HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-08-28, Page 10I
Compiled by Mildred Lawlor. Phone 526-7589
Retirement, theme
of minister’s sermon
Helen Baumbach rendered a very
beautiful solo during the morning
service at the Auburn Missionary
Church Sunday. Il was entitled
‘God and God alone’.
Pastor Carne's message taken
from Daniel 5 and II Tim, 4: 7,8:
“Getting Ready for Retirement.”
Here on this earth we prepare for
retirement in various ways but do
we prepare for heaven as we
should. In II Timothy, Paul said, “I
have finished the course; in the
future there is laid up for me the
crown of righteousness. We are
never ready for what we postpone.
Therefore, prepare for eternity,
don't be like Belshazzar weighed
on the scales and found deficient.
Be ready to meet God.
On Sunday, Sept. 15, the
Kubassek Brothers from Plaltsville
will be ministering in music.
Everyone is to hear these brothers
in song and testimony.
On Wednesday, Sept. 18 Mrs.
Crime Stoppers
Crime of the week
Comfort Adcbola of Nigeria will be
speaking at the Missionary Church.
All are invited to come and hear
Mrs. Adcbola tell what God is
doing in Nigeria.
Fragile lands- What are they?
Ontario may have as many as one
million acres of fragile land. Farm
ing this land can add to soil degra
dation, increase water pollution and
severely limit the potential for sus
tainable crop production.
To protect our fragile lands,
Agriculture Canada has developed
a unique three-year erosion control
program. Up to $10,000 is avail
able to each farmer to retire fragile
land from production. In Ontario
the program is administered by the
Ontario Soil and Crop Improve-*
ment Association (OSCIA) and
farmers must submit scaled bids to
their local OSCIA committees by
September 27, 1991.
Fragile lands are defined as
“tilled lands which are subject to
one or more of the following:
severe water erosion, wind erosion
or inundation (flooding).”
Waler erosion accounts for near
ly 98 per cent of erosion in Ontario.
There arc four types of water ero
sion: sheet, rill, gully and strcam
bank. Lands subject to severe
water erosion can lose 33 tonnes
per hectare per year (15 tons per
acre per year).
Dust-storms, active dunes or
‘blow-outs’ and drifting soil are all
examples of severe wind erosion.
Lands that suffer from these prob
lems also qualify as fragile lands.
The soil texture of land susceptible
to wind erosion arc sands, loamy
sands or sandy loams.
Lands that are in the floodplain
or flood line of any body of water
next to agricultural land qualify as
lands subject to flooding under
Ontario conservation program
On 'he afternoon of April 13,
1991, two hikers from CollingwotKi
came across human remains in a
remote area by the side of
concession 11, Collingwood
The remains found were
identified as David Carl Alexander
Hill, bom June 12, 1938, of 137
Woodside Ave., Cambridge,
Ontario (also known as Hooker
Due to the advanced stage of
decomposition the result of the post
mortem examination was that Mr.
Hill's time of death had been a
lengthy lime prior to when the
remains were found. Also the
cause of death was attributed to
gunshot injuries to the torso.
Mr. Hill was last seen on July 5,
1990, and in the possession of a
white 1988 Oldsmobile Della 88,
Licence 101 MRO, which has been
found abandoned parked in a
parking lot in Owen Sound.
Anyone with information as to
contact with Mr. Hill or knowing of
his last travel is asked to call
Meaford O.P.P. al (519) 538-1220
or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-
If you have information about
these or any other crimes call
Crime Stoppers of Huron County,
1-800-265-1777 or 524-6851 and
you could receive a reward of up to
$1,000.00. Remember, crime
doesn't pay, Crime Stoppers does.
A thief struck Feb. 12 - 15, 1991,
and stole over $1,000.00 worth of
compact discs from an unlocked
vehicle. There were 42 compact
discs in the vehicle at the lime of
the theft and the owner is not sure
where the theft took place.
Welcome to the 1991/92 school year. Radio Shack wants
to help make this your best year ever. We’ve assembled
a selection of products designed to help students and
teachers, and we’re offering them at very special prices.
Just bring along ID showing you’re a student or teacher
when you present this brochure at your nearest Radio
Shack store or participating Dealer. These values will
only be available until October 31,1991.
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