HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-09-25, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1991.
Brussels Fall Fair boasts many exhibits
Playing games
There was an excellent turnout tor the Brussels Fall Fair
and neither the chilly winds nor the cloudy skies could
deter the enthusiasm. The rain held oft for most of the day
so everybody had a chance to spend time and money, of
course, at the amusements and midway rides.
Names are in order of finish.
SHEEP • Section C
1. Best pair Market Lambs (80-110 lbs.)
• any breed or cross:
Hugh Todd, Donald Dearing, Keith Todd.
2. Best pair Shearling Ewes: Hugh
Todd, Donald Dearing, Keith Todd.
3. Best pair Ram Lambs: Donald Dear
ing, Keith Todd, Hugh Todd.
4. Best pair Ewe Lambs: Hugh Todd,
Keith Todd, Donald Dearing.
GOATS - Section D
1. Best pair Kid Goats: Caroline
McMullen, Robert Stokes, Allan Stokes,
Mark Simins, Caroline McMullen.
2. Best Doe and Daughter: Allan Stokes,
Allan Stokes, Robert Stokes, Caroline
McMullen, Robert Stokes.
3. Best Doe Kid born in present year:
Caroline McMullen, Allan Stokes, Caro
line McMullen, Robert Stokes, Sarah
4. Best First Lactation Doe: Allan
Stokes, Caroline McMullen, Robert
Stokes, Allan Stokes, Mark Simins.
5. Best Mature Doe, Lactating: Allan
Stokes, Robert Stokes, Allan Stokes,
Mark Simins, Caroline McMullen.
1. 5 Doz. White Eggs: Joanne McDonald,
Yvonne Knight, Mrs. Edgar Howatl.
2. 5 Doz. Brown Eggs: Mrs. Edgar
GRAIN • Section F
1. 1 Sheaf Wheat • 6”: no entries.
2. 1 Sheaf Oats - 6": no entries.
3. 1 Sheaf Barley - 6": no entries.
4. 1 - 5" slice hay, 1st cut: Paul Johnston,
Brad Speiran, James Bowman, Fred
5. 1 • 5" slice hay, 2nd cut: John Dorsch,
Ken Johnston, Paul Johnston, Fred Uhler,
Brad Speiran.
6. 1/2 bushel field chopped hay, 1st cut:
Brad Speiran.
7. 1/2 bushel field chopped hay, 2nd
cut: John Dorsch, Brad Speiran
8. 1 sheaf/6 stalks ensilage corn: Kevin
Johnston, Paul Johnston, John Dorsch.
Glenn Sellers, Ken Johnston.
9. 1/2 bushel ensilage corn: John Dorsch,
Brad Speiran.
10. 1/2 bushel chopped haylage: Brad
11. 1/4 bushel Alfalfa seed: no entries.
12. 1/4 bushel Timothy: no entries.
13. 1/4 bushel Red Clover: no entries.
14. 1/4 bushel Fall Wheat: Jeff Cardiff.
15. 1/4 bushel Barley - 6 rowed: Jeff
16. 1/4 bushel Oats: no entries.
17. 1/4 bushel Barley - 2 rowed: Ken
Johnston, Jim Bowman, Paul Johnston.
18. 1/4 bushel Mixed Grain • 2 or more
way: no entries.
19. 6 cobs Husking Corn: Fred Uhler,
Kevin Johnston, Paul Johnston, Glenn
Sellers, Ken Johnston.
20. 1/4 bushel White Field Beans: Glenn
Sellers, Jeff Cardiff, Ken Johnston, Paul
21. 1/4 bushel Soya Beans, all varieties:
Paul Johnston, Kevin Johnston, Ken John
22. Reeve Special - most points class
(11-21): Jeff Cardiff.
FRUIT • Section G
1. 1/2 bushel McIntosh Apples: Maitside
2. 1/2 bushel Northern Spy: Maitside
3. 1/2 bushel Delicious: Maitside
4. 1/2 bushel Talman Sweet: Maitside
5. Best bushel Fall apples, named
(A.O.V.): Maitside Orchard.
6. Best bushel Winter apples, named
(A.O.V.): Maitside Orchard.
7. 6 qt. basket Crab apples: no entries.
8. 6 qt. Fall Pears: no entries.
9. 6 qt. Winter pears: Maitside Orchard.
Section H
1. 5 onions from seed, red: Cathy
2. 5 onions, yellow: Jim Bowman, Cathy
Cardiff, Donna Prior.
3. 5 onions from Dutch sets: 2nd -
Melody While, 3rd - Eleanor Hemingway.
4. 1 qt. multipliers: no entries.
5. 1 qt. potato onions: C. Cardiff, J.
6. I qt. pickling onions: no entries.
7. 5 pickling beets: Jamie Thomas, Vera
Nicholson, Yvonne Knight.
8. 5 gherkins: Rose Marie Bishop, Joanne
McDonald, Vera Nicholson.
9. 5 ears table corn, any variety: no
10. Collection of corn, named variety:
no entries.
11.2 early cabbages: R. Ash.
12. 2 late cabbages: no entries.
13. 2 heads curled Savoy: no entries.
14. 2 heads red pickling cabbage: Mrs.
Edgar Howatt, Alice Brothers.
15. 2 heads cauliflower: no entries.
16. 2 pie pumpkins: Jamie Thomas, Fred
Uhler, Phillip Hiusser.
17. 2 squash (pepper): Mrs. Edgar
Howatt, Cathy Cardiff, Alice Brothers.
18. 2 squash (butternut): Alice Brothers,
R. Ash, Hilda Holmes.
19. 2 squash (hubbard): Fred Uhler.
20. 1 qt. white beans, large: no entries.
21. 1 qt. white beans, smalt: Jim Bow
man, Jamie Thomas.
22. 1 qt. butter beans, any variety: Mary
Ann Miners.
23. 2 citrons: Hilda Holmes, R. Ash.
24. 2 watermelons: Eleanor Hemingway,
Jamie Thomas, Joanne McDonald.
25. 3 table cucumbers: Mrs. Edgar
Howatt, Eleanor Hemingway, Jamie
26. 3 pickling cucumbers: Mrs. Edgar
Howatl, Yvonne Knight, Joanne McDon
ald, E. Hemingway.
27. 3 ripe cucumbers: Hilda Holmes, R.
Ash, Yvonne Knight.
28. 2 muskmelons, ripe: Joanne McDon
29. 2 head sunflowers: Mrs. Edgar
Howatt, Donna Hunter, Emily Cardiff. - -
30.1 largest pumpkin: Fred Uhler, Jamie
Thomas, Amy Dougal.
31. 1 largest squash: Fred Uhler, Jamie
Thomas, Emily Cardiff.
32. 3 green peppers: Melody White,
Eleanor Hemingway.
33. 5 large tomatoes (ripe): Joanne
McDonald, Fran Bremner, Mrs. Edgar
34. 6 cherry tomatoes: Donna Prior,
Cathy Cardiff, Gayle Speiran.
35. 3 roots ceiery: Donna Prior.
36. 2 matched zucchini: Fred Uhler,
Gayle Speiran, Jamie Thomas.
38. Vegetable Display: Yvonne Knight,
Eleanor Hemingway, Jamie Thomas.
39. Early potatoes, red, not washed:
Joanne McDonald.
40. Early potatotes, white, not washed:
Fred Uhler, Melody White, Jamie
41. Late potatoes, red: Fred Uhler, Gayle
Speiran, James Bowman.
42. Late potatoes, white: Donna Prior,
Eleanor Hemingway, Jim Bowman.
43. Table turnips, 1 bushel: no entries.
44. 4 half-long carrots: Eleanor Heming
way, Alice Brothers, Jamie Thomas.
45. 5 long table carrots: Jamie Thomas,
Eleanor Hemingway, Mrs. Edgar Howatt.
46. 5 long cylinder beets: no entries.
47. 5 beets: Jamie Thomas, Yvonne
Knight, Mrs. Edgar Howatt.
48. 5 parsnips: no entries.
Reeve Special - Garden Basket: Eleanor
Hemingway, Gayle Speiran, Bessie John
DOMESTIC • Section J
1. Canned Peaches: Sue Gowing, Mary
Ann Miners, Cathy Cardiff.
2. Canned Pears: Marg Bennett, Gayle
Speiran, Henrietta Vandersterre.
3. Canned Fruit Cocktail: Mary Ann
Miners, Bessie Johnston.
4. Canned Plums: Nanci Ducharme,
Shirley Baker, Marg Bennett.
5. Canned Apple Sauce: Gayle Speiran,
Andrea Warner.
Jams & Jellies - no wax, in small jars:
6. Frozen Strawberry Jam: Rose Marie
Bishop, Jan Deitner, Verna Nicholson.
7. Peach Jam: Annette Stephenson,
Cathy.Cardiff, Sue Gowing.
8. Three Fruit Marmalade: no entries.
9. Grape Jelly • from bottle juice: Verna
Nicholson, Rose Marie Bishop, Joan
10. Rhubarb Jam: Cathy Cardiff.
11. Any other variety of jam, must be
labelled: Andrea Warner, Joan Wissler,
Pauleen Kerkhof.
Special: for the most points in classes 1-
11: Cathy Cardiff.
Pickles - in pint or quart jars:
12. Bread and Butter pickles: Julie
Mitchell, Shirley Baker, Gayle Speiran.
13. Pickled Beets: Merle Cousins,
Melody While, Joanne McDonald.
14. Nine Day Pickles: Bessie Johnston,
Gayle Speiran, Joanne McDonald.
15. Dill Cucumber Pickles: Mary Ann
Miners, Shirley Baker, Nanci Ducharme.
16. Hot Dog Relish: Cathy Cardiff,
Andrea Warner, Barb Purdy.
17. Chili Sauce: Shirley Baker, Nanci
• Ducharme, Henrietta Vandersterre.
18. Whole Pickled Beans: Helen Dobson,
Joanne McDonald, Nanci Ducharme.
19. Canned Tomatoes: Rose Marie Bis
hop, Helen Dosbon, Vema Nicholson.
20. Icicle Pickles: Annette Stephenson,
Joanne McDonald, Rosemary Bishop.
21. Pickled Corn: Henrietta Vander
sterre, Gayle Speiran, Joan Wissler.
22. Corn Relish: Andrea Warner, Shirley
23. Homemade Salad Dressing: Joanne
McDonald, Melody White, Bessie John
24. Pickled Eggs: Joanne McDonald.
25. Zucchini Relish: Donna Prior,
Andrea Warner, Vera Nicholson.
Special - For most points in classes 12-
25: Joanne McDonald.
26. Any canned or preserved food in
microwave oven: no entries.
27. Apples:
1. Apple Crisp - no entries.
2. Apple Jelly • Cathy Cardiff.
3. Candy Apples - no entries.
1. Loaf white bread, entire crust: Bessie
Johnston, Mrs. Edgar Howatt, Nancy
2. Loaf brown bread - 60% whole
wheat: Bessie Johnston, Mrs. Edgar
Howatl, Nancy Colyn.
3. 6 dinner rolls, yeast: Nancy Colyn,
Mary Ann Miners, Mrs. Edgar Howatt.
4. Pumpkin Loaf, fruit or nuts: Joan
Hisler, Mrs. Edgar Howatt.
5. Carrot Loaf, no fruit or nuts: Nancy
Colyn, Joan Hisler.
6. Date and Nut Loaf: Nancy Colyn,
Mrs. Edgar Howatt, Joan Hisler.
7. Zucchini Loaf with nuts: Joan Hisler.
8. Apple Sauce Cake - not iced: Shirley
Baker, Mary Ann Miners.
9. Banana layer cake, not a mix and
butter icing: Mrs. Edgar Howatt.
10. Queen Elizabeth Cake, in square
pan with icing of brown sugar, cream,
butter and coconut: Karen Bowles,
Shirley Baker.
11. Angel cake mix, un-iced, plain:
Leona Armstrong, Karen Bowles, Kather
ine Bridge.
12. Banana muffins, 3, papers removed:
Joan Hisler, Katherine Bridge, Karen
13. Bran muffins, 5, choice of fruit,
paper removed: Nancy Colyn, Joan
Hisler, Shirley Baker.
14. Oatmeal date squares, 7: Katherine
Bridge, Nancy Colyn, Mrs. Edgar Howatt.
15. Peanut butter cookies, baked 7:
Bessie Johnston, Nancy Colyn, Mrs.
Edgar Howatt.
16. Chocolate brownies with nuts, 5:
Joan Hisler, Sandra Dorsch, Mrs. Edgar
17. Chocolate Fudge, 6: Mrs. Edgar
Howatt, Kathy Bridge.
18. Maple Cream Fudge, 6: Mrs. Edgar
Howatt, Annette Stephenson.
19. A dessert made in microwave: no
20. A snack made in microwave: Karen
21. Butter Tarts with raisins 7: Mrs.
Edgar Howatt, Melody White, Joan
22. Pumpkin Pie: Joan Hisler, Bessie
Johnston, Katherine Bridge.
23. Apple pie, covered, spice: Katherine
Bridge, Joan Hisler, Nancy Colyn
24. Cherry pie, covered: Nancy Colyn,
Mrs. Edgar Howatt, Mary Ann Miners.
25. Strawberry pie, either baked or in a
baked shell: Bessie Johnston, Katherine
Bridge, Joan Hisler.
26. Dutch apple pie: Joan Hisler, Annette
Stephenson, Nancy Colyn.
27. Peach pie, covered: Mrs. Edgar
Howatl, Mary Ann Miners, Joan Hisler.
28. Ontario Bean Producers special •
best dish baked beans, using white
beans, recipe attached: Bessie Johnston,
Melody While.
29. Cake decorated for child's birthday:
Dianne Diehl, Jan Dietler, Pauline
30. Cake decorated for Thanksgiving
theme: Joanne McDonald, Pauline
Kerkhof, Jan Dietler.
31. Carrot cake with cream cheese
icing: Mary Ann Miners, Shirley Baker.
32. Maple Syrup pie: Bessie Johnston,
Mary Ann Miners.
33. Reeve's Special - Chocolate layer
cake: Sandra Dorsch, Mrs. Edgar Howatt,
Shirley Baker.
34. Fry's Cocoa Family Favourites:
Karen Bowles.
35. Fleishmann's Yeast Special • Cinna
mon Rolls: Bessie Johnston, Nancy
Colyn, Mary Ann Miners.
36. Five Roses Flour pie baking special -
raisin pie: Nancy Colyn, Joan Hisler,
Bessie Johnston.
37. Blue Bonnett Margarine Cookie
special • Chocolate Chip Cookies: Karen
Bowles, Joan Hisler, GaiJ Spieran.
38. Most points in classes 1 - 3: Bessie
39. Overall winner - Section K and Sec
tion L & M combined: Joan Hisler.
1. Crib Quilt (preprinted design on
material): Edna Plelch, Hilda Holmes,
Joan Wissler.
2. Crib Quilt (tied): Mrs. Heimpei, Hilda
3. Quilt, single or twin bed size (54" x
90") approx.: Hilda Holmes
4. Quilt reversible (suitable for bed
spread) hand quilted: Hilda Holmes,
Edna Pletch, Anna Dolmage.
5. Quilt (queen size): Edna Pletch, Hilda
Holmes, Helen Dobson.
6. Quilt in a pillow: Edna Pletch, Leona
Armstrong, Katherine Bridge.
7. Quilt (hand embroidery) made from
kit: Hilda Holmes, second; Katherine
Bridge, third.
8. Quilt (preprinted design): Edna
Plelch, Rose Marie Bishop, Hilda Holmes.
9. Quilt (pieced): Joan Wissler, Hilda
10. Quilt (any other kind): Joan Wissler,
Mrs. Heimpei, Hilda Holmes.
11. Afghan, knit (joined strips or
squares): Barb Purdy, Hilda Holmes.
12. Afghan (knit in one piece): Leona
McDonald, Anna Dolmage, Mrs. Heim
13. Afghan (crocheted, fancy design):
Anna Dolmage, Mrs. Heimpei, Hilda
14. Afghan (crocheted): Anna Dolmage,
Hilda Holmes, Mrs. Heimpei.
15. Baby Afghan (knit): Hilda Holmes,
Vera Nicholson, Leona McDonald.
16. Baby Afghan (crocheted): Anna Dol
mage, Mrs. Heimpei, Hilda Holmes.
Special #1 - winner of most points in
classes 1 - 16, donated by Homecraft
Division Brussels Agricultural Society:
Hilda Holmes.
Special #2 - runner-up in classes 1-16,
donated by Homecraft Division Brus
sels Agricultural Society: Edna Plelch.
17. Hooked wall hanging: Hilda Holmes,
Mrs. Heimpei, Annette Stephenson.
18. Hooked rug: Alfred Knight, Reita
Ash, Mrs. Heimpei.
19. Cushion (knit): Mrs. Heimpei, Anna
Dolmage, Rose Marie Bishop.
20. Cushion (crocheted): Mrs. Heimpei,
Anna Dolmage, Hilda Holmes.
21. Cushion (decorative, suitable for bed
room): Anna Dolmage, Hilda Holmes,
Melody White.
22. Rocking chair pad and cushion (fab
ric): Mrs. Heimpei, second.
23. Crochet doily (under 12" sq. mount
ed with side open): Vera Nicholson, Rose
Marie Bishop, Mrs. Heimpei.
24. Oven mitts (one pair): Hilda Holmes,
R. Ash, Mrs. Heimpei.
25. One pillow case (embroidered in
continued on page 9