HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-01-15, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1992. PAGE 17. ARTICLES FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMING EVENTS -RATES- 20 words or less only $3.50. Additional words 150 each. Extra Billing Charge 500 will be added if not paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday In Blyth A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM, UPSTAIRS apartment, includes fridge and stove. Available immediately. Phone 523-4531. 02-2p BLYTH, 2 BEDROOM APART- ment available now, close to uptown. References required. Phone 482-9371. 014 GYPSY LANE - LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, fridge and stove included, washer and dryer on premises, available December 1. Phone 523-4525. 44-tfn A ARTICLES FOR SALE RAINBOW TROUT - SIX FOR $10, cleaned. David Hedley, 1 mile north of Westfield. Phone 357- 2329. 01-6 NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers. Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. 22-tfh TO60off SNOWMOBILE CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES YEAR END SALES NEW & USEDSLEDS VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 527-0120 1 Mile N. of Seaforth ■ Check out these specials 20 kg. Merit Food $10 50 lbs. Sunflower Seed (Black or Striped) $11.“ 10% OFF all livestock ear tags Brussels Agri Services (Tkisterfeeds © at Brussels Livestock 887-9391 Hours: Monday 1-5 p.m. Tuesday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Wednesday Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. jib,w I J i Ml1 rwanrwinim ELECTRIC MANURE PUMP 4" diameter x 6 feet. Phone 887-6594, no Sunday calls. 02- lp HARDWOOD SLABS, $12 to $13.50 per cord, delivered to Blyth. Good clean wood. Phone 529- 7302. 02-4 1987 SUZUKI 300, 4 WHEELER in good condition. Phone 887- 6793. 02-1 7 1/2 HORSE REAR TYNE TROY Bilt rotatiller for sale. Asking $1200. Phone 523^272. 02-1 USED 3/4 H.P. JET PUMP AND 20 gallon pressure tank in good condition. Asking $425 or best offer. Phone 529-7303 after 6 p.m. 01-2 HARDWOOD FIREWOOD FOR sale: slabs $200, blocks $300, split blocks $400. 10 cord loads, deliv­ ery available, 357-1644 after 7 p.m. 5(Mp AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Saturday, Jan 25 at 10 a.m.- Household auction, at Lobb Auction Building, Clinton for the ESTATE of EVELYN SCHROEDER. Saturday, Feb. 1 at 10:30 a.m. 103 acres of land known as Lot 6, Con. 9, Turnberry Township, approx. 7 kms east of Wingham, then at 11:15 a.m. 2940 sq. ft. concrete building on 1/2 acre lot, plus vacant property, 198 by 330 ft. both in the Village of Wroxeter for the County of Huron. Phone 524-7412 for information. BIRTHS HOWARD. Nikki is happy to announce the arrival of her baby sister, Karly Jae on January 8, 1992 al Clinton Public Hospital, weigh­ ing 6 lbs. 10 oz. Proud parents are Steve and Lori Howard of Luck­ now. Spoiling privileges go to grandparents John and Reta Howard of Lucknow, and Reg and Betty Hesselwood of Blyth; and great-grandparents May Mac­ Donald and John and Vera Hessel­ wood of Blyth. Special thanks to Dr. Steed, Dr. Street and the O.B. nursing staff. 02-lp VINCENT. Rob and Katharine are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Chelsea Noel, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. on Dec. 20/91, a sister for Peter, granddaughter for Pete and Alana Gahwiler, Vanastra and Clare and Wilma Vincent, Londes- boro. Great-grandchild for Norman and Annie Vincent, Londesboro and Clarence Spears, Wiarton. 02-lp ENTREPRENEUR CLUB FORM- ing in the Brussels/Blyth area. For more information call Allan at 887- 6098. 01-6p c CARD OF THANKS BRUCE REGIONAL SNOW­ MOBILE ASSOC, would like to thank the riders and sponsors who participated in or donated to Sun­ day's Easter Seal Snowarama. Thanks to your generosity over $4,100 was raised for physically disabled children. A special thank you to B & W Trailblazers for manning their two clubhouses and who, despite poor weather condi­ tions, had maintained excellent trails, making the event possible. - BRSA Executive. 02-lb GROSS. I wish to say thank you to the doctors and nursing staff at Clinton Hospital for their excellent care, also to my family and friends for flowers, visits and enquiries while I was a patient. - Bernie Gross. 02-lp MACLEOD. Thanks to many friends, Sheila our neighbour for notifying the firemen, the efficient firemen who minimizing the dam­ age extinguished the fire, and con­ cerned friends. Thanks again, - Alex and Margaret. 02-1 STEWART. We would like to say thank you to our family, friends and neighbours for their help and support they showed at the time of Margy's accident and during her recovery. A special thank you to the ambulance attendants, the emergency-room staff at Wingham and District Hospital and Dr. McGregor for their efficient care. - John, Mary Lou and Margy Stew­ art. 02-1 BRUSSELS CUBS AND SCOUTS Would like to thank all those who helped make our first winter camp out a success. Special thanks to E.M.A. and THOMPSON MEATS. COMING EVENTS BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL Society Annual Meeting, January 22, B. M. & G. Community Centre. Guest Speaker - Mr. Ross Procter. Tickets $10.00. Dinner 7:00 p.m. B. Mutter, 887-6117 or L. McCall, 887-9303. 51-3 TUNE IN TO CHANNEL 10 ON Sunday, Jan. 19/92 at 7:30 a.m. for “Feel The Heartbeat”. A sym­ pathetic, personal documentary that looks at unwed mothers; their courage, their needs and what is being done to help them. 02-1 c COMING EVENTS ATTENTION FARMERS!!! NEW Annual Mandatory Trucking Vehicle Inspection information meeting at OMAF, Clinton...2 ses­ sions Tuesday, January 21/92 al 1:00 and 7:30 p.m. M.T.O. officials will be in attendance. Pre­ registration only! Call 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170 to pre-register. Sponsored by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture. 02-1 BENEFIT SHOWER AND DANCE for Dan and Amy Hunter on Saturday, January 25, who lost their home in a fire. Social Hour - 8 until 9 p.m. Dancing 9 - 1 at Bel­ grave Arena. Ladies please bring lunch. 02-2 HURON COUNTY CATTLE­ MEN'S Association Annual Meet­ ing, Clinton Legion Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 1992. Guest Speaker: Glen Coultes, President of O.C.A. Meet­ ing: 11:15, Dinner 11:45 sharp, $10.00 per ticket. Tickets available from local Directors. 02-1 MIXED EUCHRE TOURNA- ment - Wednesday, January 22, 8 p.m. St. Joseph's Church Hall, Clinton. Cash prizes. Lunch pro­ vided. Admission $5 a person or $10 a couple. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus. 02-2p FIFTH ANNUAL CEILIDH PRE- sented by the Blyth Festival Singers, Saturday, February 8, 8 p.m. Goderich Township Hall, Holmesville. (Snow date Feb. 22) Enjoy an evening of Scottish songs and dances followed by a supper buffet. Tickets: $12 in advance or $14 at the door, available from choir members, Les Ciseaux, Clin­ ton; Blyth Festival Box Office 523- 9300 or Clinton 233-9990. 02-3 TOASTMASTERS DEMON­ STRATION Meeting Wednesday, February 5, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. in the Brussels Legion. Refreshments and door prizes. Everyone wel­ come. 02-2p MAJESTIC WOMEN'S INSTI­ TUTE is sponsoring a course “Dye­ ing Silk Scarves” on Wednesday, January 22 at 1 p.m. in the library. If interested in taking this course, phone Jean Fraser 887-9317 or Leona Armstrong 887-6753. 02-1 A EUCHRE TOURNAMENT will be held Friday, January 24 al the Belgrave Community Centre. Registration from 7 to 8 p.m. Admission $5.00. Lunch provided. Bring a partner. 02-2 DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK- pot must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. 17-tfn BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS - practices resume Mondays at 8 p.m. at the Blyth Festival Rehearsal Hall for Ceilidh Feb. 8 and Spring concert May 2nd. New members welcome. For more information phone 233-9990. 01-2 1C BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Minimum jackpot of $300 must go. 16-tfn LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. tfn BRUSSELS REBEKAH LODGE is holding a card party on Monday, January 20, 1992 at 8 p.m. in Lodge rooms. Prizes and lunch. Everyone welcome. 01-2 BRUSSELS PIPE BAND PRE­ SENTS Robbie Bums Ball, Satur­ day, January 18, Brussels Legion. Music by Temptation. Hot lunch. $7.00 per person. 02-1 ANNUAL MEETING, CRAN- BROOK Community Hall Centre Board, Wednesday, January 15, 1992. Time: 8:00 p.m. 02-lp YOU ARE INVITED TO COME and join us for a women's Bible Study Coffee Break Wednesday morning, 10 - 11:30 beginning Jan­ uary 22, 1992. We will be studying a new booklet called “Women Who Found A Way”. Story Hour for children ages 3-5 and Nursery pro­ vided at Blyth Christian Reformed Church. 02-1 HELP WANTED PART-TIME HELP REQUIRED. Bar Steward at Brussels Legion - 6-10 hrs. per week. Applications may be picked up at Legion Bar after 4:00 p.m. 02-1 WAITRESS / WAITER, PART­ time, to start immediately at the Blyth Inn. Ask for Carol or Peter, 523-9381. 02-2 COOK, PART-TIME, TO START immediately at the Blyth Inn. Ask for Carol or Peter, 523—9381. 02-2 SALES OPPORTUNITY If you fit the profile of a profes­ sional salesperson looking for opportunities with a progressive growing Farm Equipment Dealership in Huron-Perth County, Let's Get Acquainted. • Must be a self starter with enthusiasm and organizational skills. Experience is not a neces­ sity. If you have the desire and feel you can contribute to our suc­ cessful marketing team, please send your resume to: Mr. Bryan Vincent Manager VINCENT FARM EQUIP. LTD. Box 189 Seaforth, Ont. N0K 1W0 S ^3.^ THURSDAYS Jg*