The Citizen, 1992-04-22, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22,1992. From the Minister's Study, Love is a debt we will always owe BY REV. PAUL ACTON ST. JOHN'S TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCHES Most people in Brussels and Blyth have debts of one kind or another. Financially speaking it is very nearly impossible to make a major purchase these days without making a visit to our neighbour­ hood bank. Depending on your past performance they may be rubbing their hands in delight or shaking their head in dismay as they see you coming through the door. But then, who needs to make a major purchase to pile up debt? We can do that easily enough by just pulling out the plastic too often. The debt situation can get quite complicated for some people. Our liabilities can get out of control and climb to gigantic proportions, looming up before us like callous creditors in the middle of a restless night's sleep. When your supply from a steady income dwindles to a doled our dribble it is not easy to make the appropriate adjustments in your style of living and scale down your spending. The old adage, ‘champagne taste on a beer salary’ can leave a bad taste in your mouth if it speaks of how you accu­ mulated your debts during the win­ ter following a bad harvest, or during another lay-off or strike. This is not to say that there is something wrong in owing some­ one money. The scriptures are clearly not opposed to borrowing or lending money. The only difficulty arises when we borrow without having the means or the intention to repay. The ideal, I suppose, is to avoid owing others money alto­ gether because it is true what the book of Proverbs says, ‘The bor­ rower is servant to the lender’. However, allowing for the fact that there are legitimate causes for borrowing money, people ought always to repay the sum as quickly as possible while they have the means to do so. You don't control the weather, nor the larger econo­ my, and so you have to act to unburden yourself or debt ‘while the sun shines’. Too often we live high on the hog in good times and forget that in the cycle of life there will be a day of reckoning, a paying of accounts. There is one solemn verse which says, ‘the wicked man borrows and does not repay’. There is one debt that the Apostle Paul says will always be owing. In Romans 13:8 he says that first we are to pay all our debts, our taxes, our duty and customs at the border, and all other moral (promises, for instance) and financial obligations. We are to do this so that we may owe no one anything except love. Love is the debt we will always be owing. St. Paul explained that he was a debtor to all kinds of people, and the way he continued to dis­ charge that debt was by sharing with them the good news of the gospel of Christ. Like him, all the Christians in our small villages of Brussels and Blyth owe a debt of love to their neighbours, and must pay that debt by loving them with the unselfish, compassionate love of Christ. This is a large enough debt to owe, why add money to it? A BLYTH CHRISTIAN A REFORMED CHURCH HIGHWAY 4, BLYTH GUEST SPEAKER Sunday at 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20" Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday “ Faith 20 5:00 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V. Rtf Visitors ‘Welcome 'Wfieelcfiair accessible. Pastor delivers Easter message Greeters at Blyth United Church on Easter Sunday, April 19 were Linda and Tyler Stewart. Ushers were Nathan Shannon, Anthony de Boer, Ross Clark and Shawn Brom­ ley all members of the Sunday School. The church was beautifully decorated with several Easter lilies, hydrangeas, and arrangements placed in memory of loved ones. The service opened with the call to worship followed by prayers of invocation and confession. Hymns were “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” and “Thine Be the Glory”. The scripture reading was read by Sandy Walsh and Amanda Howson from the senior class, the senior choir's anthem was entitled “Were you There” with a special solo part by Garth Walden. They were joined by the Choral Kids for their second selection. “He Lives”. During the offertory, John Ramirez and Phyllis Boak com­ bined for a special organ/piano duet entitled “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”. Their special music was also enjoyed during the prelude and postlude. It was announced that next Sun­ day, April 26, there will be the U.C.W. 30th anniversary with spe­ cial guest speaker Miss Lavonne Ballagh. Lunch will follow the ser­ vice. The title of the Easter message was “Resurrection, Hope Beyond the Grave”. Rev. Ramirez said that according to our hearts, there is a great finality about the grave but he said what is final here on earth is only temporary to God. He said that the Resurrection is the begin­ ning and foundation of the Chris­ tian Church - it is the reason for worshipping. The fact that Jesus arose at dawn is significant because dawn is the separation between darkness and light. We associate darkness with fear, gloom and problems whereas with dawn and light comes the promise of a new day and a new life. The angel that declared His res­ urrection, that rolled the stone away, not only had great power but also was a messenger of purity. He was like a bolt of lightning dis­ pelling darkness. In conclusion: Rev. Ramirez emphasized the hope of Christians life after death, by quoting John II v. 25. Jesus' words “I am the resur­ rection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live.” Following the service Kathy Fraser and Kim Lee distributed packages of seeds and Easter eggs as signs of new life. Pro-life reflects on new life THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA You are welcome this Sunday April 26 - 2nd Sunday of Easter at Trinity, Blyth St. John’s, Brussels 9:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. The Rev’d E. Paul Acton, 887-9273 HURON CHAPEL MISSIONARY CHURCH PASTOR JAMES H. CARNE AUBURN 526-7515 10 a.m. - Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. - Morning Service 8 p.m. - Evening Service Wednesday - 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study Friday 7:30 p.m. - Youth you are ‘Wetcome at the BLYTH CHURCH OF GOD 9^5 a.m. - Sunday School for Children and Adults 11 -12:15 - Morning Worship Bible Studies - Wednesday 10 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Phone 523-4590 McCONNELL ST., BLYTH The Wingham Pro-Life chapter met for its monthly meeting on Monday, April 6 at 8:30 p.m. Rev. Vaudrey opened the meeting with a scripture reading, followed by prayer. As spring begins to come clearer into focus with all its beauty and newness; the Pro-Life members reflect also on the newness of life for the innocent unbon? children. A reminder that a regional meet- ing will be held at the Hartley House in Walkerton on Saturday, April 11 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. This is bound to be a very inspiring meeting and everyone is encour­ aged to attend. The chapter feels it's important to keep on top of the issues at hand and are encouraged to see the good things happening in regard to the Pro-Life cause. An example of this is Dr. Fred Offel- mann, the only abortionist in the Kitchener-Waterloo region who Deacon leads CRC service The Good Friday service at Blyth Christian Reformed Church was led by deacon and member, Fred Vander Sterre. The sermon was entitled “Pierced and Crushed For Us,” and was prepared by Rev. Ron Fischer of Whitney, Ont. The choir favoured the congrega­ tion with several selections focus­ ing on “Christ's Crucifixion”. Readings from Isaiah 53 were read intermittently throughout the singing. Hinke Bakelaar served as choir director with Angela Verburg playing piano and Tina Bos playing clarinet. Lovely Easter lilies deco­ rated the sanctuary. Mr. Vander Sterre reflected on the intense emotional and physical suffering Christ experienced prior to and during the trial on the cross. He said that all our sins are lumped into one location, the foot of the cross of Calvary. We receive inner peace and renewal through Christ's loving sacrifice on the cross. On Easter Sunday, ministry stu­ dents Ken Benjamins and Jim Pot led the morning and evening ser­ vices respectively. Both sermons examined the joyful occasion of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. The choir shared five exuberant Easter hymns with the congrega­ tion. During the morning service the three-year-old Sunday School class enjoyed an Easter story with Liz Burgsma serving as this week's teacher. The class appears to be really enjoying this new program. Easter Sunday is celebrated with joy because Jesus returned to life and that gives us life. announced on January 16 that he had stopped doing abortions. The question of euthanasia has become a continued area of con­ cern. Pro-Lifers believe that they must examine attitudes and open their minds and hearts to the prob­ lems facing those people consider­ ing euthanasia. Rather than worry about “death with dignity”, until they die. It's their hope to promote positive alternatives to euthanasia and ensure legal protection for all human life. If you are interested in hearing more regarding the topic of euthanasia plan to attend the annual banquet meeting at the Presbyterian Church in Wingham on Wednes­ day, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. Dr. L. L. DeVeber will be addressing this issue. The Pro-Life Chapter is proud of a young girl who recently chose to do her grade 13 biology project on abortion. After presenting the facts many young people were found to be very uncomfortable about the idea of abortion and were encour­ aged by the alternatives that Pro- Lifers have to offer. The group is also encouraged to have two more people express a desire to be on the board. The group is presently working on a fundraiser in the form of a cook book. They would like recipes to include in this. For more infor­ mation you can contact one of the board members. BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH Rev. Cameron McMillan Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313 11:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service -"Doubting Thomas" - Church School - Nursery -Ethel Worship Service Church School****** "God reveals His presence, let us now adore Him" MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BRUSSELS Rev. Carolyn McAvoy 11:00 a.m. - Morning Service - Sunday School 9:30 a.m. -Belgrave Service We welcome you to come and worship with us. Easter Hope all Year God is Love and We'd love to have you visit us. BRUSSELS MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages Pastor Tom Warner Elder John Baan 887-6388 887-6967