HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-08-07, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7,1991. PAGE 11. Pullen senses frustration among farm people continued from page 10 county even though the amount of goods produced would stay the same. But Mr. Down joined the attack. "What is going to be a top priority (in the county): finding jobs for people or keeping agriculture strong?" The number one priority in Huron should be strengthening agriculture, he said. Mr. Bailey pointed out that if the number of farmers continue to decline, it would only be reason­ able for the number of civil ser­ vants to decline too. Instead, the number has been increasing. "We've been listening to this for more years than I can remember," he said. "Farmers are the only peo­ ple, outside of small businesses, that eliminate each other. Brenda McIntosh said farmers are "as efficient now as we're ever going to be and we still can't make money." Mr. Pullen summed up the mood saying he was getting the feeling there was a tremendous sense of frustration among farm people. People at the meeting who had started farming in the Depression had told him (during a coffee break) that they felt in some ways things were better in the 1930's than they are today. LITERACY jx Quality fX Dependability] s Proven Results We Deliver Over 2200 Homes □f f'»«imSSSs i) “The People Paper” ver $200,000 In Prizes Approximate Retail Value SUPER SUMMER GIVE-AWAY! Price Without Coupon 2.99 Coupon Expires Sat Aug. 10, 1991 Valid Only At Knechtel Assoc. Stores. CA AT 1 1 More than one■ MV I* I I quarter (27.7%) of the world’s population is illiterate. KAAT l4* More than 100■ AV I" Iw million children of school age (between 6 and 11) have no place to leam. EAAT *■> Worldwide over■ AVI" IJL 960 million adults cannot read or write. KAAT V A hue to economic■ AV I" 14 depression, illiter­ acy is on the increase around the world. CODE To donate, or for more information contact: The CODE Literacy Foundation t 321 Chapel St. Ottawa, Ontario KIN 7Z2 (613) 232-3569 (S) SCRIMGEOUR'S FOOD MARKET BLYTH 523-4551 Values In Effect From Mon., Aug. 5,1991 Until Closing Sat. Aug.10,1991 Savings Are Based On Our Regular Retails We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities To Normal Family Requirements With This Coupon SAVE 1.00 Off The Purchase Of 1 - Pkg. of 24 KNECHTEL POPSICLES Special Price With This 1.00 Coupon SPRITE Regular and Det. A & W Root Beer. Cream Soda or Schweppes Ginger Ate 24x280 mL Tins Unit Price 8 2/100 mL 5.49 750 mL Bottles Unit Price 7.9/100 mL^^ Plus Deposit CLARK BEANS W/Pork In Tomato Sauce, W/Pork & Molasses 14 oz. Tin Q £ Less Than 1/2 Price KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ Light, Plain, Mexican 500 g Jar O QQ SAVE 1.20 KNECHTEL POTATO CHIPS Or Snacks 150 g or a 200 g Bag QC|VSave .50 & & PRIMO VEGETABLE OIL 3 Litre Plastic Jug QC1 Less Than 1/2 Price PRONTO PAPER TOWELS Pkg. Of 2 I7AC Less Than 1/2 Price 1 JAVEX BLEACH 3.6 Litre Jug SAVE .50 1,99 FEATURE * __ - Fresh Canadian Pork Economy Pack (Each Pkg Contains 3 Centers, 3 Rib, and 3 Tenderloin End Chops) PORK LOIN CHOPS , 1.69T: SWIFTS "EVERSWEET” SLICED SIDE BACON 500 g 1.79 Product Of Ontario Canada #1 FRESH FIELD TOMATOES PANTRY SHELF TUNA Flake Light 6.5 oz. Tin Less Than 1/2 Price 69 ROYALE Bathroom Tissue 2 Ply Pkg. of 12 SAVE 3.00 3.99 ALLEN’S APPLE JUICE From Concentrate Or ■New" Fruit Blend 1 Litre Bottle SAVE.60 99 KNECHTEL WHITE BREAD 675 g Loaf Great Value 79 1.74 kg lb. Product of Ontario Canada #1 FRESH CRISP CELERY STALKS • 79 SWIFTS PREMIUM "Ready To Serve" SMOKED PICNIC Cryo vac 1 2 84 kg Cut From Canada’s Finest Grade "A" Beef BLADE STEAKS Product Of Ontario Canada #1 SWEET JUICY PEACHES Product Of U.S.A No. 1 Grade RED OR GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES 79 Product Of Ontario Canada #1 FRESH GREEN CABBAGE 4.39 kg -g B-B- Q FEA TURE | ^4 lb. DELICATESSEN SWIFT "Captain Cabin" SMOKED HAM 4.49Deli Sliced or Shaved .99/100 g CLEARVIEW FARMS MACARONI SALAD Deli Served • 1 Size” Q 9*lb w 79%a UL. • A. %^lb. SCRIAIGEOUR'S IN -STORE BAIKERY FEATl IRES.... STORE BAKED Raisin Bread 525 G LOAF 1.69 DELICIOUS Fruit Loaf 525 G 1.69 STORE BAKED Vienna Rolls 43 G 12/1.19 Nanaimo Bars 2OZ. 4/1.79 STORE BAKED Raisin Pie 24 OZ. 2.49