION MEMBERS - Help to celebrate Canada's 125th Birthday. Bring your colours and come to our Parade of Honour May 31, 1992 at Goderich Branch 109. Parade will start at 2 p.m. Honour your Country and your Comrades at the same time, all are welcome to come and take part. 20-2 KINBURN FORESTERS Chicken B.B.Q., Thursday, June 11, 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $7.00, children $4.00. Take outs available. 20-3 SEAFORTH MINOR SPORTS bingo, every Monday night, 7:30 p.m., Seaforth and District Com­ munity Centres. Over $2,000 in prizes plus Share The Wealth. $750 jackpot must go! Doors open 6 p.m. eow HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ADULT HEALTH CLINIC Location: Health Unit Office, Medical Bldg., Brussels Date: Wednesday, June 3,1992 Time: 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. 1. Health Counselling 2. Foot Care (fee) 3. Blood pressure testing. You are cordially Invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County on Wednesday, June 3,1992 at The Livery South Street, Goderich, Ontario The business portion of the Annual Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed at 7:00 p.m. by Keynote Speaker, Mr. Rix Rogers. Mr. Rogers is the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for the Prevention of Child Abuse located In Toronto, Ontario. A brief reception will follow, and refreshments will be served. *************** Memberships ($5.) will be available at the door, or may be purchased in advance at the agency office, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. Come out and ioin us for the evening! ---------J j|d[ ~ ~ ^rm|,nwT*wrrTBPTginni^"1