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The Citizen, 1991-10-02, Page 7
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 1991. PAGE 7. ViUnye of th plain —POPt 'l ATKTN 240— is is is If the rock is WET... If the rock is LVG... If the rock is If the rock If the rock If the rock MM Auburn WeatherJiUte If the rock is WET- If the rock is .SWING... hfWWy If the «Kk U HOT- I**"*. If the rod is COOL. Its Overtax If the rock h WHITE- IO Serori"* If rhe rock is BILL. If the rock Is GONE- f^Auburn Weather Station 1 It’s Raining It ’s Windy HOT... It’s Sunny COOL... It’s Overcast WHITE... It’s Snowing BLUE... It’s Cohl is GONE... TORNADO! Trio sings at morning service The Kufsky trio from Listowel were the guest singers at the morn ing service at Auburn Missionary Church. Two of their songs were "Till the storm passes over" and "I give all my service, problems, family, future, worship, to You". Their singing was very much appreciated. Pastor Came's message entitled "An Effective Church" with scrip ture from Judges 7: 1-8 and Eph esians 4: 11-13. In the church God has appointed people with gifts. An effective church is a ministering church but in order to be effective there must be consecration and dedication. Some Christians fail because they don’t consecrate themselves to God. A Church will never be effective unless it is cleansed by God. There must be commitment to the work to which the church is called. Sunday, October 6 guest singers will be Hank and Janet Sonnenberg from Kitchener. Everyone is invit ed to all services. Come and enjoy the fellowship. AuburnThe news from Compiled by Mildred Lawlor Phone 526-7589 Milk Maniacs meet BY SARAH CHRISTIE Have you ever had vegetable pizza? Or do you know how much calcium there is in the food you eat? Well the Auburn 4H club "Milk Makes it Better" did just that at their first meeting held at Betty Archambault's home. Elected president was Cheryl Lapp and runner-up for vice-presid- Hullett passes by-law Hullett council passed a by-law at its September 3 meeting, impos ing special annual drainage rates on land where money has been bor rowed under the Tile Drainage Act, in the amount of $ 11,900. Clerk Bev Shaddick was autho rized by council to lease a Panason ic copier for a 66 month period at a cost of $153.28 per month. The accounts totalling $73,340.21 were approved for pay ment. dent was Tracy McCormick. Suzanne Schultz was elected secre tary. Elected press reporter was Sarah Christie. The second meeting of the Auburn 4H Club "Milk Makes It Better" was held at the home of Suzanne Schultz on September 26. Members learned many interesting facts through a game of Bingo and picked their club's name: "Milk Maniacs". The next meeting will be a cooking meeting held on October 3 at 4:30 at the Auburn Community Hall. Parenting group The Parenting Group will meet on October 7 at 9:30 a.m. with a Public Health Nurse Cathy Ryan for discipline with preschoolers. The group will meet as usual at the Auburn Missionary Church. It is hoping to offer S.T.E.P. System atic Training for Effective Parent ing, in the evening later this fall. If interested please call Gail at 526- 7779, all welcome. RATEPAYER'S MEETING TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH A Ratepayer's Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 15, 1991 at 8:00 P.M. in the East Wawanosh Central School. Meet the Candidates for the upcoming term of office. Winona E. Thompson Clerk-Treasurer Township of East Wawanosh 'Salt Shakers9, sermon topic Rev. Paul Ross conducted the morning service at Knox United Church and Bernice Gross was pianist. Rev. Ross gave the call to worship followed by hymn "This is My Father's World". Rev. Ross told the children's story and "Jesus Loves the Little Children" was sung. Rev. Ross read several scriptures. The responsive psalm was read alternately fol lowed by "Gloria". Jake Mid- dlekamp, Ell Lapp, Karen Bakker and Nicole Middlekamp rendered an anthem. Rev. Ross' sermon was entitled "Salt Shakers". He gave the prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The offering was received by Ian Andrews and Brian Gross and for the Sunday School by Janice Marie Young. The hymn "O Master Let Me Walk with Thee" was sung. The flowers placed were from the funeral of Beth Lansing's nephew, Allison Gardhouse of Kincardine. Rev. Ross pronounced the Benedic tion and Choral Response conclud ed the service. Next Sunday, October 6, the congregation will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. THE TASTE OFH'I//. LOW. LOW JV./j/u PRICES! PROD. OF U.S.A. FLORIDA 56’S RED OR WHITE 09 GRAPEFRUIT ©/ ■ tummumm PROD. OF ONTARIO-CAN.#1 SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS .99 PROD. OF THE TROPICS .86KG LARGE BANANAS .39 wmmmmmummmmm WITH COUPON REDPATH GRANUALTED 2KG .99 W/OUT COUP WHITE SUGAR ■ 'mT&niT/Masjtsm mmummm wmummmn PART SKINNED BUTT PORTION 3.51KG CENTRE SLICE SMOKED 4 17KG PART SKINNED WHOLE OR SHANK 3 06KG SUN CROP 1?0Z SMOKED HAM SMOKED PORTION ORANGE HAMS STEAKS HAMS JUICE 1.59 .59 LEAVE YOUR FILM WITH US SPECTW h' \l Tabu It ityect