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The Citizen, 1992-01-15, Page 22
PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1992. Blyth council briefs David Webster appointed to Utilities Commission Blyth Clerk Helen Grubb told councillors at the January 8 meet ing that the balance for the village at the end of December came to $27,029.84, the lowest ever. The low total is due to the fact that the village is presently serving as a bank for grants monies owing to the village that have not yet been paid. They will, Mrs. Grubb said, hopefully be received by the end of the month. *** Blyth councillors appointed David Webster to the Public Utili ties Commission position during a closed session, following the regu lar meeting. Mr. Webster was chosen from four applicants.♦♦♦ A by-law was passed amending the wording of a previous by-law. The new by-law states that the clerk shall place any petitions received from the public on the agenda.*«* Council passed a by-law sus- Crime Stoppers Crimes of the Week THEFT UNDER A $1,000 On the night of December 10, 1991, an unknown amount of gas was stolen from a farm at Lot 19, Cone. 5 Goderich Twp. Sometime after midnight the lock was broken on a gasoline storage tank. Sometime between September 26 and 29, 1991, some power tools were stolen from a small shed in the back yard of 239 Martha Street, Goderich. A STIHL chain saw with the serial number GP5-206-032, a 16" bar (white and orange in colour), and a MAKITA skill saw with rotary blade (model number 5007 MBA), were the items stolen. STOLEN VEHICLE 65 HAMILTON STREET On October 4, 1991, between midnight and 8 a.m., a vehicle was stolen from the side of 65 Hamilton Street, the lot of Bluewater Office Equipment. The vehicle is a charcoal grey 1985 chevy Cavalier, station wagon. It has a small dent in the driver's door and also a roof rack. The vehicle has 1992 Ontario license plates, number 760-HAV. STOLEN BICYCLE On the night of August 30, 1991 a bike was stolen from York street in Hensall. It has not been recov ered. A chrome BMX, with black han dle grips and tires. It has O.D.I. U.S.A, stickers on the frame. WILFUL DAMAGE A car at Frayne Chev-Olds in Exeter was damaged, between the dates of August 30 and September 4, 1991. A 1990 Acura Legend had both the doors on the passenger side kicked in and the driver's mirror kicked loose. The damage was esti mated at $ 1,000. pending payment of special meet ing allowances for council and employees until a special meeting can be held to review compensa tion. A by-law passed establishing an interest rate of 1.25 percent per month on tax arrears, which were levied the previous year. This is the maximum interest rate that can be applied under the Municipal Act, Clerk Helen Grubb told council. Village employee John Rinn informed council that five new street lights had been installed that day on Queen St. Councillor John Elliott said he had received a call from a ratepayer who had pointed out that when the light is moved from the front of the Anglican Church manse to the cor ner, there will be two lights side by side. It was noted that these lights would, however, be shining in opposite directions. Councillor Elliott also expressed concern with the danger factor on Gypsy Lane if it is not well lit as it is a heavy traffic area. He added that a ratepayer had asked if they could buy the lights themselves. Mrs. Grubb said that would mean the rest of the residents would pay. "Energy efficiency was the rea son we had for changing the lights," said Councillor Steve Spar ling. "People need to be patient. Once we have finished placing the lights to what we believe is to the best of our ability that is the time for the concerns to be expressed." You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving.©Ministry of the Attorney Ontario General CLASSIFIED - FAST - DEPENDABLE - HIGHLY VISIBLE Call Blyth 523-4792 or Brussels 887-9114 Reeve Lee agreed. "When the work is done we'll see. I just keep telling people we are not in the yard lighting business." Mrs. Grubb said that while it is taking a little longer to get the lights installed than it would have if they had hired an engineer, it is saving the village thousands of dol lars." ♦♦♦ An agreement was signed between the village and Hullett Township regarding the purchase of a 2355 John Deere tractor for the PUBLIC MEETING to discuss Health Planning in Huron County and the feasibility of establishing a DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL Date: Tuesday, January 28, 1992 Place: North Street United Church Goderich, Ontario (turn off the Square onto North Street) Time: 7:30 p.m. Purpose: to learn about and discuss - what District Health Councils do - how District Health Councils function in other areas - the pros and cons of such a Council for Huron County For further information contact: Mr. Ken Engelstad (524-8323) landfill site, through a Ministry of the Environment Waste Manage ment grant. After grant money and equal payment of Blyth and Hul lett, Blyth is left with a payment of $18,503.81. Hullet has 15 percent ownership of the tractor which will be housed in Blyth. > Debbie Ainsley and John Stewart have been appointed as the non elected voting members to the Blyth and District Community Centre Board. ♦♦♦ It was brought to council atten tion that the Maitland Valley Con servation Authority is administering the Ontario Ministry of the Environment's new Clean Up Rural Beaches (CURB) Program. The objective is to improve surface water quality at Lake Huron swim ming beaches and throughout the watershed. Rural home owners and livestock farmers can apply for financial assistance to build struc tures and adopt practices which will improve surface water quality. ! EI I I i a I I s