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The Citizen, 1992-04-01, Page 2
PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY,APRIL 1, 1992. People Rebekahs host area lodges The Congregational Dinner held at Brussels United Church on Thursday evening, March 26 was well attended by members, young Tennis Anyone? Barb Barton-McMillan looked Spring refreshing and ready for the tennis courts in her 'Red and White Casual ’ wear at the 5 R's Community Thrift Shop Fashion Show , held at the Brussels Mennonite Fellowship Hall, Tuesday, March 24. Majestic plan many activities Sixteen members of the Majestic Women's Institute met on March 10. President Leona Armstrong opened the meeting in the usual way. The jewellery and scarf course summary day is to be held on April 11 in Listowel. The committee for the card party on April 7 are: Marie Stute, Ruby Steiss, Dorothy Steffler and Verna Tunney. Doris McCall, Kathy Bridge, Ida Evans and Jane De Vries will be the committee for the Cancer Cam paign. Ruth Sauve made a motion to have a casserole card party on April 30, which carried. Jane De Vries made a motion to have a pot luck for the annual meeting on April 8. This passed as well. The committee for the annual meeting on April 8 at 12:30 is Leona Armstrong, Kathy Bridge, Edna Pletch and Melody White. Auditors will be Marie Mc Cutcheon and Yvonne Knight. The nominating committee is Kathy Bridge, Ida Evans and Doris McCall. The maple leaf quilt blocks were handed out with the quilt to be done by Funfest weekend. Ruth Sauve made a motion to save the afghan and rug for the bazaar in the fall. The motion carried. Convenor Marie McCutcheon introduced the guest speaker Betty Graber, who had been the Citizen of the Year in 1991. Mrs. Graber spoke on resolutions and how some ideas can be used as a group to change problems in the municipality or in an organization and what level of the organization this problem deals with. There are proper procedures in which a reso lution is written up, then decision as to who all this situation deals with. She also mentioned that people should be educated to buy Canadi an products, especially since some may only be labelled here and man ufactured elsewhere. A thought she left the members with was what changes a person does that may have an effect on their community. Roll call was answered by what your pet peeves are, with Mrs. Graber informing members if these might be resolution material. Ruby Steiss read smiles, leaving everyone with a smile. Leona Armstrong led a sing-song of Irish songs as St. Patrick's Day is coming up. Ruby Steiss will look after the scrapbook. Marie McCutcheon gave the motto about how resolutions are really a mind discipline. If you decide to change something that is wrong, then stick by your decision; don't change your mind to suit someone else. Leona Armstrong informed members about Supermarket Tours in March and gave facts on nutri tion news. The meeting closed. Lunch fol lowed. The regular meeting of Morningstar Rebekah Lodge, Brussels took place on March 24. There was a good attendance with visitors from Wingham, Monkton and Clinton. District Deputy President Irene Cantelon of Clinton, made her official spring visit at this meeting. Also at this meeting, Joan Bernard was elected District Deputy President for the term 1992-93. Jean Bridge and Lois McCall were elected to attend the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario in June as Representative and Scholar. The next meeting will be on April 14. Brussels Optimists FINAL SOCCER REGISTRATION Monday April 6,1992 7-8:30 p.m B. M. & G. Arena Boys & Girls 14 and under Photocopy of birth certificate required MILLION DOLLAR MATTRESS families and friends. The 5R's Thrift Shop Fashio Show held on Tuesday evening March 24 at the Brussel Mennonite Church, had a mos - receptive audience. The man models performed very well an Master of Ceremonies Nancy Ext provided an excellent commentary The surprise entries at the end c the evening provided muc laughter and the wonderfu selection of cheesecake dessert was also a highlight. Birdwatchers have been enjoyin watching the tundra swans restin in local farmers' fields. The swan are on their way north to the Arcti with the finches and song sparrow singing their heads off, can sprin be far behind? Country Inn Wednesday Is WING NIGHT 25c each (minimum order of 10) Thursday Is SCHNITZEL NIGHT buy one dinner & get second dinner 1/2 price Friday is STEAK & SHRIMP NIGHT DINING ROOM Is NOW OPEN SUNDAY AT NOON SUNDAY SMORGASBORD 430-7:30 PM Turnberry St. 887-9035; Legion members play darts That’s what this new SUPERPOSTURE 3000 unit feels like BY SANDRA JOSLING The Irish Olympic pubnight finished with all the grandeur and confusion found at any large sporting event. At the end of regular play the games saw a three- way tie for first place. To decide an overall winner a sudden death game of charades was played. A lot of blood, sweat and tears was put into this effort. Completing this round on top was the team of Tara Pipe, Gerry Wheeler, Verne Bridge, Sandy Hoggart and Wayne Lowe. Congratulations and thanks to all who took the time to participate or be on the sidelines to cheer on their favourite teams. On Saturday, March 21, the Fraternal members participated in the doubles darts held at Wingham Branch 180. Representing Brussels and finishing fifth was Dave Adams and Bob Elliott. Gord Jacklin and Adam Smith teamed up but failed to finish in the top 10. The next fraternal sports day is April 4 with the singles darts being played at the Mitchell Branch. Also on March 21 the Brussels Branch greeted the Palmerston Branch Legion Bus tour group. Approximately 50 members dropped by for a bowl of chili, a glass of refreshment and some socializing. Results of this week's Blind draw mixed dart night are as follows: Lawrence Machan and Jean Little first and Dini Nethery and Dave Adams, second. Tied for high shooter for the ladies was Jean Little and Sandra Josling (131) and top shooter for the men was Dave Adams (112). Euchre night is Wednesday, April 1 at 7:45 p.m. The next executive meeting for Brussels Branch 218 is Monday, April 13 at 8 p.m. The next general meeting for the branch is Monday, April 20 at 8 p.m. All members are urged to attend. E. Garland leads Mennonite worship On Sunday, March 29, Elwin Garland lead the worship service and Rob Demaray brought the message. Thelma Stienman led the singing with Nancy Elliot- Greenwood on the piano. On Sunday evening, several families of the congregation had a supper-fellowship exchange in the form of a “Guess Who's Coming to Supper” event. The Youth groups of the Brussels Mennonite Fellowship and the Brussels Presbyterian Churches met at the Fellowship Hall for a games activity and a spaghetti supper on Saturday. On Thursday evening the Venture Club and the Upper Room Group met at the church for the weekly meeting. On Tuesday, March 31, the ladies will meet for the monthly meeting. Wendy Martin will be showing a video about some of her mission adventures. Next Sunday, April 5, the Teen Challenge Group will be at Brussels for the morning service. All youth are especially invited to attend. 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