HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-08-28, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,1991. NOTICES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NOTICE TO ALL CANDIDATES 1991 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS The Municipal Elections Act provides that every person who proposes to be a candidate for any office shall file a ‘Notice of Registration' before any campaign contributions are accepted or any expenses are Incurred. Any person interested In being a candidate In the 1991 Municipal Election FOR ANY OFFICE contact the Clerk at the Municipal Office or 523- 4545. Nominations papers may be filed during normal office hours October 8th to 10th, Inclusive. Helen R. Grubb, AMCT Clerk-Treasurer Village of Blyth. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF PRELIMINARY LIST OF ELECTORS Notice Is hereby given that I will post up in my office, at thd'^lynlclpal Office In the Village of Blyth, on the 3rd, day of September, 1991, the list of all persons entitled to be electors In the muni­ cipality at municipal elec­ tion, and that such list remains there for inspec­ tion. I hereby call all electors to examine the list for the purpose of making additions or corrections to or dele­ tions from the list. The last day for filing applications at the Blyth Municipal Office is October 11,1991. Helen R. Grubb, AMCT Clerk-Treasurer Village of Blyth. JR NEW LISTING DUPLEX FOR SALE Stately Blyth Duplex, 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom each unit, 3- piece and 4-piece modern bath, upper and lower hall with front and rear stairs, living room, dining, kitchen, den, full basement, full front veianda. Large well treed lot 157 x 97, one block from all services. CONTACT: GORDON B. ELUOTT, BROKER OR R. JOHN ELUOTT, SALESMAN ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY 519-523-4481 BLYTH, ONTARIO. of on 11 Victoria St., Clinton JUST USTED: 2-storey older brick house, 4-bedroom, living room, family room and games room and main floor, well treed lot, plus adjoining lot to east of house. All for $98,000.00. BLYTH: brick house - 3 bedrooSaQlwUvell treed lot, private, plus extra lot. JUST LISTED: 1 1/2 storey vinyl­ sided home, 3 bedrooms, dining room, den, separate garage - $85,900.00 Gary Walden....................482-7675 Gordon Hill.......................233-3307 Alleen Craig......................482-3669 Bill Steenstra...................482-3780 Peter Damsma.................482-9849 Mary Vanden Hengel........527-0968 Sharon Medd....................527-0560 11 Victoria St., Clinton..............................482-5991 FAX...........482-9343 FREE EVALUATIONS For Real Estate Information CALL GARY WALDEN 482-7675 Please Follow Smokey's ABC's! Office - 482-5991 Sales Rep. for Mclntee Real Estate 'SUDDENL Y ITS SOLD" BAILEY REAL ESTATE lip. Mason Bailey 482-9371 BROKER (24 Hour Service) COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: Hamilton St, Blyth, ideal for offices, hairdressing, or service business, reasonable price. 4 ACRW^arJtensall on #4 Hwy with hoS&MildMrn. LOTS FOR SALE: Londesboro. Your choice or take them all. 70 ACRES: 9th Concession, Hullett, 58 workable, 12 acres hardwood bush, no buildings. BLYTH: Drummond St.. 1 1/2 storey, 3 bedroom home. LONDESBORO: Large commercial building on Hwy. 4, large lot, ideal for retail or service business. 100 ACRES: no buildings, 50 acres bush on paved road. BLYTH: new 1 floor bungalow, with finished basement with fireplace, attractive price. 50 ACRES: Near Auburn with good home, drive shed. Barns for cattle, sheep or horses. COMMERCIAL BUILDING: Albert St., Clinton, 1400 sq. ft. plus 2 bedroom apartment above, vendor will finance. COMMERCIAL BUILDING with 3 rental units, can be used as a residence. BLYTH: 3 acres, subdivided property with good home and bam. RESTAURANT AND GAS STA­ TION on busy corner, showing good return, residence on same property. WE NEED LISTINGS ON HOMES AND SMALL ACREAGES. SERVICES CUSTOM COMBINING - WHITE beans with pickup, $25/acre, 40 acres or more, Blyth south. Phone 482-9250. 34-3p RELIABLE BABYSITTING Ser­ vices, in Blyth. Your home or mine. Full or part-time, days or evenings. Phone 523-9697. 34-tfn MUSIC LESSONS - FOR CHIL­ DREN and beginner adults. Group classes. Register now! Call Sue Mason 335-3715 for more informa­ tion. 34-3 MOTHER OF TWO WILL babysit at home close to Blyth on 25, full/part-time, crafts, stories and walks. Call 523-4808. 30-6 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londesboro. Complete services for small engines. Dealer for Canadi- ana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. tfn CUSTOM WELDING: PIGS/ CATTLE penning, aluminum, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, machinery repairs and fab­ ricating. Call Peter de Jong, 523- 4816. tfn 0? HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION Of ONTARIO Quit-smoking quick tips V Buy only one package of cigarettes at a time and change brands each time. ATTENTION FARMERS 1. Combining of all crops with air-reel. 2. Round baling - 4 feet wide from 40" to 6 feet high. 3. Sowing of wheat - no till or conventional tillage. 4. Trucking and grain buggy available. Competitive Rates NO MEMBERSHIP FEE DURWAY CUSTOM SERVICES R.R. 3 BLYTH 523-9837 e WANTED WANTED - A RIDE BACK AND forth from Kitchener, Monday to Friday around 7 a.m. Phone 887- 9434 or 742-3690. 32-3 WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 miles south of Brussels. Call 887- 9499. 09-tfn WANTED: OLD BRICK BUILD- ings for wrecking and salvage pur­ poses. Call Total Demolition Inc. (519)887-6904. 24-13 On Aug. 17, 1991, unknown person(s) caused thousands of dollars in damage io 17 vehicles parked on the used car lot, situated on the East side of Kingston Street, Goderich at Evans Chev./Olds. dealership. The person(s) ran from car hood to car hood, causing dents, scratches and damage to 17 vehicles. The suspect(s) were wearing size 8" to 10" court shoes. If you have knowledge of this incident call Crime Stoppers at 1- 800-265-1777 or constable Johnston of the Goderich Town Police. POT REDUCTION In an effort to diminish the cultivation and subsequent trafficking of marihuana in the county of Huron, the police in Huron county are seeking the assistance of the public in locating illegally cultivated marihuana. A great number of crops are planted along fence lines, in areas of fields which are remote, unused, and on farms that are rented. You can aid the Huron County Police in locating these illegally grown plants by walking your own fence line, checking unused lands bordering your farm or just otherwise reporting any suspicious DUNGANNON COATINGS Du»l»r for ENVIROCOAT • WATERBORNE Flniihoi 4 Sfi/nt , NON FLAMMABLE • ENVAONMENIAUV FRCNOLV Ian Hackett 529*1117 David Bera BALES RCP Mother Was Right! Double Up On Your Fibre If you’re like most Canadians, you’re not getting enough fibre each day. It’s estimated that most people need twice as much as they’re getting now. That amounts to about 25 to 30 grams of fibre each day. It sounds like a lot of fibre, but it’s not hard to get if you choose the right foods. For more information on Improving your heart healthy eating, contact odds against your local chapter of the Canada's Heart and Stroke Foundation k,ller of Ontario. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO Crime Stoppers gives tips on pot spotting activities you might observe, such as persons entering wooded areas carrying jugs of water or shovels, or leaving these areas carrying plastic bags. Points to remember are that the growing season for marihuana is June to September, with harvest taking place in early September. Locally plants may obtain a height of 4 - 6 feet on average, or up to 8 feet if a supply of water is close by. The plants have a stock similar to that of com and usually bear an odd number of leaves (5, 7 or 9) which have a jagged appearance. On some species of the plant, late in the growing season, a distinctive bud will be noted at the end of the stem. Al the height of the summer the plant can be distinguished from surrounding foliage as being noticeably brighter "bright green" almost fluorescent. If you have information, or are unsure and want confirmation of an unknown plant, call your local police department directly or call Crime Stoppers. Please try to include a Lot and Concession number, description of persons or vehicles and licence plates in your call. If you have information about these or any other crimes call Crime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-265-1777 or 524-6851 and you could receive a reward of up to $1,000.00. Remember crime doesn't pay, Crime Stoppers does.