HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-02-12, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1992.
Brussels council briefs
Council sets library rental fee for out-of-towners
After a brief discussion, Brussels
council agreed at the February
meeting, not to raise the price of
the library rental fee for in-town
Presently organizations are pay
ing $4 a month to use the library.
Though this is considerably lower
than other places, council felt now
was not the time to raise the fee.
They did vote, however, to
charge $25 per meeting to any out-
of-town groups.
A John St., resident was present
to discuss a water problem in his
Council said that though they
sympathized with the man, they
were not in a position to put in a
After the gentleman left the
meeting, council decided to see if
they could find out any further
information that might be of help.
Clerk Donna White is looking
into the prospect of having a com
memorative book printed for the
village's 125th anniversary in 1997.
A letter is being sent to Dave
Cooke, Minister of Municipal
Affairs, expressing council's oppo
sition to proposed legislation,
which would require each member
Pipe Band elects executive
of municipal council, public utili
ties commission and local boards to
file a disclosure statement of assets
within 60 days after an election or
"I'm not filling it in. I'll quit
tonight," said Councillor Dave
Reeve Workman said he wanted
it pointed out to the province that
this legislation should have been
passed before the election. "They
can't change horses in mid-stream."
The Brussels Legion Pipe Band
held their annual meeting on Thurs
day, February 6. The following are
the 1992 executive: Pipe major,
Murray Bone; Pipe Sergeant,
Marianne Bone; Pipe Corporal,
Mary Thomas; Drum Major, Tom
MacFarlane; Drum Sergeant,
Firemen to attend seminar
Brussels Fire Chief Howard
Bernard attended the February
meeting of council to request fund
ing for two volunteer firefighters to
attend a 100 hour government
training program in Clinton. Chief
Bernard estimated total cost,
including registration and expenses,
to be $3,000.
Chief Bernard said that though he
likes to see his men get such advan
tages he is aware of the financial
difficulties and is "tired of govern
ment creating jobs for themselves
that cost us money."
Councillor Hahn asked if this
course was required. "They aren't
going to come along and shut you
down if someone doesn't have it.
Will we get $3,000 worth of valu
able information we don't already
Reeve Gord Workman ques
tioned the need for all of these
training programs. "Are there that
many new fires coming out?" he
asked. "Maybe in London or
Toronto they should have this train
ing, but I don't see anything here
that's a concern."
"Small places can't keep up with
the rules they're handing down
from Toronto," he said.
Councillor Hahn said he had no
opposition to sending the people as
long as it is kept in the budget for
this year. "But if we say yes to this
we may have to say no to some
other things."
Council approved the request.
Councillors hears crossing guard report
Brussels councillors at the Febru
ary 6 meeting received a progress
report on the new school crossing
Clerk Donna White said that
there were a few problems in the
beginning until children became
familiar with the service. Crossing
guards, Marie Bernard and Carol
Thornton had, Mrs. White said, vis
ited the school. Also, whistles had
been purchased for the guards to
use if necessary.
Councillor Dave Hastings told
council he had been asked why the
guards weren't in place to help the
children cross at noon.
Deputy Clerk Lori Pipe said it
had been tried one day, but it was
primarily older children, who
"wouldn't think it was cool to cross
Mrs. White said it will be moni
tored and possibly when the weath
er gets warmer they will try having
the guards in place at lunch again
to see how many children there are. ‘
From January 6 to January 31
there was an average of 32 children
in the morning and 33 in the after
noon crossing at Mill St. At the
Anglican Church comer there were
17 children, on the average in the
morning and 26 in the afternoon.
Margaret Jarvis; Drum Corporal,
Patti Knight; President, MaryLou
Johnston; Vice President, Bessie
Johnston; Secretary-Treasurer,
Charles Procter.
The Pipe Band invites anyone
interested in playing or learning the
pipes or drums to come out any
Thursday evening from 8 to 10
This weeks dart results are as fol
lows: Colleen Martin and Lawrence
Machan first; Martha Logan and
Alex Henderson, second. High
shooter for the ladies was Mary
Ross (105) and for the men Rob
Grant (101).
The next general meeting for the
Brussels Legion is Monday, Feb.
17. All voting members are urged
to attend.
Results of this week's euchre are
as follows: high lady, Myrle
Bowes; high man, Bill Eckmier;
low lady, Martha Logan; low man,
John Lowe. Most lone hands for
the ladies was Dorothy Dilworth
and for the men, Ross Brighton.
Most zero's for the ladies was
Eluned McNair and Mel Jacklin for
the men. After cards everyone
enjoyed lunch and had the dessert
supplied by the Maitland Motiva
tors. The next euchre will be Feb.
19 at 7:45 p.m.
Gary Pipe was appointed as
Brussels representative on the
Recreation Board, following the
resignation of Gordon Stephenson.
The village is seeking legal assis
tance regarding a letter from Ken
neth Dowling, requesting that the
village remove the hydro pole,
overhead wires and any under
ground wired installed at the rear of
his Turn berry St. property.
Council's representative on the
arena board said that Arena manag
er Murray McArter was given a
three percent increase to
Other remunerations and salaries
are $350 for Rec. Board Chairman
Dale Newman, $3,000 for Secre-
tary/Treasurer Rhonda Fischer,
which is paid to Grey Township.
Senior Part-time at the arena get an
hourly wage of $8.25 and Junior
get $7.25. Senior food booth
employees get $6.25 an hour, while
students are paid $5.25.
Rene and Bob Richmond have
recently returned from a two week
trip to Hong Kong and Malaysia,
where they attended an automobile
dealers' convention.
Very impressed with the country,
Rene said it was the trip of a life
time. The culture she said, is com
pletely different than what we
know and the weather was a pleas
ant surprise. "There wasn't a day
when the temperature was under 70
degrees and it never rained," she
Rene said the lifestyle, particular
ly in Malaysia is much more
relaxed than we experience and the
government "really takes care of
their own".
There is only two percent unem
ployment. Also, Rene said, there
are not many imported goods
allowed in without a high tax
placed on them. Imported cars have
a 30 percent tax.
Grey Township native Archie
Mann of Listowel was honoured by
his family on Saturday, February
8. The occasion was his 90th birth
The event was held al the home
of his granddaughter and her hus
band, Lorrie and Neil Baker of
Mr. Mann was bom on February
11, 1902 to William and Naomi
Mann of Moncreiff. He was the
recipient of a number of phone
calls, cards, gifts, letters and con
gratulatory certificates from local,
provincial and federal dignitaries.
For a number of years Mr. Mann
played with the Brussels Legion
Pipe Band.
He currently plays the violin with
local musicians in Listowel at nurs
ing homes, Listowel Memorial
Hospital, for the Cradle Club, and
seniors' events.
Family members attended from
Toronto, London, Waterloo, Lis
towel and Clinton.
Jason Gropp, a student at the
University of Windsor competed
last week at a college track and
field event in London. Jason fin
ished fourth in the long jump.
The Brussels Agricultural Soci
ety has announced that the prize list
for quilting and sewing is available
now at The Citizen and the Brus
sels Post Office.
Also, dance tickets for the Royal
Aires on March 21, are on sei. Call
Melody at 887-6432 or Allan at
Um Maalaea an ad by phone I
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Anyone interested in participating in a program sponsored by
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Clerk's Office by Wednesday, February 26,1992.
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