HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-10-16, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1991. Morris ratepayers hear candidates Candidates for township council and board of education in.Morris Township had a chance to state their position for 35 ratepayers at the ratepayers meeting at the Mor­ ris council chambers Thursday night. The ratepayers heard from Reeve Doug Fraser; Deputy-reeve Clem McLellan and Councillor Deloris Souch who intends on running for deputy reeve; current councillors Bert Elliott and Wayne Riley, and challengers Alan Dettweiler, Roy Aitcheson, Karl McNaughton and Grey township residents think landfill site proposal biased Continued from page 7 before the county can run a landfill. Mr. Perric said he believed that Grey Township had been hit by bias, one he couldn't understand as the location is not in the least cen­ tral. Transportation, said Mr. Mcrrall, is not in the criteria. "I can assure you there was no bias in the rank­ ing process," he said. "The consul­ tants are not from Huron County and they worked the procedure consistently. If Morris had four of the sites would you say that it was biased against Grey because there were none?" "No, I'd say there was a bias against Morris," responded Mr. Perrie. "Let's say it straight, don't twist it." Mr. Merrall then noted that if there was indeed a bias, the consul­ tants would not be so obvious as to pick over half of the sites in one township. Angelika Hammel, of Lot 28, 29, Cone. 18, who has been following the process over the past year, stat­ ed her feelings that there is no guarantee the county site will only get garbage from the county. "No one will guarantee we won't get it from other sites in the future," she said. "Especially if Ontario is kick­ ing in the cost. I don't think it's right that we don't produce the major portion of the garbage, peo­ ple in the urban areas do, but we get the garbage. It’s not fair. After 10 years everyone will be glad to give you the land. I don't want to live near a landfill that grows every year," Mrs. Hammel said heatedly. Mr. Merrall pointed out that if the landfill site is licensed to lake only the waste from Huron county, that is all it will take. "We are pret­ ty insignificant in the urban market. But, if you are bound and deter­ mined not to believe us there is nothing we can do to change that." Brenda Perrie asked if Mr. Mer­ rall was sure the county would con­ trol the site in 15 years. When he replied that the county deals under the province and if the people don't feel they could trust the govern­ ment he was cut short by cynical chuckles. "You must really think we're stupid," said Mrs. Hammel. Mr. Perrie then asked Mr. Mer­ rall and Ms Richter if they were aware that the land in question had wetland areas, parts of which bor­ dered on creeks. "The biggest part is Al land and forest. There are springs around the whole works." Another ratepayer added that it is waterlogged three parts of the year. Lf you can prove what you just d it's eliminated as a candidate te," said Warden Jim Robinson. Ms Richter said that if the land >as agricultural capabilities that is •mething the committee wants to know. "Listen my dear girl," said Don Clark, owner of Lol 13, Cone. 14. ' That should have been checked before. The approach taken is out of this world." "We recognize the warts in the system," said Mr. Merrall. "We agree there's a lot of hardship. John Duskooy. Also present were Carmen Klaus and Doug Gamiss, candidates for the right to represent Morris and Tumbcrry on Board of Education. Bill Richards was nominated as chairman for the meeting and said he was glad to see enough candi­ dates taking part to force an elec­ tion. He said it was very important to the process of democracy to have an election. Reeve Fraser and Deputy Reeve McLellan each outlined their expe­ rience on council, each holding the He went on to explain that there will be soil testing done and field visits done to watch water move­ ment. "If the land is not suitable, there's no way to make it suitable." Cora Alcock, an interested ratepayer, asked what happens if all six of the candidate sites are elimi­ nated after further testing. Mr. Mer­ rall said that while they wouldn't go back to square one they would have to retrace their steps a bit, changing the criteria to more suitable agricul­ tural land. One woman noted that if the land is classified as 5 and 6 it is proba- MCDONALD'S FALL FIX-UP SALE ScotchgarcL RELEASE carpets • tapis SAVE ON KITCHEN CRAFT & ACORN KITCHENS SELECTONE WALL COVERING SALE McDonald Home UV lkipC Hardware Is Cl offering up to 40% ^savings on the most popular styles with a promotional price no one can beat OFF J. M. MCDONALD BRUSSELS SAVINGS ON ALL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS TOO! office for the past six years ano both serving on the Blyth and Area District Fire Board. Dcloris Souch said she had been on council for three years and accomplished many of the things she wanted to, including better dust control and improved roadside weed control and fell she would like to further herself by stepping up to Deputy Reeve. She is a mem­ ber of the Blyth and District Com­ munity Centre Board, North Huron Community Development Area 's agriculture committee, the Farm bly unsuitable as a landfill site for the same reasons it's unsuitable for agriculture. John Saxon said that in his opin­ ion the neighbouring landowners should get a tax cut if their property is devalued. Reeve Armstrong said she had talked to the assesser regarding this and was told that would be a route to take. Former Grey councillor Lyle Pet- tapiece expressed his frustration over rural treatment. "I know we're crying farmers, always looking for a handout, but this disturbs me. It ^ecms^weri^al^a^^sitting^duckS" Come catch the savings on quality Richmond carpets in the Carpet Super Sale. You will find a range of carpets in colours to match any decor and at prices to suit your pocket. You just can’t go wrong unless you come too late to the Carpet Super Sale on Richmond carpets. TEXTURED ELEGANCE Tightly twisted 100% nylon 2-ply yarns create a pearlescent lustre. Sturdy and stain resistant. Traditional and contemporary colours enhance any decor. Reg. price $26.95 sq. yd. AQUA-MAGIC Safety Association and Wheels Away transit. Bert Elliott was the first of the council candidates to speak. He said he has been on council for six years and had set as his goal for the last three-year term to see the east encl ol tne seventn tine reDuitt ana new paving at Bluevale. Both have been accomplished. But for the next three years, he said, the concern had to be with tightening budgets and it was time to "take a good look at these taxes". ' Wayne Riley, a councillor for the for urban people. If you don't want something in an urban area, just send it to the farmer." Warden Robinson said if the committee had its way they would go to a farmer who lived in the middle of nowhere, who wanted to sell his farm, and place the site out of the way where no one cares about it, but with the rules and reg­ ulations established by the Environ­ mental Assessment Act, site selection has to be done this way. "It's not that simple. There are rules to follow in picking a site. We have jo^go^hroughjhis^ex£cnsivc^£ro- SOFTENER SALT 20 KG. BAG $4/9 40 KG. BAG $7 99 887-6277 past three years, said he would like to see improved roadside shoulder­ ing and improvements to ditches "but you can only do so much: funds are limited". Allan Dettweiler said he had put his name up for council when he heard there was a vacancy, even though he felt there was better gov­ ernment in Morris than at the feder­ al or provincial level. He felt council should take a sharp look at grantto erganiza- continued on page 25 cess. We have no choice. Some­ thing has to be done. If not it won't be long before half of the landfill sites arc gone," said Warden Robinson." By following the evaluation cri­ teria the sites will be identified and assessed for the impact on the area, a concern of many of those who attended. There were comments regarding potential dangers and problems that have occurred with other sites. "Those [landfill sites] who fail at this didn't follow the rules," said Mr. Merrall. ARMSTRONG CANDIDE IN STOCK $O1 95 £■■ I ■ SQ. YD. ARMSTRONG 12' VINYL FLOORING $ FROM CARPET & REDUCED TO CLEAR k