HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-10-23, Page 17THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 1991. PAGE 17. AUCTION SALES CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS -RATES- 20 words or less only $3.50. Additional words 15<t each. Extra Billing Charge 50e will be added If not paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday In Blyth |A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT OLDER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IN Blyth, $350/month plus heat and utilities, first and last month's rent and references required. Phone 523-9705. 42-1 NEWLY RENOVATED 2 BED­ ROOM apartment in Brussels. Available Nov. 15/91. Call 887- 9830 after 6 p.m., ask for Brian. 42-2 2 BEDROOM UPPER APART­ MENT for rent in Brussels, 3 pc. bath, front and back balcony, park­ ing. Available November 1. Call 570-4362 or 887-9316. 42-2 BRUSSELS, ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, electric heat, remodelled, available immediately, 887-9083. 42-2 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, Queen St. entrance, Blyth, refriger­ ator and stove included, newly ren­ ovated, available Nov. 15/91. Phone 523-4930, 523-9448. 42-1 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, Queen St., Blyth, refrigerator and stove included, newly renovated, available Nov. 15/91. Phone 523- 4930,523-9448. 42-1 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, centrally located in Blyth. References required. Contact 482-9371. 42-2 NEW 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- low with garage in Blyth for rent. Available immediately. References required. Phone 887-6138 after 8 p.m. 35-tfn A ARTICLES FOR SALE ANGELA HARPER S LITTLE Things has great Christmas ideas in hand-made craft items. Crocheted hanging towels, also Christmas hanging towels $5.50 ea., cross- stitch wall decorations $15 - $18, decorative wine glass candles at $5.20 ea., knitted infant slippers $5. pr. and needlepoint baskets $18. ea. Call 523-9271 or by chance Queen Street North, Blyth. 42-1 Locally Grown POTATOES Red - White Any Quantity 523-9338 A ARTICLES FOR SALE IVORY BEDROOM DRAPES with inside panels and tiebacks with rose braid trim made by Uni­ versal Drapery, with track, drycleaned only, matching quilted bedspread and shams, 887-6356 (excellent condition). 42-1 ONE DOUBLE WATER BED IN good condition, asking $150 or best offer, also super single water bed has new bladder and bumper pads asking $75. Call 887-6924. 40-3 OVEN READY, FRESH FROZEN roaster chickens, 7-10 lb., range- fed, limited supply. Phone 523- 9636 after 6. 40-tfn NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers. Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. 22-tfn PUMPKINS - A LARGE Dis­ play of all different sizes. On County Road No. 8, three miles south of Auburn. Don Buchanan, 526-7204. 40-3p GOOD, DRY, SPLIT HARD­ WOOD for sale. Phone 523-9287 after 6 p.m. 42-lp APPLES FOR SALE - CROPS IN! Mac, Spy, Spartan, Ida Red, Deli­ cious, Courtland, Empire. Open Daily. Contact Boyd and Muriel Taylor, 523-9279. - 42-2p HARDWOOD FIREWOOD FOR sale: slabs $200, blocks $300, split blocks $400. 10 cord loads, deliv­ ery available, 357-1644 after 7 p.m. 39-4 TREES IN POTS - AUSTRIAN Pine, Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Pine 18" to 24". European White Birch, Silver Maple, 3' to 5'. Phone evenings 887-6058 or 887-9083. 36-8 ROASTING CHICKENS - 7-9 LBS., ready for delivery Novem­ ber 15, $1.35 lb. Order now. Phone 887-6098. 41-5p TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY, Brussels - sofas and chairs, recov­ ered like new! Free estimates, pick­ up and delivery. Workmanship guaranteed. Call 887-6073. 41-2 FIREWOOD - TWO YEARS OLD, split, dried, stored inside, maple and ash, $40 a cord. Phone 887-6692. 41-3 A AUCTION SALES AUCTION SERVICE Planning a household, farm, commercial or estate auction sale. Compare our reasonable rates and courteous efficient service. I'd appreciate the opportunity to conduct your sale. Lucknow-Holyrood Auction Service ALLAN R. MILLER AUCTIONEER 395-5062 RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SAT. OCT. 26 AT 10 A.M. - Antique glassware and furniture, Birk sterling flatware at Lobb Auction Building In Clinton for Estate of Mary McIver Coffin and Greta Kerr of Seaforth. SAT. NOV. 2 10:30 A.M. - Combine, 4 tractors, machinery 5 miles east of Hensail for Bev Alexander. SAT. NOV. 9 AT 10 A.M. - Contents of Home Hardware Store in Dublin. BIRTHS FRETZ. Lynn and Allan thank God for the safe arrival of Benjamin Dalton Fretz, 8 lbs. 8 oz., October 16, 1991. Happy Grandparents are John and Abbie McKinnon and Ron and Marlene Fretz. Special thanks to Dr. Warren and Dr. Rutherford and the excellent nurs­ ing staff. 42-lp c CARD OF THANKS BAILIE. The family of the late John Bailie wishes to sincerely thank relatives, friends and neigh­ bours for flowers and donations received following our bereave­ ment. Special thanks to Home Care and Dr. Street and nursing staff at Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Paul Acton for his kind words and Tasker Funeral Home and the Anglican Church ladies for the lovely lunch. It was very much appreciated. - Clarence and Sue Bailie and family, Dorothy and Gerald Mayburry and family. 42-1 BERNARD. We would like at this time to extend our thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness shown during the recent loss of our beloved husband, father, grand­ father and great-grandfather. Spe­ cial thanks to Dr. Woldnik and the nursing staff of Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Acton for his kindness shown to me and my family. Many thanks to the A.C.W. for serving a lovely lunch after the service and for all the food brought to the house. Special thanks to Mrs. John Van Den Assem and Mrs. Dan Lichty for preparing supper for us. Thanks to pallbearers and flower bearers. Special thanks to the Belts Funeral Home, also to anyone who helped in any way. Thanks for cards and floral arrangements. Your kindness will always be remembered. - The Bernard Family. 42-lp unicef For a new full-colour brochure, contact: UNICEF Canada 443 Mt. Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ont M4S 2L8 Telephone (416) 482-4444 c DAVIS. The family of Pat and Jim Davis of Lucan wish to honour their parents' 50th wedding anniversary with a Come and Go Tea on Saturday, November 2 from 2-4 p.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Main Street, Lucan. Best wishes only please. 42-2p HOLLINGER. Thanks to all for many acts of kindness before and during my stay in hospital and since returning home. Visits, gifts, phone calls to my family, etc. were appreciated. Special thanks to the one who took care of my home dur­ ing my absence. Most sincerely, Ann. 42-1 WALDEN-VANDERHEYDEN. We wish to thank all of our family and friends for holding our Stag and Doe and to thank everyone for coming out and making the evening so special. - Christa and Jason. 42-1 WHEELER. We would like to thank all the happy faces that came and helped share with us, on our Golden Anniversary. Also thanks for the many gifts, flowers and the many, many cards. It left us with a lot of memories and a day we will always remember and cherish. A very special thanks goes to our family and all who helped. God Bless you all. - Jack and Mildred Wheeler. 42-lp WILLIAMSON. I wish to thank my family, friends and neighbours for the many cards, gifts, phone calls and visits. Special thanks to Dr. Raczycki, Dr. Watts, and nurs­ ing staff of Clinton Public Hospital. Also thanks to council and staff for the delicious fruit basket. It'll always be remembered. - Roy Williamson. 42-lp c CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE '89 SPRINT, 4 DOOR HATCH­ BACK, 3 cyl., automatic, $4495 certified. '85 Ford half-ton, 6 cyl., 4 speed, $2,000. '85 Chev half ton, 6.2 diesel, automatic, $3,500. 887- 9854 evenings. 42-1 c COMING EVENTS LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT LIONS Club Dabbcr Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Centre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair accessible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. tfn BUCK & DOE FOR DARLENE Bishop and George Harrietha, Sat­ urday, November 2, 1991, at B. M. & G. Community Centre, Brussels from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Age of Majority. Music by D.J. 42-lp COME OUT AND JOIN IN THE fun. Mixed darts every Wednesday night al the Brussels Hotel. 887- 9035. 42-lp c LOREENA MCKENNITT IN concert Sunday, November 3, 8:00 p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall. Phone Blyth Festival box office for tickets, 523-9300. 42-1 APPLE DAY - SATURDAY, October 26. Please support 1st Blyth Scouting Movement. 42-1 PICTURES REQUIRED FOR MUSEUM EXHIBITION. “The Faces of Huron” is a temporary exhibition in celebration of Huron County's 150th birthday. Framed pictures in any media from any lime period of people from Huron County are needed to exhibit at the Huron County Museum from November 15 to April 5. Deadline for submissions November 7. Museum hours: Monday to Friday 10 to 4:30; Sunday, 1 to 4:30. Call 524-2686 for more information. 42-1 CASINO CAPERS - FRIDAY, November 1st, 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. Goderich Township Hall, Holmes­ ville. Featuring Forrest City Jazz Band, Games of Chance, Bingo, Silent Auction. Proceeds to Epilepsy, Huron-Perth-Bruce. Tickets $7.50. 482-5527. 42-1 BLYTH LIONS EUCHRE, Saturday, November 2, 1991, 8:00 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Admis­ sion $5.00. Everyone welcome. 42-2p BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS party now - plan your menu later. For reservations at Secrets Brussels Hotel, call 887-9035. 42-lp 25TH ANNUAL CRAFT AND Hobby Fair on Saturday, November 2, 1991 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. al the Elma Memorial Community Centre, Atwood. Bake sale and lunch booth on the premises. Spon­ sored by Maple Leaf Women's Institute. 42-2 BLYTH BEGINNERS HOCKEY starts this week Saturday, October 26 at 9 o'clock. Entry fee is free. Bring out those future Gretzkys and get them started. 42-1 BAKE SALE, PENNY AUCTION and Tea Room to be held on Fri­ day, October 25 at 2:30 p.m. in the Brussels Library. Sponsored by Majestic Women's Institute. 42-1 EUCHRE CARD PARTIES WILL be held at Londcsboro Hall on November 1 and November 29 at 8 p.m. Admission $1.00. Ladies please bring lunch. Sponsored by Londcsboro Women's Institute. 42-1 PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED ADULTS, families and friends: you are invited to a brief meeting at the Huronview Auditorium (fully accessible) on Saturday, November 2 at 11:00 a.m. to consider forming a self-help group. A light lunch will be served. Transportation available. For further information call: Pat Watson 887-6236, Tom Ryan 527- 2979 or 1 -800-267-0535. 42-2 its.. $Q 00 TUI IDQRAVQ ever* Place your classified ad in person (pre-paid) and HEVin B J |j J you'll enjoy a base-rate of only $3.00 for the first 20 words