HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-08-07, Page 19THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7,1991. PAGE 19. WANTEDI0 WANTED - NON-PROFIT orga­ nization to run food booth at Brus­ sels Fall Fair (Sept. 18/91). Call 887-6117. 30-2 WANTED - GIRLS BETWEEN the ages of 17 and 23 by August 1, 1991 to compete in the Brussels Queen of the Fair competition to be held September 7, 1991. Please notify Joan Bernard 887-6377 to compete. 30-2 WANTED: OLD BRICK BUILD- ings for wrecking and salvage pur­ poses. Call Total Demolition Inc. (519)887-6904. 24-13 WANTED - A RIDE TO CLIN­ TON High School Monday to Fri­ day, starting September. Call Kathie 523^4935. 30-tfn WANTED TO BUY: SCRAP CARS and trucks. L & B Auto Wreckers, 1/4 miles south of Brussels. Call 887- 9499. 09-tfn WANTED - CRIPPLED SOWS OR BBQ pigs. Phone before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. 482-3571. 24-8 Farm prices at 15-year low Continued from page 1. that have depressed prices to 15- year lows. In the past, Canadian farmers received emergency subsidies on a year to year bases but at a lower level than either the U.S. or the E.E.C. Farmers will be better off next year when the 1991 crop, now growing in the fields, will be cov­ ered by a new “safety net program” called the Gross Revenue Income Plan (GRIP). Under GRIP, farmers pay a premium and buy income insurance. However, last year's crop is not covered and because the old emergency program is based on a rolling five year average of crop prices, there is no pay out. Cash crop farmers have been caught in the gap because the first GRIP payments won’t come until late in 1992, leaving farmers with little money to pay off bills from last year, and fearful they won't be able get credit from the banks to plant a crop next spring. “We won’t stand by and see the demise of agriculture in Ontario,” said an angry George in calling for immediate government assistance. George is fearful that in the long run, the loss of more farmers could make Canada dependent on foreign food imports. “When a country loses its farmers, it loses the ability to feed itself.” Crime Stoppers CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS ODESSA ANTIQUE SHOW Sun. August 11th, 7 am - 4 pm $4. Early admission Sat August 10, 2 pm $20. 10 miles west of Kingston. (613)283-1168. Largest outside show in Eastern Ontario. VACATIONS SOUTH CAROLINA-MYRTLE Beach Resort. Oceanfront Condos, Housekeeping Included Indoor Pools, Whirlpools, Saunas, Tennis, Putting Green, Golf Package/Winter Rentals Available. Free Brochure: 1- 800-448-5653. CHINA NORITAKE SALE! Temfic discounts on current patterns! Delivered well-packed, insured. For price list on your Noritake pattern - Alexander's, ‘The Nontake Experts*, Toronto, Tollfree 1 -800-263-5896. PERSONALS MENIERE'S SYNDROME - (Vertigo, Nausea, Tinnitus) incurable but successfully controlled without drugs. My Last 1979. Details P A Lefebvre, 1117 Leonard, Cornwall, Ont. K6J 1 M3. WATER PURIFICATION CUSTOM RURAL TREATMENT. Rusty, smelly, hard water? Sulphate? Nitrate? Chlorides? For guaranteed results call the water treatment specialists. The Pure Sweet Water Co. Ltd. 1-800-263-PURE. CARPETING A FULL HOUSE OF CARPET. 4 rooms , up to 80 sq.yds. $1,899. No Payment till '92 OAC. Includes Underpad & Installation. Canadian Carpet Outlets. 1- 800-565-7336. FOR SALE AMAZING NEW PRODUCT! Your dog will stay on your property without being tied up. FREE details: CAN. U.K. RR#1, Bancroft, Ontario, KOL 1C0, Fax (613)332-1375. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto, 1-800-950-1972. IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss it Introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Call William at 1-800-265-7173. Markel Training Systems. TRAIN TO MANAGE an apartment/condominium building. Many jobs available. Write for free brochure: RMTI, 1801 - 1 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontano. M5E 1W7. HELP WANTED AREA DISTRIBUTOR For Baitworms and Environmental Products. Early Bird Ecology, RR#1, Smithville, Ontano LOR 2A0, Phone (416)643-4252. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifts needs Demonstrators to sell toys and gifts at Home Parties. No investment or experience required. Established company Call today (519)258-7905. EXPERIENCED PARAMEDICAL EXAMINERS required part-time for mobile pre-msurance exams. Venipuncture skills essential, car necessary Call Tammy at Meditest 1-800-665-TEST. NEEDED: 10 FIELD MANAGERS in Western Ontario who want to earn big money. Training provided. High income potential. Galaxy Crystal & China. 2741 Weston Rd., Weston, M9W 2R4. (416) 741-1758. SALES HELP WANTED *6-FIGURE INCOME * International Music and Video Company expanding into Canada. Need highly motivated commissioned sales people and distributors Part-time or full-time 1-519-944-2800 24 hr. line. INTERESTING OPPORTUNITY to establish a sales wing for a progressive newspaper organization. Successful person must be a self starter with an entrepreneurial spirit. Strong background in advertising sales essential. Interested in learning more about this unique enterprise? Send a brief description of your career to Slot G, P.O. Box 451, Oakville, Ontano, L6J 5A8 in order to arrange an interview. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE information. Write: Popular Music, Studio 102, 3284 Bouchene Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 2H2. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN UP TO $40,000 in your own part-time home based gift basket business, Contact: Bountiful Baskets, 17-1230. Sheppard Ave. West, Downsview, Ont, M3K 1Z9. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless operation Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416)643-4252. LIMITED OFFER Dealer and distnbutorships available now. Would you like to buy 3‘ 4' satellite dishes, complete with all electronics As low as $567. (403) 380- 4668 Stay home earn $450+ wkly. Variety of jobs available. Call 24 hour recording (416)501-3803. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SALE: 20X30 $2632; 25X36 $3762; 33X40 $5058; 40X60 $7071. Prices include Steel Endwalls and All Taxes. Pnced to dear Call 1-800-668- 4338 or (416)842-2100. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Direct from factory. Free overhead door to first ten to purchase our 25x30 steel building for $2,711. Other sizes available at similar savings. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x48 $5920 ; 40x64 $8556 ; 50x96 $15,331; 60x120 $21,270 - non-expandable end(s), other sizes available - limited steel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800- 263-8499 ■STEEL BUILDINGS, QUONSETS, S Models & Straightwalls* Many sizes to choose from, for Value, Quality and Integrity, one phone call 1-800-668-8653. Future Steel Buildings. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 after 6pm, weekends. Free brochure. Clip-save. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE for Homeowners! Pay off Bills, Credit Cards! Example: Borrow $10,000, Repay $185 monthly! No Qualifying Hassels! Call Intransicon (416) 650-9455. (Tollfree) 1-800-268-1429 Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Call This Newspaper Today! Crime of the week THEFT OF VEHICLE PARTS About July 20-21, 1991, the chrome from around the grill and headlights from a 1978 1-ton truck were stolen from the work truck at the Clinton Cemetery. THEFT OF AUTO PARTS Between 8:10 and 9 p.m. in the village of Saltford a thief stole 2 - radial T/A tires, 2 - Vector tires, 4 - Centre line 15" mag rims. STOLEN DOG A two month old English sheep dog was stolen from a residence at Lot 31, Cone. 1, Tuckersmith Twp., Huron Road Survey. On July 26, at about 8 p.m. a person attend­ ed the residence where the dog was stolen and said he heard that they were giving dogs away. He appeared to be nervous and when told the dogs were for sale he left. Then on July 28 the victim heard his dogs barking and when he checked he found that one of his dogs was missing. The victim noticed a car slopped on the road with its lights out and when he came out the car sped off, out to Hwy. 8 and in the direction of Seaforth. The suspect vehicle is described as a red coloured car, mid-sized, possible a Taurus and it may have four doors. The suspect who was at the vic­ tim's house is described as tall, thin with dark hair over his ears and a moustache. Cattle sales heavier at Brussels sale Continued from page 14. averaging 1520 lbs. sold for $67.76 to the high of $70. Three cows con­ signed by Jim McTavish, Ripley, averaging 1287 lbs. sold for $60.90 to the high of $64.50. Two cows consigned by Neil Wilton, Durham, averaging 1165 lbs., sold for $60.14 to the high of $63.25. One cow consigned by Loreldo Farms, Belgrave weighed 1330 lbs. and sold for $59.25. One cow consigned by Bert Van Maar, Goderich weighed 1510 lbs. and sold for $59. One cow consigned by John Winger, Palmerston weighed 1500 lbs. sold for $59. Two cows con­ signed by Peter Kotseff, Chcslcy averaging 1665 lbs., sold for $58.27 to the high of $58.50. Five cows consigned by Keith Waechter, Walkerton, averaging 1266 lbs. sold for $57.77 to the high of $59.75. There were 127 veal on offer selling from $80.25 to $92 to a high of $100. Two veal consigned by Mahlon Schmidt, Newton averaging 520 lbs. sold for an average of $99.50. Four veal consigned by Bill Hicm- stra, Atwood, averaging 630 lbs., sold for an average of $87.42 to a high of $96. Two veal consigned by Gordon Borth, Mildmay, averaging 560 lbs., sold for an average price of $85.67 to a high of $90. Two veal consigned by John Van De Gevel, Atwood, averaging 520 lbs. sold for an average of $84.59 to a high of $89. Three veal consigned by Tom Underwood, Paisley, averag­ ing 700 lbs. sold for an average price of $84.41 to a high of $92. Three veal consigned by Murray Riddell, Newton, averaging 540 lbs. sold for an average price of $83.51 to a high of $86. Three veal consigned by Ross Faber, Kippen, averaging 643 lbs. sold for an aver­ age price of $83.05 to a high of $87. Two veal consigned by Bruce Beitz of Mildmay, averaging 525 lbs. sold for an average price of $82.97 to a high of $86. Four veal consigned by Harry Zimmerman, Gorrie, averaging 455 lbs., sold for an average price of $82.43 to a high of $87. The dog is described as a 1-2 month old English sheep dog with a white head, black body, white front legs, with a black spot on its right ear. This is a rare sheep dog as they usually have only a small amount of white on the head. If you have information about these or any other crimes call Crime Stoppers of Huron County, 1-800-265-1777 or 524-6851 and you could receive a reward of up to $1,000. Remember crime doesn't pay Crime Stoppers does. ✓WANT AMS W*Mt4C C V- ALL THE TIME' ' * ‘34(