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The Citizen, 1992-02-05, Page 3
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1992. PAGE 3. Way up there Ron Vercruyssen leaps high to capture a rebound for his St. Joseph’s University team in Philadelphia. His 6' 10" size and his skills developed at Seaforth District High School won him an athletic scholarship. After four years, he is nearing the end of his college career. Ron Vercruyssen nears end of college basketbal career EDITOR'S NOTE - Terry Johnston is basketball coach at Seaforth Dis trict High School and helped guide the early basketball career of Mor ris Township’s Ron Vercruyssen, including helping win the Morris giant, a scholarship to St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Recent ly Mr. Johnston visited Ron in Philadelphia where he is complet ing his final year at University. BY TERRY JOHNSTON Where has the time gone? Six years ago my family and I travelled to Philadelphia with Ron Vercruyssen for his on-campus vis itation at St. Joseph's University. Six weeks from now, his schooling there will be finished. In between much has happened. Last weekend (Jan. 25-26) I paid my final visit to Philadelphia to see Ron before he graduates. Everyone knows Ron - the main tenance men, most of the people in his apartment building, the guys at the local Pizzeria. Everyone talks basketball and Ron obliges each one with sincere conversation about the upcoming game. Between classes his schedule is filled with basketball practices, film sessions, and various team meetings. This is big business. Sunday's game at the Spectrum was telecast all along the Eastern seaboard and 13,000 peo ple viewed the game in person. The day of the game began with an early trip to the Spectrum for a “shoot around”. I can't believe I was standing at mid ice where 24 hours earlier, the elite of the N.H.L. showed their wares. After the “shoot around” it was on to the team meal at a restaurant founded in 1777. George Washing ton himself is said to have stayed here on his visits to Philadelphia. After the meal there was time for a short rest before the trip back to the Spectrum. I rode to the game with Ron's coach, John Griffin. He certainly impressed me as a person who was truly concerned about Ron and was feeling uncomfortable about Ron's lack of playing time. He was very sincere in his evaluation of Ron's strengths and weaknesses. The game was not particularly a great one from a St. Joe's outlook as Temple handled them fairly easi ly. Ron did not get on the court which was a bit surprising as he had started the previous Temple game and St. Joe's had won. The reasons for Ron not playing a lot are very complicated. Basically it comes down to the fact that he is a senior and many of the younger players need court time to get expe rience. It is a sad situation with no easy solution. Don't feel sorry for Ron though because he has gained much from his stay at St. Joe's. He has played some great games and has made a very positive contribution to the St. Joe's program. He has received a good education (free), has travelled extensively and has made many new life-long friends. It appears that there are several groups inter ested in pursuing Ron to sign a professional contract. A team rep resentative from Belgium is flying over this week to see him. Yes, indeed much has happened since Ron left our community. He is a young man of whom we all can be proud. He asked me specifically to say hello to his many friends still in the area and to thank all the peo ple who keep asking about him. Be assured he has turned into a fine young man and a very talented ath lete. ^©Cha-Co Trai NEWS RELEASE Effective FEBRUARY 20,1992 Cha-Co Trails is happy to announce THE NEW BLYTH BUS DEPOT will be located at BLYTH MINI MART Queen Street Phone 523-4486 BUSES WILL DEPART THIS DEPOT: SOUTH: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY AT 10:05 A.M. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS AT 2:20 P.M. NORTH: DAILY AT 8:15 P.M. All Passenger/Freight tickets must be purchased at this location Elders installed at Blyth United Greeters at Blyth United Church on Sunday, February 2 were Bill and Brenda Burkholder. Ushers were John and Vera Hesselwood, Mildred Ament, and Harvey Snell. Rev. Ramirez opened the service with the call to worship followed by the prayer of Invocation and Confession. “Ye Servants of God” and “Jesus Calls Us” was sung. In charge of Junior Congregation was Bev Walden. Colleen McNichol was in the nursery. The senior choir's anthem was entitled “O Lamb of God, I Come” with special solo part by Cheryl Cronin. Rev. Ramirez then conducted the installation of Elders and Officers for 1992 with Bonnie Shannon, Blyth People Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shannon, Darryl, Cory, Nathan and Devin spent Friday evening and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson of London. Lynn Doerr of Palmerston visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer. Mrs. Feme Moore and her daughter from Goderich visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer. There were 13 tables in play at the Jan. 27 euchre party at Blyth Memorial Hall. June Fothergill and Lois Hart had the high scores. Grace Cartwright and Harvey Sillib Cuts small, Allen tells trustees Continued from page 1 cemed with the scope of power. Mr. Allan responded by saying that they would not be able to do a lot. "We are not talking about deploy ing 20 people at a time, but one when we can." Blyth /Hullett trustee John Jewitt said he is comfortable with the motion. "We have to get started. This board must keep in mind that the enormous problem facing them is one that the people in my com munity have been going through for years. You can't go to them for more." Walden Photography Weddings & Portraits Call Gary Walden 482-7675 clerk of session assisting. The fol lowing four new elders were inducted: Bev Snell, Lance Bearss, Loma Fraser and Linda Wilson. The annual skating party is to be held Feb. 16. A pot luck lunch will be held following church, then skating from 1-2 p.m. at arena with beverages supplied. A reminder to everyone next Sunday, Feb. 9 will be Family Sunday. The title of the sermon was “Jesus Calls Us” and was based on the scripture reading from Luke 5 (1-11). Through this scriptural pas sage Rev. Ramirez said that Jesus is asking us to look deeper into our spiritual life, and to pass over our wants and needs. Even though Peter was tired after having worked had the most lone hands. Ruby Pat tison and Marion Haggitt had the low scores. Lucky tally winners were Margaret Anderson and Mar garet Nesbit. Special prizes were won by Murray Scrimgeour and Kay Konarski. Five tables were in play at the lost heir card party at Memorial Hall on Jan. 29. Dorothy Dacr and Bert Daer had the high scores. Gene Snell and Jim Walsh had the low score. Donna Govier and Kevin Ritchie took first place at the mixed-darts night Jan. 24 at Blyth Legion. Mae Ritchie and Harold Knox took second place. Debbie McDougall was high lady with 133 and Barney Stewart was high man with 140. At the Jan. 31 mixed darts night, Mary Ross and Bill Nethery had the high scores while Debbie Stryk er and Keith Lapp were second. Mae Ritchie was the high lady with 138 and Kevin Ritchie the high man with 140. L* )c~ XOUt Community Oriented Policing toca' -COMMITTEE TIP OF THE WEEK Beware of something for nothing or get rich quick schemes THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS Blyth tocal OFFICER FRIENDLY ( PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS • Colour Printing • Posters • Letterheads • Envelopes • Business Cards A COMPLETE PRINTING^ SERVICE BLYTH PRINTING INC BLYTH\523-9211 all night fishing, he agreed to let down his nets again at the request of Jesus. He was submissive in spite of conflict. Rev. Ramirez asked the question - what sort of answers are we giving Jesus as he calls us in order to be worthy of the name Christian? Il's something we should address each day. Just as a marriage has to be renewed each day, we should renew ourselves to Jesus in spite of all our difficulties. NOTICE TO BLYTH WATER CONSUMERS Due to anticipated capital cost at the pump house, maintenance repair to #1 well pump and proposed #4 highway construction the Blyth Water Commission deem it necessary to increase the monthly flat water rates by $2.00 of which 500 will be considered toward capital expenditures. Effective February 1st, 1992 monthly water rates as follows: Residential - from $10.00 to $12.00 Commercial - from $12.00 to $14.00 Metered - from $1.10 to $1.30 per 1,000 gallons Helen R. Grubb Manager •Business Forms • Brochures • Flyers • Carbonless Forms • Labels WE CAN DO IT ALL!