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The Citizen, 1991-10-23, Page 18
PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1991. COMING EVENTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SERVICES SPECIAL NOTICE - On Octo ber 27, 7:30 p.m. The second half of the Brussels United Church Anniversary presents a Musical Hour with Congregational Singing and Featuring The Soundsations, a Guest Choir from Teeswater and area. Everybody welcome. 42-lp BELGRAVE COMMUNITY Club is sponsoring a dance in the Institute Hall, Saturday, October 26, 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. with Gordon's Old Tyme Music. $5 per couple. Ladies, please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 42-1 IR ■ s BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Minimum jackpot of $300 must go. 16-tfn DEMPSTER’S a leader in the baking industry is looking for an individual who would like to have the opportunity to operate their own Bread Route -Excellent earning potential -Complete training available -Sales and service support Please send resumes to: Dempster’s R.R. #1 Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 (All applicants will be contacted) 11 Victoria St., Clinton TREAT YOURSELF TODAY. Manicures - $5.00; Pedicures - $10.00; Reflexology - $10.00: Waxing - $4.00 to $12.00. Phone Deb Datema, 523-4984. 36-tfn WINGHAM OPTIMIST BINGO is back and with reduced admission cost to you! Come and join us for a night of fun, starting Wednesday, October 9 at 7:30 at the Wingham Legion. Doors open at 6:30. 40-3 D IN MEMORIAM fl LOST STRAYED HURON DAY CENTRE TEA AND Bazaar, Tuesday, October 29, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 41-2 RYAN, Mary Alice. In loving memory of a dear friend who passed away seven years ago Octo ber 15, 1984. We can't have old days back, But secret tears and thoughts, Will be with us forever. - Sadly missed by Lloyd, Mabel, Sharon, Teresa, Chris, Lisa and Fran. 42-lp LOST - BROWN AND WHITE Collie cross, 5th concession of Grey area. Call 887-9317. 42-1 Q . PERSONAL BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Turkey Supper, Fri day, October 25, 1991, 6:30 p.m. in Blyth and District Community Centre. Adults $7.50, Children 5- 12 $3.50, Preschool, free. Advance tickets available al Webster's and Wilson's stores or from any mem ber of the Board of Stewards. 39-4b LEGAL NOTICES DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK POT must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. 17-tfn MEET THE LEADERSHIP CAN- didates for the Ontario Liberal Party. Short debate, free refresh ments. Sunday, November 3, 1991, 7:30 p.m. Clinton Legion Hall. Everyone welcome. Adults - $5, youth under 25 - free. Tickets available from municipal chairs, or call 235-2853, 482-9437, or 887- 9381. 41-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LAURA MAY LUCAS ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Laura May Lucas, deceased, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, who died on August 2, 1991, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of October, 1991, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this 4th day of October, 1991. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES P.O. Box 104 Brussels, Ontario. NOG 1H0 Solicitors for the Executors. 40-3 ANYONE INTERESTED IN attending a Diet Club in Blyth call 523-9590 or 523-4334 for more information. 42-lp R REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "SUDDENL Y ITS SOLD" BAILEY I TEA^STAJ^W. 1 Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) □ fl LIVESTOCK IN MEMORIAM NICHOLSON. In memory of Leslie Nicholson who passed away October 11, 1990. Only a memory of by-gone days, And a sigh for a face unseen, But a constant feeling that God alone, Knows just what should have been. - Remembered by Wallace and Shirley and nieces and nephews. 42-lp WE BUY AND SELL LIVESTOCK dairy, beef and horses, crippled and poor- doing cows PAY IMMEDIATELY LICENCED DEALER CLARENCE POORTINGA 526-7509 LOTS FOR SALE: Londesboro Your choice or take them all RESTAURANT AND GAS STA TION on busy corner, showing good return, residence on same property. 70 ACRES: 9th Concession, Hullett, 58 workable, 12 acres hardwood bush, no buildings. LONDESBORO: Large commercial building on Hwy 4, large lot, ideal for retail or service business. 100 ACRES: no buildings, 50 acres bush on paved road COMMERCIAL BUILDING with 3 rental units, can be used as a residence. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Hamilton St., Blyth, ideal for offices, hairdressing, or service business, reasonable price BLYTH: 3 acres, subdivided property with good home and barn. 50 ACRES: Near Auburn with good home, drive shed Barns for cattle, sheep or horses WE NEED LISTINGS ON HOMES AND SMALL ACREAGES. ESTATE SALE; Stewart Johnston, maintenarw^Jtf?u^3 bedroom home, large lot, recreation room. $72,000.00. NEW HOME TO BE BUILT: 1200 square feeCWfe^ioms, vinyl sided, garage, east edge of Blyth $100,000. CLINTON: Older 3 or 4 bedroom brick hunn|Qpf w<h detached garage, cerlrar^C separate dining room. $84,000 00 LONDESBORO: New listing 1 1/2 storey, aluminum sided, 5 bedrooms. Family room off of eat- in kitchen. Main Street. $72,000.00 2 STOREY BRICK: Blyth, large well treed lot plus extra building lot. Both for $98,000.00. SOUTH OF BRUSSELS: COUNTRY RETREAT: 4 TO 5 bedroom brick home, country kitchen done in pine, open staircase, home is set up for private quarter for parents or extra income, detached garage, featured on 2 acres of land plus privacy. New pnee $145,000.00 BRUSSELS: 2 1/2 storey sided home with 4 bedrooms, formal dining room, den, original woodwork throughout, beautiful window benches, large front verandah, featured on large corner lot by the river Reduced $116,500.00. Gary Walden....................482-7675 Gordon Hill.......................233-3307 Alleen Craig......................482-3669 Bill Steenstra....................482-3780 Peter Damsma.................482-9849 Mary Vanden Hengel........527-0968 Sharon Medd....................527-0560 11 Victoria St., Clinton............... 482-5991 FAX...........482-9343 FREE EVALUATIONS CLARK & SON LAWN MAIN- tenance - fall clcan-up, aerating, grass cutting. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff at 887-9668. 37-6p HANK'S SMALL ENGINE Sales and Service, Highway 4, Londesboro. Complete services for small engines. Dealer for Canadi- ana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. tfn Custom manurigation for as little as 1/2 cent per gallon. Agitator available. Call: HOGWILD FARMS 529-7060 ATTENTION FARMERS 1. Combining of all crops with air-reel. 2. Round baling - 4 feet wide from 40” to 6 feet high. 3. Sowing of wheat - no till or conventional tillage. 4. Trucking and grain buggy available. Competitive Rates NO MEMBERSHIP FEE DURWAY CUSTOM SERVICES R.R. 3 BLYTH 523-9837 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP cars and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 miles south of Brus sels. Call 887-9499. 09-tfn fl LOST STRAYED You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving. LOST - PART HUSKY, female, grey with white tip on end of tail, lost from Lot 9, 6th of Mor ris on Sunday, name is Sheba. Phone 523-9362. 42-lp rRURALVoiCE TX MAOAZVC OF TX AGA CUI TURM KJUBYRV Don't Delay — Subscribe Today The Rural Voice Produced by people with farming in their blood Serving more than 15.000 readers in the region One year tor $16 05, two years lor $26 75 (GST included in prices above) The Rural Voice Box 429, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1H0 519-523-4311 For Real Estate Information CALL GARY WALDEN 482-7675 Sales Rep. tor Mclntee Real Estate Office - 482-5991 s SERVICES WILL DO CUSTOM PLOUGH- ing in the Brussels area. Competi tive rates. Phone Scott Cardiff after 6 p.m., 887-9867. 42-2 ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM welding, ornamental railing, trail ers, custom hitches, pigs/cattle pen ning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523-4816. tfn RELIABLE BABYSITTING SER- vices in Blyth in my home. Full or part-time, days or evenings. Phone 523-9697. 34-tfn WANTED TO BUY: 100 - 150 bales of straw, preferably barley straw. Phone 887-6432. 42-1 Drink and drive and you’ll get a set of new wheels. You can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving.©Ministry of the Attorney omano General ws $o oo TUI IDCnAVC Place your classified ad in person (pre-paid) and•• Q , | II if f \ f you'll enjoy a base-rate of only $3.00 for the first 20 words