HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-10-02, Page 20-RATES- 20 words or less only $3.50. Additional words 15c each. Extra Billing Charge 50c will be added if not paid by the following Wednesday DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday In Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth A ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT NEW 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- low with garage in Blyth for rent. Available immediately. References required. Phone 887-6138 after 8 p.m. 35-tfn 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR rent near Brussels. Immediate pos­ session, call 887-6425. 39-3 OLDER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IN Blyth, $350/month plus heat and utilities, first and last month's rent and references required. Phone 523-9705. 39-1 A ARTICLES FOR SALE FIREWOOD FOR SALE - SPLIT, dried, stored inside, $40 a cord, hard maple and ash. Phone 887- 6692. 37-3 NEW AND USED SATELLITE Systems for sale or rent. Also antennas, rotors, boosters and tow­ ers Service to all makes of satellite systems; leasing also available. L & A Satellite Co. Ltd., phone day or night 524-9595. 22-tfn TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY, Brussels - sofas and chairs, recov­ ered like new! Free estimates, pick­ up and delivery. Workmanship guaranteed. Call 887-6073. 38-2 TREES IN POTS - AUSTRIAN Pine, Norway Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Pine 18" to 24". European White Birch, Silver Maple, 3' to 5'. Phone evenings 887-6058 or 887-9083. 36-8 COAL, THE EFFICIENT FUEL, available at Manning Lumber, cor­ ner of Hwy. 4 and Hamilton St., Blyth. Phone 523-9305. 39-2 ANGELA HARPER S LITTLE Things - convenient home shop­ ping. Paper towels - 890 pkg. of 2, toilet tissue - 990 pkg. of 4, decora­ tive towels, knitted slippers and children's clothing. All reasonably priced. Monday - Friday, 9 to 8 at 523-9271. 39-1 USED 3 YEAR OLD FRIDGE. Call after 5:30, 523-9404. 38-2 Locally Grown POTATOES Red - White Any Quantity j| 523-9338 A ARTICLES FOR SALE WOOD BURNING PARLOUR stove with mica front door. Also pipes - one with damper. All in good condition. Phone 523-9287. 39-lp APPLES, FRESH PRESSED CIDER, honey, apple butter. Mait- side Orchards, west of Brussels, open 7 days. Phone 887-6883.39-2 HAND-KNIT SWEATERS, SOCKS, mitts, scarves, etc. Cro­ cheted Christmas ornaments, dolls, toys, etc. for sale or ordered. Call in anytime at 36 Flora St., Brussels or phone 887-6390. Ask for Ada Brittain or Lillian Moses. 39-lp SEE TREEBELT FOR LOW prices on 2 to 3 ft. cedar hedging, 2 ft. Austrian Pine, Colorado Blue Spruce, Northern Catalpa. Also large stock maples, honey locust and mountain ash, Flowering crabapple, Colorado Blue spruce. Call Treebelt evenings and week­ ends 523-9771. 39-2 CALL TREEBELT FOR WIN­ TERIZING tree wrap, burlap wrap­ ping, mouse and rabbit bait. Also dog and cat Repel, fertilizer stakes, edging and mulches. Pumpkins - $2.00. Call Treebelt evenings and weekends 523-9771. 39-2 Make your move. paHTicipacTinn^ IA■AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of home furnishings and some tools will be held for LLOYD AND HELEN WARWICK, 1/4 mi. south of Bluevale on Morris Twp. centre sideroad, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, AT 10:30 A.M. AUCTIONEERS: WALLACE BALLAGH, TEESWATER 392-6170 GRANT MCDONALD, RIPLEY 395-5353 AUCTION REGISTER AUCTIONEERS WALLACE BALLAGH, TEESWATER 392-6170 GRANT MCDONALD, RIPLEY 395-5353 MON. OCT. 7-6:00 P.M. FRI. OCT. 11 -6:30 P.M. SAT. OCT. 12-10:30 A.M. MON. OCT. 14-10:30 A.M. MON. OCT. 21 - 7:00 P.M. A ARTICLES FOR SALE HARDWOOD FIREWOOD FOR V sale: slabs $200, blocks $300, split blocks $400. 10 cord loads, deliv­ ery available, 357-1644 after 7 p.m. 39-4 c CARD OF THANKS GREYDANUS. A special thank you to the Blyth Fire Department for their quick and very efficient service at our bam fire, also a big thank you to neighbours, friends and family who helped, called and showed their concern. Your support is very much appreciated. - Jerry, Gladys and Derrick. 39-1 A AUCTION SALES RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Thurs. Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. - Fine furniture, modern dining suite, antiques, at Brussels Arena Auditorium for Edmund Schwart- zentruber. See last week's paper for listing Sat. Oct. 5 at 10 a.m. - Professional pattern and model makers tools, professional mechanics tools and tool box, power wood working equipment, plus power tools and equipment, plus power tools and equipment for local rental store going out of business at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton. Sat. Oct. 12 at 10 am. - Furnitures, tools, car at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for Estate of Herb McAdam plus additions. Sale of antiques and home furn­ ishings for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford (Wingham), with some added con­ signments, in the Teeswater Agri­ Curl Building. Sale of consignments of home furnishings and antiques in the Davidson Centre in Kincardine. Sale of home furnishings and some tools for Lloyd and Helen Warwick, 1/4 mi. south of Bluevale on Morris Twp. Centre Sideroad. Sale of antiques and home furn­ ishings for Miss Esther Murray (Teeswater) in Teeswater Agri­ Curl Building. Sale of Talents and Tangibles for the Teeswater Curling Club, at the Teeswater Agri-Curl Building. c CARD OF THANKS DENNISON. Thanks to my neigh­ bours and friends for the enjoyable surprise party held at the home of Edna Prior. Your lovely gifts and kindness will always be remem­ bered. I am looking forward to you visiting me in my new place. - Dorothy Dennison. 39-lp MacFARLANE. We wish to thank our friends, neighbours and rela­ tives for the gifts, flowers and cards and coming to make our 50th anniversary such a happy occasion. It was a real surprise to see the pipe band come in, also so many of the former members. A special thanks to Joyce, Ed and family for having the 50th anniversary party, also the people who helped them make the day so wonderful. Thanks again to the family for ending the day with a beautiful dinner. We will always cherish the memory of this day. - Tom and Bernice MacFarlane. 39-lp MCPHAIL. The family of Win- nifred McPhail would like to thank the nurses and staff of the Callan­ der Nursing Home for their kind­ ness, thoughtfulness and patience over the past five years that their mom has received at the home. We would also like to thank all the groups who volunteered their time to entertain for them and hope they will continue to do so up in Wing­ ham at Brookhaven Nursing Home. We'd also like to thank Patty Harri- s.on, her adopted Brownie grand­ child for the time she has spent going up to visit her. Winnie will miss her smiles, tears and special times with her. She has formed a special relationship with her. Thank you again. P.S. We hope Santa and Mrs. Santa will get up to see them at Christmas. - Pat, Mary, Betty and Family. 39-1 THE BLYTH FIGURE SKATING Club wishes to thank Mr. Ray Hanna for his consideration of our club in his decision to request a donation to our club in lieu of pay­ ment for the lovely quilt rack he made for Memorial Hall. Our thanks also to the Council of the Village of Blyth for the generous donation made on behalf of Mr. Hanna. 39-1 THE ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAHS would like to lake this opportunity to thank all the ones who have donated money and equipment to the Humanitarian Association of their lodge. If any­ one has a wheelchair, commode, walkers, crutches or any medical equipment that could be put to good use, we would be willing to purchase this at a fair price. Also anyone who may have any of the Lodge's equipment al home not in use would you please notify Lillian or Bill Moses at 887-6390 or drop it off at their place. Thank you, - Oddfellows and Rebekahs, Brus­ sels Lodge. 39-1 Y)u can lose a lot more than your licence drinking and driving. c CARD OF THANKS THOMPSON. An appreciative thank you to all for your enquiries, cards, flowers, and to those who dropped in to wish me well, both at hospital and home. Special thanks to my family. Sincerely - Audrey Thompson. 39-lp YUILL. We would like to convey our sincere thanks for all the thoughtful expressions of sympathy during the lengthy illness, and recent death, of our beloved Mar­ lene. The kind of caring, sympathy, and acts of kindness extended to all of our family during the past months, by virtually everyone in the community, can only be found in the small-town rural areas such as the one that we are fortunate enough to live in. We greatly appreciated the compassionate care given by Doctors Hanlon and McGregor, the nurses and staff at the Wingham District Hospital, the Community Nursing Staff and the Town & Country Homemakers staff. We are very grateful for the beautiful floral arrangements, sym­ pathy cards, the charitable dona­ tions, the abundance of delicious food brought to our homes, all the visits and calls by friends and rela­ tives. We also thank Stephen Betts and staff, Rev. Paul Acton and Rev. Keith Stokes for their comforting messages, and the ladies of St. John's Anglican Church for the delicious lunch. Sincerely, Mar­ lene's family - Jim, Glenn, Gary, Juanita and Doug. 39-1 c CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1983 FORD LTD BROUGHAM, 4 door wagon, air, cruise, FM stereo, needs body work. Reasonable. 887- 6164. " 38-2 c COMING EVENTS BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Blyth & District Community Centre. Jackpot of $1,000 on 46 numbers, reducing by $50 on every number called. Minimum jackpot of $300 must go. 16-tfn ANY GIRLS AGES 10 TO 14 ARE welcome to join us for a night of fun and fellowship Monday nights at the Blyth Christian Reformed Church, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Our season starts on September 30. For more informa­ tion contact Joyce Wesselink at 523-9150. 38-2p DABBER BINGO - $1,000 JACK­ POT must go! Wingham Knights of Columbus, every Tuesday. Sacred Heart Parish Hall, Wingham. Doors open 6 p.m. Early Birds 7:15 p.m. 17-tfn 55TH ANNIVERSARY - THE family of Feme and Edgar Howatt would like to invite you to help cel­ ebrate their parents’ 55th wedding anniversary to be held on October 4 at Blyth Community Centre. Danc­ ing to Tiffin's Band 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Best wishes only. 38-2p »TS... $Q 00 TUI IDQRAVQ Place your classified ad in person (pre-paid) and new1 Q, I f \ you'll enjoy a base-rate of only $3.00 for the first 20 words y