The Citizen, 1991-09-11, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1991.
Compiled by Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677
Attendance up
at Walton P. S.
Walton gets stop signs
Attendance is up by five students
to 91 this year al Walton Public
Teachers at the school are Princi
pal, Don Tremor; Vice-principal,
Louise Wilson; Kindergarten, Lil
lian Hallan, Grade one, Della Ben
nett; Grade one and two, Joan
UCW holds
The Duff's United Church
Women held their meeting in the
church basement Wednesday
evening, September 4 with 25
ladies present.
Maxine Houston for Walton II
opened the meeting with a reading.
The hymn “Let there be Peace on
Earth” was sung with Marie
McGavin as pianist. Maxine read
the scripture followed by prayer.
Offering was received and dedicat
ed with “We Give Thee but Thine
Olene Dennis took the topic on
stewardship, expressing different
ways we can be stewards, how we
can render ourselves towards the
environment. The hymn “For the
Beauty of the Earth” was sung,
closing this part with prayer.
Dorothy Sholdice presided for
the business opening with a reading
and welcomed everyone back after
the holiday months. Minutes were
approved as read by Doreen Hack
well. Leona McDonald gave the
treasurer's report. Walton I unit is
responsible for having flowers in
the church for September. Walton
II unit for the month of October.
Any resignations for the U.C.W.
are to be in by Oct. 1 to the secre
tary. A bale is to be packed by the
middle of October.
It was moved to have a turkey
supper the first Wednesday in
November. A discussion took
place, the price to be $8 and $4 this
Awards Sunday is September 15
which is also the first day of Sun
day School. Anniversary Sunday is
Sept. 22 at 11 a.m. with a pot luck
luncheon. Walton II to set up, Wal
ton I to clean up. Junior choir will
have their first practice Sept. 12 at
4:15 p.m., new members are wel
The History Books have arrived
that were prepared for Duff's
Church 125th anniversary. They
are $26. Anyone interested in pur
chasing one is to get in touch with
Marilyn McDonald al 887-6658.
The U.C.W. will hold an execu
tive meeting Oct. 3 at 7:30 p.m.
Walton II has invited Walton 1 Unit
to a 6:30 supper at the church for
the meeting on Oct. 9. Come in
Halloween costume or pay a fine.
The closing hymn, “The day thou
gavesl Lord is ended”, was sung
followed by Grace. The hostesses
Marjory Fraser, Mary Humphries,
Elva Wilbee, Malinda Johnson and
Margery Ritchie served lunch dur
ing a social half hour.
Through support for literacy
CODE, a Canad ian development
organization, is providing the frame
work for education, an essential
requirement for self-reliance in the
developing world.
Vandcndool; Grade two and three,
Laura Scott; School resource teach
er, Shirley Lyons; Secretary, June
Johns; Custodians, George and
Gloria Love.
Kindergarten children starting
this term are: Allison Beuerman,
Brandon Blake, Jennifer Bruback-
her, Nathan Dewit, Heather Dietz,
Derek Fisher, Joshua Gowan,
Simon Lenz, Jessica Lubbers,
David McClory, Darcy
McCutcheon, Amanda Mitchell,
Dana Smith, Michael Somerville,
Benjamin Bachert, Melissa Beuer
man, Brette Deitz, Tyler Elligsen,
Jamie Horst, Carrie Leonhardt,
Dylan MacNeil, Jennifer McClure,
Sarah McDonald, Patrick Rushton,
Ashley Saur and Tina Smith.
Welcome to Trisha McClure,
Robbie McClure and Tina McClure
to the Walton Public School.
Following some discussion
Huron County cot icil voted at its
meeting on September 5, to bring
forward a by-law for the conver
sion of the yield signs at the inter
sections of County Road 12 with
County Road 25, at Walton, to stop
Throughout the discussion there
was some opposition to the pro
posed change, most notably from
councillors of municipalities clos
est to the area.
Morris Reeve Doug Fraser, who
is Chairman of the Roads commit
tee said, he didn't know which is
People home from holidays
Congratulations to Doug and
Janet Mitchell on the birth of their
son Jamie Douglas on Saturday,
September 7 at Listowel Memorial
Craig Hackwell, son of Merton
and Doreen Hackwell has returned
from two weeks in England,
France, Spain and Portugal.
Gerald and Berva Watson and
grandson Stephen Bernard have
actually best, but he did know that
there were originally stops signs
there and they had been replaced by
yield signs. He noted that there had
been no accidents since that lime
and said that it was his understand
ing the people of Walton wanted
the signs changed to slow down the
trucks coming through. "I don't
think that I can concur with this
request so I will have to vote
against the motion."
McKillop Reeve Marie Hickncll
was next to speak against the pro
posal. "I personally don't think it
matters whether there are yield
returned home recently from a
‘Sunny Holiday’ in Vancouver
where they visited Gerald's sister
Leona and Ray Nelson.
Several people from Duffs Unit
ed Church attended the Bluevale
Anniversary on Sunday morning
when Shirley Smith, past president
of London Conference was guest
speaker. Special music was enjoyed
and the luncheon and social time at
the close of the service.
signs or slop signs there." She stat
ed that visibility was good for some
distance at the intersection and sug
gested that the idea of rumble strips
might be a belter solution. "We
have had a lot of accidents recently
in the area," she said, "but these
can be related to human error. We
all make mistakes. Sometimes we
get away with them, sometimes
Councillor John Coleman, how
ever, pointed out that die commit
tee had been advised by the
engineer that this was the only road
left in the county with yield signs.
Citing energy conservation as his
reason, councillor Albert Wasson,
Reeve of Blylh, said he would be
voting against the proposal as well.
The only councillor of a neigh
bouring municipality to speak in
favour of the motion was Grey
township Reeve Leona Armstrong
"I would like to point out that
where County Road 14 meets
County Road 25 there are also no
obstructions to view. Why have
stop signs there when just a little
further down the road there is a
yield sign? I urge you to vote in
favour of the motion," she said.