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The Citizen, 1991-11-20, Page 18
COMING EVENTS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TENDERSflfl JOIN ST. JOHN’S LODGE FOR its 3rd annual brunch, Sunday, November 24, 12 - 2:30 p.m. in the Brussels Hotel. Advance tickets only, $10.00 each. Alan Baker 887- 6355, Wayne Todd 887-6682, Gerry White 887-9035, David Williams 523-9604. 45-2p BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Minimum jackpot of $300 must go. 16-tfn COMMUNITY SHOWER FOR Darlene Bishop at Melville Presby terian Church, November 25, 8 p.m. 45-2 THE BRUSSELS UNITED LADIES are holding a hot lun cheon and homemade baking for sale on November 21, 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in church basement, $5.00 each. Everyone is welcome. 45-2 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT LIONS Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. tfn CAROLS DUTCH CHOCOLATE Treats and Alicia's Laces and Trims invite you to an Open House on Tuesday, December 3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Boneschansker’s, RR 1, Ethel, 887-6870. 45-3 CHRISTMAS DINNER BUFFETS to be served at the Blyth Inn on Sundays from December 1 through to December 22 - 5 to 7 p.m. or at other times upon request. Reserva tions appreciated, 523-9381. 43-4 DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK POT must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. 17-tfn EAST WAWANOSH, MORRIS & Hullett Twps. annual Federation of Agriculture Christmas Dance, Sat urday, November 30, 1991, Blyth & District Community Centre. Dance: 9-1. Music by: Cripple Duck. Tickets $10 per person, $30 per family. Hot Beef Lunch. 45-2p 1H HELP WANTED EVER HAD A YEARN TO WRITE? To take pictures? To show your creative side? To feel you're an integral part of your com munity? The Citizen will soon have an opening for a part-time reporter photographer. Some evenings and weekends. Experience in writing and/or photography an asset but we will train. Apply in writing to Bonnie Gropp, The Citizen, P.O. Box 152, Brussels, NOG 1H0 or Box 429, Blyth, N0M 1H0. 46-tfn THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS is accepting applications for SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS 2 Hours per day: 8:15 - 9:15 a.m. & 3:15 ■ 4:15 p.m. 5 days per week based on a School Calendar Year. The Hourly Rate of pay is $6.00. Applications can be picked up at the Municipal Office. Please have completed applications returned to the Municipal Office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 22,1991. Donna White Clerk-Treasurer TEMPORARY PART-TIME CLERK to operate The Citizen's Brussels Office 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days. Pleasing personality an asset. Possibility position may become full-time, part-time. Contact Keith Roulston, Publisher 523-4792. 46-2 A LADY OR MARRIED COU PLE to be a live-in companion for an elderly lady in Blyth. Duties to begin March 1/92. For more infor mation call 523-9436. 44-3 HERDSPERSON TO WORK ON sow farm. Phone 887-6181. 45-2 Career Opportunity Are you creative? Do you have an outgoing personality? Do you like meeting people? If so, The Citizen may have a job for you. The Citizen currently has an opening for someone on our advertising sales staff. Previous sales experience an asset but we will train. Apply in writing with resume to: Keith Roulston, Publisher, Box 429 Blyth or Box 152, Brussels. Citizen P.O BOX 429, BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1 HO PO BOX 152, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO NOG 1 HO SNOWMOBILES HAN’T fl UVESTOCK 200 SOWS FOR SALE - ALL F 1 York/Landrace comparatively young herd all in good condition, various gestation length, buy lot or part. Farmer seeking other employ ment. Phone 345-2503 for further information. 43-tfn WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 526-7509 PETS BASSETT-HEALER-X NEUTERED. All shots, 887-6556. 45-2 Y)u can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CAMPBELL JOHNSON LISTOWEL 291-2299 PRICED TO SELL RENOVATED: 3 bedroom brick home on large lot, featuring dining room, eat- in kitchen, main floor laundry, office and updated wiring. AGENT GREG NICHOLS 1-356-2503 LOVELY BUNGALOW: on large lot overlooking country setting, with 3 bedrooms, finished rec room, 4 piece bath, large deck and-1 1/2 car garage. AGENT WILLIAM JONES 1-291-1532 "SUDDENL Y ITS SOLD" BAILEY I REAL ESTATE LTQ. ’ Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) VICTORIAN HOME on 2 acres near Brussels, needs no repairs. 82 ACRES: Kinloss Township, near Whitechurft/Mtftpings, 20 acres hardwoocWil^oSeal for hobby or recreation, reasonable price. LOTS FOR SALE: Londesboro. Your choice or take them all. RESTAURANT AND GAS STA TION on busy corner, showing good return, residence on same property 70 ACRES: 9th Concession, Hullett, 58 workable, 12 acres hardwood bush, no buildings LONDESBORO: Large commercial building on Hwy. 4, large lot, ideal for retail or service business. 100 ACRES: no buildings, 50 acres bush on paved road. COMMERCIAL BUILDING with 3 rental units, can be used as a residence. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Hamilton St., Blyth, ideal for offices, hairdressing, or service business, reasonable price. BLYTH: 3 acres, subdivided property with good home and barn. 50 ACRES: Near Auburn with good home, drive shed. Bams for cattle, sheep or horses. WE NEED LISTINGS ON HOMES AND SMALL ACREAGES. s SERVICES DRY STORAGE AVAILABLE for cars and light trucks. Phone 887- 6820. 46-2p BABYSITTING AVAILABLE - recently moved here and would like to care for your child. Infants to 3 years old. Phone 523-9626. 46-lp HOUSEKEEPING AVAILABLE. Call Julie, 887-6556. 45-2 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE Sales and Service, Highway 4, Londesboro. Complete services for small engines. Dealer for Canadi- ana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. tfn ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trail ers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle pen ning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 5234816. tfn PROFESSIONAL-LOOKING RESUMES, reports, essays provid ed on the most modem desk-top publishing equipment at The Citi zen. Call 5234792 or 887-9114. 43-tfn You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving.©Ministry of the Attorney omano General A HURON _____ COUNTY ©HOUSING AUTHORITY P. Q. (H.CJ 92-01- Move Out cleaning P. Q. (H.C.) 92-02- Standby Custodial Service and Move Out P.O. (H.C.) 92-03- Electrical Maintenance P.O. (H.C.) 92-04- Plumbing, Heating, Drainage Maintenance P.O. (H.C.) 92-05- Appliance Repair Maintenance P.O. (KC.) 92-06- General Building Maintenance The above tenders are on ’as and when required* basis following a rotational systems established by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, December 4, 1991 by the Huron County Housng Authority, 44 East St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 1N3 (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifi cations may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 0 WANTED WANTED TO RENT: BARN SUITABLE for hogs, close to Blyth. Phone 523-4948. 46-lp WANTED - 2 HORSES TO BOARD for the winter. Board rea sonable. Phone Norman McClinchey, 526-7789. 46-2 WANTED TO BUY OR RENT: 20 to 100 acres in the Blyth-Clinton- Auburn area. Apply to Box B, c/o The Citizen, Box 429, Blyth. 46-2 BLYTH AND DISTRICT OPTI MISTS looking for new and used toys. Help us help others. Clean out those closets and crammed shelves! Money going to local youth. Drop off points: CIBC Bank, Blyth and Hullett Public School, any optimist member. For pick up call 523- 4366. 46-3 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP cars and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 miles south of Brus sels. Call 887-9499. 09-tfh * TREAT YOURSELF TODAY. Manicures - $5.00; Pedicures - $10.00; Reflexology - $10.00: Waxing - $4.00 to $12.00. Phone Deb Datema, 523-4984. 36-tfh Helping the world write now In the world’s poorest countries, relief is only temporary, but education is permanent. To make a donation, call 1-800-661-C0DE. J <. < 01)1 Self-sufficiency through literacy in the developing world. ITS HE*1"*3“ THURSDAYS eyEivf Place your classified ad in person (pre-paid) and you'll enjoy a base-rate of only $3.00 for the first 20 words