HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-10-09, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1991. AuburnTine news from Congregation enjoys guest singers Compiled by Mildred Lawlor Phone 526-7589 Early hymn-sing at Knox Rev. Paul Ross conducted the morning service at Knox United Church and Nancy Park was organ­ ist. It was Holy Communion service. The congregation worshipped in the newly decorated sanctuary. There was an early hymn-sing. Rev. Ross gave the call to worship and told the children's story and "Jesus Loves the Little Children" was sung. Rev. Ross read the scriptures. The hymn "Ye Servants of God" was sung. The responsive Psalm was repeated in unison followed by Gloria. Rev. Ross' sermon was en­ titled "Like Kernels on a Cob". The hymn "Let Us Break Bread To­ gether" was sung. The celebration of Communion took place. A thank you was given to Ell Lapp for the beautiful bookstand he had made and donated to the Church. It holds the Bible that was donated in mem­ ory of the late Elma McFarlane. Thanks was given to Dana Bean for being in charge of the renova­ tions of the sanctuary. The offering was received by Dana Bean and Larry Plaetzer and for the Sunday School, was brought forward by Rachael Arthur and Amanda Hanna and dedicated. Rev. Ross gave the closing prayer. The hymn "Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts" was sung. Mau­ rice Bean pronounced the Benedic­ tion and the response "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee" conclud­ ed the service. Sunday, October 20 at 10 a.m. will be Aubum Anniver­ sary service. Londesboro congrega­ tion is invited to worship with us. Knox board takes action on Farm Crisis Movement Guest singers at Aubum Mission­ ary Church on Sunday, Oct. 6 were Hank and Janet Sonnenburg of Hawkcsville. "God's Love is as Sweet as a Rose", written by Janet was very much enjoyed. All of their music was appreciated by the large atten­ dance. Pastor Came's message entitled 'The Master Plan' was taken from Genesis I and Ephesians 3, Where is God? Skeptics don't see God anywhere, but God has a master plan for the whole world, but man frustrated the plan of God. It is a mercy that God did not leave us to ourselves and our sins. God has a plan for each person. Don't miss the plan of God for your life. A wonderful time of fellowsh for the adult group of Aubum Mission­ ary Church was held Friday evening, Oct. 4 at the home of John WI meets The monthly meeting of the Aubum Women's Institute will be held at the Community Hall Thurs­ day, October 17 at 2 p.m. The topic is "Ideas About Canada" by Alice Porter. Roll call will be "Name Your National Origin." Hostesses will be Kay Lapp and Mildred Lawlor. and Helen Baumbach at Port Albert. Snowbirds Frank and Anna - Ewald have gone to Florida. Kids Klub meets every Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. at Aubum Missionary Church. Children of all ages arc encouraged to attend. Something new each week. The M.W.C. will meet at the Church Thursday evening, Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. All ladies are cordially invited. Come and enjoy an evening of inspiration and caring. 4H Club holds pot luck supper BY SARAH CHRISTIE The Aubum 4H Club enjoyed a pot luck supper on Thursday, Octo­ ber 3. Members made their own supper out of recipes in their books. They did this for the third meeting. On Thursday, Oct. 10 they will be hav­ ing their fourth meeting at the home of Sarah Christie. SUITCASE DANCE NOV. 1/91 AT BLYTH ARENA 9 P.M. -1 A.M. MANY MORE GREAT PRIZES •Tickets $25.00 per couple«Lunch«Bar Sponsored by the BLYTH RUTABAGA FESTIVAL The official board meeting of Knox United Church met in the church basement on Monday evening, September 30. Rev. Paul Ross opened the meet­ ing with scripture and a short Bible Study period. The minutes of the last session meeting were read by Maurice Bean and were approved as read. Copies of the June official board meeting were handed out by the secretary Lillian Hallam. The financial report was given by the Church treasurer Marjorie McDougall. Presbytery representa­ tive Ethel Ball gave a report from the last meeting held in Brussels. The board decided to act on the Farm Crisis Movement, which is being sponsored by Huron Perth Presbytery. Jack Armstrong and Maurice Bean were appointed to compose a letter which will be handed out to everyone Thanksgiv­ ing Sunday. These are to be signed and mailed to members of parlia­ ment, Murray Cardiff and Paul Klopp. Everyone is urged to attend the study sessions on Rural Chal­ lenges which are being held in Exeter United Church Tuesday, Silver Tops The Silver Tops will be having their pot luck dinner at the Com­ munity Hall on Wednesday, Octo­ ber 16 al noon. (Note - potatoes will be provided). November 12, 19, 26 and Decem­ ber 3, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. It was announced that Knox United Anniversary service will be held on Sunday, October 20 at 10 a.m. with Londesboro congregation being invited to worship with us. Rev. Paul Ross closed the meeting with prayer. People Nancy Slater, Lillian Letherland and Marion Haggitt returned from a three-day tour to the Port Severn area, where they stayed at the "Inn at Christies Mill". While there they had a two and a half hour boat trip on the Severn River and Sparrow Lake, as well as drives around the back roads to see the fall colours which were beautiful. Each night they had entertain­ ment which was imported from Toronto. Hort. Soc. holds photo contest A photo contest will be part of the Horticulture meeting for November. A reminder is given to those entering the contest, they should have their photos in to Erma Cartwright or Dorothy Grange by November 1. Categories are: single bloom, four season scenes, flower gardens, nature and flower arrange­ ment. These will be judged at the November meeting. CANADA 1I BEAT THE RISING COST OF HOME HEATING Clean burning woodstoves ‘Elmira ‘Regency ‘Napoleon ‘Old Time •EPA certified •10 hour burn time •Clear Glass •Very high efficiency •Holds 18" logs a new generation STU'S CHIMNEY SWEEP R.R.#3 (Whitechurch) < Wing.iam "Stove Shoppe" Open 9-5 Mon. - Sat.357-2719 SAVINGS BONDS A Wonderful Place For Your Savings To Grow. You’ve worked hard to set aside your savings. Now it’s time to look for a great place to invest those savings. Canada Savings Bonds. This year, , you can buy your bonds at face value wherever you bank or invest from October 17 to November 1. You may date your payment November 1, the day the new bonds start earning interest. Safe and Secure. Canada Savings Bonds are fully guaranteed by the Government of Canada. They’re a safe, secure investment that never falls in value. Cashable Anytime. Canada Savings Bonds can be cashed at any time, so your money is never locked in. Guaranteed Interest Rate. Canada Savings Bonds offer an attractive interest rate that's guaranteed for a full year. This • year’s interest rate and purchase limit will be announced in mid-October. Details will be available wherever Canada Savings Bonds are sold. Don’t Be Late! Remember, November 1 is the last day you can buy the new bonds at face value. But the bonds may be «. withdrawn from sale at any time. Canada Buy yours from Oct. 17 to Nov. 1