HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-10-30, Page 30PAGE 30. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30,1991. Morris candidates speak out on issues CLEMENT MCLELLAN Candidate for Deputy-Reeve Morris Township DELORES SOUCH Candidate for Deputy-Reeve Morris Township Clement McLellan has been a councillor for three years and Deputy-Reeve for six years. He has a strong interest in the municipality and feels that with his experience and the time he has to devote to the position he can be of value to the township people. He sees the most important issue in the election as keeping control of the tax dollar. "But with our educa­ tion tax going up and the teachers getting raises, which we have no control of, it's hard to hold our tax dollars down," he said. Though we will do his best, he makes no promises, he says. "We are just looking at the start of the recession and we have to maintain our roads to the best of our finances." ROBERT (BERT) ELLIOTT Candidate for councillor Morris Township During his years as a councillor Bert Elliott has been involved with many different boards and commit­ tees. The last six years he has served as councillor and a member of the Wingham Area Fire Board. For three years he has been council representative to the Bluevale Hall Board. Because of this experience, Mr. Elliott feels he has a lot to offer the people of Morris Township and can make a difference. "My most important issue will be taxation," says Mr. Elliott. "I believe spend­ ing will have to be watched careful­ ly in the next three years." His goals if elected will be to work towards continued road main­ tenance in both winter and sum­ mer. As well, he would like to see machinery and equipment repaired and updated. Candidate for councillor Morris Township Roy Aitcheson is another first­ time candidate, who decided to run as he felt it was his responsibility. "I have been interested in becoming a member of council for some time. I believe as a resident of Morris Township, it is my responsibility to take some time to assist in making the decisions necessary for the smooth operation of our township." Mr. Aitcheson says the taxes and the high cost of education are the principal issues in this election, "if elected to office I will be working with council members to keep expenses under control and use our money wisely," he said. A move up the ladder was the reason present councillor Delores Souch decided to run for Deputy- Reeve. "I feel I've served for three years as councillor. If nobody moves up to try for another posi­ tion, how do you get new people to run?" she said. The major issue in this election is high taxes, says Mrs. Souch. "Everybody is tired of being taxed to death. My goals will be to see what can be done with the high education taxes which take 61 per­ cent of our taxes." Grey Twp. candidates ALVIN MCLELLAN Mr. Aitcheson has previously served on the Jr. Farmers Execu­ tive. Candidate for councillor Grey Tflwnship This first-time candidate believes its important for young people to take an interest and take part in municipal affairs. "Decisions made now, affect our future," he said. Though the youngest candidate Mr. McLellan has served on the Brussels, Morris and Grey Recre­ ation Board for the past three years and helped with the planning of the annual FunFest weekend in Brus­ sels. As the foreperson at McNeil's Auto Body, he has the chance to meet and work with people every­ day. "I come from a farming back­ ground and still live on and operate a hobby farm with my wife and kids. I also work in the immediate area so I am easy to get in touch with." As a councillor Mr. McLellan says he should be accountable to voters and listen to what they are saying. He will support the people involved with the proposed landfill and believes in the importance of recycling. He will work to keep the township roads in good shape, while trying to keep taxes reason­ able. He would also like to attract an industry to help build a good tax base and create jobs. DALE NEWMAN Candidate for councillor Grey Township A resident of Grey township tor 15 years, Dale Newman says he has the complete support of his family in his political interests and for that reason believes he can represent the residents of Grey without conflict. Seeking his second term, Mr. Newman believes in honest, open government. His goal if elected is "to listen to the ratepayers of Grey. To get their questions and concerns answered, to work hard for all ratepayers whether my views are different or not, but be up front with each on my personal views and opinions." Mr. Newman has been an active member of council having been the Chairman of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Recreation Board for three years. For five years he was a member of the Brussels Medical- Dental Board. Employed for the past seven years with Bell Canada, Mr. New­ man says the most important issue in this election is the need to cut costs and the Huron County landfill site. continued on page 31 ALLAN DETTWEILER Candidate for councillor Morris Township Allan Dettweiler believes that it is time for taxpayers to have the right to determine for themselves how to run township and county affairs. "We should not be dictated to by bureaucrats in Toronto and Ottawa. " The goals for this first-time can­ didate are to keep taxation to acceptable levels as well as work towards making the county and school board more accountable to the taxpayer. "I will make my voice heard in full opposition to County Restructuring or Regional style government," he said. Never having served in any office before, Mr. Dettweiler said he decided to run for councillor because there was a vacancy and he felt he could work effectively to ensure that tax increases remain * reasonable. jOilfM DUSKOCY Candidate for councillor Morris Township A first-time candidate John Duskocy has held several other offices in the past. He was director of the Huron County Cream Pro­ ducers for six years and the Chair­ man for three years. During that time he participated in the meeting with the Farm Products Marketing Commission on several occasions. He has as well, been involved in meetings with the Minister of Agri­ culture and local members of par­ liament. Mr. Duskocy decided to run for councillor because he says that as an individual he thinks every per­ son should know where his or her tax dollars are going. If elected he plans to do the best possible job on issues that arise, and he says, "keep an open mind to the concerns of the ratepayers in my township." The important issues he sees in this election are taxation and medi­ care, education, the proposed Huron County landfill site and the Ministry of Natural Resources restocking of fish in waterways. KARL MACNAUGHTON Candidate for councillor Morris Township The issue facing voters in this municipal election can be summed up in one word — taxes, says Karl MacNaughton. Though Mr. MacNaughton, owner of the Walton Inn, is running for position of councillor for the first time he has a lot of experience in municipal government. He is a former municipal constable, chief building inspector, property stan­ dards officers and by-law enforce­ ment officer. If elected his goal, he says, will be to hold the line on tax increases and to find other ways to maintain services and programs within the township and even the county. "I believe there are ways to amalga­ mate some of these services," he said. Mr. MacNaughton feels his occu­ pation has given him some experi­ ence in budgeting that will be beneficial to the Morris township ratepayers. "It was no small task to bring in the Walton Inn on budget when setting up the business," he said. His reasons for running at this time were brought on he said by "54 years of living, the last 30 under poor management by all lev­ els of government. " As well, he says he is "somewhat disenchanted with the old guard." RE-ELECT SHIRLEY FYFE FOR COUNCIL VILLAGE OF BLYTH »** ELECT KATHERINE McNEE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE Twp. of Ashfield/East and West Wawanosh â– Dungannon area resident -Homemaker -Husband Eric McNee -Two children attend * Brookside School # **-Community Involved** Are you concerned about Blyth? VOTE GEORGE SZAREK FORA BETTER BLYTH