The Citizen, 1991-11-27, Page 21nc vi i K.C.M, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1991. PAGE 21 '•': < v-.^.,«.. 's ?J« ' ' Bhss I Wk| wll 1 -RATES- 20 words or less only $3.50. Additional words 15c each. Extra Billing Charge 50c will be added If not paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT, CLOSE TO downtown Brussels, on Main Street. Phone 887-6551. 47-2 LARGE MODERN APART­ MENT, Queen St., Blyth, available January 1, heated. References required. Phone 523-4481. 47-tfn FOUR RENT OR SALE: 4 BED- room house centrally located, $450 per month plus utilities, first and last month and references required. Phone 523-9514 after 5 p.m. 47-3p 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IN BLYTH $250 plus utilities. Pets allowed. References required. Call 523- 9383. 47-lp FARMHOUSE FOR RENT BE- tween Brussels and Belgrave on paved road. For inquiries call: 357- 3330. 47-1 BRUSSELS, ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, electric heat, remodelled, available immediately, 887-9083. 45-tfh 3 BEDROOM HOUSE IN BLYTH, hydro included, first and last month's rent required. Phone 523-4272 or 523-9867. 45-tfh BLYTH - ONE BEDROOM OR TWO bedroom apartment, avail­ able now, ground floor, centrally located, references required. Con­ tact 482-9371. 44-4 GYPSY LANE - LARGE TWO bedroom apartment, fridge and stove included, washer and dryer on premises, available December 1. Phone 523-4525. 44-tfn ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, Queen St., Blyth, refrigerator and stove included, newly renovated, available Nov. 15/91. Phone 523- 4930 or 523-9448. 42-tfn NEW 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- low with garage in Blyth for rent. Available immediately. References required. Phone 887-6138 after 8 p.m. 35-tfn A L____ ARTICLES FOR SALE Locally Grown POTATOES Red - White Any Quantity 523-9338 A ARTICLES FOR SALE 2085 FERGUSON TRACTOR NEEDS some work. Best offer. XI Arrow Force left-handed com­ pound bow, with sights, quiver, glove and guard. 2117 arrows and broad heads. Best offer. 50 gallon aquarium with accessories. Call 523-4935. 46-2 LADIES' SKI DOO SUIT MED. $25. 7' artificial Christmas tree, used twice, $15. Phone 887-9604. 47-lp CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE - Scotch Pine, Spruce, Balsam and Fir, also cedar roping, balsam wreaths and pine roping. Contact Niel Edgar, Hwy. 86, 3 miles west of Wingham 357-2122. 47-4 CRIB FOR SALE IN GOOD CONDITION. Phone 523-4335. 47-lp LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL XMAS Gift? I sell real gold and sterling silver. Everything from baby rings to adult things. If inter­ ested in buying or selling please call 887-6400. 47 & 49 DOUBLE KNIT SLIPPERS, As­ sorted colours, make a nice gift. Mary Hoonaard, 523-9459. 47-1 WOOD STOVE - WINGHAM Clipper, good condition. Phone 887-6135. 47-1 GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE at the Township office to purchasers of the East Wawanosh History Book. The gift certificates will be redeemed at the East Wawanosh office when publi­ cation is announced. Order your book now for $40, G.S.T. included. 47-lb NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers. Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. 22-tfn GIRL'S MOLDED LANGE SKATES size 2. Boy's molded Lange Li'l Devil skates, size 12-13. Both pair in excellent condition. Call 523-4555. 46-2 ‘79 340 TXC POLARIS SNOW- mobile and ‘81 250 Gemini Polaris snowmobile. Call 523-9372. 44-4 WOOD FOR SALE. PHONE 523- 9486. 46-2p A AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Saturday, Nov. 30 at 10 a.m.- Antiques, furniture, appliances, 2 table saws, 1982 car at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for May MacDonald of Blyth, the Estate of Elmer Potter plus several additions. BURK. Hi, my name is Rachel Heather Marie. I was bom on Sun­ day, Nov. 3, 1991, at Peterborough Civic Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 203M". My proud family are Ross and Laurie Burk (nee Elliott) and big brother Bradford of Hal- iburton. Tenth grandchild for Bill and Hazel Elliott, Durham, former­ ly of Blyth and fifth for Max and Connie Burk, Haliburton. 47-1 LORIMER. Kim, Don and big brother Kyle are very pleased to announce the birth of Kristin Alexandra on November 19, 1991 at 1:23 p.m. at K-W Hospital weighing 9 lbs. 3 oz. Spoiling priv­ ileges go to grandparents Mervyn and Donna Bauer, Brussels and Murray and Eileen Lorimer, St. Catharines, great-grandparents Reinhardt and Mabel Bauer, Brus­ sels and Cecil and Dorothy Hymers, Listowel and great-great grandmother Ethel Miller, Listow­ el. 47-1 IB ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CASH IN ON THE CHRISTMAS selling season. Distribute nation­ ally-known products. Pot-Pourri Enterprises, 887-6446. 46-2 Learning the Ropes Pays Off 'AI SCOUTS CANADA RAINBOW TROUT - SIX FOR $10, cleaned. David Hedley, 1 mile north of Westfield. Phone 357- 2329. 45-6 c CARD OF THANKS ADAMS. We would like to express our sincere thank you to our rela­ tives and friends for their kindness and support following the passing of the late Isabel Adams. The beau­ tiful floral tributes, charitable dona­ tions will always be remembered. Special thanks to Rev. Carolyn McAvoy, Betts Funeral Home, Isabel's friends and my neighbours. - Paul-Ann Veliath, Viola Adams. 47-lp BROMLEY. We would like to thank our family, relatives and friends for the gifts and cards we received and for making our 50th wedding anniversary so special. - Charlie and Pearl Bromley. 47-1 c CARD OF THANKS CALDWELL. Since my accident, I have encountered so many con­ cerned and caring people who have helped me in very many different ways. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all the vis­ its, inquiries, gifts, cards and flow­ ers. I would like to thank the Blyth Fire Department for their superb help at the accident scene and also Frank and Daryl Hallahan for sum­ moning help. I would like to thank Dr. Ping and the staff at Wingham and District Hospital and the doc­ tors and staff at Victoria Hospital for their professional care and kind­ ness. It was most comforting to have Albert Mason, Leslie Cald­ well, Bryan Black, Gary Young and other neighbours who helped with my farm operation. Also, I would like to thank the group of neighbours who came with tractors, ploughs and spreaders and did my ploughing and spread the manure. Also thanks to the ladies for the cakes, pies, and other baking they brought to the house. Every day when I count my blessings I think of everyone of you. Thank you. - Gary Caldwell. 47-lp GOLL. The family of the late Clarence Goll wishes to express their sincere thanks and apprecia­ tion to family, relatives, neighbours and friends for their thoughtful expressions of sympathy for floral arrangements, sympathy cards and donations to the charity of their choice, also for food brought to our homes, for the lunch provided by my sisters and nieces after the visi­ tation hours. Special thanks to Doug McBumey and Doug Layton of the McBumey Funeral Home, who guided us through a difficult time. We will never forget their compassion and kindness. To Rev. Rae Grant for his words of comfort to us and the lovely service you conducted. We thank you. For pall­ bearers, flower bearers, the ambu­ lance drivers, Sergeant Greg King and the other O.P.P. officers, we thank you too. To the ladies of Unit 3 of Bluevale United Church for the lovely lunch served after the funeral service, it was greatly appreciated. Your kindness will always be remembered. - Beth, Ross and Dianne, grandchildren Lisa, Elizabeth, Steven and Jordon. 47-lp LOGUE. I wish to thank our neigh­ bours and friends for the flowers, food, and expressions of sympathy at the time of the loss of a dear mother and grandmother Margaret Logue. Your kindness will always be remembered. - Bill Logue and family. 47-lp MCDONALD. I would like to thank everyone for visits, cards, flowers and treats that I received while in hospital. Special thanks to family and friends for helping out at home and to Dr. Woldnik and the staff at Seaforth Community Hospital. - Don McDonald. 47-lb You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking (jyj the Attorney and driving. Ont«no General c COMING EVENTS BAZAAR, BAKE SALE AND PENNY Auction on Saturday, December 7 at 11 a.m. at the Brus­ sels Library sponsored by the St. Ambrose C.W.L. Tickets also available for 1/2 pig (cut and wrapped), wooden plate rail and $50 money tree. 47-2 HURON STRING SCHOOL CHRISTMAS Concert, Blyth Memorial Hall, Dec. 1, 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Silver collec­ tion. 47-lp BELGRAVE KINSMEN TURKEY Bingo, Thursday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 at the new Belgrave Community Cen­ tre. 47-2 BENEFIJ DANCE FOR WAYNE and Mary Redmond who lost their bam by fire Sat., Nov. 30 at Dun­ gannon Agricultural Hall. Music by “Temptation”. Ladies please bring lunch. 47-lp MAJESTIC WOMEN S INSTI­ TUTE is holding a card party on Thursday, December 3 at 8 p.m. Brussels Library. Everyone wel­ come. 47-lp OPEN HOUSE OF CROCHET­ ING and Crafts at the home of Joann MacDonald, comer of Mor­ ris and McConnell, Blyth on Thurs­ day, November 28 and Sunday, December 1 at 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. 47-lp BLYTH LIONS EUCHRE SAT., Dec. 7/91 Blyth Memorial Hall. Admission $5.00. Everyone wel­ come. 47-2p BLYTH LEGION CHRISTMAS Euchre - 8 p.m., November 30. Everyone is asked to bnng a $2.00 exchange gift. Free draws. This will be the last euchre for the sea­ son. 47-1 CHRISTMAS DINNER BUFFETS to be served at the Blyth Inn on Sundays from December 1 through to December 22 - 5 to 7 p.m. or at other times upon request. Reserva­ tions appreciated, 523-9381. 43-7b HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Adult Health Clinic. Loca­ tion: Health Unit Office, Medical Bldg., Brussels. Date: Wednesday, December 4/91, Time: 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. 1. Health Counselling; 2. Foot Care (fee); 3. Blood Pressure test­ ing. 47-1 BELGRAVE COMMUNITY CLUB is sponsoring a dance in the Institute Hall, Saturday, November 30, 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. with Gordon's Old Tyme Music. $5 per couple. Ladies, please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 46-2p BLYTH & DISTRICT OPTIMIST Toy Sale, December 7, 1 - 3 p.m., Memorial Hall. 46-3 LEARN SAFER SNOWMOBIL- ING. OFSC Driver Training Course for children 12-16, Decem­ ber 5 and 10 in Brussels. For info call 887-9338 or 887-6353. 45-3