HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-07-31, Page 11Letter to the editor THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31,1991. PAGE 11. Stratford resident shares history of Hall THE EDITOR, The following letter was printed in the July 20 issue of The Beacon Herald in Stratford in response to an earlier article by Canadian Press reporter Michael Smyth who had visited Blyth earlier this sum­ mer. Re: Article of July 8 entitled “Blyth seems unlikely location for successful ‘home grown’ theatre”. I wish to applaud Mr. Smyth for his article. Perhaps I might share some additional background of the village and the history of the the­ atre hall (Memorial Hall). The hall was erected in 1920 as a memorial to those who gave their lives in the First World War. It was dedicated to be used in future years for cultural and community purpos­ es. As a young boy, I was present at the ceremony which honored these soldiers who gave their lives and the veterans who returned. The crusading newspaper editor instrumental in the founding of the Blyth Festival was a man who fol­ lowed in the footsteps of J.H.R. Elliott in the printing of the Blyth Standard and so was no doubt acquainted with the uses made of Memorial Hall in the years follow­ ing its erection. The Chautauqua Circuit of plays and concerts brought the very best of music and drama to this area of Huron County as it did to all of Ontario. The production of Cantatas such as “Queen Esther” and “Belshaz­ zar” with casts of 60 or more were produced and performed by area talent under the direction of Dr. Charles Toll, D.D. S. Minstrel shows under the capable direction of the local funeral direc­ tor, J.S. Chellew, were always sold out performances. All this in the depression years of the 20s and 30s. Mr. Smyth refers to the barber­ shop. It was in this same barber­ shop that Stanley Sibthorpe, the local barber and outstanding musi­ cian, and Dr. Toll plotted the path that these productions would take from casting to props to ticket sell­ ers. The fire department was located in the rear of the hall and in the winter months many a destitute person found overnight refuge from the cold and stormy weather during the Depression years, due to the compassion of Fire Chief Jack Fer­ guson who was also police chief of the village. Perhaps it might add a touch of insight to the ingenuity of those who planned Memorial Hall to note that the bell in the tower has two hammers or flappers - one on the inside of the bell to denote the time. It rang at 7 a.m., 12 noon, and 6 p.m. The one on the outside of the bell was the fire alarm with a dis­ tinct sound that was audible in every section of the village and summoned the volunteer firemen. Such is part of the heritage that the Blyth Festival has inherited from a generation past. Perhaps it is not such an “unlikely place”, but history repeating itself in new and expanded ways. What better way is there to utilize a facility built as a memorial to those who gave their lives that we might enjoy both our freedom and great theatre. R.W. “Pat” Powell 33 James St. Stratford. Quality Dependability® Proven ■ ' Results We '=\W Deliver Over 2200 Homes tS as “The People Paper” □ 88c 10.78 kg ver $200,000 In Prizes Approximate Retail Value R.C. COLA Regular or Diet or Cott Soft Drinks 24x355 mL Tins Unit Price 5.9/100 ml B-B-Q FEATURE Cut From Canada’s Finest SUPER SUMMER GIVE-AWAY! SCRIMGEOUR'S FOOD MARKET BLYTH 523-4551 McCAIN CREAM PIES Assorted Varieties Frozen 12 oz. Pkg. Less Than 1/2 Price HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS 190 g Less Than 1/2 Price 99* White Swan Paper Towels or Facial Tissue Towels Pkg. Of 2, Tissue 150’s SAVE.52 69* Values In Effect From Mon., July 29,1991 Until Closing Sat. 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