HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-11-13, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1991. PAGE 19. HELP WANTED TENDERS□ R.N.A. Required for position in retirement home. Apply to: SEAFORTH MANOR 100 James St. Seaforth 527-0030 0 TENDERS ( HURON COUNTY A BOARD OF EDUCATION invites tenders for ASBESTOS REMOVAL PROJECT Sealed individual tenders properly identified for the General Contract for the following schools, addressed to The Huron County Board of Education will be received by the office of Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 5T7 before 2:00 p.m., local time on Thursday, November 21, 1991. Asbestos Removal and Associated Work to 17 Public Schools and 4 Secondary Schools. Bid Bond in the amount of $10,000 00 and consent of Surety to Bond must accompany tender The successful contractor shall pro­ vide a 50% Performance Bond and a Labour and Materials Payment Bond Tender documents are available only at the office of Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 5T7. The lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted f* BoO Allan Director . Joan Van den Broeck , _________ _____Chair y HURON COUNTY A BOARD OF EDUCATION invites tenders for SNOW REMOVAL Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received prior to noon-on Friday, November 22nd, 1991 at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, N0M 1L0, for snow removal at the following schools COLBORNE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL RR #5, Goderich and USBORNE CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL RR #3, Exeter All tenders must be submitted on the official tender form which is available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontano and at Usbome Central Public School and Colbome Central Public School The lowest or any tender not neces- sanly accepted Bob Allan Director Joan Van den Broeck Chair CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT’S FAST - IT’S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS THE GRAND WOOD SHOW . Woodworking, tools, equipment and crafts. November 15,16,17. Admission $5.00. Brantford and District Civic Centre 1-800-563-6858. WHOLESALE FIRM since 1976 now seeks 2 representatives in your area. Display and service merchandise in established retail accounts. Minimum weekly earnings potential $800+, commission. Call (416) 756-3174, (416) 756-2156. Helping the world write now In the world's poorest countries, relief is only temporary, but education is permanent. To make a donation, call 1-800-661-CODE. < o i) i Self-sufficiency through literacy in the developing world. Farmers get chance to get rid of pesticides Continued from page 15 herbicides that have either been deregistered, or are now unused by the farmer because they have changed spray programs. Allison said Ag Care hopes the pilot program can be extended across Ontario next year at no cost to the farmer. “It would cost a lot of money for individual farmers to dispose of unwanted and unused pesticide,” said Allison. “There has been a real change of attitude by farmers in the last four or five years towards pesticides,” said Allison, citing that farmers are now not only trying to save money from unnecessary spraying, but are also now concerned about protect­ ing the environment and worried about their own health and that of their families as well. “Over 38,000 farmers have taken the Grower Pesticide Safety Course in the past two years,” said Allison, “and as of this spring, won’t be able to spray crops unless they're certi­ fied.” MOBILE HOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES. Inventory Liquidation Sale, 40 units. New and used. All sizes and makes. All prices slashed. Call 1-800-263-7955. North Brock RV, Port Perry, Ont. VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanfront condos, housekeeping provided. Indoor pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation packages; winter rentals from $400/month. Free brochure: 1-800-448-5653. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES LARGE SELECTION OF MOBILE and park model homes. One, two or three bedrooms from only $24,900. Financing and delivery arranged. McKenzie Park Model Homes (416) 881-9000. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada: all denominations, all nationalities, for companionship or marriage? ASHGROVE, P.O. Box 205B, Chase, B.C., V0E 1M0. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE ORIGINAL-JUICEWORKS" VENDING Machine. Earn cash profits daily, vending fruit juices. Old South, Dew Drop, McCains, Sunkist, Liptons. Investments from $14,995. Info Canadawide 1-800-465-5006. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. DEALER/REPS required to distribute new comrrtercial food cooking system throughout Ontario. Add to your product line or start anew . Phone Don Jacobs (416) 939-2022 or write Rairtech R.R. 2, Tottenham Ont. LOG 1W0. SALES HELP WANTED FULL TIME COMMISSION SALES people for high tech lube products. Agriculture and industry sales experience an asset. Product presentation Nov. 15 and 22, 1991 (416) 629- 1791. MAKE A FORTUNE making others happy. The ultimate fundraising tool is creating hundreds of new opportunities with incredibly HIGH INCOMES. Urgently need sales people. 1-800- 263-1900. CAREER TRAINING IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let’s discuss it. Introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Call William at 1-800-265-7173. Markel Training Systems. FOR SALE YOUR DOG WILL STAY HOME! with our "Hidden" Electronic Fence. Safe! Amazing! Humane! It works. It's outasight. PAC, RR#1 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL 1C0. Fax (613) 332- 1375, 1800-NO-LEASH. BARN CLEANER CHAIN Hook & Eye, Super Tough and Pintle from $7.99/ft. Complete Cleaners also. Ship anywhere. Husky Farm Equipment, Alma, Ontario, (519) 846-5329. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY for any purpose. Pay offf bills, credit cards. Borrow $10,000. Repay $134. monthly . No qualifying hassles. Call Intransicon Financial Group (416) 650-9455. Tollfree 1-800-268-1429. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Ltd. Quality steel frame buildings at wood frame prices, large or small, easy to erect, contracting available. Call today 1-800-561-2200. STEEL BUILDINGS - ALL MODELS - Pound of coffee if we can't beat your best deal. Take delivery in spring, avoid increases, 25x30 $2,374. Other sizes available. Pioneer/Econospan 1 -800-668-5422. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING YOU’LL EVER NEED. Future Steel Buildings is the recognized leader in affordable, top quality, Arch Style Steel Building. Why pay more? Call 1-800-668- 8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556; 50x96 $15,331; 60x120 $21,270 - inventory clearance, other sizes available - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263- 8499. Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! Party leadership candidates meet Huron Liberals Although the leadership race for the Ontario Liberal party didn't get underway until the weekend, it had already heated up in Huron where Liberals had a chance to query the five contenders at Clinton on Nov. 3. The campaign for the leadership officially kicked off Saturday with the date for the convention set for February 7 and 8, 1992 in Hamil­ ton. Under a new voting format, unique in Canada, all members of the party will have a chance to vote for the leader. They will also vote for delegates to the convention in proportion to the candidate’s popu­ lar vote. Al the convention, dele­ gates will then vote for that candidate on the first ballot, and then be free to support any candi­ date on second or subsequent bal­ lots. The five contenders, all present members of the Ontario Legisla­ ture, are Charles Beer from York North, Steve Mahoney from Mis­ sissauga West, Lyn McLeod for Thunder Bay, Dave Ramsay from Timiskaming, and Greg Sobara from York Centre. They faced a barrage of questions from the 80 Liberals present, rang­ ing from their stand on agriculture policy for the province, to ques­ tions on education funding, fiscal responsibility, and health spending. They all blasted the NDP govern­ ment for their lack of strong poli­ cies to get the Ontario economy back on its feet, but said that Liber­ als must eam the trust of the people again and prove they are capable of running the province again. “It’s not enough just to criticize the government, we must be pre­ pared to offer solid, workable polices,” said Mrs. McLeod. The stop in Clinton was the sec­ ond one of a long day, as they spent the afternoon in Wyoming in Lambton County meeting with Lib­ erals in that area. All have been criss-crossing the province for sev­ eral months now in a gruelling schedule that has seen several of the candidates visit 86 ridings already. “It’s going to be a tough job to pick a new leader from these candi­ dates,” said former MPP Jack Rid­ dell, who chaired the evening. “I sat in cabinet and caucus with all of them, and they’re all very capable, talented people.” Voting for delegates and the leadership candidates is expected to take place on January 11 in Clin­ ton. WANT AMS WORK ALL THE TIME! <