HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-01-15, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1992.
From the Minister's Study
Don’t pack Christmas away with the decorations
Have a look around. Do you see
it? Listen! can you hear it? Is any
one still talking about it? Not like
ly. The only thing you might still
hear about Christmas is the com
plaints about the bills that are still
to come in the mail.
Most of the Christmas decora
tions are down and packed away
for another year. The trees that you
see lying on their sides have a bit of
tinsel hanging from dry branches.
The rush, the excitement and all the
talk of Christmas has died away.
Some welcome this, some think
of it as just the passing of seasons
and some like myself are sad to see
it go. Oh I know that it can only
last for a short time, especially
within the Christian calendar but ...
Just think, only a few weeks ago
the children were filled with an
excitement that made them bubble
over. An excitement that was creat
ed by the fantasy of Santa and all
the elves and the reindeer, of pre
sents and snow and stories. It was
also created by the wonder of a
child and a stable, of animals and
angels and shepherds. Somehow, in
their minds, this was all mingled
together on Christmas morning and
the excitement within was bursting
out with squeals of laughter and
And it got you too! You got
caught up in it as well. Even if not
in the same way as the children,
you felt the excitement as well.
The wonder and mystery that sur
rounds Christmas morning got you
in its grip and you felt a certain joy
and peace. Everything seemed
brighter and better. The world
rejoiced in the Christ child and the
miracle that touched our lives in
such a tremendous way. We cele
brate with family and friends and
with the joy of children our salva
tion. What puzzles me is where it
went. Where is that feeling? Is
Christ gone? Have children become
joyless? Have we suddenly been
forced to act sober and somber in
response to our religion? It's almost
as if it's okay if it's Christmas, then
we can celebrate but let's get our
acts back together for the rest of the
Not so. Now is as great a time to
celebrate as any, now is the season
of Epiphany. Epiphany is the reve
lation of the Christ Child as the Son
of God to the gentiles. That is you
and me. Now is our time to rejoice
for now we realize that Christ came
as the child in a manger not only
for God's chosen people, but for all
people. Now we are among the
chosen of God, is that not some
thing to rejoice within?
So, if by accident you packed
Christ away with the Christmas
decorations, take him back out,
continue your celebration and
rejoice that Christ has chosen to
come to you.
Blyth United hears of Jesus* baptism
Greeters at Blyth United Church
January 12 were Linda and Donald
Stewart. Ushers were Lorna and
Kathy Fraser and Lloyd Sippel.
Norma Ramirez looked after the
nursery and Elaine Brown looked
after Junior Congregation. Rev.
Ramirez opened the service with
call to worship. The hymns “Fairest
Lord Jesus” and “Softly and Ten
derly” were sung. The scripture les
son was from Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22.
Pro-Life sponsors TV documentary
The Wingham Pro-Life Chapter
met for its monthly meeting on Jan.
6. Rev. Vauldry opened the meet
ing with a reflection of Christmas
and the incredible birth of our
Saviour Jesus Christ. Members
marvelled at the powerful circum
stances Christ overcame. It remind
ed them of the Pro-Lifers work, and
the many difficulties we must also
be willing to endure.
A reminder was given to tune in
to Channel 8, CKNX on Sunday,
January 19 at 7:30 a.m. to view
The choir sang a beautiful anthem
“More Love to Thee” with Phyllis
Boak at the piano. Floral arrange
ments from the funeral of John
Young were placed by his family.
Rev. Ramirez' sermon was “The
Baptism of Jesus the son of our sal
vation.” He said that no matter how
great a preacher he cannot prevail
unless our minds and our hearts are
open to God and welcome the
“Feel The Heartbeat”. A sympa
thetic, personal documentary which
looks at unwed mothers; their
courage, their needs, and what is
being done to help them.
An upcoming ad will be placed
in the Wingham Advanced Times
Plus displaying the logo “Some
Life Is Protected, Some Is Not”.
A government bill was passed in
Oct. ’91 regarding the removal of
non-commercial field signs effec
tive in 1993. That in turn means
any existing Pro-Life signs will
gospel. The service closed with
prayer. The hymn “My Faith looks
up to Thee” was sung. Benediction
and choral response followed.
In hospital are Shirley Fyfe and
Barb Musty. Dates to remember
and children's choir practice,
Thursday after school; Coffee
Break, Wednesdays 10 - 11:30;
annual congregation meeting Jan.
27 at 8 p.m. All reports are to be
handed in by January 17.
Rev. E. Paul Acton 887-9273
11:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m.
have to be removed in the near
A reminder was given to all pro-
life members that membership pay
ments for 1992 are due. Funds were
sent to support “No Way Out”, a
clinic which offers support to
women and alternatives to abortion.
It is located directly across from a
very active abortion clinic. The
motion to send money to encourage
‘Straight Talk Youth Counselling’
was also made and supported. This
program is receiving excellent
Rev. Cameron McMillan
Church Office 887-6259 Manse 887-9313
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
-Church School - Nursery
9:30 a.m. - Ethel Worship Service
O safe to the Rock that Is higher than I
10 a.m. - Family Bible Hour
11 a.m. - Morning Service
8 p.m. - Evening Service
Wednesday - Prayer & Bible Study
Friday 7:30 p.m. - Youth
‘Beginnings’ theme of Sunshine UCW MELVILLE
The Sunshine Unit of the Blyth
U.C.W. met Jan. 9 in the church
parlour. Gladys Caldwell and Hen-
nie Meier were in charge of the
devotions. The theme chosen was
The hymns, “Standing at the Por
tal” and “How Sweet the Name of
Jesus sounds” were sung.
The scripture reading was taken
from Genesis chap. 1, verses 1-8
and John, first chap. 1-5. Hennie
lead in prayer followed by the wor
ship on “New Beginnings” led by
Gladys. Hennie closed with prayer
and a reading “The Remarkable
Melda McElroy took the study
and gave a very informative talk
and question period on the life of
Prayer Sunday held
at Brussels Mennonite
On Sunday, January 12, Pastor
Tom Warner continued his series
on “Humbleness, Heaven, Heal
ing”. He based his message on
Chronicles 7: 12-22. Prayer cards
were also filled in and distributed
during the service.
Following the Christian Educa
tion Hour the congregation and
friends gathered in the Fellowship
Hall for a pot luck meal. After
lunch Tom led the adults in a
prayer session in the Chapel while
the Youth entertained the children.
Four points were emphasized:
cleansing, exaltation, revival of
faith and love, and community.
John Wesley. The year 1991
marked the 200th anniversary of
his death. While he was alive, he
spoke out against the evils and
abuses entrenched in his society.
He protested against the slave
trade. He challenged the privileges
of the rich and oppression of the
poor. He took steps to eliminate
violence against women. He set up
social services to care for the poor.
He was a man ahead of his time.
He insisted that all we have is
God's, and that as God's stewards,
we need to use our resources and
our possessions - to improve God's
Bea Chambers, President, presid
ed for the business portion of the
meeting. She read a humorous
The Venture Club for community
children grades 3-6 met on Thurs
day evening in the gymnasium, for
the weekly meeting. Any children
of the appropriate age are welcome.
Several committee meetings were
also held in mid-week.
The Youth have planned a “study
break” of skiing on Friday, Jan. 17,
weather permitting. There will also
be an evening of adult fellowship at
the Church on Saturday evening,
Jan. 18. Volleyball, board games,
crokinole, etc. will be on the agen
da for an informal evening of fun.
All are welcome.
poem and all repeated the U.C.W.
Purpose. The minutes were read by
Feme McDowell and 20 answered
the roll call. The treasurer's report
was given by Marj East. The birth
day money was received by Gene
On April 26 the morning service
at the Blyth United Church, will be
in charge of the U.C.W. in celebra
tion of their 30th anniversary.
Lavonne Ballagh will be the guest
speaker. The Harvest Bonanza is
set for Nov. 5, 6 and 7.
The meeting closed by all repeat
ing the U.C.W. benediction and the
singing of grace, followed by a
dainty lunch served by Feme
McDowell, Marj East and Bea
Men's Life
is starting their
second session on
January 20/92
8 p.m.
at the home of Murray and
Doreen Slertsema. We will
be studying the booklet
entitled "Be a Winner." This
booklet covers topics such
as worry, grief and anger.
We will explore these themes
from the Bible with a special
concern to find practical
ideas which we can use in
our personal Ilves. 7 lessons
In all, and we meet every
other Monday. We would be
delighted to have you as part
of our group.
Rev. Carolyn McAvoy
11:00 a.m. - Morning Service
- Sunday School
9:30 a.m. -Belgrave Service
We welcome you to come and
worship with us.
Sunday at 10 a.m. & 2:30 p.m.
Sunday School 11:00 a.m.
The Church of the "Back to God Hour" and "Faith 20"
Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX Sunday
Faith 20 5:00 a.m. Weekdays, Global T.V.
All Visitors “Welcome ‘Wheelchair accessible
9:30 a.m. - Worship Service
10:30 a.m. - Christian Education Hour for all ages
Gordon Bauman
Crown Him Lord of All
Sharon Freeman
Everyone Welcome
Annual Meeting - January 21,1992 at 7:15 p.m.
(Storm Date January 22)