HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-09-25, Page 23■ TENDERS TENDERS□Q TENDER NOTICE WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received at the Wingham and District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 - Attention of Mr. N. M. Hayes, Executive Director, until 1400 hours local time, October 4, 1991 tor renovations at the Wingham and District Hospital. The work Involves construction of a 260 square foot concrete block and brick stairwell extension of the existing staff entrance and associated site work. The work also Includes replacement of the operating room roof which is about 1200 square feet. Tender forms, plans and specifications may be obtained from John Rutledge, Architect, 194 St. David Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1L8, - (519) 524-9285, for a non- refundable fee of thirty dollars ($30.00). All tenders must be accompanied by a tender deposit in the form of a certified cheque made payable to the Wingham and District Hospital in the amount of 10% of the tender price. A Performance Bond will be required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ID DEATH NOTICES WANTED TO RENT: APPROXI- mately 2 acres of land near Bel­ grave for potatoes for 1992 season. Phone 357-2706, ask for Ron. 38-3 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP cars and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 miles south of Brus­ sels. Call 887-9499. 09-tfh FLEA MARKET VENDORS FOR Van Egmond Ciderfest, Sunday^ September 29. Bring your fresh produce, Flea Market goods and antiques. Contact 527-1102. 36-3 j'.NTED: ODD JOBS, EVEN- <J%s and weekends. Phone 357- 2706 and ask for Ron. 37-5 WANTED - PEOPLE WHO WANT to work from their home distributing Lifestyles Diet Cakes and Cookies. Eam extra spending money or become debt free. If interested call 519-524-6694. 36-3 Taylor- Anne MacFarlane "Pat", passed away, Monday, Sept. 23, 1991. Predeceased by her husband, Kenneth Middleton Taylor. Sur­ vived by her brother Johnnie McFarlane of Holmesville and sons Boyd Taylor and Muriel of Morris Township, Mac Taylor and Jayne, of Dawson Creek, B.C.; one daugh­ ter Claire Taylor of Saltspring Island, B.C., five grandchildren Jim Taylor of Morris Township, Nancy Snell of Londesboro, Graham, Anne and Adam of Dawson Creek, B.C. and six great-grandchildren. Funeral will be from the Tasker Chapel (Blyth) of the Beattie-Fal­ coner Funeral Homes. The funeral arrangements are incomplete. Donations to Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth or the charity of your choice are appreciated in lieu of flowers. WANTED TO RENT: BARN suit­ able for pigs. Call 887-9236 after 7 p.m. 36-3 HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT’S FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS LONDON ANTIQUE & COLLECTORS Show. October 5 & 6. Centennial Hall, Downtown London. Two floors of exhibits. Admission $3.50, under 12 FREE. Cryderman Productions (519) 351-8344 VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTLE BEACH RESORT. Oceanfront condos, housekeeping provided. Indoor pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation packages; winter rentals from $400/month. Free brochure: 1-800-448-5653. ENJOY THANKSGIVING in Beautiful Haliburlon Highlands. Seven meals, including Thanksgiving dinner. Fireplaces, TVs, entertainment, indoor whirlpool and sauna, waterfront equipment included. Cail tollfree 1-800-461-7699. BAHAMAS VACATION. Enjoy a cruise to the Bahamas for 5 days and 4 nights. $173.50 U.S. per person. Call (602) 350- 9014. ‘Restnctions apply.* ’Licensed and Bonded * RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN & 8ONAIR CAMPING, Trailers, Hardtop- Folddown, Fifth-Wheel, Travel, Park-Models, Truck- Campers, Parts-accessones. New-Used. Fibreline & Leer Fiberglass & Aluminum Truck-Caps. Consignments Welcome Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES. Inventory Liquidation Sale, 40 units. New and used All sizes and makes. All prices slashed. Call 1-800-263-7955. North Brock RV, Port Perry, Ont. FOR SALE JEEP OWNERS. Parts, Accessories for Jeeps, 1942 to 1991. Huge stock. Low prices. Quick service. Gemini Sales, 4736 E. Hastings, Burnaby, B.C., V5C 2K7. Phone (604) 294-2623, (604) 294-4214. POTATO DIGGER with planting and hilling attachments. Only $399. Phone (519) 659-0601. IF YOUR DOG WONT STAY HOME. We have the answer! It’s Amazing. It's Electronic. It works! Details: PAC, RR#1, Bancroft, Ontario, KOL 1C0. 1-800-NO-LEASH. Fax (613) 332-1375. CARPETING CARPETS: Attention dealers, decorators, renovators. WHY PAY MORE? Factory Direct Outlet - Best deals for you and your customers. Kitchener, Guelph & Chesley locations. Canadian Carpets. 1-800-565-7336. REAL ESTATE LORING: REMODELLED 2 storey home on 1/2 acre lot, original staircase, 3 bedrooms, NEW kitchen, bathrooms, windows, siding, floonng, wiring, etc. $129,000. negotiable. (705) 757-2094. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa. K2C 3J1. MORTGAGES NEED FAST CASH? We have mortgage money to pay off your bills! No qualifying hassels! Borrow $10,000, low monthly re-payment. Intransicon Financial (416) 650-9455. Tollfree 1-800-268-1429. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. R R.#5, Woodstock. Ontario, N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROWTH INDUSTRY OF THE '90s. Distributors required for enviro-friendly household, commercial cleaners & personal care products. Secured area with financial independence. Earth Products. (416) 841-4414 THE ORIGINAL'JUICEWORKS* VENDING Machine. Eam cash profits daily, vending fruit juices. Old South, Dew Drop, McCains, Sunkist, Liptons. Investments from $14,995. Info Canadawide 1-800-465-5006. 1 -900/976 pay per call numbers available for Canadians, in the U.S. Use our programs, create your own. Low start up, huge profits. (416) 775-0549, x27. RAISE CHINCHILLAS. We provide quality breeding stock, cages, supplies, delivery. Complete instruction. Guaranteed market offered. Guaranteed production. Canadian Chinchilla. Box 1684, St. Marys, Ontario, N0M 2V0. (519) 229-6117. HELP WANTED SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resort, Banff. Alberta, requires enthusiastic individuals, committed to Service Excellence, for various seasonal positions. Box 1510, Banff, AB, TOL 0C0, (403) 762-6546. ATTENTION ALL HOME PARTY MANAGERS! Management and consultant positions available with Tops N Trends Home Fashions' terrific new programme. Call and compare. Karen (519) 786-4728 NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifts needs Demonstrators to sell toys and gifts at Home Parties. No investment or experience required. Established company. Call today (519)258-7905. SALES HELP WANTED *BE RICH AND FAMOUS* FT $100,000, PT $25,000 potential. Market Canada's Hottest Music Video Program Be your own boss. Call us today. Protected Territories. 1- 800-263-1900 Auburn pastor attends retreat Continued from page 20 God chooses the weak things of this world to confound the mighty. Daily aid and daily action. God provides us day by day. Helen Baumbach rendered a lovely solo entitled ‘Free to go Home’. Pastor and Mrs. Came are attend­ ing a pastor's retreat at Stayner, Sept. 23 to Sept. 25. The young people will be meet­ ing at Colbome Central School at 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27 for games night. All young people are cor­ dially invited to attend. Quit-smoking quick tips V Buy only one package of cigarettes at a time and change brands each time. MARION LETHERLAND Mrs. Marion Letherland of Brus­ sels and formerly of Blyth and Lon­ desboro, died at Callander Nursing Home on Monday, Sept. 9, 1991 in her 79th year. She was the beloved wife of the late Harvey Letherland and dear aunt of Helena Young of Clinton and Carman and Ella Gwyn of Blyth; Ross Gwyn and Helen Hog­ gart of Brucefield; Walter Gwyn, Julie and Arnold, all of Tilsonburg; Fergus Gwyn, R.R.3, Goderich; CAREER TRAINING IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss it. Introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Call William at 1- 800-265-7173. Market Training Systems. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: November 9-15. STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE ON END OF SUMMER Inventory of Steel Buildings. Save $$$, 20x30 $2,092, 40x60 $6,117 Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556; 50x96 $15,331; 60x120 $21,270 - non-expandable end(s), other sizes available - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1 -800-263- 8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. Quality buildings at an affordable price, wood/steel or all steel, large or small Don't take chances, talk to the specialists. 1-800-561-2200 BUILDINGS. Plowing Match Special. Quonsets. “S' Models and Straightwalls. Factory has allocated 29 Buildings. Vanous sizes. No reasonable offer refused. Call Future 1- 800-668-8653 STEEL BUILDING SALE; 20X30 $2632; 25X36 $3762; 33X40 $5058; 40X60 $7071. Prices include Steel Endwalls and All Taxes. Priced to clear Call 1-800-668-4338 or (416)842-2100 BUSINESS SERVICES Stay home earn $450+ wkly. Variety of jobs available Call 24 hour recording (416) 501-3803. Ext 668-1. Stay home. Earn Excellent Income with the amazing Money In Your Mailbox Program (519) 646-8303 Ext. 668-2. Your ad could appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! Margaret Cook and Shirley Hully of Goderich and dear friend of Joyce and Ed O'Neil of Blyth. She is survived by several grand-nieces and nephews.She was predeceased by one sister, Jessie Gwyn and two brothers, Sid McCullough and Albert McCullough. Friends were received at the Tasker Chapel of the Beattie-Fal­ coner Funeral Homes in Blyth on Sept. 11 and the funeral service was held Sept. 12, 1991 at 2 p.m. Interment was in Maitland Ceme­ tery. Memorial donations to Blyth United Church or the Heart and Stroke Foundations would be appreciated as expressions of sym­ pathy. AUDREY JEAN SEATON Audrey Jean Seaton passed away on Thursday, September 19, 1991 at Callander Nursing Home. She was in her 64th year. Mrs. Seaton moved to Callander from St. Mary’s in 1983. She was born and raised in Toronto and lived in the Chatham area for a time. She was employed as a wait­ ress. Mrs. Seaton is the loving mother of Ledson, David and Debra. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. on Monday, September 23 at Betts Funeral Home in Brussels. Interment was held at Brussels Cemetery. Hullett man appointed to ABCA Laurence Taylor was appointed Hullett Township's representative to the Ausable-Bayfield Conserva­ tion Authority "Strategy Working Group" at the Sept. 3 meeting of township council. In other business, council autho­ rized the purchase of trophies for the Bantam Girls and Peewee Boys softball teams as reward for the championships they won this year. The Clerk was authorized to sign an agreement with Business Com­ puter Services to prepare 1992 tax notices. I