HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1991-07-17, Page 6Total concentration Donny Greidanus, left, looks intently upon his work, while his buddy Michael Benjamins seems to have other things to keep his eye on. The pair were working on some fun crafts with the rest of the Kindergarten class wtyle attending last week's Bible School at Blyth Christian Reformed Church. Letter to the editor Local people should get parking Blyth family learns from exchange student THE EDITOR, I would like everyone to stop and think about something for just a moment. Imagine you have been a resident in a community for many, many years. You are in your 80's and you've patronized the local businesses for years. One day when you are at a local chiropractor it starts to rain before you leave. Another local resident gladly offers you a ride home. The only thing is she has to walk two blocks in the pouring rain to get her car and then pick you up al the back door of the chiropractor's office because there is absolutely no place to part in front of the building. But, in this same community if you are a tourist visiting the Blyth Festival you gel special treatment. If you arrive by bus you are dropped off al the front door of the Festival building and when the show is over the bus pulls right up front to pick you up. If you arrive by car, you park across from the theatre and traffic is expected to lit­ erally come to a stop while you walk across the street to the theatre and again when you return to your car. I am thoroughly disgusted the way the residents of Blyth are being treated, especially our elderly residents who have lived in Blyth most of their lives. Should we, the taxpayers of Blyth not be able to drive uptown and park within a reasonable dis­ tance of the businesses they wish to patronize? Is this request so unrea­ sonable? Apparently it must be as residents of the village of Blyth are expected to park two and three blocks away from the businesses they wish to go to. We have a very serious problem with the tourists attending the Blyth Festival. They park on main street or use the parking lot across from the post office, occupying parking spaces for several hours at a lime. Il makes it very difficult for the resi­ dents of Blyth and surrounding area to patronize the local businesses. Il gets very frustrating having to dnve around the block several times try­ ing to find a place to park. Many residents decide to go to Wingham, Clinton or Goderich and avoid the hassle of trying to find a place to park when the theatre is on. If the people attending the Blyth Festival are capable of walking up two flights of stairs to their seats, they are certainly capable of walk­ ing from a designated parking area to the theatre. Other tourist attractions, includ­ ing the Stratford Festival provide designated parking areas for buses and cars and you park your vehicle in this area and walk to the entrances. You do not get dropped off at the front door. The Blyth Festival can sec fit to spend $25,000 to organize-a com­ mittee to raise funds for the benefit of the Festival, and the Village of Blyth can spend a small fortune on new Blyth signs, but I wonder if these funds wouldn’t have been more wisely spent solving our seri­ ous parking problem which has continued to get worse every sea­ son since the Festival opened. I shudder to think what could happen when we have three buses pulled up in front of the Blyth Fes­ I I I I I I I I I I I L _ RADF0RD T -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Debbie Machan said Krista VanSoest had a[ great idea for Radford Fuels last week, j But she thinks her idea is better! j Debbie is giving $1.00 Off to all of her] customers plus a FREE EXACTO KNIFE • WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 25 LITRES OF FUEL OR MORE ANDI | PRESENTATION OF THIS ENTIRE AD YOU WILL RECEIVE $1 oo OFF --ASORI Limit one coupon per purchase " PURCHASE PLUS A FREE EXACTO KNIFE, COMPLIMENTS OF DEBBIE Fuels Ltd BLYTH, ONT. >1 ' nomiho , RADFORD FUELS 7 -GAS *OIL -DIESEL -AUTO PARTS -HAND CAR WASH WE ACCEPT ALL DISCOUNT COUPONS Corner of King Street & Queen Street, Blyth VISA (Debbie ‘Macftan tival picking people up, three or four vehicles lined up north and south on Hwy. 4 trying to get through, people from the theatre crossing the street expecting every­ one to wait for them and an ambu­ lance, police or fire truck has to get through. This is not just a side street that is being blocked, this is a very busy provincial highway. Something must be done before we have a tragic accident in our com­ munity. Who will be responsible then? The Blyth Festival has added to our community but if we are going to let it dominate the whole village with no respect or regard to the res­ idents who live here all year round we will lose much more than what we will gain. Let's keep things in perspective and our priorities in order so the residents of Blyth can continue to be proud of the village they live in. Brenda J. Burkholder Blyth. Continued from page 3 municate with his host family. During his next week in Canada at the Charlie Shaw Camp, Sylvain and the others will be visiting Nia­ gara Falls, Wonderland and the CN Tower. When he returns on July 21, the Blairs are hoping to be able to take him to see the local tanneries and Bruce Nuclear Power Plant. CHRISTOPHER YOUNG Christopher Young graduat­ ed on June 7, 1991 from Fan­ shawe College where he received his Certificate as a Motor Vehicle Mechanic (truck and coach). Proud of his determination and achievement are his wife, Kathie and In-laws Wayne and Bonna Rouse. Chris is presently employed at H. Kerr Construction, Wingham. COMPLETE CHIMNEY & STOVE SERVICE •Woodstoves •Gas Fireplaces •Inserts MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO CHIMNEY SWEEP ASSOCIATION AND THE CANADIAN WOOD ENERGY INSTITUTE QTI 1’0 CHIMNEY □ I U OSWEEP WHITECHURCH (RR3 WINGHAM) 357-2719 Of course a trip to Skydome will hopefully be added to the agenda as well. "They don't play baseball in France," said Bev. "He has watched the little guys play here, but it would be really nice if he could see the Jays." For the Blairs, having Sylvain as a guest has been an enjoyable expe­ rience. "It's been great," said Bev. "I love having him here. This is the first time we have had an exchange student stay and I would do it again in a minute. I only wish I had taken my holidays so I could spend more time with him." Sylvain will be leaving to return to his family on August 13. ROYAL LIFE SAVING SOCIETY CANADA GIC Rates A 1-800-285-5503 NO FEES ■ ALL INVESTMENTS . GUARANTEED & INSURED J ■ FUNDS TRANSFERABLE • VIA CHARTER BANK , INVESTMENTS