HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1992-01-15, Page 9AValtonThe news from Compiled by Betty McCall Phone 887-6677 Walton U.C.W. holds year’s first meeting THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15,1992. PAGE 9. Congregation hears how to be happy The Walton Duff's United Church United Church Women (U.C.W.) held their first meeting in the New Year on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 8. Olene Dennis opened with the theme on “Remember Our Past as We Plan the Future” followed with the Call to Worship. The hymn “O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” was sung accompanied by pianist, Edith Wey. Kathleen Williamson read the scripture. Olene read a passage on Mary and Martha. The offering was received and dedicated. Marion Godkin was pianist for .hymn, “Help Us Accept Each Other”. Edith Wey had the topic on Archives when different thoughts were given on “something we can learn to carry on with our U.C.W.” Members were told very interesting knowledge of the past years. Past years' pictures were on display. A new group of pictures were taken to be put in the archives. Edith closed this part with prayer. Marie McGavin presided for the business opening with the poem, “Take Time”. It was announced there are no U.C.W. units now. Meetings will be held the first Wednesday of the month. Payment of fees for the roll call will go to Missions. Minutes were adopted as read by Doreen Hackwell. A thank you card was read and a card signed by all in attendance for Elva Bolger. The budget was accepted as read by Marie. Reports from committees were given. There will be a supper committee meeting held at the church Jan. 21 at 9 a.m. Campbell Soup labels and grocery tapes are to be saved and brought into the church basement. New programs were given out for the coming year with sides chosen, named as Roses, Daisies or Asters to help with different functions. Mandate books were distributed and New Regal books are available. Coming events were announced. It was moved to leave with the executive to plan the 30th Anniversary of the U.C.W. Delegates are to be chosen to attend the Huron-Perth Presbyterial Annual meeting January 20 at North Street United Church, A 2 6 Pack Go Ahead, Buy a Only $6oYes, 1 full year, a six pack of Townsman delivered to your door, every other month. itiIi(iiJ Name:.......... • Address:..... i............. i Postal Code:■ You Can’t Beat It! 6 Bucks6 Goderich. Next Sunday at Walton church time will be changed to 11:30 a.m. with pot luck luncheon and annual meeting to follow. Speaker will be Rev. Gordon Pickell of Goderich. Communion will be celebrated in Walton and Bluevale, Sunday, January 26 with Rev. Gordon Kurtz in charge of services. Dorothy Sholdice held the induction service for the new officers for 1992 as follows: Past President, Dorothy Sholdice; President, Marie McGavin; 1st vice-president, Maxine Houston; second vice-president, Phyllis Mitchell; Corresponding and recording secretary, Doreen Hackwell; assistant, Marjorie Humphries; Treasurer, Leona McDonald; Nominations, Dorothy Sholdice, Viola Kirkby, Margaret Craig, Marilyn McDonald; Communications, Helen Craig, Kathleen Williamson, Viola Kirkby; Stewardship and Finance, Maxine Houston, Dorothy Sholdice, Leona McDonald; Leadership and Development, Gloria Wilbee, Heidi McClure, Melva Fraser; Church in Society, Audrey Hackwell, Marilyn McDonald, Marie Coutts; Christian Development and World Outreach, Gloria Love, Phyllis Mitchell, Olene Dennis; Archives, Edith Wey, Margaret Craig, and Secretary, Doreen Hackwell. Walton Sports Club meets The Walton Area Sports club held its January meeting at the Walton Tea Room Tuesday evening with all members present. In the business it was decided to set Feb. 2 for the Snowmobile Poker Rally. It will be held from the Walton Hall with registration from 10:30 a.m. ’till 1:30 p.m. Poker hands $4 each or three for $10. There will be cash prizes along with door prizes. A food booth will be available in the hall. In case of a cancellation, it will be moved to Feb. 9. The club is looking for new members. Anyone interested to help out please contact Karen Comeau or Jim McDonald. Box 152, Box 429, Brussels, Ont. Blyth, Ont. NOG 1H0 N0M 1H0 Find enclosed S6.00 for a 1-year subscription for: Kevin Stewart was guest speaker at the Sunday morning service, January 12 at Duffs United and Bluevale United Churches. He spoke on the message, “How to be Happy” and led the worship. ‘Be positive’, education chair tells trustees Through a simple, but direct inaugural address Huron County Board of Education Chair Bea Dawson installed many thought provoking words of wisdom to the trustees at the January 13 meeting. She reminded the board that change does not come quickly so they should not get discouraged. She expressed pride in the board's accomplishments and warned them of the difficult and enormous tasks facing them in the year ahead due to the recession. She told the board, using exam­ ples from an Agricultural confer­ ence her husband had attended, some alarming figures. "For a farmer to purchase a 120 horse power tractor in 1972, it took 5,670 bushels of wheat; in 1991, it took 30,000 bushels of wheat," she said. "To educate a child from Kinder­ garten to Grade 12 in 1972 cost 876,000 bushels of wheat and in 1991 is cost 2.5 million bushels." Mrs. Dawson went on to say that the board has been told there would be no major increases forthcoming in education grants and listed hydro, bus repair and fuel, Canada Pension Plan, Unemployment Insurance and Workers' Compensa­ tion increases as some they will be hit with this year. The Secondary and elementary teachers both occasional and full- time, service employees, Canadian Union of Public Employees and non-union staff contracts all come up for negotiation this year, said Mrs. Dawson. "As well, we have market value assessment re-evaluation to consid­ er. At this time we do not know if it will effect us negatively or posi­ tively," she said. She told the board that the Exec­ utive Committee is bringing for­ ward a recommendation in the agenda for the day that asked each committee to use an inflationary guideline of a maximum increase of zero percent. "It is going to require 100 per­ cent team effort, cooperation, understanding and patience of everyone involved with the Huron County Board of Education to have The service was held in the basement due to the furnace not working to heat the upstairs. Greeters were Ron and Betty McCallum. Pianist Glenda Carter was accompanied by Phyllis a successful year." As guidance to the trustees Mrs. Dawson shared some comments she had found while reading. "Help each other to be right, not wrong. Look for ways to make ideas work, not for reasons they won't. If in doubt, check it out. Don't make negative assumptions about each other. Speak positively about each other and about your organization at every opportunity. Maintain a positive mental attitude no matter what the circumstance. Act with initiative and courage as if it all depends on you. Do everything with enthusiasm, it's contagious. Don't lose faith, never give up." 9 BRUSSELS 1 VILLAGE MARKET 1 We reserve the right to limit quantities Prices in effect from Open 6 Days a Week Monday to Saturday ■ I 8 a.m.-6 p.m. January 14-18th Friday Nights until 9 p.m. ■ While quantities last VJPhMMlIlirrW Deliveries Monday to Friday only! ■trTUZlJJEJLlfk 887-9226 J JANUARY SAVINGS CAMPBELL’S 10 OZ. MUSHROOM SOUP .59 SCHNEIDER'S RED HOTS 450 G. WIENERS 2.29 CABANA 411 G. REGULAR OR RIPPLE POTATO CHIPS 1.49 SARA LEE 369 G. LEMON, VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE LAYER cakes .yy NESCAFE REICH BLEND 200 G. COFFEE 4.69 M & M PLAIN OR PEANUT 200 G. CANDIES 1.49 ULTRA CHEER 2 LITRE LAUNDRY DETERGENT 2.99 PRONTO 2 ROLL PAPER TOWELS. 89 CLOVERLEAF 7.75 OZ. PINK SALMON gg HEINZ 14 OZ. BEANS .89 MITCHELL'S PURE 48 OZ. TIN APPLE juice agg DOVE LIQUID 500 ML. DISH DETERGENT 1.29 FRESH CRISP HEAD LETTUCE .69 EA. Mitchell with the violin for a prelude of music. Receiving the offering were Graeme Craig and Howard Hackwell. Heidi McClure was in charge of the children's story speaking on water and its uses in life. In the announcements members were reminded of the annual meeting next Sunday after a pot luck luncheon (note church time change 11:30 a.m.). Rev. Gordon Picked of Goderich will be guest speaker. Rev. Gordon Kurtz of Bayfield will be in charge of the celebration of communion Sunday, January 26 at both Walton and Bluevale. Bluevale annual meeting is set for Sunday, February 2. Purchasing a vehicle is a big decision! Let us help you make the right one! GARRY WOODCOCK Quality Cars & Trucks We Can Save You Money Drive A Little - Save A Lot MTGOlOERY! LUCKNOW 528-2813*^